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Probing Ancient Aliens

Probing Ancient Aliens

The History Channel's Ancient Aliens is a divisive show, to say the least, but science (and sci-fi) obsessed nerds, Steve & Joey, are exploring each episode of everyone’s favorite show about Ancient Astronaut Theory with equal parts love and well as the quirky researchers and experts that evangelize it. What has mainstream science debunked about Ancient Aliens in the years since it premiered? And what mysterious aspects of humanity’s origins are still best explained by theori ...
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We're back after another hiatus, because Joey became a dad 3.5 weeks before he thought he would! But we're here to finish off the season 4 finale and step away from ol' Travis and the team for a few months until Season 5 is available on streaming services. The Skinwalker crew sits down with Brandon in his skyscraper lair to go over the data they've…
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**Ok, I know we've been terrible at posting lately. Our schedules have been completely packed lately, school, baby stuff, new job, etc. We WILL get back to a consistent schedule and still love doing the show! Please be patient with us until we are back into our groove(s)**ORIGINAL PATREON DESCRIPTION: Zak and the crew go on a ghost date with Lavini…
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"HUNGRY FOR SKINWALKER RANCH": presented by Probing Ancient Aliens!It’s all about acoustic portal-opening soundscapes this episode - a welcome change of pace from just shooting rockets into the sky (though there’s still a little of that too!) - especially since they use an indigenous band called Blazing Bear to play ancient traditional tribal music…
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Joey was dealing with a medical emergency with one of his dogs all weekend (she's on the mend, thankfully) so sorry for the lack of Hungry For Skinwalker Ranch! Please enjoy this peek into our Patreon from last New Year's Eve!**ORIGINAL PATREON DESCRIPTION**Happy New Year everyone! We hope 2023 was prolapstralicious and 2024 will be even better and…
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Last week we were jamming stuff in the ground around The Mesa, and this week - what else? - we're shootin' rockets and fireworks into the sky above The Mesa. It's a delicate, precise dance with Travis Taylor as he relies on his tried and true method of blowin' shit up and measuring the weird stuff that happens! This episode though, they just might …
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"HUNGRY FOR SKINWALKER RANCH": presented by Probing Ancient Aliens!This episode asks us to read between the lines…but joke’s on them! We can’t even read! Only write! Regardless, this ep gives us more drilling, more drones, more diggin’, and more bones - everything a Skinwalker Rancher could ask for! Except…more Dragon. There’s too much Dragon in th…
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Sorry life is getting in the way so much the past couple months! We'll be back with Hungry for Skinwalker Ranch ASAP(enis)!**Original Patreon Description**We're back! We came, we saw, we came again! We hung out with Anthony Peake, we got asked by Dave Foley if we were gay Palm Springs stalkers, we were annoyed by Jeremy Corbell, and much much more.…
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Steve has been at Anime Expo for over five days and needed a break tonight, so please enjoy this Patreon episode from a few months ago, where we covered the follow ups to our coverage of Terence McKenna's Prague-Gnosis with Ram Dass. These two episodes feature the father of Morphic Resonance, and the father of Near Death Experiences, Rupert Sheldra…
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"HUNGRY FOR SKINWALKER RANCH": presented by Probing Ancient Aliens!Father of the term “UAP,” John “Jay” Stratton guest stars on this episode, as he was a former colleague with Travis on the UAP Task Force for two years. Stratton was also a researcher on Robert Bigelow’s staff back in 2009 and had some pretty wild paranormal experiences that he shar…
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Travis and the boys get drillin', and the the drill gets...nothin'? At least, not so far, though there is one weird phenomena happening here with the drill bit that can't be explained. Still, this episode feels like more filler, almost like this season is the Netflix season of Arrested Development, where only a couple of the cast members could be t…
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Sorry for no new episode of Hungry for Skinwalker Ranch tonight! The anomaly in the mesa turned us into mindless rocket shaped people and we have no hands anymore!Please enjoy our April episode of Proving Deeper: our review and spoilercast of the Apple TV show, Constellation! Anthony Peake fans will find a lot to love this this show.Original Patreo…
