Stay woke podcast
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Jäbät & Tunteet on yhteisö ja tunnemedia, joka kannustaa haavoittuvaisuuteen ja tunneilmaisuun sekä pyrkii laajentamaan miehenä olemisen malleja. Keskustelemme jäbistä ja tunteista, mielenterveydestä, rakkaudesta ja parisuhteista, yksinäisyydestä ja ystävyydestä, ilosta ja surusta, häpeästä ja kiitollisuudesta – kaikesta siitä mitä miehenä oleminen on nyt, ja mitä se voisi kenties olla tulevaisuudessa. Jos tykkäät podista, ota meidät seurantaan Spotifyssa, somessa ja liity Telegram-yhteisöön ...
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Tribun Jabar Podcast
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You all know the Bay Area needs another knitting podcast! Knitting, hippie life, and other stuff, too.
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Candid conversations with entrepreneurs and creators.
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Welcome to the JABA TALK podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Abdul jabar achakzei
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Have you ever wondered what philosophers like Plato and Aristotle would have said about modern day events? Well look no further I, Jabari, am the second coming of wisdom of the old ages. Jesus and Buddha flow through my mind and use me as a vessel to spread their truths. This podcast is more than just fools talking about stuff they know nothing about. This is a movement. THIS IS.....Jabari’s Wisdom Support this podcast:
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An ordained speaker and educator for the youth, spreading a message to motivate you to inspire others.
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4 Personajes de la vida real, con una perspectiva irreal
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O programa “Fugindo do Jabá” tem como objetivo levar ao público as músicas produzidas por bandas de formação recente, ou ainda não conhecidas, ou até mesmo pessoas que seguem carreira solo e estão nesta mesma situação, entrando no mercado musical agora.Os locutores entrevistam os artistas, que podem aproveitar o espaço do programa para mostrar e divulgar os seus trabalhos. “Fugindo do Jabá, um programa para quem está cansado de modismos e tendências…”.
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Jäbät & Tunteet -jaksossa #71 ilo ja nauru on läsnä, kun uusi tiimi esittäytyy. Jaksossa keskustellaan Jäbien & Tunteiden merkityksestä, Conversation Clubista, turvallisesta tilasta ja sen luomisesta sekä vastataan monia askarruttavaan kysymykseen: Missä ovat original/perustaja-Jäbät? Jaksossa keskustelemassa ovat Jäbät & Tunteet -tiimin Linus Grön…
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Yes, I truly think I figured it all out. Soon I will go from theory to practice. You just watch me. Be grateful for the people who are listening to this in real time. You'll be able to say you know of the secrets before they go mainstream. All these people who will be listening to my podcast late af. You'll be listening strictly for historical purp…
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I don't know if it’s the internet advertising trolls more or if politics have truly just become more cringe and useless these days. Like it’s just seeming like politicians are not making decisions for anything other than their own self-aggrandizing power trips or to help their own political careers. I just don’t get it anymore. Like are these polit…
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Jäbät&Tunteet jaksossa #70 Tutustutaan Tunteella media-alan moniosaajaan ja Madventures ohjelmasta tuttuun TV-persoonaan Tuomas "Tunna" Milonoff:iin.Jaksossa Tunna Milonoff ja Sasu Wallenius keskustelevat mm. Työuupumuksesta, negatiivisesta vinoumasta, egosta, elämän iloista, tunneskaalasta, häpeästä ja kaipuusta.Liity osaksi J&T yhteisöä:https://w…
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I'll be honest, I didn't really know all this at all. A couple of podcasts ago, I misspoke and made a slight joke on drug abuse or whatever, and it completely went over my head that it could possibly hit a little too close to home for D'Ante'. I remember like while I was in Hong Kong, he mentioned something about drugs or whatever, but like since I…
