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Young Lion Old Lion

Josh Valera, Tony Darin

Sales lessons and stories from the jungle of transportation. Senior sales executive and his new sales leader share life and work stories regarding sales victories and challenges in their personal and business worlds.
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Professional wrestling commentary the way it was meant to be talked about: raw, real and uncut. We hold no punches and we don't hold back. If you're looking for quality content and a true alternative in the world of professional wrestling podcasting, you've come to the right place. Follow me on: Twitter: @suedesenatorWAR Instagram: @young_lions_perspective Facebook: Young Lion's Perspective Podcast
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Young Lions píšou příběhy, které ovlivňují kariéry (a někdy i životy) jejich aktérů. Každý z našich hostů se v nějakém bodě své kariéry s Young Lions setkal a tím se začal psát příběh, který by jinak nevznikl. Dnes si jeden takový budeme vyprávět. Dojde i na nějaká poznání a poučení. A celé to doplníme praktickými tipy, jak zářit a nevyhasnout – v soutěži, kariéře (a možná i životě). O Young Lions Young Lions jsou takové "mistrovství republiky" v kreativní komunikaci v pěti kategoriích pro d ...
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A virtual adaptation of our popular Young Lions Jazz Master Sessions Program engaging our family of musicians to offer FREE live instrument lessons for beginners of all ages or those interested in getting reacquainted with their instrument as well as Master Class Sessions designed for more intermediate/advanced players and professionals. All live lessons are offered at no cost, use the Zoom platform, and are approximately 40 minutes in length. Listen for FREE here or watch Full Session Video ...
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show series
It's an all-out news day here in the YLP Realm. And on Episode 419 of the YLP Podcast, Mr. YLP Himself breaks down all the news that's fit for him to talk about, with a brand new episode of the "News Of The Week"! This week's news includes our top story of Cody Rhodes, who was apparently tapped as The Rock's first choice to align with him, instead …
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It happened. It actually happened. Last Saturday night, we were all witnesses to a moment in time that we never thought was possible: JOHN CENA TURNED HEEL. And on Episode 418 of the YLP Podcast, we're dedicating the entire episode to an Elimination Chamber review. We're discussing the Cena heel turn, what happened with the men's and women's Elimin…
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Ivo Půr, držitel tří lvů z Cannes Lions a vítěz Grand Prix Golden Drum, spoluzakladatel progresivní agentury Hero and Outlaw, sdílí své zkušenosti z oblasti PR, marketingu a komunikace. Diskutujeme o jeho cestě od politiky k byznysu, jeho vášni pro jachting, lásce ke knihám a jeho pohledu na úspěch a štěstí. Ivo také poskytuje cenné rady pro účastn…
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Happy Elimination Chamber Day to everyone in the YLP Realm! On Episode 417 of the YLP Podcast, Mr. YLP once again forgot about the fact that there's going to be a pay-per-view going down next Sunday, so he figured he would remember to do his best to break it all down with his AEW Revolution preview and predictions. It looks to be one hell of a card…
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Karolína Kostková, trojnásobná medailistka Young Lions, odhaluje svou cestu od studentky ekonomiky k úspěšné marketingové profesionálce. V tomto inspirativním rozhovoru se dozvíte, jak soutěž Young Lions ovlivnila její kariéru, proč považuje marketing za umění a jak chce změnit vnímání kultury v České republice. Nechybí ani osobní vhledy do jejího …
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It's been almost three months since Mr. YLP Himself recorded his last episode of 2024 and he has been in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber ever since. Now that he has finally come out of the chamber, it's time for Mr. YLP to discuss a different kind of chamber, with Episode 414 of the YLP Podcast! On this week's episode of the pod, Mr. YLP Himself kicks …
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V této epizodě podcastu hostíme Richarda Axella, Freelance Associate Creative Directora pro LEGO Group. Richard sdílí svou fascinující cestu světem reklamy, od jeho počátků v Mark BBDO až po získání Zlatého lva v Cannes. Dozvíte se o jeho zkušenostech z Young Lions, kde soutěžil sedmkrát, o jeho pohledu na úspěch v reklamním průmyslu a o tom, jak s…
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🏆 Jak vyhrát Young Lions dvakrát po sobě? 🦁 💼 Od výstřižků k oceňovaným kampaním 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Kariéra vs. rodina: Dá se to zvládnout? Anežka Svobodová, dvojnásobná vítězka Young Lions v kategorii PR a držitelka Honorary Mention v kategorii Média, sdílí své zkušenosti z reklamního průmyslu. Anežka otevřeně mluví o svých začátcích, strategiích pro úspěch …
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“Kreativita, soutěživost a pokora - klíčové ingredience úspěchu v reklamě? Poslechněte si nejnovější epizodu podcastové série Young Lions "Shine Bright Like a Star" s Jakubem Křenkem z Adison! Osminásobný účastník Young Lions odhaluje, jak soutěž formovala jeho kariéru a přístup ke kreativní práci. Od herního vývojáře po strategického kreativce - J…
