Maje Saba discusses the everyday issues in only a way Maje can. Its a raw and honest look at life and sometimes its not good, but funny.
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Harris Loutas founded Swiss Link when he found the love of watches after selling his first watch, a Panerai. In this episode Harris and Lee chat about their love of watches, The current state of the Market,Trying to buy a watch from The Authorised Dealer and travelling Overseas to pick up watches for clients.…
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In this solo episode of the podcast Maje raves about broadcasters not liking womens sport, The attempt by Donald Trump to get quality migrants into America and is subtitles during The TV show,Yellowstone normal?由Maje Saba
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Jason Saladino is a former Radio executive, Sports administrator, and recovering Gambling addict. In this frank conversation we talk about the moment his life was at its lowest moment and the twists and turns he had to make to get back on track. If you or anyone you know is being adversely being affected by gambling please contact https://gisnsw.or…
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This is the Amazing story of Ben Besant, the former Police officer who stormed The Lindt Cafe in Sydney in 2014, killing Terrorist Man Haron Monis. For ten years Ben had his named suppressed for his own protection,meaning he couldn't tell anyone what happened inside that building.....Until Now. Ben led the assault and fired the final shots that too…
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Jay Malkoun has been a champion kickbboxer, horse breeder,strip club owner and a drug trafficker whos crimes led to him spending 10 years in prison. The fomer Comanchero Boss, who was severly injured in an attempted assassination involving a car bomb in Athens in 2013 has re-invented himself as a true crime author.…
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Adam is a "fitness influencer". I came across his videos on social media. His message is basic in its delivery but important in its purpose. Eat healthy and do some F$%KING exercise!! Thanks for listening.由Maje Saba
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In this episode of the podcast Maje Rants about the Royal Visit to Australia, and how it didnt feel too royal. The airport banning long hugs at the departure gate and whats happening in the Middle East.由Maje Saba
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On this episode of the Podcast Maje chats to Jackson Cross who is a Scalp Micro Pigmentation specialist. What is SMP? Its basically the tattooing of a hair line. We chat about what is SMP exactly, his journey into the job and a whole lot more.由Maje Saba
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In this episode of the podcast maje rants about the current conflict in the middle east, the fake panda exhibit in China and how the government is making it easier for you to get into the housing market (its not a really good idea)由Maje Saba
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In this episode Maje rambles about the Guinness Book of World Records, The attractive tennis coach and when Schools tell you that you cant bring a date to the end of year formal.由Maje Saba
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In this episode Maje Rambles about Taylor Swift, The Political debate, the Government restricts social media and when celebrities cheat.由Maje Saba
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#170 The things people are cutting back on when cutting spending and where can you afford to buy a home?
In this epsiode Maje rants about what you can cut back on when trying to save money and what part of Australia offers you the cheapest opportunity to buy a home?由Maje Saba
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In this episode Maje rants about the new dating show for the elderly, the airline giving people the option not to sit next to men and record profits by the big supermarket chains.由Maje Saba
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In this episode Maje rambles about the least attractive hobbies for men to pursue, the quality of flight lounges and another divorce for Jennifer Lopez.😂由maje saba
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In episode 167 Maje rants about the Olympics closing ceremony, the cheapness of the Olympic medals, why people cant admit where they live and a new dog cologne.由Maje Saba
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#166 Olympics, Breaking Dancing, The cost of chocolate and thinking your horse is like having kids.
In this episode Maje rants about the Olympics, The cost of chocolate, Breaking, its a new Olympic sport, and when you think your pets are like havig kids.由Maje Saba
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#165 The greatest post gold medal win interview at the Olympics and Olympian's getting in trouble.
In this episode Maje rants about the 14 year old who is Australia's youngest Gold medal winner and Olympians getting in trouble.由maje saba
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In this episode Maje rambles about the Olympian who didnt win gold but is winning in other ways. The cost of Alcohol is going up again and ambush marketing outside your local Supermarket.由Maje Saba
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#163 The Paris Olympics are fast becoming the most apologetic Olympics ever and is the world at the Precipice of a major conflict?
In this episode Maje Rants about the Paris Olympics and why everyone is saying sorry? Is the World on the Precipice of a major turning point and The Presidential race bringing out the worst in Donald Trump.由Maje Saba
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In this episode Maje Rants about all things Paris Olympics.由Maje Saba
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#161 The fast food outlet offering you a place to stay, the start of the Paris Olympics and The torment of do it your self car maintenance.
In this episode Maje Rants about the torment of do it your self car maintenance, the start of the Paris Olympics and the fast food outlet offering you a place to stay.由Maje Saba
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#160 Podcast recorded as I was watching rolling coverage of the Attempted assassination of Donald Trump.
This episode was recorded as i was watching the rolling coverage of The Attempted Assassination of The Former President Donald Trump.由Maje Saba
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In this episode Maje Rambles about Sustaining an injury while playing with Lego, the differences between celebrities and their young lovers and how a planet 65 light years from earth smells like rottenn eggs.由Maje Saba
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In episode 158 Maje rants about getting your inheritance early, living a healthy life in Australia and how Internet fame can lead to The US Presidency,maybe. This episode is proudly brought to you by no sponsor,because they haven't seen the potential of this podcast,yet.由Maje Saba
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#157 The new trend for kids birthday parties and when friends ask you to bring things for a Barbecue.