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It’s ironic I said all that and then the very next podcast I made with D'Ante' was actually very on topic the entire time and quite serious. So maybe it actually is possible to make a serious podcast with him. Who would’ve thought? But that’s gonna be uploaded next week. But yeah, I’m pretty sure I’m 100% right like usual. So yeah, can't wait a cou…
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Fun fact, I personally knew Trump won the moment they picked Kamala and I saw how hard they were astroturfing sites like Reddit. Was cringe af. Like her whole campaign was basically “Trump gonna destroy the US so vote for me (the person you literally forget existed until now)." Like it’s actually so sad. The Democrats drop the ball so freaking hard…
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Jäbät&Tunteet jaksossa #69 istahdetaan aiheen PENIS äärelle. Peniksistä ja kehonkuvasta keskustelemassa on Isaac Jyväsjärvi (Giggeli) ja Joni Härkönen (Jäbät&Tunteet). Isaac Jyväsjärvi on Giggeli -kehopositiivisuusprojektin perustaja. Jaksossa Isaac Jyväsjärvi ja Joni Härkönen keskustelevat peniksiin liittyvistä tunteista, ennakkoluuloista ja tarin…
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This is more of a variety episode with no real solid topic, tbh. This was mostly because I was testing out the record call feature that’s new to iOS 18.1, so now technically I can make a podcast anywhere at any time instead of using those trash af apps. So that’s nice. But yeah, this is a variety episode. --- Support this podcast: https://podcaster…
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Batman would surely survive Diddy's attack with enough prep time...Actually you know what, lemme ask chatgpt what batman would do: If Batman finds himself in this slippery, high-stakes scenario deep in Diddy’s lair during one of his infamous “freak-offs,” he would need to rely on both his wits and his tools to rescue Alfred and the Bat-family witho…
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Jäbät&Tunteet jaksossa #68 vieraana on Kotiteollisuus -yhtyeestä tuttu laulaja, kitaristi ja sanoittaja Jouni Hynynen. Jouni tunnetaan tuotteliaana taiteilijana, mutta miten taittuu tunnepuhe? Jaksossa Jouni Hynynen ja Sasu Wallenius keskustelevat mm. Tunteiden purkamisesta, itkemisestä, ystävyydestä, melankoliasta, ennakkoluuloista, rakkaudesta ja…
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Yeah, its been quite a while since I made a podcast. I was busy...and job hunting in this busted af terrible af economy that is surely soon to least how it feels from my perspective since literally cant find a job...even though i have my masters and finally have job experience....maybe that needs to be a podcast, but then again I already…
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Jäbät&Tunteet jaksossa #67 vieraana on artisti Hassan Maikal, jonka toinen studioalbumi Ilmaista terapiaa on juuri julkaistu kuunneltavaksi 25.10.2024 Jaksossa Hassan Maikal ja Liban Warfa keskustelevat mm. Kasvamisesta, rohkeudesta olla omaitsensä, mentoreista, perheestä, veljeydestä, kulttuurien ristiriidoista, rakastamisesta ja mieskuvasta. Liit…
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It's actually super interesting. Like I never wouldve expected a lost episode to be found. Like a fully perfect audio lost episode. All the other lost episodes are lost because the audio was trash or a glitch happened....this one is a perfectly good podcast that I literally just lost. And to think its of my first week in hong kong. Now that Im offi…
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Jäbät&Tunteet jaksossa #66 vieraana on Jani Toivola, joka on taiteilija, kirjailija, näyttelijä, tanssija, muutoksentekijä, entinen kansanedustaja ja ennen kaikkea ihana, inhimillinen ja rohkea ihminen.Jaksossa Jani Toivola ja Aapo Rainamo keskustelevat mm. Häpeästä, taloudellisesta epävarmuudesta, muuttuneesta mieskuvasta, opeista nuoremmalta suku…
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Jäbät&Tunteet jaksossa #64 vieraana on Otetaan yhdet! -podcastista tuttu Teemu "Pastori" Potapoff, joka on tullut tunnetuksi kirjailijana, kolumnistina, toimittajana ja julkkisportsarina. Jaksossa Teemu Potapoff ja Aapo Rainamo keskustelevat mm. miessukupolvien kuilusta, isyydestä, mieskuvasta ja urapolusta. Jakso on osana laajempaa yhteistyötä ja …
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Jäbät&Tunteet jaksossa #64 vieraana on Kirjoilla -sarjasta tuttu Topi Borg, joka on ihastuttanut aitoudella ja tunneälyllä. Jaksossa Topi Borg ja Sasu Wallenius keskustelevat rakkaudesta, elokuvista ja niiden tuottamista tunteista ja vastaavat seuraavin kysymyksiin: Miten tunneilmaisua voi oppia elokuvista? Mitä rakastat? Miltä rakkaus tuntuu? Mink…