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Clearwater Jazz Holiday’s History of Jazz Outreach Program engages professional musicians to share the story of Jazz through live, interactive musical experiences. The Program has exceeded 34,000 students in approximately 60 Tampa Bay area schools and has evolved to also bring meaningful experiences to schools and organizations serving at risk stud…
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Clearwater Jazz Holiday’s History of Jazz Outreach Program engages professional musicians to share the story of Jazz through live, interactive musical experiences. The Program has exceeded 34,000 students in approximately 60 Tampa Bay area schools and has evolved to also bring meaningful experiences to schools and organizations serving at risk stud…
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We're just a week away from the annual Thanksgiving tradition that is Survivor Series: War Games. And what better way to celebrate the occasion, than with a way-too-early preview and predictions for next Saturday's premium live event. Also on this week's pod, Mr. YLP presents the "News Of The Week", including news on CM Punk discussing why AJ Lee h…
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Clearwater Jazz Holiday’s History of Jazz Outreach Program engages professional musicians to share the story of Jazz through live, interactive musical experiences. The Program has exceeded 34,000 students in approximately 60 Tampa Bay area schools and has evolved to also bring meaningful experiences to schools and organizations serving at risk stud…
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Clearwater Jazz Holiday’s History of Jazz Outreach Program engages professional musicians to share the story of Jazz through live, interactive musical experiences. The Program has exceeded 34,000 students in approximately 60 Tampa Bay area schools and has evolved to also bring meaningful experiences to schools and organizations serving at risk stud…
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Clearwater Jazz Holiday’s History of Jazz Outreach Program engages professional musicians to share the story of Jazz through live, interactive musical experiences. The Program has exceeded 34,000 students in approximately 60 Tampa Bay area schools and has evolved to also bring meaningful experiences to schools and organizations serving at risk stud…
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Clearwater Jazz Holiday’s History of Jazz Outreach Program engages professional musicians to share the story of Jazz through live, interactive musical experiences. The Program has exceeded 34,000 students in approximately 60 Tampa Bay area schools and has evolved to also bring meaningful experiences to schools and organizations serving at risk stud…
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Clearwater Jazz Holiday’s History of Jazz Outreach Program engages professional musicians to share the story of Jazz through live, interactive musical experiences. The Program has exceeded 34,000 students in approximately 60 Tampa Bay area schools and has evolved to also bring meaningful experiences to schools and organizations serving at risk stud…
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Well, well, well.....looks like Cena's entering the 2025 Men's Royal Rumble, isn't he? And on Episode 412 of the YLP Podcast, he will break down why he despises this announcement, and at the same time, try his very best to book the road to WrestleMania 41 for Cena, and an interesting booking idea for something that he's already done before, with a …
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After two failed attempts to have Episode 411 of the YLP Podcast happen, we've finally got it together and we're doing it live...kind of. In Episode 411 of the pod, all we're discussing here this week, is what went down last Saturday at WWE Crown Jewel. I'm giving you my thoughts on the Crown Jewel Championship matches, the six-man tag match with T…
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Sometimes in life, you have to know when it's time to walk away. In professional wrestling, when someone makes the decision to walk away from the ring for good, it doesn't hurt any less. And on Episode 410 of the YLP Podcast, we discuss the now end of Bryan Danielson's full-time professional wrestling career, and the eventual in-ring retirement of …
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Happy WrestleDream Saturday to everyone in the YLP Realm! And on this week's episode of the pod, Mr. YLP Himself, even though he completely forgot that there was a PPV this week, felt it was completely necessary to present his preview and predictions for tonight's show for All Elite Wrestling. He also expresses his thoughts on the recent ratings fo…
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Happy Bad Blood Saturday, y'all! I know that most of y'all are excited for this evening's festivities. Before you get into all the fun stuff that will take place in the ATL, you have to make sure that you check out Episode 408 of the YLP Podcast! On this week's episode of the podcast, it's all about the "News Of The Week", including news on the mul…
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It's the week before Bad Blood and you know exactly what that means. If you don't, then you're about to find out on Episode 407 of the YLP Podcast! On this week's episode of the YLP Pod, Mr. YLP presents his way-too-early preview and predictions, for next Saturday's Bad Blood premium live event. Who does Mr. YLP think will have their hands raised n…
