Join us on a journey into the perplexing world of disappearances, where individuals vanish without a trace, leaving behind a void filled with questions and speculation.
Verily,the only way violence can be avoided is only by Anger Management for before violence precedes Anger!. --- Support this podcast:
You don't have to fight with someone just because your bestfriend is fighting with with them. Stop inheriting hate!! --- Support this podcast:
Yes you have HND, Bachelors and Masters degree , so are also 10 more job seekers vyin for the same position. What else are you bringing to the table? What else are you presenting? These are soft skills!!!. --- Support this podcast:
26 and still haven't had sex and you feel their is something wrong with you? No dear you are perfectly okay.. --- Support this podcast:
What a man can do a woman can do better? Nahhh that's bullsh*t ..Why should men be used as a yardstick for women ? I believe The correct statement should be *WHAT A WOMAN WANTS TO DO , A WOMAN CAN DO!!! --- Support this podcast:
An episode you should listen to before getting out of your bed... Nigeria our country!!! --- Support this podcast:
Enough is Enough!!!. We are tired of being raped!!. There is no justification for rape!!! . Do not be a Rape Apologist!!. There is rape in Marriage too --- Support this podcast:
Your Mental health matters Most!.Your happiness and Peace of mind matters!. The people you relate with matters. Stop Negative Conversations!!! --- Support this podcast:
If you don't have friends that support you then you need to change your circle of friends!! --- Support this podcast:
You really don't have to go out of your norms just before you give a good impression .. --- Support this podcast: