Hear the incredible real stories behind the making of the biggest documentary series & films on Netflix. Host Rebecca Lavoie leads in-depth interviews with creators and subjects, exploring how these stories are produced & their impact, while uncovering new information. New episodes every Wednesday.
In this episode, I, Tshepo H. Maloa share my personal journey of discovering the power of spending time alone in peaceful contemplation. Through my experience, I have learned how silence and solitude can enhance creativity, increase self-awareness, and promote inner peace. As we navigate a world of constant connectivity, it can be challenging to make time for stillness and solitude. However, I offer practical tips and strategies to incorporate these practices into our daily lives. Tune in to this episode to discover the transformative power of silence and solitude, and take the first steps towards a more fulfilling life.…
The scripture "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" speaks to the idea that in our moments of weakness, God's grace and power are available to us. When we face difficulties and challenges in our lives, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. However, this scripture reminds us that even in our weakest moments, God's grace is enough to sustain us. In fact, it is through our weaknesses that God's power can be made perfect, as it is in these moments that we are most likely to rely on and trust in the divine. This scripture offers comfort and reassurance that no matter what we face, we can find strength and support in God's grace and power.…
Miracles are extraordinary and seemingly inexplicable events that are often attributed to divine intervention. Many people believe that miracles are accessible to each believer, regardless of their faith or background. The key to accessing miracles is through faith and a willingness to believe in something greater than ourselves. By opening ourselves up to the possibility of miracles, we create a space for them to occur in our lives. This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as unexpected healings, financial windfalls, or meaningful synchronicities. While miracles may not happen on a daily basis, believing in their possibility can bring a sense of hope and comfort in difficult times. Ultimately, the accessibility of miracles lies in our willingness to have faith and trust in the power of the divine.…
Children teach us a lot of lessons that we miss because we believe we are the ones with the lessons to teach, but we couldn’t be more wrong. Maybe children are born to teach us the lessons we forgot about ourselves or still to learn about ourselves... press play to listen.
Where there is no vision the people perish; the Bible says. Find out why it’s so important that you follow your vision in life. Vision is your purpose manifested in pictures.