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聊聊電影日常吧 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Roy's first podcast
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A simple dialogue which takes place in a restaurant. It is a good idea to listen many times to each part.
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A simple story in 26 parts. A good place to start your studies. It is a good idea to listen many times to each item.
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Fork It 是一个针对区块链技术的中文播客节目,四位主播分别为 Terry (https://twitter.com/poshboytl) , Jan (https://twitter.com/janhxie) , Kevin (https://twitter.com/knwang) 和 Daniel (https://twitter.com/lgn21st)。他们还一起创办过中文技术播客节目 Teahour.FM (http://teahour.fm/)。这一次他们因为区块链技术再一次相聚,并创办了 Fork It. 从一线从业者眼中,了解区块链技术的方方面面和发展方向.... 为了让大家更好的进行交流,我们建立了 Fork It Group (https://t.me/forkitfm),大家如果对节目、对区块链有任何想法,请在群里尽情讨论~主播们也会积极参与哦。 除了在泛用型播客客户端收听订阅《 Fork It 》,您还可以在喜马拉雅 (https://www.ximalaya.com/keji/19792413/) 、网易云音乐 (https://music.163 ...
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Learning a language is a much better hobby than breaking into people's homes.由LingQ_Support
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She is actually tired of the brother and wants him to leave.由LingQ_Support
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The "girlfriend" tells us how she learned the language so well.由LingQ_Support
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The truth is revealed in an unpredictable twist.由LingQ_Support
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The girlfriend confronts her and demands an explanation.由LingQ_Support
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They enter the apartment just as the girlfriend arrives home.由LingQ_Support
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They prepare to break into the empty apartment.由LingQ_Support
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She thinks of a new plan since her brother isn't home.由LingQ_Support
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She expresses her hope that her plan will be successful.由LingQ_Support
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She explains her plan to ruin her brother's relationship.由LingQ_Support
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She now offers $1000 for him to spy on her brother.由LingQ_Support
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She says that her brother just inherited a lot of money.由LingQ_Support
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Her attempt to get more information isn't going very well.由LingQ_Support
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$500 is offered for a bit of spying.由LingQ_Support
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Some more dialogue about work and career choices.由LingQ_Support
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How to ask ask someone about their job.由LingQ_Support
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How to ask where someone is from.由LingQ_Support
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How to order various dishes from a waiter.由LingQ_Support
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How to ask what kind of food someone cooks.由LingQ_Support
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How to ask how often someone has been at the restaurant.由LingQ_Support
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How to order a beer.由LingQ_Support
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How to ask if the restaurant is good or expensive.由LingQ_Support
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How to ask when the restaurant opens and closes.由LingQ_Support
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How to ask where to find the restaurant.由LingQ_Support
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本期是由 Daniel 和 Terry 共同主持,我们邀请了 BTCStudy 的内容负责人阿剑老师,来跟大家聊聊关于 PoW vs PoS 的争论,他的观点和立场。 阿剑老师曾经是以太坊中文社区非常硬核的研究者,翻译者,内容贡献者,主持人的愿望是话题能够深入浅出,但是阿剑老师实力不允许,所以如果你对 PoW/PoS 以及分布式共识算法的设计思想和基础概念有所了解,那么会帮助你理解为什么通过阿剑老师的分析可以得出 PoW 全面优于 PoS 这个结论。 如果对 “Ethereum Merge” 的问题分析以及什么是 “比特币思想” 更感兴趣,不妨直接跳到 1:10:00 开始听。 访谈结尾处阿剑老师最让我动容的一段话,我摘录于此:一个技术范式应该想到它应该保护自己的用户,它应该保护共识,它应该…
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She offers him a bribe to spy for her.由LingQ_Support
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Our hero has to move her car to avoid getting a ticket.由LingQ_Support
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They used to email each other very often.由LingQ_Support
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When did she move into the apartment?由LingQ_Support
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Is the mysterious girl just a roommate?由LingQ_Support
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She is very stubborn and refuses to leave unless she learns more about her brother.由LingQ_Support
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Why do you think her brother stopped writing to her?由LingQ_Support
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Her brother has stopped communicating with his sister recently.由LingQ_Support
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How to ask for a description of a mysterious girl.由LingQ_Support
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A girl introduces herself and asks a man his name.由LingQ_Support
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She says she is looking for her brother.由LingQ_Support
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She tries to find out more about her brother.由LingQ_Support
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Tornado.cash 被制裁,ETH 即将升级到 PoS, 超过 66% Staking Service 是美国的合规机构。 ETH升级后可能会面临协议级审查吗?如果会,这将意味着什么?如果是 PoW 会不会有什么不同? 带着这些问题,让我们节目的老朋友王博(Cipher) 给你慢慢聊聊 PoW vs PoS 的话题。 Shownotes 播客客户端推荐 Castro Overcast Pocket Casts U.S. Treasury Sanctions Notorious Virtual Currency Mixer Tornado Cash OFAC Ethereum The Merge Mining 向左,Staking 向右——公链的两大演进方向与价值分析 Poll: If …
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这期我们请到了来自彩云比特的钟锐聊聊挖矿那些事。 挖矿到底是怎么一回事? 各地挖矿情况有什么不一样?云算力被包装成各种理财产品,其背后有哪些需要注意的地方? 散户和机构挖矿之间有哪些博弈?对于一个想要入行挖矿行业的新手,需要做哪些准备,才能快速上手,避免踩坑? 本期包含大量挖矿相关的有趣内容,更多细节,敬请收听节目~ 注:由于录制问题,声音在少许几处会有滋滋的电流声,我们做了一些处理,但仍无法完全消除,如果影响到了您的收听,还请见谅。 摘要 彩云比特创建于 2013 年,算是行业的见证者了。 挖矿相对来说风险可控。 云南水电资源丰富,而且稳定,外省很多矿主来这边安营扎寨。 云算力现在大部分是短期资金,给客户做一个理财计划,这在挖矿的世界里其实是不合逻辑的。 我们追求的是稳定的长期增长。我们社…
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新一期 Forkit 来啦,这期我们请到了 Dovey 小姐姐来和我们聊聊 Crypto 行业中的各种有趣细节。 为什么说国内的圈子比较封闭,是 heterogeneous 而不是 diverse?如何看待其产生背后的深层原因? 比特币机构化背后的逻辑是什么?这将带来怎样的影响?海外老的 Bitcoiner 隐形巨富们,在做些什么事情? 作为一个 Bitcoin Rationalist,Dovey 怎么看待比特币一直以来的发展?对于未来,她又有怎么样的想法和建议? 更多精彩,敬请收听节目~ 摘要 国内的圈子比较封闭,信噪比很低。它是异构的,是 heterogeneous,而不是 diverse。 喜欢划不同的圈子,贴不同的标签,可能是东亚文化比较固有的一个特性。 机构具有两个特点,第一个是,…
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