「胡康邦移民顧問」多年來為客戶提供澳洲、加拿大、英國及歐盟國家等各類移民簽證服務,一直秉承「對客用心、令客安心、讓客開心」的服務理念,並致力為大眾提供最新、最快的移民資訊。 【It's passion. It's different】 We provide our clients with the best valued, reliable and professional migration services to Australia, UK, Canada, USA and Hong Kong.
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Listen to Hong Kong Cantonese News slowly and nightly. Slow Cantonese News for intermediate and advanced Cantonese learners. 廣東話新聞,慢慢聽,晚晚聽。慢速廣東話新聞,適合中級或者高級廣東話程度嘅你。|| Learn Cantonese | Learn Hong Kong Cantonese | Learn HK Cantonese | Hong Kong News | 香港 | 學廣東話 | 學港式廣東話 | 學粵語 | 學港式粵語 | 香港新聞 || Transcripts: www.tsubasacantonese.com | Vocabulary videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfpdgw4DSofVUo63ZTZBagCgWOV-4pRSC
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2023-11-14 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Skilled Migration program; HK: Real Estate Agent Companies accused of fixing net commission; US & China: Biden-Xi meeting ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-10-27 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Policy Address 2023; HK: a hight school student fall from a building of the school; China: Li Keqiang passed away ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-10-10 Slow Cantonese News (HK: HKU to set up panel to investigate HKU president; Israel-Hamas conflict; Australia’s former prime minister visits Taiwan) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-09-29 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance; HK: Night Vibes; Taiwan: 1st domestically-produced submarine ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-09-13 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Kwun Tong flooded again; HK: Floods in Wong Tai Sin; N. Korea & Russia: Kim Jong Un arrived Russia ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-08-27 Slow Cantonese News (HK: To promote night markets; HK: banned seafood from Japan; Russia: Prigozhin’s death) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-08-13 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Perseid meteor shower; HK: ICAC probes CUHK medical research centre; US: Hawaii fires) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-07-29 Slow Cantonese News (HK: US to bar John Lee from APEC summit; HK: High Court rejected to ban protest song; HK: Boar attacked 2 people in MTR station) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-07-15 Slow Cantonese News (HK: new Silver Bond; HK: whale; Canada to remove education requirement for Hongkongers applying