In this episode, with the new re-branded podcast, Maje rants about the new Trend for kids birthday parties, Elon Musk's ultimate plan as he fathers more children and when friends invite you over for a Barbecue.由Maje Saba
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In this episode of the podcast Maje Rants about the most pretentious coffee order and why Baristas are always disgruntled. The highest paying jobs in Australia and Maje's first attempt at Line Dancing.由major Saba
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In this epsiode of the Podcast Maje Rants about Olympic uniforms, The mens swimming uniforms and the basketballers. How China is easing Australia's concerns with a couple of Pandas and How The Human rights commission in Australia seems over worked.由Maje Saba
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In this episode my rants about his morninng routine, or lack of. What constitutes a news story? And how opeing a bag of lollies is meant to be life changing?由Maje Saba
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In this latest Episode Maje rambles about the Kings Birthday long weekend, how his son called him disgusting after looking at an old photo and the Only Fans contributor who wants privacy.由maje saba
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#152 The immigration debate in Australia rages with immigrants that do Yoga holding preference over trades people?
In this episode Maje rants about intent in sport. How, if you do Yoga or martial arts you can come to Australia and the Government minister paying a speech writer $300000 a year to write his "inspirational' speeches.由Maje Saba
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In this episode Maje chats about the Ai robot that is meant to be a companion in a time of loneliness.The 93 year old billionaire getting marrried again and crying on cue for your social media post.由Maje Saba
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In this, the milestone 150th episode Maje rants about Donald Trump, The cafe charging $1 to heat a muffin, allegedly. And the reality TV show where people fall in love with convicted fellons, because they like setting their standards very low.由Maje Saba
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#149 The father who sent his kids out to greet their mum and the surprise winner of The Uk'S sexiest man title.
In this episode Maje rambles about the ridiculous notion that you cant put rubbish in your neighbour's bin. The father who thought he was doing a good thing by sending his kids out to greet their mum as she completed a marathon. And reclining your chair on a plane.由Maje Saba
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In this episode Maje talks Australia's fascination with Big things. The Mother that wants a vegan sausage at her kids sporting event and The "problem' with Australia's Olympic swimming team.由Maje Saba
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In this episode of the Podcast Maje rants about fine dinning at a Supermarket, Older woman creating content for OnlyFans and letting People protest on University Grounds.由Maje Saba
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In this solo epidode of the podcast Maje Rants about the lastest Australian government Budget. How the latest open Ai is getting exponentially better and The Mandatory wardrobe malfunction.由Maje Saba
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#145 A Mother's Day stall being re-named Family gift stall and a NOT so scary Covid variant.
A NSW school wants to change The Mother's day Stall to Family Gift Stall?? And who the hell is naming the latest Covid Variant??由Maje Saba
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#144 When a hair cut infringes on your human rights and one of Australia's most beloved Reality TV shows dumped.
In this epsiode of the Podcast Maje rants about Human rights in Australia, what happens to Fitness trainers and Beauticians when one of Australia's most 'beloved' TV'S gets dumped and finding God after being an Adult content creator.由Maje Saba
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In this solo epside of the podcast Maje rambles about people getting hung up on babies at a comedy show. The farmer wants a wife TV ahow and the disrespect shown by airline hostesses.由MAJE SABA
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#142 Your nose says a lot about the size of your member and what footwear on a flight says about you.
In this episode of the Podcast,coming to you from Bali, Maje rants about his interactions with a car salesman. What the size of your nose means for your manhood and what your choice of footwear on a flight means for your reputation.由maje saba
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In this episode Maje rambles about the cool Dad Bod, how the fitness industry wants a tax break to keep people at the gym and would you be seen wearing street clothes adorned with your favourite grocery store name ??由Maje Saba
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In this solo episode Maje rants about the Detractors who try to convince you to change your path. How the farmer wants a wife is the real reality Tv, The confusing Easter Celebration and the Super star Dad Bod of Travis Kelce.由MAJE SABA
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This episode Maje chats about his experiences camping, and he's not expecting a sponsorship deal from anaconda. The PHD thats says Ai will take over human intelligence in the next two years. And would you sit next to a dog on a flight?由MAJE SABA
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In this solo episode of the podcast maje Talks, mostly about Taylor swift and her impednding Australian Tour. He aslo rambles about The government getting kids to walk to school and Michelle Obama running for President.由Maje Saba
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In this episode of the podcast Maje rambles about AUSTRALIA DAY, people that bang on about the cost of living and Reality TV Degenerates.由Maje Saba
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Thor Pedersen set off in October 2013 on an ambitious mission he expected would take four years. Almost a decade later Thor completed his quest to become the first person to visit every country in the world in an unbroken journey without flying. The United Nations recognises 195 sovereign states — but Mr Pedersen has included other disputed territo…
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In this episode of the Podcast Maje paid to book a studio and then proceeded to wait for a guest that never showed up. Instead of being woe is me he rambled about Procrastination.由Maje saba
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Peter Tsolakides is the founder, Director and chairman of Southern Cryonics. What is cryonics? Cryonics is the preservation of the human body at cryogenic temperatures (−196°C) in the expectation that future medical technology may be able to repair the accumulated damage of aging and disease at the molecular level, and restore the patient to health…
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Patrick Schmidt is a criminal lawyer that is passionate about defending the rights of his clients. Prior to his current role Patrick was a police prosecutor, he was a general duties police officer and plain clothes officer within the detectives office at Marrickville local area command.由Maje saba
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For 16 years Wayne Cleveland ran a drug smuggling operation that netted him millions of dollars, occasionally recruiting young surfers into the fold to serve as mules, until the long arm of the law caught up with him. Growing up in housing commission homes, Wayne was soon engulfed in his owm bubble bringing millions of dollars of drugs into the cou…
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