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"HUNGRY FOR SKINWALKER RANCH": presented by Probing Ancient Aliens!We suspect that this is a true “filler” episode. The continuity and the editing is weird, and we never actually see any drilling! That being said, Thomas Winterton actually seems sober and awake, and they do have an interesting phenomena occur in the form of a weird flashing purple …
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"HUNGRY FOR SKINWALKER RANCH": presented by Probing Ancient Aliens!A bit of an aimless episode (literally) as a helicopter can’t seem to maintain control while driving through portal-infused airspace. There are NO ROCKETS - REPEAT: NOOOOO ROCKETS launched in this episode! BUT, the hunky ginger Caleb does drop his balls out of the sky in said whirly…
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"HUNGRY FOR SKINWALKER RANCH": presented by Probing Ancient Aliens!Travis Taylor and the boys are shewtin’ rawkits once again out at the ranch - this time with 1000FPS cameras filming them. And what do they discover? Why the fuckin’ ANOMALY captured visually for the first time of course!!! Oh and there’s plenty of extra deep ground penetration in t…
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"HUNGRY FOR SKINWALKER RANCH": presented by Probing Ancient Aliens!This episode is about three things, and three things alone: Drones, cones, and scones…EXCEPT WE’RE ALL OUTTA FUCKIN’ CONES AND SCONES Y’ALL! Travis Taylor and the Skinwalker boys are experimentin’ with 200 synchronized drones this episode and the data they capture is pretty crazy wi…
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YeeeeeeeeeeeHAW we are BACK with Travis Taylor and crew as they tackle some of the nastiest rockets, the gnarliest UAPs and the most putrid portals a Skinwalker Ranch has ever produced! Will the Brandon Fugle and the ranch hands ever trust Travis again after it was revealed in the news that he’s been part of the UAP Task Force this ENTIRE TIME?! Wi…
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We wax philosophical on what we’re basically calling the one year anniversary of Probing Gaia! We return to modern guru Ram Dass, where he meets up with the sultan of psychedelics: Terence McKenna. Terence had a short-lived interview series called “Prague Gnosis,” where he interviewed someone that interested him in the Bohemian capitol of the Holy …
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Do you like Icke? David Icke, that is! Gaia has seen fit to put the controversial and multi-banned mouthpiece on their streaming network, and giving him a platform to tell the story of his own reality, and all of reality. It's our first real exposure to the Icke-man (who cometh?), so please enjoy...our thoughts.…
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We join Scott Wolter and Grandmaster of the Knights Templar, Timothy Hogan, for a journey into the connections between the eponymous knights and the ancient city/culture of Atlantis. Are the Knights Templar hiding the ark(s) of the covenant? Are they descendants of the pre-diluvian world before the Younger Dryas impact event that caused the Great F…
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Don't be so Moody - RAYMOND Moody, that is! He actually seems like a pretty cool guy and is the father of Near Death Experience research as we know it in the modern age. He's the one who's collected the data, done the studies, and written the books on the fundamentals of what he interprets the data to point towards. BUT, how does this stack up agai…
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Steve just came back from a big cross-country trip so please enjoy our recent breakdown of a NEW Ghost Adventures episode! Over on our Patreon, we're slowly moving through the show so we're only on season 6, but we decided to skip ahead a decade and a half recently and cover one of the new season-openers that Zak and the crew tend to do nowadays.(O…
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This 2007 Bigfoot documentary is great if you're new to the world of the "hairy wild man" of the Pacific Northwest, and would be much more at home as an episode of Ancient Aliens or some other History/Travel/Discovery channel show. The logo IS pretty cool though, and I would be interested in a sticker of it, for sure.…
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[Joey's wife had another IVF procedure today so please enjoy our September episode of "Probing Deeper" on the amazing documentary by the 'Hellier' crew: The Unbinding!]Original Patreon Description:We sit down to discuss and break down what we liked about Greg and Dana Newkirk's (of 'Hellier' fame) new documentary that's been in the works for a few …
