一個以戀愛&婚姻經營為主軸,讓男(女)人了解異性怎麼想?而我該怎麼做? 讓在情感經營得到光明面,也歡迎聽眾給與支持及建議~ 光光也不定時會邀請正妹、帥哥分享心靈雞湯,讓喜歡他(她)們的聽眾有機會認識~ ※更多撩妹技巧 ※更多說話藝術 ※更多愛情新觀點 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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创建于2012年的iTunes获奖播客 「狗熊有话说」播客是由 大狗熊 于 2012 年创办的独立中文知识型播客节目,以阅读、旅行、科技和个人成长为主要话题内容,是 iTunes 中国区长期推荐的节目,并被 iTunes 评选为“ 2013 年度精选最佳社会与文化播客 ”。 An iTunes award-winning tech podcast since 2012. BearTalk Podcast is a Chinese podcast that shares technology insights, book reviews, and personal improvement tips since 2012. BearTalk Podcast was the Editor's Choice of iTunes China in 2013, which has more than 60,000 listeners.
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(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people! To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago. Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant. I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too! From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTub ...
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歡迎來到大濕兄聊NBA 這是一個充滿個人偏見的NBA閒聊幹話頻道,聊比賽戰況、球星、球鞋及賽事的幕後花絮 ^^ 主站:時間管理大濕 https://open.firstory.me/user/poya/platforms 賀!大濕兄聊NBA登上MixerBox推薦排行榜 歡迎留言跟我分享你的想法,順手幫我按個5星評價喔~ (登入後留言框底下就可以按5星評價) 推薦收聽單集TOP 5: EP.23【NBA時間】Trust the process?!天賦真能當飯吃?! https://open.firstory.me/story/ckq6ireprsdsn0832eyw0h0ox/platforms EP.33【NBA時間】CP3率領太陽突破西區、挑戰16年生涯首冠! https://open.firstory.me/story/ckqkwe3e3okzn09309m1y0qz9/platforms EP.32【NBA時間】打籃球不是算算數、職業球隊的勝利文化 https://open.firstory.me/story/ckqj33n7avqr908661h0wsxit/plat ...
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Artiz Hub 那些你沒想過的好事 不論是工作、生活、愛情、心情、甚至是婚姻 都能在這,連結你人生中的大小事 給你不一樣的思考、方向與勇氣 讓壞事都變好事,好事變成更好的事 Artiz 為你集氣,那些你沒想過的好事,都發生在你的人生中 FB : https://www.facebook.com/ArtizStudio.TW IG : https://www.instagram.com/artizstudio.tw/ LINE : https://maac.io/1ob39 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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異常認真的拉不拉不(LoveLove)老師與他的理性香港腦婆 幫你解答各種感情問題! /台港夫妻閒話家常💁🏻♀️🙋🏻♂️ /分享彼此經驗! /愛情觀探討! /腦洞超展開!探討神秘話題! 輕鬆分享,不專業but用心❤️ 有任何意見/連絡都可以在平台上留言或者email到: acupofcouple@gmail.com 有想要分享的經驗也可以email投稿給我們喔 我們有可能會在節目的最後念出來💁🏻♀️ 一起來斗內!請我們喝杯咖啡! 贊助連結:https://pay.firstory.me/user/ckknfbl31uiy90848idyrsau3 我們在: YouTube請搜尋: 拉不拉不老師! First story Spotify Podcast cast Apple podcast Powered by Firstory Hosting
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大家好,我們是Emily & Betty。我們的本業是工程師,Emily是剛進入職場的新鮮人,而Betty則已成為社畜兩年有餘了。 前陣子,有感於Emily時常在聊天時,跟Betty分享關於影劇界「The L world」(註1) 的點點滴滴,忽然覺得,不如把這些內容做成有趣的節目,和志同道合的聽眾朋友們分享。 於是,我們前前後後用了將近半年的時間籌備這個頻道:「追劇夏娃(Binge-watching eve)」(註2) ,一個不專業但精彩的影劇分享播客。內容包含各式各樣經典/現代、東方/西方、浪漫/驚悚的拉子影劇,或偶有女力爆棚但非蕾絲邊的電影/影集。 如果你對以下的問題感興趣的話,有90%的機會你會喜歡聽我們的Podcast! ▌電影「Carol」原著小說的作者,最喜歡的寵物竟然是...蝸牛? ▌Netflix 影集「Gypsy」裡的心理諮商師是由知名女星娜歐米•瓦茲飾演,但你知道這不是她第一次出演LGBTQ嗎? ▌法國現代當紅女星有誰?演「巴黎必娶女王」的喜劇天后為什麼會紅? ▌橘爆Netflix的「勁爆女子監獄」取材自真實故事,竟神預言了未來的喬治佛洛伊德事件? ▌恐怖 ...
