"Tis the Season to be Intentional - Part 1- Episode 31
Manage episode 452050070 series 3594781
We want to talk about fun activities to do as a couple, as a family or even with friends. Make your busyness intentional and fun. The holidays are great but they can be stressful and taxing on our relationship. In this episode we talk about the regular activities and give you a few other ideas all while having those regular check-in, devotion times and praying together. We will link in some ideas for ornament making. You can also go see Christmas lights, go to Christmas tree farm, decorate, shop, wrap presents together. You could have a Christmas movie marathon or a pajama day. Whatever you decide.....have fun and build memories.
email us with questions or if you need help at [email protected]
We do phone coaching and never charge for our time.
You can also e-mail us with questions and if we use your question on the show, we will send you a free marriage resource. Our goal is to build kingdom marriages!
We desire to impact marriages for the kingdom but first you have to know that you know God:
Becoming a Christian is as easy as A-B-C
Admit that you're a sinner (Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23)
Believe - Jesus died for our sins & He is the ONLY way to be saved(John 3:16; John 14:6; Romans 5:8)
Confess - That Jesus is LORD (Romans 10:13)
If you've accepted Christ today, please contact us at [email protected]. We'd love to pray for you and send you a free resource to help you in your marriage and your walk with God.
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