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Old "Just for Men" George hosts a clip show of his own show about the spookiest part of spooky season: g-g-g-g-g-g-GHOOOOOSTS! Even though he has over 530 episodes to pull from, he basically grabs clips from 7 or 8 porn doctors to explain their take on the paranormal. George, like the weekend at Bernie's animated dead body that he is, is super dyna…
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Wil-to-the-power-of-COCK is back baby! Old Five Heads at Freddies himself rears all five tanned, toothy faces here - with a seemingly failed perm, to boot - to discuss the quantum meanings behind crop circles, a very big arbitrary number that he says is the key to unlocking the “New Jerusalem,” and how, thanks to him and his buddy the archangel Mic…
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We dive back into the quantum realm with Ant-Man, the Wasp, Michael Douglas…and Dr. Theresa Bullard! She’s a pretty cool Ph.D. physicist who also is into new age/esoterica, and overall is a great asset to what SHOULD be science’s mission: explaining reality by exploring ALL the data, and not just sticking to old scientific dogma and making their da…
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Sorry we've been bad with posting, been a hectic month and Joey's wife had a medical procedure today (it went great and she's doing fine!). Please enjoy this Patreon episode from last month, where Zak Bagans and the crew display the height of bro-ness with some good-natured racism and fake-drunk flirting.(Original Patreon description):"Zak and the …
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We dive into the first two episodes of a brand new Gaia-exclusive series all about crystals! Being that crystals are the core symbol of the "new age" movement, we thought this series was a cool idea - but how much is actual scientifically researched fact, and how much is porn doctors trying to sell you on precious stones that don't work as describe…
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[Joey has a huge assignment due this week for school, so we couldn't record a new ep of Probing Gaia last night, unfortunately, but this is a great ep from our Patreon that we hope you'll enjoy in the meantime!](original Patreon description)More like ASS-more estates amirite?! This is actually a solid episode with tons of good EVPs in it, plus, we …
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This week, we’re absolutely droolin’ for DICK…Philip K. Dick that is! We’re double-dipping on Anthony Peake because he’s just that interesting. His Cheating the Ferryman theory and Daemon / Eidolon Dyad hypothesis have become an obsession here in the Probing world, but this episode of “OpenMinds” (bad name) is interviewing Peake about the award-win…
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We go deep into the PEAKE of the current space of philosophic thought - Anthony Peake, that is! This 2014 appearance on a strange Gaia show hosted by a French woman named Lilou is a great introduction to the wide-ranging “Cheating the Ferryman” philosophy that Peake has created (and heavily iterated upon) and shared with us during his lecture and w…
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WE RETURN…to Contact in the Desert, live and in person! It’s been four long years since our virginal trip to Indian Wells for our first CITD, and this consciousness convention came back with a vengeance! The panels were more interesting, the ancient astronaut theorists were virtually nowhere to be found (and that’s a good thing!), and the dance par…
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Steve and I are enjoying Memorial Day today, so enjoy this episode of Adventurous Ghosts, one of our Patreon podcasts that's released to patrons every month!(Original Patreon description):The boys head ...t-t-talulla? ...tool...tool...tool-ele? A small town in Utah with a former poor house turned hospital, turned half retirement hom…
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A big ol’ Childress Chime-in this week! Our most beloved Ancient Alien boy is featured on an episode of the Gaia show “Great Minds,” and discusses a pet-theory that the mysterious Cham people are responsible for all modern culture and even megalithic keystone technology in the southern hemisphere. Does he contradict himself a whole heck of a lot? H…
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It’s been a while since we’ve seen ol’ “Five Heads at Freddy’s,” and we even get into the real story behind why he seemingly imploded in 2018 from his two biggest platforms (Gaia and Ancient Aliens). Hint: he thought Gaia was full of satan-worshippers and that Ancient Aliens supported pedophiles. This Q and A from his long running, 250+ episode sho…
