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all about audio, since 2015.
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兩個不喝妹酒的女子,下班後跟你聊聊職場裡的大小事。 結尾音樂Thanks to:Pratzapp & Another Kid Powered by Firstory Hosting
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一起在腦內飛行,聽我們的生活小事,分享你的故事 我們是你配飯的日常幹話 這是一個三五好友聊天的廣播節目 我們從比較個人的角度看生活周圍的事件 因為渺小的感官也有其重要 腦內飛行日誌在每周一有新的一集 每周三晚間八點直撥錄製:twitch搜尋腦動劇團 小豹,腦動劇團當家滑蛋/演員/影像工作者。有一頭不受控的自然捲。 Kid,劇團團長/桌遊設計/願有天快樂能再次是代名詞。 Zoe,在設計圈打滾著。不會游泳但會濳水,擁有矮個臉。 圓圓,頭頂自帶光芒,身軀持續擴張,正在遊戲業抓狂。 狗狗,因當了萬年單身狗而得到的愛稱,戲劇系畢業,斜槓社畜北漂仔。 也持續蒐集你們的故事中 歡迎來信brainstorming1116102@gmail.com 我們會專人專信的與你的故事對談 FB粉絲專頁:腦動劇團 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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文本和更多内容 关注VX公众号和视频号:家森Jason The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS and English Speaking. 品质原创雅思口语内容;每日更新
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💖 台灣時間 每週一 上午十點 更新發佈 《親親寶貝貼心話》是由彩虹愛家生命教育協會謝慧燕老師所主持的節目,節目內容是分享對於孩子在生命議題上的經驗給許多爸爸媽媽,讓他們在親子互動間所碰到的問題,能夠用更精準適當的方式解決,每一集節目都會邀請不同的彩虹媽媽來分享自己的經驗與觀點。 在孩子的成長過程,對於孩子說謊的問題想必是許多為人父母者所頭痛且棘手的問題,孩子為了各種可能的目的而選擇用說謊的方式來達成,除了對於這樣的行為予以糾正外,我們還需要好好與孩子溝通,了解他們的想法,引導他們透過更多正面的手段來達成他們的目標。 【LOHAS樂活雲】提供全球華人最SKR的節目內容與資訊,有健康、親子、理財、旅遊、英文等領域,結合專業人士的經驗談與分享,給您豐富且具知識性的影片與Podcast,讓您掌握最新節目進度。 【LOHAS樂活雲】官方網站 https://lohas.fulive.net/ 【LOHAS樂活雲】FB粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/LOHAS.CLOUD/ 【LOHAS樂活雲】Youtube頻道 https://www.youtube.com/ ...
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最刺激的事儿 the most exciting thing 和家人郊游野餐 go for a picnic with my family members 比坐公交车舒服 it could be more comfortable than taking a bus 太贵了 we couldn't afford it
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一天坐满八小时 I usually sit down more than 8 hours each day 每天在车里很久 I would sit in the car for a long time too 回家途中 on the road back to my home 在户外 in the open area
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现在没有以前看书多 at the moment I don't read more than past 看起来不同 it seems quite different 看点书 I would read something one or two 我接受 I am fine with
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亮色是我最喜欢的 the candy color would be my favorite 过时的 it is too old fashioned 黑色或者金属灰更合理 metallic grey or black would be reasonable 心情好 then I would be in a good mood
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2015年,水产养殖专业的大一新生龙宇买了一条魔声「铜涡轮」耳塞。他苦于700块的月生活费买不起更贵的耳机,遂打起了用「厂货」单元自己手搓的主意。他集结三五好友,在贴吧上分享自己的「作品」,他的名字也渐渐被ID「弱水」代替,故事从此开始。 2024年末,历经九年变迁,从「双腔体平头塞」闻名的弱水,到3c 数码品类双11销量前三,签约周传雄作为品牌代言人,品牌估值达到一亿元量级的「弱水时砂」。他的品牌走过了十年,却在不经意间,与曾经同行的伙伴分开,走上了一条更坎坷的路线。 听那些从贴吧入圈的发烧友提到弱水,总有恍若隔世之感。意外跳出的电梯广告,KOL 的流量推广,电商平台上在中低价位厮杀的一个个TWS 产品,似乎已经让「弱水时砂」远离了耳机发烧友的关注范围。曾经的Mojito / Maria …
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崭新旅程 a brand new journey 比如跳伞 like sky diving for example 去海边 going to beach 晒太阳和放松思绪 enjoying the sunshine and resting my mind
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有一天 The other day 没意识到重要性 I didn't realise the importance 将来想要nb的事业版图 if I could have a great career in the future 找到了满意的工作 I got a decent job
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一家三口 Actually I have a family of three 去长短途旅行 go on long journeys or go on short trips 如果有年假 If I have annual leave 买单 pay the bill
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打电话 I would make phone calls 弄点咖啡喝喝 grab a cup of coffee somewhere 健身很重要 body building is an important part of my everyday life 让自己开心 just spoil myself
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2024年3月底在深圳,孟获、包雪龙与TimeEar 品牌的主理人苏打水的第一次聊天:#272. TimeEar 访谈:新品牌卷成这样真的看不下去了。 首次见面,我们都惊叹于TimeEar 产品出色的稳定性,独特的声音理念,以及比同类产品差距极大的低售价。这种「供应链大佬下场做品牌」的叙事并不是第一次见到,但TimeEar 却带着一种特有的气质——极端「谦逊」的低价,几乎为0的宣传和营销,以及对于自己产品声音和品质两个维度,极高标准的自我要求。它既不是大品牌端上来了精致单品,也不是DIYer 或低价小玩具的性价比狂欢。 三个季度过去,从第一年的BTE-222 和TEx-99 系列,到第二年的BTE-8、「繁花」和「种草」,TimeEar 走过了自己的第二年,铁杆用户挤满了四个聒噪的微信群,苏…