PR ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-07-01 Slow Cantonese News (HK: New World First Bus merges with Citybus; HK: universities drops in global rankings; WHO: Aspartame sweetener to be declared possible cancer risk ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-06-19 Slow Cantonese News (HK: McDonald’s worker attacked manager with knives; HK restaurants: fewer revenue in Father’s Day; Blinken in Beijing, China ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-06-07 Slow Cantonese News (HK Executive Council: to raise civil servants’ salary; HK: to ban protest song mistaken for national anthem; HK: man with mental illness killed 2 women) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-05-27 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Cathay Pacific Discrimination Scandal; HK: Hong Kong’s bun festival; Taiwan: Chinese no longer considered as Taiwanese nationals) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-05-18 Slow Cantonese News (HK: buy one get one free from Hong Kong Airlines; Civil servants’ salary could increase 4.65 per cent; Taiwan: Hou Yu-ih runs presidential election) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-05-08 Slow Cantonese News (HK: driver arrested after killing a security guard; HK: murder suspect died after fleeing to Japan; UK: King Charles III crowned.) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-04-25 Slow Cantonese News (HK: free flight ticket; HK: gang knife attack in Yuen Long; France: Chinese ambassador’s comments about ex-Soviet states) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-04-09 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Songkran festival; China: Military dills in Taiwan Strait; Taiwan: William Lai is being nominated to run presidential election ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-03-26 Slow Cantonese News (HK: hail; US and TikTok ban; Honduras establishes ties with China) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-03-13 Slow Cantonese News (HK: consumption voucher 2023; US: SVB collapse; China: Xi’s speech in Beijing) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-03-01 Slow Cantonese News (HK: mask mandate lifted; HK: Model Abby Choi’s dismembered body found) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由Tsubasa 翼
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有好多人問如果佢地申請移民,可唔可以帶埋子女同父母一齊移民?唔同國家嘅政策都有啲分別,而如果無得帶埋仔女/父母移民,又有咩其他方法? 快啲聽下John 點講啦! 考慮移民?首選胡康邦移民顧問,成功案例眾多,為你提供專業可靠嘅意見! 立即致電 ☎ 3568 1436,專業顧問團隊為你免費初步評估。 ✍🏻 免費評估: http://bit.ly/34L9AMM #移民 #胡康邦移民顧問 #JohnHuMigrationConsulting