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Jäbät ja Tunteet is bäck! HUOM! Jakso #63 on nauhoitettu ennen kesätaukoa, – Sade on laskeutunut.Jäbät olivat sen verran p**kana, että voimavaramme eivät riittäneet julkaisuun asti kesätauon alkaessa.Jaksossa Nosh A Lody ja Aapo Rainamo keskustelevat mm. prosessista, uupumuksesta, uskosta, unelmista ja miehuudesta.Heikko mies ei itke? Mitä on paska…
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America is at a crossroads. While the 2024 elections focus on cultural issues and immigration, there’s an overlooked crisis that’s hollowing out our workforce: outsourcing. Our jobs are being shipped overseas, leaving skilled American workers fighting for scraps in their own country.In this video, I expose the devastating impact of outsourcing on o…
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Yeah worst experience ever. Like i wish i could have recorded that trip. Or like screenshot my face when I return to the hotel with the rest of the class and everyone is reflecting on their wonderful day in new york. SMH. I should've stayed with my original group.Heed that lesson everyone. Sometimes the "lame group" is unironically the best group. …
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I've been doing a ton of relgious research while in hong kong. Take that last sentence as you will. While become a more spirtual dude, as you know, I've been trying to find the inner secrets told from all the relgions and average them all up to find the final truth. This is the next part of that journy. Im getting closer. Im gettting real real clos…
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Screw that girl. Like legit though she had a lot of hate in her heart. Steer clear of people with souls that give off no light.Also yeah, tbh I know how the cringe japanese look at high school as a truly wonderful and memorable experience. An experience that they obsess nostalgically over in ever form of media they have (and the fact that "every" p…
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I will never forget how big that boar was....i never willl. There just so many things that were so off leading up to the moment. So many hints. It was like a well written movie. Of course my final hike of hong kong ends in this way. Seeing the thing I was most afraid. The thing I hoped to never have to see. Its just ironic. But im safe now. Spoiler…
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And here it is, the final part of the great hong kong hike. I know hold your cheers. I know i know you happy this annoying week is finally over. But realize, this week was very important context to my final conclusion to Hong Kong.The mysterious boar incident....will be discussed next week.....Yeah...its probably a good thing I was recording that p…
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This was the last few moments before the mysterious connection black out.... I was in the mountains and the closer and closer i got to the wilderness the worse the connection got....smh. Spoiler alert: This is was the last moment before everything went downhill....--- Support this podcast:…
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Yeah....airpods suck. During the hike i think water got into my sony headphones since i was being dumb and didnt use an umbrella until late so the audio ended up TERRIBLE. I tried as hard as i could to fix up the audio but i dont think its that recoverable sorry about that. I was gonna make this like a 4 week long podcast run (mostly to be able to …
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Yeah this will be like a 1 week special...I might lose all my listeners due to this, but whatever. This was a journey that needs to be documented. The mess that happened in this hike....I'll never forget.....So here is part 1. The audio is kinda trash but I tried to fix it up.--- Support this podcast:…
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Jaksossa #62 jäbät Nosh A Lody, Miro Olsoni ja Aapo Rainamo vierailivat SuomiAreenan lauteilla keskustelemassa miehisyydestä, keskeneräisyydestä, naisvihasta ja unelmista. Millainen on vahva mies? Onko keskeneräisyys heikkoutta? Missä tai keissä on muutosvoima? Mitä on naisviha? Minkälaisesta Suomesta Jäbät unelmoivat? Liity osaksi yhteisöä: https:…