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参加聚会的时候 when taking part in some parties 生活不易 my life is filled with regular work and I am suffering too 维持关系 maintain the relationship 这就是我的一天 all of these would make my day
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作为生日礼物送我的 my best friend gave it to me as a birthday gift 国际大牌 from the international brand 价格不重要 心意重要 the price was not important, but it showed me how she loved me 生日前两天 2 days before my birthday
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超帅的 it looks rather cool 买不起 probably i can't afford it right now 不实用 the spot car might be not right for everyday life 停在车库 just leave it in the garage
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两个事情很重要 Two things are really important 许多 different kinds of or lots of 现在 at the moment 回家 go back home
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当然选择 I would certainly go with 兜风 go for a drive 很放松 it could be very relaxing 开车没啥意思 driving is not that fun to me
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并没有 Not really nope, I don't think so 许多事儿等着我 things are waiting for me 每天八小时以上 more than 8 hours each day 更忙碌了 could be much busier
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很多老建筑在市中心 most of the old buildings are right located in the central area of the city 陪伴我们八十多年 probably they have been with us more than eighty years long 就在市中心 just in the city center 我见过的最老的 the oldest one that I have ever seen
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可多好处啦 So many good points can be identified 学的很好 you can learn it well 工作机会多 you would certainly have more working opportunities 讲流利的外语 then you speak fluent second language
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深夏映冬 + LOX 论坛持续创作者的系列对谈节目,第三期。本期他计划从日系耳机聊起,核心的型号是铁三角刚刚发布的ATH ADX3000,并捎带了之前的空气动圈旗舰ADX5000 与Sony 的老旗舰,MDR-Z1R。 如果你对深夏映冬(或知乎的「高斯于唐」)并不了解,可以去搜搜他的文章,或收听之前的两期: #270. 为耳机写历史的人,和他的一分钟京剧试音碟 #282. 深夏映冬的「Hi-Fi 大哉问」时间 如果你喜欢「声波飞行员」,请在「爱发电」平台为我们打赏,增加它继续飞行下去的动力,谢谢。 时间轴: 00:00:03 BGM#1. Eric Clapton - I'll Be Seeing You 00:02:08 开场曲;深夏的第三次录音; 00:03:21 关于282期的评论; …
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因为需要居住 mainly because they need a house to live in 很多人买不起 A lot of people cannot afford it 在我们的文化当中 In my culture 房子是刚需 A house is required
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比其他地方更有意思 it could be more fun than any other kinds of places 工作压力 heavy workload 负能量消散 their bad emotions and fatigues would be gone eventually 效果很好 it really works well
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两件事是我喜欢的 Two things are my favorites 去健身房 go to the gym 忙碌之余 after a tough day of work study 搞点喝的 grab something to drink
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不聪明的决定 I don't think it's a very smart decision 嘲笑我 laughing at me 内向不敢 I am too shy to do so 有效果 work well
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对我来说 for my part 我喜欢 I am really into 周末去健身房 go to the gym on weekends 身材管理很重要 the body building is very important to me
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至少一周一两次 at least once a week or twice a week 已经戒掉阅读的习惯了 I have already given up the habit of reading 压力很大的时候 when I'm under high pressure 差异明显 the differences can be very very apparent
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两个方式推荐 Two ways are highly recommended 社交软件 it's related social apps 参加 take part in 两种交朋友的方式 two ways that people like to make friends
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不了解 I don't know much about my hometown history 有人告诉我历史悠久 I was told that history was quite long 博物馆 美术馆 museums and art galleries 热爱家乡 I love my home city
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不擅长游泳 I'm not good at swimming at all 小的时候 when I was at my young age 家长认为不够安全 they thought it was too dangerous for me 跟我的朋友去学 I would learn it from some of my friends