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Clearwater Jazz Holiday’s History of Jazz Outreach Program engages professional musicians to share the story of Jazz through live, interactive musical experiences. The Program has exceeded 34,000 students in approximately 60 Tampa Bay area schools and has evolved to also bring meaningful experiences to schools and organizations serving at risk stud…
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We’re back! Thank you to all the participating musicians and educators helping to create this growing treasure for jazz lovers of all ages and abilities. We hit the ground running with Season 4 - several STOP-TIME SERIES with Frank Williams segments to be posted soon with many more to come…and we’ll see what else we can cook up! Session videos are …
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Another Saturday, another brand spanking new episode of the YLP Podcast! On Episode 406 of the YLP Podcast, Mr. YLP brings forth a sextet (it's a word) of news articles your way, with a new episode of the "News Of The Week". Mr. YLP provides his opinions on this week's news including news on how the Judgment Day changed the course of Rhea Ripley's …
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After a few weeks of not being able to get to the "News Of The Week", Mr. YLP FINALLY gets a chance to get back to what he does best, and that's providing his opinion on the top stories of the week...or at least what he believes is anyway. On Episode 405 of the YLP Podcast, Mr. YLP breaks down all the news that's fit for him to talk about, includin…
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Happy All Out weekend, ladies and gentlemen of the YLP Realm! On Episode 404 of the YLP Podcast, Mr. YLP is for sure going all out for his preview and predictions of tonight's show. Who does Mr. YLP think will have their hands raised? Will he go undefeated on his predictions? You'll just have to press play to find out. No "News Of The Week" segment…
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It's the week before the Bash In Berlin, and to be brutally honest, i'm more excited to talk about this premium live event than anything else on this week's episode. On Episode 403 of the YLP Podcast, we're jumping way too early and breaking down Mr. YLP's preview and predictions for next Saturday's show! Also on this week's episode, news on Paul H…
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It's the G1 Climax Finals weekend here in the YLP Realm, and that means that we get to break down who made it to the playoff round, and who Mr. YLP thinks will win the entire damn tournament, on Episode 402 of the YLP Podcast. Also on this week's episode, we bring back the "News Of The Week", including news on where AEW will have next year's All In…
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SummerSlam has come and gone, and that means we have a whole lot to talk about after the biggest party of the summer, on Episode 401 of the YLP Podcast! Not only do we have to discuss the return of Roman Reigns, CM Punk's first match in a WWE ring in over a decade, and the implosion of Judgment Day, but we also have to catch up on what's been going…
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The time has finally arrived. The day is finally here. We have finally reached our destination. It's time to enjoy the moment. IT'S EPISODE 400 OF THE YLP PODCAST!!! On this historic episode of the YLP Podcast, Mr. YLP opens the show with a little bit of a speech, to kick off this week's festivities. Then, he decides to take a look back, and listen…
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The road to the 400th Episode ends today, but let's enjoy one hell of a go-home show, with Episode 399 of the YLP Podcast. On this week's episode of the podcast, of course, we have a brand new segment of the "News Of The Week", with the huge news of Stephanie Vaquer signing with WWE. Mr. YLP Himself provide his thoughts on what this signing means f…
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Two weeks ago, we had the beginnings of a heatwave that took place in the Centennial State. On Episode 398 of the YLP Podcast, we get ourselves prepared for a different kind of heatwave, with Mr. YLP's preview and predictions for NXT Heatwave taking place this Sunday! As this was the 4th 4th of July and Canada Day week here in the YLP Realm, Mr. YL…
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I'm not going to lie to y'all....I completely forgot about doing a way-too-early preview and predictions for Money In The Bank. With that being said, that just means you get a double dose of previews and predictions, for Episode 397 of the YLP Podcast! As the road to the 400th Episode continues, we have to make sure that we give you all the news th…
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One week ago, we were gearing up for Clash At The Castle, and wanting to see what would happen in Glasgow. What we were given began one of the most noteworthy weeks of professional wrestling in 2024. On Episode 396 of the YLP Podcast, Mr. YLP Himself attempts to break it all down in proper YLP fashion, including his thoughts on the long-awaited Wya…