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Funny how these things work. A god creates us and we want free will, but then we create our own god to make things easier and it ends up still trying to simulate free will for us.Ah the irony irons my eye on Iron irons.--- Support this podcast:…
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Now now, I know how you cringes are gonna be. Muh muh muh comunism is the true choice for all countries. Stop being brain dead. And yes same for socialism cringe. Look at the win rate for countries that did such....not looking good.... I'm strictly saying there needs to be a tiny bit of federal regulation ever so often as a referee to steer capital…
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Screw you. Stop letting envy control you. I get it, I get it, it feels like priest are doing something easy af to you feeble small mind. But everyone has a talent. If being a priest were so easy, there would be more priest. Face it, If you want a good priest....a good ANYTHING, its gonna cost some money. Now am I excusing priest who take advantage …
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Naisviha on globaali ja universaali ilmiö, joka koskettaa meitä kaikkia sukupuoleen katsomatta. Jaksossa Nasim ja Miro keskustelevat muun muassa seuraavista aiheista: Mistä naisvihassa on kysymys ja mitä naisvihapyramidi tarkoittaa sekä miten sitä voidaan purkaa? Millä tavalla naisvihasta keskustellaan ja millainen vaikutus keskustelulla on naisvih…
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I don't want to hear it. I know how you brain deads are. You fake Naruto fans. You got so influenced by the cringe of dragonball z that you beleive the only way to run a shonen anime is by power scaling to god levels. Literally every anime does that mess every time. EVERY! SINGLE! TIME! Naruto was such a unique anime with such important themes that…
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Rezcky Purba Terpaksa LAWAN ARAH Karena Jadi Bintang Tak Bersinar | WAWANCARA KHUSUSDownload aplikasi berita TribunX di Playstore atau App Store untuk dapat pengalaman baru.➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖💗like 💬comment 🔄share 👥tag➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖Program: Wawancara KhususHost:Kendali Siar: ARA, Didin WJuru Kamera: Daniel AD, Imam TEditor Video: ARAIkuti juga informasi mel…
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The number of unhinged people I have had the terrible pleasure of meeting in this city....Like sometimes I do truly wonder if its me or if this city itself is cursed. Like don't get me wrong. I understand how "interesting" it is IM the one who always wronged or has weird stuff happening to me, but look. Historically, I've never had crap happen like…
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Yeah this wasn't well planned but when is it ever. But at least this one is super special because you can see both our foreheads for 90% of the episode for the first time ever if you watch the video version!! Wowza! But yeah, maybe we will continue doing that now. Seemed pretty nifty. But not sure if i'll do it for solo podcast or not.--- Support t…
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Mies, on aika puhua. Jaksossa Jäbien Aapo Rainamo ja Mies+ perustaja Miika Saksi keskustelevat rohkeasti naisvihasta. Keskustelemme miehisyydestä, tunnetaidoista ja niiden puutteista, jotka johtavat yhteiskunnallisiin ongelmiin. Tavoitteena on löytää työkaluja ja keinoja purkaa sortavia rakenteita, jotka vahingoittavat sekä ympärillämme olevia ihmi…
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Oh boy! Can't wait till the human race is more circitry than it is cells. The conglomeratation of flesh and souless metal. Ah yes! Become one with the algorithm!!! However..... what if the Synthetic Intellectualal Algorithms end up being just as fluid and neural plastic as our cells.....then would it be a bad thing? Then the understanding of our au…
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Yes, as I said, the further you get into literally any "-ology", the more you end up being forced to get right back into religion. Its the big cycle. The big sine wave. You know nothing so beleive in god, then you start learning more and become skeptical of god because you think you know the truth, then you hit a wall on the knoweldge and realize s…
