Podcast novinářky Markéty Bidrmanové a jejích hostů z řad investorů a odborníků. Poslechněte si konkrétní rady na téma investic, inflace, úvěrů nebo hypoték. Finanční „kápezetka“ pro všechny, kterým nejsou peníze ukradené. Nový díl každý čtvrtek na Seznam Zprávách.
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Dnevne oddaje slovenskega uredništva Radia Vatikan.
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Vato Gonzalez
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- Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Cada semana, Vaticano presenta las últimas noticias desde el Vaticano por medio de aspectos noticiosos y análisis de las audiencia papales del Santo Padre y sus intervenciones, así como de entrevistas y acontecimientos mas significativos en el ámbito desde el corazón de la Iglesia Católica.
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રોજીંદા જીવનની સમસ્યાઓ અને આધ્યાત્મિક પ્રશ્નોના જવાબો જાણવા માટે આપણી વાતો આપણો આનંદ પ્રોગ્રામ સાંભળો અને વધુ માહિતી માટે અમારી વેબસાઇટની મુલાકાત લો: https://www.dadabhagwan.in/
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Scopri, ascolta e scarica i podcast dei Radiogiornali di Radio Vaticana Italia e senti i tuoi programmi preferiti quando e dove vuoi tu.
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L'information sur le Pape, le Vatican, la vie de l'Église et le monde.
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Thought experiments and conversations with philosophers. Hosted by Dr Jason Werbeloff and Mark Oppenheimer.
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Ecoutez et téléchargez les Podcast des Émissions pour l’Afrique de Vaticannews pour écouter vos programmes préférés où et quand vous voulez.
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Odkryj podcasty Vatican News na temat Papieża Franciszka, Kościoła, a także inne informacje
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Otmar (Vater) und Jan (Sohn) sprechen einmal pro Monat über Themen, die sie bewegen. Der Podcast erscheint als Audio und Video.
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Telugu Christian Podcast.
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"Wir wollen es anders machen als unsere Väter, aber wir wollen auch keine zweite Mutter sein." Philip ist als Coach für Väter bekannt auf social Media, aus Auftritten im ZDF und in vielen anderen Podcasts! Mit der Expertise aus seiner Tätigkeit als Kita-Betreuer, Coach und Berater für Familien und vor Allem Väter macht er sich auf die Suche nach der Frage, wie die Vaterrolle in modernen Familien aussehen sollte.
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Vatican & World News Podcast to listen to where and when you like.
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related to womens health and much more by a gynecologist
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Vatican News. Vocea Papei și a Bisericii în dialog cu lumea contemporană. Audiențele și discursurile Papei, evenimente din viața Bisericii, actualitatea internațională și manifestări culturale. Emisiunea zilei este disponibilă în podcast după ora Romei 15.30. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Vatican News svoj program emitira na 39 jezika u Rimu i u pokrajini Lazio. Program obuhvaća aktualne vijesti, infomacije i aktivnosti Pape, Svete Stolice i Vatikana, kao i univerzalne i domaće Crkve. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Direct from the Eternal City, EWTN’s Joan Lewis speaks with Vatican officials and visitors about events affecting the Church and the world.
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Nina Campioni träffar kända och okända kvinnor som berättar om hur det gick till när vattnet gick. Och alla andra detaljer om sina graviditeter och förlossningar. Från mamma till mamma. Support this show at http://supporter.acast.com/vattnetgar Support till showen http://supporter.acast.com/vattnetgar. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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- Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Vata is not just a Russian word for a cotton candy. It’s also one of three doshas in Ayurveda. Vata people have a gift for feeling love and expressing their feelings. They exist beyond material ideas, concepts and stereotypes of everyday life. They live in the alternative world ruled by deep cosmic love, perfection and harmony. Vata is your oasis, a sound analog of the Bounty Bar advertising with the taste of paradise from the first notes. Glamorous Easy Listening, smoothly flowing Chillout, ...
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Each week, Colleen Dulle goes behind the headlines of the biggest Vatican news stories with America’s Rome correspondent Gerard O’Connell. They'll break down complicated news stories that have a whole lot of history behind them in an understandable, engaging way. Colleen and Gerard will give you the inside scoop on what people inside the Vatican are thinking, saying—and planning.