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Happy Clash At The Castle Day, y'all! Don't worry. We'll discuss Clash At The Castle next Saturday. As far as Episode 395 of the YLP Podcast goes, Mr. YLP Himself will be presenting his reviews for ths past Sunday's NXT Battleground and NJPW Dominion events. He provides his thoughts on both shows, what match from NXT Battleground had him playing a …
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The work week's finally done, and it's time to kick back, relax and enjoy the weekend, as we continue the road to the 400th Episode, with episode 394 of the YLP Podcast! On this week's episode of the podcast, we're not going to be discussing all the news that's fit for me to talk about this week. Instead, we're doing for the first time ever, a trio…
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Hostem 11. dílu naší podcastové série s názvem „Shine Bright Like a Star“ je Ivan Soukup, kreativní ředitel G.A.M.E. v LEGO Group v Dánsku, jedenáctinásobný účastník soutěže Young Lions a letošní prezident poroty v kategorii Marketers. V podcastu se dozvíte o Ivanově kariéře, která je plná ambicí, výzev a na druhé straně, jak už to tak bývá, tak i …
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Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone. I hope you didn't have too much of a hangover after last weekend and enjoyed your weekend as much as possible. With that being said, we're back in the swing of things, as we continue the road to the 400th episode of the YLP Podcast! On Episode 393 of the podcast, Mr. YLP breaks down the news of the week, incl…
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Hostem 10. dílu naší podcastové série „Shine Bright Like a Star“ je Vojtěch Foukal, mezinárodní podnikatel, stratég a marketér. Jeho kariéra začala v hodně mladém věku v IT v Brně a je ohromující, kam ho zavedla a s kým během ní spolupracoval v Microsoftu nebo Nokii. 🖥️ 🌟 V podcastu mimo jiné zjistíte, jestli se Vojtovi podařilo splnit si svůj sen …
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Memorial Day Weekend has finally arrived here in the YLP Realm and it's time to enjoy professional wrestling, good barbecue, a few adult beverages, and kicking back, relaxing and listening to Episode 392 of the YLP Podcast!On this week's episode of the podcast, you know it wouldn't be an episode of the podcast, without a brand new episode of the "N…
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Naším dnešním hostem je Jakub Strýček, marketingový ředitel televize Nova. Jakub působí jako porotce soutěže Young Lions, každoročně vysílá mladé kreativce na Young Lions a zastupuje televizi Nova jako jeden z našich partnerů. Jak se Jakub dostal k marketingu? Jak zvládl přechod mezi různými pracovními prostředími? Jaké to bylo pracovat v MAFRA, Zo…
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The road to the 400th Episode continues as Mr. YLP brings forth the go-home show, before next week's Memorial Day Weekend Extravaganza! On Episode 391 of the YLP Podcast, Mr. YLP kicks off the show with a brand new episode of the "News Of The Week", including news on how the "One On One With The Undertaker" catchphrase came to be, as well as his pr…
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Nalaďte se na exkluzivní speciál, kde se setkáte se 7 vítězi z 4 týmů, kteří triumfovali v letošním ročníku prestižní soutěže Young Lions. 🦁 Young Lions dává šanci mladým talentům v oblasti kreativní komunikace rozvinout klíčové dovednosti a posunout se na další úroveň. V tomto díle 🎧: Setkáte se s Davidem Červeným, trojnásobným vítězem kategorie M…
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WWE Backlash has finally come and gone, and that means we get to discuss the wonderful insanity that was the crowd in Lyon (and everything else in-between), for Episode 390 of the YLP Podcast! Also, on this week's episode, we discuss all the news that's fit for me to talk about, with a brand new episode of the "News Of The Week"! FOLLOW ME ON: Twit…
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Not only are we getting WWE Backlash today, but it's Cinco De Mayo weekend here in the YLP Realm, and there's no better way to celebrate the occasion, than with Episode 389 of the YLP Podcast! And to begin the road to the 400th Episode, we're kicking off this week's episode, by discussing my thoughts on this year's WWE Draft. We're talking the good…
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Yes, I know. The NFL Draft just so happened to be taking place on the same weekend as the WWE Draft is taking place. On Episode 388 of the YLP Podcast, ain't no draft talk over here, man! Here's what we will be talking about on this week's episode: - Discussing the latest releases that occurred this week in WWE, including one man in particular, tha…
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AEW Dynasty is going down this weekend, but who does Mr. YLP believe will have their hands raised on Sunday night? You'll find with his preview and predictions for the pay-per-view.Not only will he be discussing AEW Dynasty, but he's doing something completely different for the YLP Realm this week, and I believe it's something that you're all going…
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Those six words mean so much more after what we were witnesses to last weekend during WrestleMania 40. On Episode 386 of the YLP Podcast, we're discussing all things WrestleMania 40, with a slight nod to NXT Stand & Deliver, because someone named Tony Khan decided to ruin it. Yes, we all saw what happened this past Wednesday, and dare I say that th…
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