Clear Scriptural teaching from the heart of a seasoned Pastor. Beacon of Hope is designed to give us instruction, assurance and hope from the one never changing source: God’s Holy Word!
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A Biblical message rejoicing in some simple foundational truths that will keep our faith strong and our heart tender.
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Timothy was the recipient of a great heritage of faith. The example of his life as well as the clear teaching of Scripture show that we who likewise have a spiritual heritage are to cherish it and pass it on.
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There is a vast difference between being conformed and transformed. This thorough Bible study of those two terms will help instruct us on how to present our bodies as a living sacrifice.
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This is a pivotal passage which reveals how the servants of Jesus Christ must conduct themselves toward those the Lord desires to help.
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The heavens truly declare the glory of God and they have some very specific things they are telling us.
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A clear explanation of the parable of the talents and applicable Bible lessons from the same.
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God has a great plan and purpose in all of His creation. Woman plays a significant role in His design for mankind.
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This precious sister was commended by the apostle for the light and servant spirit she brought to the church. She serves as an example to those who likewise desire to be vessels used by the Lord.
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When we understand why God made us and willingly follow His design, we are able to be joyful and useful to God and others.
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Joining with Christ in restoring other is the privilege and responsibility of each believer. To do so we must understand the Biblical boundaries and procedures for doing so.
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Jesus clearly teaches what is TRUE worship and what is VAIN worship.
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A mind to work is more than just a determination not to be lazy. Nehemiah chapter four reveals much about this wonderful Bible truth.
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God’s complete salvation is the solid foundation for a believer’s enduring joy.
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Follow the Psalmist in Psalm 73 as he recounts his own struggle, failure and eventual victory. His path went from a sound Bible position to doubt and despondency then back to clarity, comfort and conviction.
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Sound succinct Biblical reasoning for faithful church attendance.
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Liberty is a precious Bible word which must be understood and lived in Bible context.
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It is uniquely said of Judas Iscariot that Satan “entered into” him. When he did there were characteristics or traits and tactics of the devil manifested in Judas’ actions.
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A Biblical message centered on the heart behind a holy life.
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God has given us certain “tools” with which to serve Him. He desires for us to keep them in good repair so that we neither waste effort nor wear out.
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When Peter overconfidently said to Jesus “I am ready” he stepped into the area of presumption that God wants all of us to avoid.
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This poignant phrase, situated between the last supper and gethsemane speaks to the recurring trial in the human soul.
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There is Purpose, Power and Purifying in godly remembrance.
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God the Holy Spirit has feelings. Let’s determine to show our gratitude by comforting the Comforter.
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Jesus did a great work in the life an unlikely man!
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An in depth look at the parable that Jesus specifically spoke “unto certain which trusted in themselves.
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Jesus heals ten lepers. One returns to give Him praise.
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God was manifest in the flesh
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The jurisdiction of love is determined by opportunity not geographical or ethnic boundaries.
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When Jesus was asked to divide an inheritance between brothers He instead taught them an eternal truth about value.
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Jesus sends us ahead to those places He Himself wants to come.
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I press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
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God gives us a Biblical stewardship of the dreams He gives us and those we know.
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Deceitfulness is “being deceived by an illusion “. There are several “illusions “ regarding riches about which the Bible warns us.
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All of us have a secret or private life which God clearly sees. Jesus taught how to use that secret life to grow in our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
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Much is to be learned by a clear, direct Biblical study of the circumstances surrounding water coming from the rock in the wilderness.
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God has great lessons for those who honestly want to follow Him!
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The great error of the Jewish people was that “they, being ignorant of God”s righteousness “ went about to establish their own righteousness.
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When Nicodemus came to Jesus with an honest question he was given the truth about eternal life.
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The responsibility of being salt and light was given to us as a privilege from our Saviour
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Jesus has given us clear teachings and principles on the stewardship of life!
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A faithful man throughout his life, Daniel is worthy of our attention as an example of following God.
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Solid Bible truths from the words of Jesus regarding foundations and their vital importance.
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In John chapters 14, 15 and 16 Jesus introduces and explains the Holy Ghost.
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There are a lot of sources with a lot of opinions about who Jesus is but, thankfully, we have His own words perfectly preserved to tell us who He is.
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Jesus Himself tells us through His perfectly preserved words, exactly why He came to this world.
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Victory is not a place but a way of living in the Lord
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Bible truths to help us go past the quitting places.
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Learning to Biblically handle the “hard” things will keep us serving the Lord
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The Bible reveals that truly living is more than just a chronological progression of existence.
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The Word of God shows us the goal of the devil and how he is to be kept from that goal!
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