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我一定会讲环卫工人 I must say, it is the street cleaner 工作强度大 the workload is really heavy 见过 I've seen it before 很多老年人从事这份工作 a lot of old people might be doing this kind of job
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「开放式耳夹蓝牙耳机」这个名字长得有些啰嗦。要是前两年,你见到一些路人佩戴着它,没准会误解它是一种新流行的耳钉或配饰。但最近,它已经成为了OWS(Open Wireless Stereo,开放式无线立体声耳机)产品中一类特殊的成员。 在SIAV2024 的会场,孟获意外认识了「迈斯高科技」的市场负责人徐赓。短暂交流中,徐老师介绍,市场上大多数耳夹耳机,都是这个工厂代工的产品。这种几乎看起来不像个耳塞的产品形态勾起了孟获的好奇,并促成了这期节目里的拜访。这个神奇的小夹子,或者说,内置了动圈单元的运动气垫或珍珠耳环,它未来的可能性,似乎并不只是耳机这么简单。 智能穿戴,语音识别,甚至一些(节目里有提到)更反直觉、更夸张的功能前景都有所展现。或许这些产品,未来不一定由哪一个具体的品牌呈现给消费者。…
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比如羽毛球为例 like badminton for example 跑步 go for a run 觉得放松 feel very relaxed 工作学习 干啥啥不行 but in my work and in my study, I'm not good at anything
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很方便 it's very user-friendly. 不花时间做早饭 I don't have to spend a lot of time on my breakfast 对我来讲完美 the bread and milk will be perfect to me 选择牛奶面包 I have to go with bread and milk
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忙碌之余 when I finish a tough day of work or study 处理工作 deal with my regular work 业余时间当中 during my free time 科技改变生活 the life has been totally changed by modern technology
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周一到周五 from Monday to Friday 下课之后 after the class 周末就不同啦 But on weekends it is totally different 像上面说到的一样 As I've mentioned above
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不需要担心太多…I don't have to worry too much about 家里做的饭就准备好了 the homemade dinner would be in front of me 偶尔有不愉快 I might be having some disagreement with them 三口之家 I have a family of three
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包雪龙对台湾「達康.come」和中文漫才的关注,促成了一年多以前那期节目。但孟获对于漫才实在业余。于是这次,包雪龙请来了外援,声波飞行员也首次有了著名喜剧人登场的节目。 曾经拿下2020年单立人原创喜剧大赛多人组冠军的漫才演员,「北极熊猫」漫才组合的成员植物油做客我台,和包雪龙一起分享了一下「達康.come」的林林总总。从观众和创作者的视角,分析了「達康.come」的搞笑特质,以及华语和漫才这种喜剧形式结合的探索。 如果你没听过中文漫才,或者完全不了解漫才这种喜剧形式,欢迎在后面的链接里看看他们的节目。也欢迎你听听之前的这期节目,Kid-016. 那一夜,我們看達康講漫才。如果你对植物油老师的漫才很有兴趣,记得去线下支持她的演出(什么时候有我也不知道),或者在Bilibili 看看她之前的比…
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去农村生活 go to the countryside for a living 众所周知 As is known to all 慢节奏生活 the slow pace of life 完全不同的世界 a totally different world
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现在 at the moment 坐办公室 sit in the office 处理 deal with 从周一到周五 from Monday to Friday
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不知道要干嘛 I have got no idea what to do 发呆 just rest my mind without thinking anything 跑步机跑步 spend sometime time on the treadmill 偶尔 occasionally
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没兴趣 I'm not interested in any kinds of news 八卦新闻有点意思 gossip news could be more fun 名人名媛 some celebrities 广播节目 电视频道和网站 the radios, TV channels or the websites
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关于「互联网上最神秘的歌」是如何被找到的。 BGM List: [00:00:00] FEX - Heart in Danger [00:05:27] FEX - Subways of Your Mind (TMMS aka "Like the Wind") Original Ripped Version [00:10:40] FEX - Subways of Your Mind [00:31:21] FEX- Talking Hands [00:40:10] Ture Rückwardt, Michael Hädrich, Norbert Ziermann - Subways of Your Mind Unplugged Live Version [00:43:48] "Everyone …
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充满…的网站 it is filled with 各种电视剧 电影和短视频 lots of episodes, movies and short videos 写评论 write some comments 这网站充实了我的夜晚时光 that website makes my free time in the evening
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一个崭新的手机 have a brand new one 但现在 But at the moment 贵的离谱 it is too ridiculous expensive 一万多块 more than 10 000
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说到这件事 Speaking of the topic 我来安排 I did the arrangement 他们很听话 they listened to me quietly 经济支持 financial support
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