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今天想和你分享一个能够快速提升口语自信的"一分钟练习法",帮助你在仅仅 2 个月内突破"张嘴难"的障碍。希望能给正在挣扎于口语表达的你一点启发! 完整贴子和本期资源包,在这里可以查看,还没有订阅Newsletter的赶紧订阅,目前免费哦: https://bearliu.substack.com/p/beartalk-1 Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/gou-xiong-you-hua-shuo/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy…
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你有看過台灣霹靂火與台灣龍捲風嗎? 當年曾經創下13.5的高收視率! 而其中飾演女主角的女神姐姐葉全真, 其實早在二十年前就(疑似)勇敢出櫃了,你相信嗎? ※夏娃談心※ Emily有一年沒回台灣了,跟Betty重逢的第一瞬間就趕緊馬不停蹄地錄製這集, 因為想分享的內容有太多所以語速偏快,而且還遇上凱米颱風天來亂,收音效果並非最佳... 總之非常感謝各位夏娃粉絲的耐心等待,我們想做的內容還有很多,未來一定會持續緩慢更新的。 等不下去的時候也可以追蹤我的instagram看看Emily在卡達過得如何喔~ 也歡迎訂閱艾蜜莉的翼想世界YT頻道看看又好笑又美麗的vlog喔! ※本集參考※ 2004-08-31 康熙來了自踹櫃門名場面 https://youtu.be/JzKS3b3f5L0?si=E9…
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本期《狗熊有话说》,分享一本充满趣味与深度的书籍《You Look Like a Thing and I Love You》。这本书由Janelle Shane撰写,揭示了人工智能(AI)的奇妙世界。AI如何在不同领域发挥作用,从蟑螂农场到奥运会游泳池,AI的应用已远超我们的想象。此外,我们还讨论了传统编程与机器学习的区别、AI在处理任务时的偏差,以及如何在使用AI时保持乐观与谨慎。 书籍:《You Look Like a Thing and I Love You》by Janelle Shane 博客:AI Weirdness by Janelle Shane Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/gou-xiong-you-hua…
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在本期《狗熊有话说》中,我与你分享了我在《黑神话 悟空》中体验的第二章黄风岭部分。这一章不仅展现了恶劣环境下人类的生存智慧和挣扎,还深刻探讨了人性在极端条件下的闪光点。从黄蜂岭的大圣到虎仙峰兄弟,每个角色的故事都令人动容,尤其是他们在欲望、挣扎与命运中的选择和牺牲。节目中,我还将聊到这些故事如何与现实文化背景交织,以及它们给我带来的思考和震撼。 游戏: 《黑神话 悟空》 电影: 《黄土地》《红高粱》《隐入尘烟》《站台》《小武》 书籍: 《聊斋志异》 音乐: 阴三儿乐队 地点: 山西悬空寺、云冈石窟、九龙壁、恒山 文化背景: 黄土高原生存环境、佛教文化 Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/gou-xiong-you-hua-shuo/…
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经过几个月的休整,这次我带来了一本非常有意思的书的分享——《贫穷的本质》。这本书让我对穷人为什么摆脱不了贫困有了新的认识,也让我反思了很多自己以往的看法。 Show Notes 回归播客:停更了两三个月后,我终于又回来了,这次我带来了一本书评分享。 书籍介绍:我分享了《贫穷的本质》这本书,探讨了为什么穷人难以摆脱贫困的问题。 个人反思:结合我小时候在云南的经历,聊了聊自己对贫穷和穷人决策的理解。 主要收获:通过这本书,我重新思考了关于贫穷的刻板印象,并总结了如何在生活中做出更好的决策。 Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/gou-xiong-you-hua-shuo/donations Advertising Inquiries: …
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From a young age Lars Larsen knew that soccer was his passion, from Taiwan to the Minnesota United, join us in sharing his story. Follow Lars on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@l.larsen8 Best CPA in Taiwan: https://bit.ly/m/Referral (Use this link for the best deal)由Eddy LIVE
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Did you know that 黃華揚 Huang Hua Yang is the top Freediver in Asia and #5 worldwide! Let's meet the man who went from Farmer to Freediving champ! Follow Hua Yang: https://www.instagram.com/huayangfreedive/ Best CPA in Taiwan: https://bit.ly/m/Referral (Use this link for the best deal)由Eddy LIVE
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Discover the inspiring story of one man’s journey around the entire island of Taiwan on foot, facing breathtaking landscapes and incredible challenges in his ultra marathon adventure.one equally well. Best accountant in Taiwan https://bit.ly/m/Referral (Use this link for the best deal)由Eddy LIVE
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Kevin is my long-time accountant in Taiwan! He has great service, great language skills, and most importantly, treats everyone equally well. Contact Del Sol for a consultation: https://bit.ly/m/Referral (Use this link for the best deal)由Eddy LIVE
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Aviation, Politics, and Coffee: Insights from KMT's Multifaceted Leader | ELP 252由Eddy LIVE
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Homeschooling in Taiwan: Is it the Future of Education? an Interview with Expert couple | ELP 251
How one couple successfully Homeschooled 4 successful and amazing kids in Taiwan! 🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc ⭐️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club for to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ➡️ https://www.eddys.vip/ 🔥 Edit your short and long-form content the EASY way here:! ➡️ https://store.cont…
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Join us as we follow a German student immersing himself in the rich and vibrant culture of Taiwan. Lisa Erschow is a multilingual student that is closing in on 1 year in Taiwan. She has been a Radio guest, podcast guest, Intercultural speaker, model and more in Taiwan! Join me as we dive into what brought her to Taiwan and how she has achieved such…