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In Beste Vaterfreuden teilen Max und Jakob, bekannt aus Beste Freundinnen, ungeschönt und ehrlich Geschichten aus ihrem Familienleben. Charmant und schamlos werden die großen und kleinen Freuden, Missgeschicke und Herausforderungen des Vaterseins gefeiert. Ohne ein Blatt vor den Mund zu nehmen, beleuchten die beiden alles rund um die Themen Kinder, Beziehungen und Familie. Dabei wird genau so oft herzlich gelacht wie ernst diskutiert. Ein erfrischender Einblick in das Leben zweier engagierte ...
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L’appuntamento settimanale in cui si analizzano le attività del Papa, della Chiesa, i rapporti fra Stato e Chiesa e fra le religioni attraverso la lettura degli articoli più significativi della stampa italiana.
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Vater (alt) und Sohn (mittelalt) reden über die Welt; kulturphilosophisch, -theoretisch, ironisch und launig
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Chương trình phát thanh tiếng Việt của Vatican News phát mỗi ngày 25 phút, gồm các mục chính như: Tin tức, Sinh hoạt Giáo Hội, Gặp Đức Giáo Hoàng, Gương chứng nhân, Suy niệm Lời Chúa, Bình luận, Giáo hoàng và người trẻ, Phút cầu nguyện... - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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I vår vattenpod utforskar vi vattnets många aspekter - allt från regndroppar till havsströmmar, vattnet i vår kropp och vattnet i vår vardag.
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Il racconto di personaggi, situazioni, avvenimenti di ispirazione cristiana
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Just here to inspire and spread good vibes 🙇🏾♂️
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Magazín o vede a technológiách s Gregorom Marešom prináša na televízne obrazovky zaujímavé témy zo sveta vedy a techniky každú sobotu.
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Adásainkban beszámolunk a pápa és a Szentszék tevékenységéről, ismertetjük a Szentatya homíliáit, beszédeit, beszámolunk apostoli utazásairól. Kitekintünk a világegyház eseményeire, megszólaltatjuk a Rómába érkező magyar egyháziakat és zarándokokat. Hírt adunk továbbá a határon túli magyar közösségek életéről, illetve elősegítjük az ökumenikus és vallásközi párbeszédet. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Welcome to the Talks With Vatsal podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Vincent Burkhead on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@creativejunkie
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…由Andrey Faustov
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…由Wind Of Buri
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…由Guido's Lounge Cafe
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…由Dj Rostej
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…由Alexei Smirnov
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Esta semana en Vaticano: Únete a nosotros para el primer evento jubilar del Año Santo: el Jubileo del Mundo de las Comunicaciones. Disfruta de una entrevista especial con Andrea Tornielli, Director Editorial del Dicasterio para la Comunicación del Vaticano, quien comparte cómo el Jubileo ofrece a los comunicadores católicos una oportunidad única pa…
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…由Sonic Scope
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…由Dj Alex Semper
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…由Golden Light Orchestra
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…由Andrew Gate
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…由Nik Wave
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…由Perfect0 (Sunduo)
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…由Sonic Scope
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由Radio Vatikan
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Die deutsche Übersetzung siehe unten! “HEBDÓMADA PAPAE” NOTÍTIAE VATICÁNAE LATÍNE RÉDDITAE Die primo mensis Februárii anno bismillésimo vicésimo quinto TÍTULI In Generáli Audiéntia hortátur Póntifex, sicut sanctus Ioseph, ut magis auscultémus quam loquámur. Pax invocátur apud Rempúblicam Democráticam Congénsem post atrocitátes ínibi patrátas atque …
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…由Guido's Lounge Cafe
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- Pope Francis dedicates his second Jubilee Audience to the transformative power of faith - An exchange of Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners takes place in accordance with an ongoing ceasefire deal - People across the world join in prayer for peace in Myanmar
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…由Mr. DJ Daks NN
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I titoli: - Seconda udienza giubilare dell’anno. Il Papa: cambiamo prospettiva secondo il sogno di Dio - Hamas libera altri 3 ostaggi. 183 palestinesi fuori dalle carceri israeliane, regge l’accordo sul cessate il fuoco a Gaza - Repubblica Democratica del Congo. L’M23 dopo la presa di Goma minaccia: “Marceremo fino a Kinshasa”. Il Nunzio apostolico…
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