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愛爾蘭是英國脫歐後歐盟唯一的英語國家。多元文化、優質教育、先進醫療、福利制度以及安全的生活環境,吸引了唔少香港人移民。到底移民愛爾蘭有咩好處?快啲聽下John 點講啦! ✍🏻 免費評估: http://bit.ly/34L9AMM 📌愛爾蘭投資移民:http://bit.ly/2QCZ058 #投資移民 #愛爾蘭移民 #移民歐洲 #移民顧問 #胡康邦移民顧問 #JohnHuMigrationConsulting
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連續多年被聯合國評為最適合人類居住嘅加拿大,一向都係港人熱門移民地點,你又知唔知,只要你係演藝界、創作人、運動員朋友,就有機會透過自僱人士簽証移民加拿大! John獲商業一台節目「一家大晒」邀請,講解自僱人士簽証條件。呢個簽證好處多多,可一步攞到「楓葉卡」、可係任何省份居住、申請時間只需約2年…… 好多人會問,呢個簽証係咪得國際巨星先可申請,完全唔係!根據法例,只要你係自僱人士,又向面試官解釋到你嘅專業性同可為加拿大帶嚟咩貢獻,就有機會獲得簽証。各位自僱人士, 千祈唔好錯過呢個簽証阿! ✍🏻 免費評估: http://bit.ly/34L9AMM 📌自僱移民 (運動員、音樂家或演藝人員): https://bit.ly/2Fu70R3 #自僱移民 #音樂人 #體育界 #移民加拿大 #加拿大移…
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唔少人都問,在澳洲買樓係咪可以移民。澳洲政府唔鼓勵非澳洲居民購買物業,所以答案是唔可以的。但如果係透過商業簽證(類別132) 嘅話,就可透過樓宇開發投資申請移民。想知詳情?聽下John點講啦~ 考慮移民澳洲?首選澳洲政府註冊胡康邦移民顧問 (MARN0746141) ,成功案例眾多,為你提供專業可靠嘅意見! 立即致電 ☎ 3568 1436,專業顧問團隊為你免費初步評估。 ✍🏻 免費評估: http://bit.ly/34L9AMM 📌澳洲投資移民:https://bit.ly/2EFlhJW 📌澳洲企業移民: https://bit.ly/36VD8bE #移民 #投資移民 #移民澳洲 #澳洲投資移民 #澳洲商業移民 #免費移民講座#胡康邦移民顧問 #JohnHuMigrationCons…
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除左較常見嘅投資及技術移民外,移民去澳洲仲有另一個方法 - 186僱主擔保簽證。澳洲企業可以海外請專才,專才們可一次性有永久居留,亦係唔少專業人士同高管嘅移民選擇。原來曾經係澳洲讀過兩年書有得加分?聽下John 點講啦~ 想知自己係咪合乎資格申請澳洲技術移民, 立即致電 ☎ 3568 1436,專業顧問團隊為你免費初步評估! 📌 澳洲技術移民簽證: https://bit.ly/2rDjIcP 📌 澳洲186僱主擔保簽證: https://bit.ly/2LIkdsJ #澳洲政府註冊移民顧問 #澳洲技術移民 #移民澳洲 #胡康邦移民顧問 #JohnHuMigrationConsulting
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計劃移民時一個好重要嘅因素,就係仔女嘅教育啦。John今次馬拉之行嘅其中一環,就係要睇下馬來西亞嘅學校質素如何。 今次佢來到呢間「國王亨利八世國際學校」。一聽到個名,係咪覺得佢好似外國嘅學校 — 無錯,呢間學校係英國皇家私校布雷肯基督學院嘅唯一海外分校,有477年歷史,每年有20%嘅畢業生考入英國劍橋、牛津等世界一流院校!設施方面,宿舍、標準籃球場、足球場、室內恆溫游泳池不在話下,連Canteen嘅食物都由五星級大廚主理,十分吸引! 🔎 想了解更多?快啲參加11月29號晚「MM2H馬來西亞移居講座」,即按報名: https://bit.ly/2QGWwoh 🕘 時期: 11月29日(星期五) 7pm – 9pm 🏢 地點: 灣仔駱克道315號駱基中心4樓D室 📌 馬來西亞第二家園計劃: ht…
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除左遊景點、食好野之外,John今次來馬拉仲有一個好重要嘅任務 - 幫大家考察下當地投資買樓嘅行情!唔少人都聽講過係馬來西亞買樓投資好好賺,到底實情係咪咁? 今次John受到當地地產商「久久國際集團」嘅邀請,去參觀當地嘅樓盤。最特別嘅係,當地買樓係提供一條龍服務,銷售、交屋到售後都有服務,連維修都會幫你搞埋!至於買樓地段,值得一提嘅係馬六甲,作為一個充滿古蹟建築嘅景點,近年都起左唔少樓宇,絕對係投資自住之選。快啲聽下John 點講 🎧 🔎 想了解更多?快啲參加11月29號晚「MM2H馬來西亞移居講座」,即按報名: https://bit.ly/2QGWwoh 🕘 時期: 11月29日(星期五) 7pm – 9pm 🏢 地點: 灣仔駱克道315號駱基中心4樓D室 📌 馬來西亞第二家園計劃: h…
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馬來西亞氣候、語言、飲食文化同香港比較接近,一直都係香港人熱門移民地點。今次John專登去馬拉考察,去巴比倫廣場、馬六甲等景點。 短短五日裏,John 最大嘅感受就係馬來西亞當地人工沒香港高,但生活質素的確比香港好。香港人窮一生努力工作,但係物價、樓價高嘅香港,的確好難達到理想嘅生活。可以考慮下移民去馬來西亞,可能有新嘅出路。想知John有咩感受?快啲聽下佢點講~ 考慮緊移民馬來西亞? 胡康邦移民顧問擁有超過10年辦理技術移民成功經驗, 助各行各業人士進行技術評估! 立即致電 ☎ 3568 1436, 專業顧問團隊為你免費初步評估。
