[S51] How to get accurate guidance from your oracle cards
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Some people consider oracle cards to be fluffy, fun with no substance, and this makes me sad! I use oracle cards every day for all sorts of things, it’s absolutely my favorite way of connecting with my intuition on a regular basis. And since my mission is to bring you back to your inner wisdom too, I want to share my love of oracle cards with you so that you too can strengthen and deepen your intuitive connection.
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Here’s a summary of what the full episode includes.
How can you get accurate guidance from your oracle cards?
In this episode, I highlight 4 things that you can do to get better guidance:
- ask better, more powerful questions
- pay attention to your energy and make sure you’re high-vibe
- spend time on interpreting the card you pull (beyond looking it up in the booklet!)
- practice, of course
Ask powerful questions
This is probably the most important thing you can do: learn to ask better questions. The truth is that the answers you get from your oracle cards can only ever be as good as your question. You can expect a detailed, insightful answer if your question is vague. If you want clear, specific answers, you need to ask a clear, specific question!
>> Read more: 44 powerful questions to ask oracle cards
Make sure your energy is high-vibe
You need to be in the right energetic space to connect with your higher self and intuition. Contrary to popular belief though, high-vibe doesn’t mean a state of perpetual, over-the-top joy and excitement. That’s totally unsustainable!
High-vibration means confidence in yourself, rooted in your power, unswayed by external things. It is a stable, strong, calm energy.
You can learn more about high-vibration energy in this class, but in the meantime just make sure that you’re not in a highly charged emotional state when you work with your cards. I don’t read my own cards or channel guidance for myself when I’m