Bem-vindo(a) ao podcast "Conversas Pedagógicas" com a anfitriã, educadora e co-fundadora da ChildDiary: Vanessa Biléu. Neste podcast irá encontrar entrevistas com diversos profissionais da área de educação de infância.
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Pedagogik & Ledarskap är en dialogpodd som leds av läraren och civilingenjören Heddi Mobaraz. Syftet med podden är att ha en ärlig konversation kring svensk skola. Podden har fokus på ämnen inom samhälle, skola och ledarskap. Kontakt: [email protected]
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Nesse canal o professor Gilberto Penha de Andrade sempre estará abordando sobre importância da escola no contexto sociocultural, e sobre a sua influência na sociedade onde está inserida.
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Teaching strategies, classroom management, education reform, educational technology -- if it has something to do with teaching, we're talking about it. Jennifer Gonzalez interviews educators, students, administrators and parents about the psychological and social dynamics of school, trade secrets, and other juicy things you'll never learn in a textbook. For more fantastic resources for teachers, visit
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Een serie vertragende gesprekken over welke verantwoordelijkheid de snelle ontwikkelingen van generatieve AI aan de leraar én het onderwijs vraagt. De ontwikkelingen rondom AI gaan erg snel. In deze serie verkennen we wat AI vraagt van het onderwijs. We moeten hier wat mee! Maar welke verantwoordelijkheid heb je dan? Stichting NIVOZ sterkt leraren, schoolleiders, opleiders en bestuurders in hun pedagogische opdracht. Deze serie sterkt hen om oriëntatie te geven in dit complexe vraagstuk. Rob ...
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Un espacio creado por Jenny Silvente (Ver Pensar Sentir) como un camino de reflexión, descubrimiento y conocimiento para la transformación educativa. En él voy a abordar diferentes temas relacionados con la educación, pedagogías activas, renovación pedagógica y también educación en familia.
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Trabalho acadêmico
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Join experienced teachers Mike and John as they explore the latest in AI, EdTech, and innovative teaching strategies during their morning commute. In these informal, engaging chats, they dive into how technology is transforming classrooms, enhancing pedagogy, and shaping the future of education.
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Teste Seminário Pedagógico
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On n’a jamais fini d’apprendre… et c’est une réalité que je vis depuis maintenant plus de 40 ans. 40 ans à me questionner, à évoluer, à me transformer, à célébrer mes succès et à tirer des leçons de mes échecs. En classe, j’étais un cancre, mais cela ne m’a pas empêché de poursuivre mon cheminement, d'obtenir mon diplôme, et de devenir un enseignant qui fait la différence. Je vous invite à faire une mise à jour personnelle, à transformer votre vision de la vie quotidienne, et pourquoi pas, à ...
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Welcome to Wholehearted Voice Pedagogy, a podcast dedicated to the art and practice of teaching singers. Host David Sisco knits together current research from a plethora of fields to highlight a student-centered, culturally responsive, trauma-informed approach to teaching, which gives singers agency over their vocal expression and buoys teacher well-being. Each episode, David will be joined by a special guest, who will share their wholehearted knowledge about the student-teacher relationship ...
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A podcast about teaching and popular things in teaching. Interviews with interesting people.
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I Pedagogpodden ger Daniel och Erica sina tankar på läraryrket, skolan och allmänna pedagogiska frågor.
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Pedagogia Empresarial
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Nesse Podcast abordaremos assuntos referentes ♣Educação ♣Pedagogia ♣Política ♣Temas relevantes a atualidade ♣Laser ♣Opiniões Diversas Contato: [email protected]
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Dé podcast over verhalen, meningen en de wetenschap achter opvoeden
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Estudante que não aguenta mais a faculdade, cursando o 8° período do curso de pedagogia do Uniptan, Marcos Ávila.
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1 Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash:
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This podcast is an enriching resource designed specifically for piano teachers and music educators working with out-of-the-box students: students with disabilities, physical or learning differences, gifted and 2-E learners and neurodivergent students. Each episode delves into innovative teaching strategies, offering insights and practical solutions that promote creativity, inclusivity, and approaches teaching from a positive and student-first environment. Pedagogue, researcher and music educ ...
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Descripción Fase análisis
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Apresentação de quem eu sou , curso pedagogia EAD. Espero ajudar pessoas que se identifique comigo. Por isso agradeço desde já...❤️❤️
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Reflexión directa sobre lo vivido durante el proyecto y durantes las sesiones del curso de Escenarios Pedagógicos
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Welcome to the Veteranos Da Pedagogia podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash:
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Podcast by Pedagog Stockholm
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This is my podcast!
