The God Of Miraculous Mercy
Manage episode 462081373 series 2841574
This morning we dived into Romans 9 in all its deep doctrinal truth about election which shows us how God is a God of miraculous mercy! God is free to act in any way he chooses, and since he is love, he is always guided by his love in all his actions. This is a great comfort to us, and it is no exception in regards to the doctrine of election. Nothing that God ever does is not loving. Election is based on God's sovereign freedom to extend grace to whom he chooses. As hard as that is for us to comprehend sometimes, we must resist the temptation to think we are a better judge than God. Our God does not function based on a merit system. It magnifies his mercy when we accept Jesus through faith, not through any merit of our own. Election excludes boasting and promotes humility, and it should drive us to mission because it is unconditional - not contingent on family lineage, good works or anything but faith in Jesus alone. The takeaway today is this - God glorifies himself through unconditionally electing a people and this should propel us to worship and mission!