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Jaksossa jäbät pohtivat deittailun eri muotoja sekä sitä, miten suhde siihen on muuttunut vuosien varrella? Mikä on hyvien treffien resepti? Entä mistä syystä nykyinen deittailukulttuuri voi tuntua kertakäyttöiseltä? Miksi monet jäbät kokevat jäävänsä ilman kumppaneita nykyään deittisovelluksissa ja miten voisi löytää oman tavan deittailla sekä tut…
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It’s mostly likely true sadly. To further add to my theory, I also notice pre-man written stories are always about a singular person being chosen. Never a group. So does that mean god picks a representation of humanity to put their admiration into and that’s it. Never a group. Just a singular person. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔. But then say the people that chosen pers…
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Nasim ja Miro istuvat mikin äärelle ja keskustelevat vihan eri merkityksistä Jäbät & Tunteet Podcastin jaksossa #58. Välillä vihasta saa bensaa jonka voi kanavoida asioihin hyvän luomiseen, mutta pullotettuna se repii ihmisiä kauemmas toisistaan ja johtaa jopa väkivaltaisuuksiin. Miro ja Nasim pohtivat onko viha loppujen lopuksi ainoastaan negatiiv…
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Stop trusting these rich people you idiots. Stop becoming fans of people who literally see you as a digit. If they wanted to help they would. They’d have as much passion and bite in helping others as they did creating their busted business. But for some reason when they are helping suddenly they turn into a big softy. Quite convenient isn’t it. ---…
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Kaupallinen yhteistyö RFSU Koetko paineita seksissä ja mistä ne tulevat? Miten voisimme siirtyä suorituskeskeisestä seksistä kohti nautintokeskeistä seksiä? Jaksossa Aapo ja Miro pohtivat seksuaalisuuteen liittyvän tutkimusmatkailun merkitystä ja suorittajan roolia, johon miehet tippuvat harmillisen helposti seksiä harrastaessa. Tutkimusmatkailu on…
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Let me reiterate yet again, I’m not saying other people are genetically dumb or something. I’m saying people might have completely different brain focuses while still being sentient. If you aren’t able to understand that and still keep trying to make this a racial thing….then it’s possible there really are genetically inferior intellects who are se…
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Jäbät & Tunteet jaksossa #56 vieraana on taiteilija, kirjailija ja mahdollisesti tuleva elokuvaohjaaja Ville Verkkapuro. Jaksossa kaksi luovaa sielua kohtaavat ja pohtivat muun muassa rakkautta, miehuudessa arvostamiaan puolia, määrittelyä ja normeja sekä elämää kaikessa kauneudessaan ja kauheudessaan. Jaksossa puhutaan myös oman näköisen elämän el…
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Yep I read through the lines. It always confused me why people focus on HOW he got assassinated and not on WHY he got assassinated. Like ok who tf cares rather there were actually 22 Dunzldorf manufactured 22 guage poison tipped nuclear active tank shells that killed him. Like ok??? The more interesting thing is why tf was a president getting gunne…
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Yeah, this is an iffy episode. Not fully sure. But I think the concentrated lemon juice analogy is a good one, so im still releasing. But yeah, its so cringe to think ghengas khan type scenario is a preferable huh? "Why yes, I really want to my genes to be so watered down that its unrecognizable without a dna test in less than a generati…
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Wow Wisdomception. A wise man such as myself, perhaps one of the wisest in the past millennia, talking about the man who was apparently the wisest of the past millennia. Wowza. But yeah, if any jinn floating around out there, can I have a gift. Doesnt have to be too special. Maybe something that can spawn in red hot chewies whenever I snap my finge…
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Surusta on usein helpompi puhua kun ilosta, mutta tarviiko asian olla näin? Kertooko suru jostain syvemmästä tarpeesta, jota on vaikea tavoittaa muiden tunteiden kautta vai onko se vain yksi tunne muiden joukossa?Jaksossa käydään läpi Jäbien tapoja surra ja sukelletaan syvälliseen keskusteluun surun merkityksestä sen eri muodoissa.Suru on kunniavie…
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