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En podcast om användningen av IT i skolan
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Hosted by Dr. Pauline Schmidt and Dr. Kruger-Ross, Notorious Pedagogues chronicles the notorious adventures of co-teaching SED 300 (formerly WRH 325), a course for secondary educators on the powers and challenges of integrating educational technologies.
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Apresentação do podcast como ferramenta pedagógica aos alunos e alunas das turmas do 7°, 8° e 9° anos.
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Benvenuto e Benvenuta nel podcast de "La Coppia Pedagogica" un podcast dedicato ai genitori che vogliono crescere i loro figli con equilibrio attraverso l'educazione. Il podcast è stato creato per aiutare i genitori a diventare più consapevoli e a costruire relazioni sane con i propri figli. Il contenuto del podcast è stato progettato per fornire consigli, idee e strategie pratiche per affrontare i vari aspetti dell'educazione dei figli. Il podcast esplora una vasta gamma di argomenti legati ...
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Med pedagogisk skråblikk på oppvekstsektoren setter vi søkelyset på spenningsfeltene vi befinner oss i og lar oss rive med.
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To jest podcast PBW Nowy Sącz Filia w Gorlicach. Tematyka wiodąca tego podcastu dotyczy zagadnień związanych z edukacją czytelniczo-medialną, bibliotekoznawstwem. W tej przestrzeni będziemy prezentować działalność filii PBW (Pedagogicznej Biblioteki Wojewódzkiej w Nowym Sączu) w Gorlicach, inspirować do poszerzania wiedzy, zgłębiać tajniki nowości wydawniczych oraz przedstawiać ciekawostki ze świata nauki. Bądź na fali. Włącz aktywność.
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Vous trouverez ici des capsules audio offertes par les conseillers des services pédagogiques!
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Pedagog Örebro är en mötesplats för pedagogisk utveckling. PÖ-podd verkar för att stödja pedagoger och rektorer i sitt professionella lärande.
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Psykologerna David Edfelt & Bo Hejlskov Elvén pratar om pedagogik, skolan, förskolan, föräldraskap, barnuppfostran, LSS, npf, psykologi och inte minst lågaffektivt bemötande. Forskningsbaserat kunskap om barn och hur vi handskas med dem.
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Debate sobre educação, sociedade e trabalho no Brasil.
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Podcast creado para el curso "Introducción a la Pedagogía" (UCR, 2021).
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Pedagogisk Psykologi är en podcast för dig som är intresserad av skola, elevhälsa, ledarskap och utveckling. Vi intervjuar personer med erfarenhet och kompetens inom pedagogiskt ledarskap, specialpedagogik, kooperativt lärande, lågaffektivt bemötande med mera. Podcasten produceras av Rova Sjögren Psykologi AB i Umeå. För mer information gå in på
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analogías, cuadro sinóptico y mapa mental.
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Samtal med lärare om hur det är att vara lärare. Hur var övergången från lärarutbildningen till yrkeslivet? Vi samtalar med historielärare om undervisning i historieämnet och hur man kan lyfta många olika perspektiv på den svenska historien. Och om hur man kan bemöta och motverka rasism i skolan.
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Publication de ressources pédagogiques en informatique : podcast, tutoriels, cours en lignes, applications pédagogiques, etc.
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La mala praxis de la labor docente puede traer consecuencias irreversibles, para evitarlas es necesario el auto análisis y el cambio de rumbo. Si te observas y te juzgas, adquieres conciencia pedagógica. Prof. David Moreno Cantoral
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O Biscoito Pedagógico é um podcast sobre educação feito pela comunidade escolar. A proposta do nosso programa é abordar temas relacionados a educação com comentários de quem tem algum relacionamento com ela, seja professor, estudante, diretor, merendeiras, pais ou qualquer um que tenha algum tipo de relação da sua vida e cotidiano com o ambiente escolar. Nosso podcast é a voz, a alma e o corpo da educação de verdade em um país que deve entender que priorizar a educação é garantir o desenvolv ...
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Exploring strategies and tool moving towards metis-rich instruction, successfully guiding students as they struggle to achieve understanding of the complexities of mathematics.
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Tres estrategias de la mediación pedagógica: foro, investigación documental y práctica reflexionada.