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針對移民去偏遠地區,移民局將會喺11月16號推新491同494簽證,到底同以往187同489簽証有咩唔同? 快啲聽下John點講~ 考慮緊移民澳洲? 首選澳洲政府註冊胡康邦移民顧問 (MARN0746141擁有超過10年辦理技術移民成功經驗, 助各行各業人士進行技術評估! 立即致電 ☎ 3568 1436, 專業顧問團隊為你免費初步評估。
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好多專業人士都想申請技術移民,但到底點先可以提高分數?原來年齡都係評分因素之一?立即聽下John點講啦~ 考慮緊移民澳洲? 資深澳洲政府註冊移民顧問胡康邦(MARN0746141)擁有超過10年辦理技術移民成功經驗,助各行各業人士進行技術評估! 立即致電 ☎ 3568 1436, 專業顧問團隊為你免費初步評估. ✍🏻 免費評估: http://bit.ly/2uXTGil 📌 澳洲189,190技術移民: http://bit.ly/2JyEFwZ
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澳洲唔同省份嘅移民要求會有少少分別,咁熱門省份申請會唔會難啲?較細嘅省份係咪容易啲移民?聽下阿John點講! 移民政策隨時會變,移民門檻會越嚟越高!就好似今年7月維多利亞省就要求188B投資移民申請人需額外再多「50萬澳元投資額」,而其他省份暫時仍維持「150萬澳元投資額」。因此,我哋會建議有意移民嘅申請者應盡早辦理。 考慮緊移民澳洲? 首選澳洲政府註冊胡康邦移民顧問 (MARN0746141), 專業顧問團隊為你免費準確評估, 立即致電 ☎ 3568 1436 ! 📌 澳洲189,190技術移民: http://bit.ly/2JyEFwZ 📌 澳洲188B投資移民「150萬澳元投資保本政府債券」: http://bit.ly/2UnelqE ✍🏻 免費評估: http://bit.ly/…
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上回提到「保加利亞移民考察之旅」, John就約咗當地律師訪談 , 同大家講解以下2個投資移民方案, 亦分享對其他熱門歐洲投資移民項目嘅睇法. 特快2年方案: 一次性支付30萬歐元貸款利息 / 投資102.4萬歐元 於政府債券 基本6年方案: 投資51.2萬歐元於政府債券 有關保加利亞投資移民, 即按 http://bit.ly/2Lxn8W1 如你有任何移民查詢, 歡迎致電 ☎ 3568 1436
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近期多咗港人查詢移民到保加利亞, 所以John今次移民考察之旅亦到訪保加利亞首都索菲亞 (Sofia)。 John喺星期日晚上走到街頭, 氣氛熱鬧, 亦觀察到當地通訊設備發展唔錯, 而且餐廳類別選擇多、交通也很方便。雖然當地官方語言係保加利亞語, 但喺問路及購物上與當地人用英文溝通都毫無問題. 今次嚟到保加利亞, 主要係同當地移民律師會面, 了解如何申請citizenship, 從而攞到歐盟護照, 喺28個國家自由居住、工作、讀書, 密切留意有關訪談廣播! 有關保加利亞投資移民, 即按 http://bit.ly/2Lxn8W1 如你有任何移民查詢, 歡迎致電 ☎ 3568 1436
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John喺6月底嚟到塞浦路斯, 除咗受邀出席國際性投資者高峰會, 同時參觀咗當地大型發展商「Pafilia」喺Pafos及Limassol兩個城市嘅住宅樓宇及渡假別墅等物業。 與Pafilia職員傾談之中, 了解到買家主要為俄羅斯人(佔60%)、中國人佔15%、其餘為亞洲人。 如投資者購買房產係為咗獲取公民身份並打算喺幾年後賣出, 咁會建議選擇購買優質嘅樓宇。因其承接市場多數為俄羅斯人, 而俄羅斯人較著重樓宇品質及設備, 日後轉售俾外國人機會就大大增加。 想了解有關塞浦路斯投資移民, 即按 http://bit.ly/2UFL4vr 如你有任何移民查詢, 歡迎致電 ☎ 3568 1436
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胡康邦(John)有無數英國移民嘅成功經驗,今次好榮幸被邀請為《星加坡東亞全球投資移民及財富管理高峰論壇》擔任嘉賓講者,發表最新英國Start-up及Innovator移民政策及個人觀點。喺論壇入面不少專家認為未來全球嘅投資移民產業會走向擁有財富人士申請,但同時要資產證明及需方便匯款! 心郁郁想移民? 資深澳洲政府註冊移民顧問胡康邦(MARN0746141) 有多年辦理移民經驗、具行業權威,無數成功案例,為你提供專業可靠嘅意見! 立即致電 3568 1436 獲取免費電話諮詢服務,或瀏覽www.yimin-visa.com/hk/home
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我哋喺5月23日舉行咗場澳洲技術移民講座,反應非常熱烈。講座由澳洲政府註冊移民顧問胡康邦 (John)主講,同大家分享最新澳洲移民政策同專業數據,講座更提及移民南澳嘅詳情。移民越嚟越難,咁多種方法應點揀?John喺講座內容都有提及! 資深澳洲政府註冊移民顧問胡康邦(MARN0746141) 有多年辦理移民經驗,無數成功案例,為你提供專業可靠嘅意見!立即致電 3568 1436 獲取免費電話諮詢服務,或瀏覽 www.yimin-visa.com/hk/home
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