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Inspired Taiwanese moves to Mexico to deep dive Mexican culture | ELP 250由Eddy LIVE
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Faye Angevine has lived in Taiwan for over 50 years and she is an avid antique collector and hopes to preserve Taiwan's culture with her showroom in Tianmu!由Eddy LIVE
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Growing up in the famous lineage of Chiang Kai - Shek in Taiwan must have been a very cool and unique experience. Andrew is the great grandson of CKS and he is a long time customer of Eddy's Cantina and we have always had great chats. So tonight we are lucky to interview him about his life and upbringing in Taiwan.…
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Pro B-ball in Taiwan is on the rise and Taiwan is showing love to not only the local talent but the import players as well. Meet Michael Efevberha aka #XinchuKobe while he shares his journey from the begining to ending up in Taiwan with his family playing hoops all along th由Eddy LIVE
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Join us on a fascinating journey as we follow the career of a radio DJ Kamasami Kong who has taken his talent from the USA all the way to Asia.由Eddy LIVE
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欢迎收听狗熊有话说的新一期节目——《AI旅程,重新出发》。在这一集中,我将分享我重新投身AI学习与应用的旅程。过去一年中,我经历了从激动人心的探索到感受到技术更新带来的压力,再到现在重新出发的决定。这一期,我们将一起探讨AI的现状、未来可能性,以及如何在生活和工作中有效利用AI。 节目亮点: 重新出发的缘由: 分享我为何决定在一段时间的疲劳和调整后重新开始AI学习的原因。 个人经历与案例: 讲述我过去一年中如何通过实践和教程,以及自己的网站上线AI工作坊的经历。 AI现状与展望: 探讨AI技术当前的发展和我对这个领域未来的看法。 实用技巧: 提供五个实用的技巧,帮助听众如何更好地在生活和工作中应用AI。 面对技术的态度: 深入讨论如何正确地看待和使用新兴技术,避免因旧观念而错失机会。 Sup…
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在这一集《狗熊有话说》中,我们将深入探讨日常生活中隐形的性别偏见问题,从城市设计到科技领域,这些看似性别中立的设计和政策对女性产生了不成比例的影响。本期灵感来源于《看不见的女性》一书,揭示了一个以男性为默认的世界。 本期亮点: 日常不便: 从个人故事开始,比如租房子时遇到的高高的橱柜和抽油烟机的困扰,这些设计未能考虑到女性的身高差异。 设计偏见: 探讨设计过程中的性别偏见,如公共设施的使用频率低下问题,女孩由于公园入口的设计而不愿进入。 职场挑战: 分析女性在职场上的难题,包括被忽视的无偿照顾工作和如何影响她们的职业发展。 性别数据缺口: 深入性别数据缺口问题,探讨如何缺乏分性别的数据影响产品设计和政策制定,导致女性需求常被忽视。 行动与反思: 讨论我们如何认识到这些问题,并作为设计师、制作…
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在今天的节目中,我将和大家分享我最近在工作中参与的一项挑战——公司全员参与的黑客马拉松Hackathon。在这次活动中,我有幸带领一个团队,不仅参加了比赛,还成功地主导了一个项目。我将向大家介绍这种黑客马拉松的背景,并分享从中获得的心得和体会。无论你是对黑客马拉松感兴趣,还是想了解如何在国外职场中带领团队,这期节目都会给你带来启发。 Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/gou-xiong-you-hua-shuo/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy…
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如何突破英文口语:我35岁来到新西兰,一开始工作生活完全听不懂说不清。现在我用英文工作、组织活动,去论坛演讲,做视频,很麻溜。这个过程经历了7年,但如果有现在的先进工具,时间会短得多。结合自己实践下来的经验,来分享8条英语口语实践的干货(非常干,在Twitter上已经有几十万浏览和数千互动)。 Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/gou-xiong-you-hua-shuo/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy…
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Meet SkullyOSkully, an up-and-coming Caribbean musician making his mark in Taiwan! Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ https://www.eddys.vip/ This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means if you bu…
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The incredible journey of a Polish man who transitioned from being a UFC fighter to serving in law enforcement and then coming to Taiwan. Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ https://www.eddys.vip/ This video is NOT sponsored. Some …
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How one man successfully reversed his health issues by adopting a carnivore diet. 🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc ⭐️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club for to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ➡️ https://www.eddys.vip/ This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means i…
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Growing up as a mixed kid in a Mexican restaurant in Taiwan is an amazing experience, so enjoy it as we share it. Subscribe to Aaliyah's Channel: / @itsaaliyahg由Eddy LIVE
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In this video, we dive into the current state of the music industry in Taiwan. From the rise of indie artists to the impact of streaming platforms, we explore how Taiwanese musicians are navigating the ever-changing landscape. Join us as we uncover the unique trends and challenges faced by musicians in Taiwan and shed light on the vibrant music sce…
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