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Este espacio es dedicado para la discusión de temas en controversia en el ámbito educativo y sin fines de lucro.
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Pedagogy Matters is a podcast series from College Development Network (CDN). The episodes shine a light on pedagogy, breaking down the key aspects and how these can be realised in current practice, whether that be online delivery, face-to-face delivery, or a mixture of both. A conversational format with professionals from the college sector across the UK, sharing their views, experiences and insights across different elements of pedagogy, what it means to them and how they can be integrated ...
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Welcome to the Critical Digital Pedagogy in HE podcast. This is a series of podcasts based on the book: 'Critical Digital Pedagogy in Higher Education' edited by Suzan Koseoglu, George Veletsianos and Chris Rowell, published by Athabasca University Press due out in January 2023.
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If you're doing an activity that requires students or participants to volunteer to participate, this is a fun way to choose them. ------------------- Thanks to Class Composer for sponsoring this tip. You can find written and video versions of these at由Jennifer Gonzalez
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🎙️O podcast mais ouvido pelos profissionais de Educação de Infância em Portugal voltou!🗓️A 4ª temporada das Conversas Pedagógicas começou no dia 20 de fevereiro, às 21h30! E o primeiro episódio não poderia começar melhor do que com este painel de excelentes educadores de infância: Henrique Santos e Rui Inácio em redor de um tema que nos fará a todo…
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Scopri l'importanza cruciale dell'attenzione nello sviluppo dei bambini e come potenziarla efficacemente. Questa puntata esplora strategie pratiche per aiutare i genitori a coltivare la concentrazione dei propri figli, dalla creazione di ambienti adatti all'apprendimento alla gestione del tempo libero. Impara a trasformare l'attenzione in un vero e…
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En este episodio de Pedagogía Inquieta, conversamos con Marta, terapeuta Gestalt y facilitadora de constelaciones familiares, sobre cómo los patrones heredados de nuestra familia influyen en la crianza, las relaciones y la vida cotidiana. Exploramos la importancia del orden en el sistema familiar, el impacto del rol de los hermanos, la relación con…
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Recent executive orders have launched an attack on teaching for diversity, equity, and inclusion. How do you teach at this precarious time in history when so much work has been done to weave these values into so many of our materials and practices? The more I think about it, the more I think you may not have to change as much as it might seem. When…
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I dagens avsnitt intervjuas Pontus Bäckström. Pontus är regeringens särskilda utredare i frågan om mer obligatorisk undervisning. Vi diskuterar hans utredning "Mer obligatorisk undervisningstid för elever som behöver det". Det här avsnittet är sponsrat av UR. Med Nyhetskoll får högstadie- och gymnasieelever pålitlig nyhetsinformation, fördjupningar…
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O professor Gilberto, ao explorar os caminhos da Pedagogia Social, mergulha profundamente em temas diversos e relevantes, sempre ancorado na realidade da educação. Sua abordagem vai além do teórico, conectando conceitos com práticas do cotidiano educacional, iluminando questões que afetam diretamente alunos, professores e a sociedade. Por meio de r…
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You can create the most spectacular lesson plans, but if all of your students aren't in the room when those plans are executed, catching them up can be kind of a nightmare. And despite the fact that this has been a problem for generations, few teachers have ever figured out a foolproof plan for solving it. My guest today has an approach that can he…
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Mike and John talk to English teacher Annie Karatzenis about her experiences using AI in education.----more----由dolmanjohn
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Scopri come l'autocontrollo influenza il successo dei bambini attraverso il famoso "marshmallow test". Esplora strategie pratiche per sviluppare questa abilità cruciale, dalla gestione della frustrazione alla previsione del futuro. Impara quando e come applicare l'autocontrollo per ottenere risultati ottimali nella vita dei tuoi figli.…
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En este episodio exploramos cómo el exceso de estímulos puede afectar el desarrollo infantil. Desde la presión por aprender rápido hasta la constante exposición a pantallas y juguetes interactivos, analizamos por qué el cerebro infantil necesita pausas para procesar la información. Hablamos de cómo surgió esta tendencia, sus efectos negativos en la…