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The Gaia network's very own "pseudo-Tsoukalos" is a geologist-turned-spiritualist, Gregg Braden. He's got the big hair, and talks a big game about the merging of science and spiritulality. This presentation from 2020's Conscious Life Expo goes over his premise that the human being is the most advanced technology there is...we've just forgotten the …
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NEXT EPISODE: We dive head first into what, at first glance, seems like an Ancient Aliens clone on Gaia - but as we watched, we realized that this is the show that Ancient Aliens secretly wishes it could be, but is shackled by the need to constantly prove the ancient astronaut theory. This episode covers one of Joey’s burgeoning favorite subjects, …
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We jump into the mind of Physicist and New Age Quantum Consciousness advocate, Dr. Theresa Bullard, in the first (and fifth, due to an error Joey made pasting the right link to Steve) episode of her show, Mystery Teachings. Each episode blends Quantum Theory with the nature of Consciousness and how they interconnect. The first episode is a general …
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Billy Carson has a mouth on him - not the mouth of a sailor…but the mouth of diarrhea. It never ends. Put a microphone in front of him and he will overwhelm you with “facts” he’s gleaned from his “research” until your mind is too exhausted to question what’s true and what’s bullshit. That’s…where we come in! This is an episode of George Noory’s ‘Be…
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William Henry (AKA “Medallion Man, AKA “Amulet Asshole”) is FIRED up at the Conscious Life Expo 2020, taking a vehement anti-AI and anti-Transhumanism stance in front of a crowd (maybe) 18 people! This is a side of ol’ Bill that we never see on Ancient Aliens, and from that standpoint alone this is a spicy episode and we have a ton to say about it.…
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The inaugural episode of Probing Gaia (as we pivot from Probing Ancient Aliens) covers the award-winning Gaia Network documentary: Becoming Nothing, by Jamie Catto. Catto is a student / follower / psychophant(?) of Ram Dass and can't keep himself out of, what is otherwise, a thought-provoking look into the philosophy of this long time psychidelic a…
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Our final episode covering Ancient Aliens (don't worry - we'll be covering many of the same people and expanded content on this same podcast feed where we cover the Gaia Network1) is a perfect example of why it's our last: zero new content from the minds of the Ancient Aliens writers and crew - but STILL plenty for us to talk about, even in the abs…
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This episode be DRAGGIN'! And I'm NOT talking about that hunky security officer from Skinwalker ranch! Ancient Aliens sextuples down on dragons being spacecrafts...also our creator gods...also submarines. There's a lot to unpack here, but have we been re-gifted yet again? Support the show at:PATREON.COM/PROBINGANCIENTALIENS - for exclusive podcasts…
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Hold on to your sleep paralysis - we got ourselves a ghost show, baby! Ancient Aliens delves into the into the true-blue world of the paranormal with this episode - and we’re here for it! What are Shadow People? What is the Hat Man? Why do shadow people have glowing red eyes? Are shadow people evil? Let Tsouks and the gang tell you all about it…for…
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This episode of History’s Ancient Aliens is all about…UFO’s! Big surprise there. Are modern UFOs and ancient paranormal encounters related? You’ll have to listen - or watch hundreds of other Ancient Aliens episodes! - to find out!!!Support the show at:PATREON.COM/PROBINGANCIENTALIENS - for exclusive podcasts every month!BLACKHOLESUPPLYCOMPANY.COM -…
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Season 18, Episode 7 of History’s “Ancient Aliens” focuses on the “gods” of the indigenous peoples of America…specifically regarding the fact that they are flesh and bolts humanoids from other star systems, and not religious, ephemeral beings of pure spiritual energy. There’s an unbroken oral tradition and overall kinship that many native american …
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Another episode where the show effectively reboots itself - BUT - it saves itself from complete redundancy with some fun factoids near the end. Plus, we talk about the future of the “Probing-verse” as well as our new Berserk podcast coming to your ear-holes in the near future! Support the show at:PATREON.COM/PROBINGANCIENTALIENS - for exclusive pod…
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