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Matthew 5:43-48 When Jesus talks about "perfection," he isn't referring to unattainable sinlessness. He's referring to maturity, specifically, being mature and complete in our love for others. It may not always be pretty or easy to understand, but love for the unloveable becomes the ultimate measure of one's growth towards Christlikeness.…
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John 15:1-17 As an apprentice of Jesus, our life is anchored in his presence by the Holy Spirit. This is the call to "abide" in him. If you're not abiding in Jesus, you're abiding in something: media, relationships, careers, or any combination of things. Apprenticeship with Jesus recognizes that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit that we mus…
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Mark 1:16-20 We live in a world that imagines one can be a "Christian" but not an "apprentice" of Jesus. The invitation to follow Jesus is more than subscribing to the bare bones beliefs of Christianity. Jesus invites us to follow him and to become his apprentice. Converts to Christianity will not change the world, but apprentices of Jesus who embo…
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John 6:35; 6:68-69 There is a difference in knowing about Jesus and being in relationship with Jesus. We are invited into a deep and abiding relationship with him that impacts our entire life. In John 6, Jesus not only feeds the 5,000, but declares himself to be the “bread of life” that “comes down from heaven.” Are we “all in” with who Jesus decla…
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Psalm 37; Matthew 11:28-30 The creation account describes a rhythm in which God separates, fills, and rests/blesses. In the same way, our lives are "recreated" by God's Holy Spirit when we seperate from the world, are filled by God, and become a conduit of God's blessings to the world. Jesus invites us into this way when we are invited to "take his…
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Psalm 37; Luke 17:11-19 Delighting in the Lord means we revere the Giver more than the gift. In the story of the 10 lepers who were cleansed, one came back to give thanks, a Samaritan! We are not entitled to anything, but everything is a gift from God. This cycle is sustained by grateful hearts who find their delight in their relationship with God.…
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Psalm 37 Some people are leapers - they jump in with both feet with little hesitation. Others are calculators - they analyze the risk thoroughly before making a decision. Both are called to be disciples of Jesus who trust God above all else. This way of living demonstrates for the world the most basic of all biblical truths: God is with us!…
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Luke 1:46-56 The message of Christmas invites the people of God to sing, but the world is woefully out of tune with God’s purposes for creation. Mary obediently brings her life into harmony with the Christmas message in the midst of a dissonant world. All are invited to sing with Mary as we embrace the Christmas message that brings the sour notes o…
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Genesis 12:1-3 Abraham was called by God and given a promise that through the blessing of his descendants, "all people will be blessed." He was blessed to be a blessing, and this captures who the church is called to be as well. The blessing of salvation isn't for our personal enjoyment. Rather, what God has done for us he wants to do through us!…
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Proverbs 8:32-36 The world may appear to be haphazardly spinning out of control, especially in the face of big changes. However, God's wisdom was present at creation and is programmed into the "operating system" of life. Living a life of greed or in selfish pursuit of power doesn't result in eternal gain, even if it produces temporary success. Wisd…
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Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 The human experience is filled with sorrows and joys. Without faith, one can only hope that the high moments outnumber the low ones. Sometimes, however, life doesn't make sense and joy is difficult to find. Faith in God enables us to trust in a plan, even when we can't see the finish line. When times are changing, God is not. Hi…
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Luke 19:1-10 Zacchaeus is famous for being "short," a detail that reflects humanity being stunted by greed and worldly pursuits. As it turns out, these are exactly the people Jesus wants to have dinner with and to whom the mission of the church should be aimed. Anytime the Church makes its table bigger we love people into a better story.…
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John 4:4-26 Everything about Jesus’ encounter with the Woman at the well could be described as “wrong time and wrong place.” The hospitality of Jesus, however, takes everything that's wrong and makes it right. If your story is filled with wrong time/wrong place moments, it’s always the right time to have a life-giving conversation with Jesus.…
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Ruth 2 Ruth went looking for grain, but she found so much more. She found grace. Grace opens the door to more than mercy but to covenant relationship. God’s ultimate plan of salvation doesn't end with the forgiveness of your sins, but extends to the complete transformation of your life. In this journey towards transformation, we find grace in the g…
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Romans 8:18-30 Our worries about the future often begin with a "what if..." question. There is so much about the future we don't know, but God’s Word declares that we are never alone in our struggle. God is WITH us and the Holy Spirit intercedes FOR us even when we don't know what to pray. The Gospel invites us to ask, "What if God is working all t…
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Romans 6:1-14 Coming to faith in Christ means we embrace an entirely new understanding of death and life. The cross and resurrection demonstrate God’s miraculous power to bring life out of the experience of death. God wants to do the same for us as we die to sin and are raised with Christ to live holy lives. We are wanted by our Creator, both dead …
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