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In this episode, David explores the similarities and differences between teachers and therapists with the help of psychologist Dr. Ritu Agarwal. Together, they discuss how to co-create a safe environment for students and outline the signs when it may be time to refer a student to a licensed therapist. Contact Information for Dr. Ritu Agarwal https:…
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Un réseau scolaire commun : une réponse à l’iniquité Le système scolaire québécois creuse des inégalités, mais une alternative est possible ! Stéphane Vigneault, coordonnateur d’École ensemble, propose une solution pragmatique, ambitieuse et innovante : le Plan pour un réseau scolaire commun. Son objectif ? Garantir à tous les élèves un accès équit…
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Send us a text What if the pace of your piano lessons could unlock the true potential of your students, especially those who are neurodivergent? Join us as we dig further into adapting our teaching approach by unveiling the often-overlooked art of lesson pacing. In this episode of the Creative Piano Pedagogy podcast, we draw parallels between the r…
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One of the best-kept secrets in teaching is that frequent quizzing leads to better learning. If you can incorporate more ungraded or low-stakes quizzes into your instruction, there's a good chance your students will start remembering more of what they're learning. Learn about the research behind this phenomenon in this EduTip. ------------------- T…
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En este episodio de Pedagogía Inquieta, conversamos con Sandra Chandía sobre la educación emocional en la infancia. Hablamos de la importancia de validar las emociones sin clasificarlas en positivas o negativas, evitando la excesiva intelectualización. Sandra nos comparte cómo acompañar a los niños desde la amabilidad y el autocuidado, entendiendo …
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Questa puntata si concentra su tre luoghi specifici in casa dove è consigliabile non utilizzare il cellulare: il bagno, la tavola durante i pasti e la camera da letto. Vengono analizzati i motivi per cui è importante mantenere questi spazi liberi dalla tecnologia, sia per il benessere personale che per l'educazione dei figli. Si esplorano gli effet…
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De democratie crasht: hoe digitalisering onze samenleving verandert In deze aflevering van de NIVOZ-podcast gaat Jan Jaap Hubeek in gesprek met Kees Verhoeven, oud-Kamerlid en auteur van De democratie crasht. Verhoeven zet zich in voor het verantwoord gebruik van digitale technologie en waarschuwt voor de ingrijpende gevolgen van digitalisering op …
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I en tid där desinformation sprids snabbare än någonsin, hur kan vi hjälpa elever att navigera i ett landskap fyllt av fakta och falska påståenden? I detta avsnitt möter jag Maria Wiman, prisad lärare och författare, för ett samtal om källkritik, fakta och mediernas roll i skolan. Vi diskuterar hur lärare kan stärka elevers kritiska tänkande och vi…
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When we make certain choices, often without even realizing it, we can turn a teaching moment from one that should be clear into one that's confusing. Luckily, these choices are pretty easy to spot and fix once we know what to look for, and cognitive science can help us understand what's going on. In this episode I'm going to talk about three of the…
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Questa puntata esplora il ruolo cruciale della dopamina nell'apprendimento e nello sviluppo dei bambini. Si discute come la gratificazione interna e l'apprezzamento genuino possano stimolare la crescita e la motivazione, differenziandoli dalle ricompense esterne. Vengono forniti esempi pratici su come i genitori possono applicare questi principi ne…
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Ep. 3 - Teacher- vs. Student-Centered Learning" with Dr. Marisa Lee Naismith & Dr. Travis Sherwood
In this episode, David highlights the differences between teacher-centered and student-centered learning—a natural off-shoot of his conversation with special guest Justin Petersen in Episode 2. This week, David speaks with Dr. Marisa Lee Naismith (Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University) and Dr. Travis Sherwood (San Diego State University). …
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En este episodio de Pedagogía Inquieta, converso con Esperanza Mora sobre la importancia del juego en el desarrollo humano. Desde la mirada pikleriana, exploramos cómo el juego no es algo externo, sino una necesidad innata que impulsa el aprendizaje desde el nacimiento. Hablamos del rol del adulto como facilitador, proporcionando un entorno seguro …
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Amélie est une enseignante au parcours atypique. Classée comme NLQ par le ministère de l'Éducation, elle refuse toutefois cette étiquette et nous explique pourquoi. À travers son récit, elle nous invite à repenser notre vision de la qualification et de la valeur d’un enseignant.
