This is a collection of curated podcast episodes around the topic of economics, to expose the students of Oxford College of Emory's Principles of Economics course to podcasts that touch on economics and economic adjacent topics.
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Whether you are intending to study or retake A-Levels or GCSEs, Cherwell College Oxford could be the perfect place for you. We consider all student applications equally and are looking for individuals who have a hunger to succeed. Everyone’s educational journey is different, so we do recognise that no two students are the same.
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From Freakonomics radio: As cities become ever-more expensive, politicians and housing advocates keep calling for rent control. Economists think that’s a terrible idea. They say it helps a small (albeit noisy) group of renters, but keeps overall rents artificially high by disincentivizing new construction. So what happens next?…
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From Planet Money: A famous biologist, Paul Ehrlich, predicts that overpopulation will lead to global catastrophe. He writes a bestselling book — The Population Bomb — and goes on the Tonight Show to make his case.An economist, Julian Simon, disagrees. He thinks Ehrlich isn't accounting for how clever people can be, and how shortages can lead to ne…
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From WSJ - The Journal: Demand for oil has plummeted as the coronavirus has shut down much of the world, but most producers are still pumping. WSJ's Russell Gold explains the global game of chicken inside the oil industry.
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From Planet Money: Prices go up. Occasionally, prices go down. But for 70 years, the price of a bottle of Coca-Cola didn't change. From 1886 until the late 1950s, a bottle of coke cost just a nickel. On today's show, we find out why. The answer includes a half a million vending machines, a 7.5 cent coin, and a company president who just wanted to g…
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From Today in Focus (The Guardian): The world economy may have dramatically dipped and the price of oil crashed, but one commodity is seeing an unprecedented boom: the face mask. Samanth Subramanian explores the newly distorted marketplace for masks and the lengths some will go to get them When the coronavirus began spreading beyond China in Januar…
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From Planet Money: In our second class, we find markets everywhere and discuss what makes them work and when they fail. We start off with the basic tools to understand a market: supply and demand. We find that the price of an item isn't just about money; a price reflects all the information inside a market, from a buyer's willingness to pay to a su…
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From Planet Money: In 1976, Jimmy Carter made a campaign promise: I'm giving dairy farmers a break. And after he won, he set out to raise the price of milk. But that's easier said than done. The government couldn't just buy milk. They had to buy something storable that used a lot of milk. So the government started buying up as much cheese as people…
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Exploring Education, University Admissions, and Future Trajectories for GCSE and A-Level students
Welcome to the Cherwell College Oxford podcast, where the institution's tutors share their experiences and insights. In Episode 3, Sean Murphy interviews Alan Carter, Senior Academic Advisor and Exams Officer at Cherwell, providing a distinctive viewpoint on education, university admissions, and future career paths. Alan has a wealth of experience …
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We love hearing from you. You can visit our website find us on FB, Instagram @cherwell_college_oxford or LinkedIn. Links: You can find Yash on And see him playing Tabla and beatboxing on Instagram Getting started with AI and coding: Preliminary courses AI Crash course by freeCode…
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由Katya Kryvonos
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由Katya Kryvonos
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由Katya Kryvonos
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