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Mike and John discuss the development this term has brought in AI training.由dolmanjohn
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Mike and John discuss the tricky issue of where AI should not be.由dolmanjohn
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In a classroom that is emotionally "cool," no one is preoccupied with any kind of anger, hurt feelings, anxiety, or fear, and this frees them up to concentrate on academics. One way to make that happen is by using neutral language: By choosing words that are less judgy and more neutral, we keep things professional, calm, and cool. -----------------…
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Send us a text Unlock the secrets to becoming an adaptive piano teacher in our very first episode of the Creative Piano Pedagogy Podcast, hosted by me, Dr. Elizabeth Davis Everhart. Ever struggled to keep up with the ever-evolving needs of your students? Together, we explore the art of adaptation in teaching—an essential skill that transforms both …
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Questo video esplora l'importanza di insegnare ai bambini le conseguenze delle loro azioni come strumento educativo efficace. Si distingue tra conseguenze e reazioni punitive, offrendo esempi pratici di come applicare questo approccio in situazioni quotidiane. Il contenuto sottolinea come aiutare i figli a prevedere e comprendere le conseguenze pos…
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Le Cancre Pédagogue hors-série avec l'Académie de la relève ne santé organisé par le CHUM (Le Podcast Créatif)
On parle de compétence numérique en santé, de l'intelligence artificielle en santé oeuvré par le CHUM, sur le référentiel des compétence du futur en misant sur la créativité et l'innovation.
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Mike and John discuss the application of AI in the realm of mental health interventions in educational settings.由dolmanjohn
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As our understanding of the human mind gets more sophisticated and nuanced, we're learning how to identify neurodivergence, how to appreciate it, and how to help those who fit under that umbrella navigate the world better. In this episode I'm joined by Emily Kircher-Morris and Amanda Morin, authors of the new book Neurodiversity-Affirming Schools. …
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In this episode of the Slowdown Podcast by NIVOZ, Jan Jaap Hubeek and Nickel van der Vorm sit down with Matt Brittin, President of Google EMEA (Europe, Middle-East en Africa), at Google’s headquarters in London. Brittin shares his insights on the role of AI in education, healthcare, and sustainability. He reflects on the balance between human exper…
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In this episode, David considers the relationship between voice student and voice teacher through the lens of the master-apprentice model. How has this relationship changed over the centuries? How do we view this evolution without judgment? Special guest Justin Petersen brings in-depth, thoughtful context to this conversation. Contact Information f…
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In deze aflevering van de NIVOZ-podcastserie duiken we in de wereld van gepersonaliseerd leren en de rol van technologie in het onderwijs. Te gast zijn Maarten van Keulen en Jasper Roelofsen. Maarten is mede-oprichter van eJournal, een platform voor ontwikkeling en beoordelingsportfolio’s. Jasper is de oprichter van BrainBoost, een bijlesschool opg…
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As you move through your career, you'll discover new ways of doing things that you're excited about — so excited that you want to share them with colleagues and convince them to try them, too. But trained professionals aren't always open to changing the way they work, and we don't want to come off as the know-it-all telling everyone what to do. So …
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Questo video esplora l'affascinante mondo dei neuroni specchio nei bambini e il loro impatto sull'educazione. Si discute di come i bambini imitino inconsciamente i comportamenti degli adulti, evidenziando l'importanza di essere modelli positivi. Vengono forniti esempi pratici e consigli su come gestire le proprie emozioni e comportamenti per influe…
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En este episodio de Pedagogía Inquieta, reflexiono sobre el impacto de las pantallas en la infancia, especialmente en los primeros años de vida. A pesar de las recomendaciones de evitar su uso antes de los 6-7 años, la tecnología está omnipresente en nuestras casas y aulas. Pregunto si las pantallas realmente favorecen el aprendizaje o solo entreti…
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In deze bijzondere aflevering duiken we diep in de kern van wat school werkelijk de school maakt. Jan Masschelein en Maarten Simons, beiden verbonden aan de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, nemen ons mee in hun visie op de school als een plek van vrijheid, gelijkheid en vorming. Ze belichten hoe scholen nieuwe generaties de kans bieden zich tot were…
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To become skilled readers, our students need reading instruction in all of their classes, not just English language arts. But if other subject-area teachers don't know how to support readers, how can they do this? In this episode, literacy expert Jen Serravallo walks us through the steps of a close reading lesson, one of nine re-usable lesson struc…
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Questo video esplora il ruolo cruciale della frustrazione nello sviluppo dell'autonomia dei bambini. Si discute come piccole sfide quotidiane possano stimolare la crescita, l'indipendenza e la resilienza emotiva. Vengono forniti esempi pratici su come i genitori possono bilanciare il desiderio di proteggere i propri figli con la necessità di permet…
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