Sunday Sermons
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For an enlightening listening experience, these Christianity podcasts go above and beyond, offering theological discussions on faith, strength, prophecies, the Holy Bible and Christian apostles. You’ll gain insights into God’s truths in relatable terms, enjoying podcasts with astounding messages from pastors, priests and other believers, alongside cultural commentary on biblical phenomena, encouraging Christians to act on their faith through proclamations of Jesus that ignite passion in the listener.
播道會同福堂成立於1991年8月,是中國基督教播道會的一個堂會。 我們的異象是建立一所神喜悅的教會,實行主耶穌基督吩咐的大使命,並以 「 紮根聖經 、 委身真神 、 立足本土 、 迎向未來 」
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生命河靈糧堂 主日信息 及 主日敬拜
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播道會同福堂成立於1991年8月,是中國基督教播道會的一個堂會。 我們的異象是建立一所神喜悅的教會,實行主耶穌基督吩咐的大使命,並以 「 紮根聖經 、 委身真神 、 立足本土 、 迎向未來 」
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笃信圣经长老会宣信堂讲道信息 | Evangel Bible-Presbyterian Church Weekend Sermons | Visit us at
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目的:在資訊充斥的世代,裝備信徒成為主的門徒,養成聆聽神話語的習慣,反覆思想,讓生命得著改變 目標:每天聆聽15分鐘,90日聽完新約聖經
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Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!
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AWR Mandarin - SIM ??????
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“今日十分”以每天十分鐘易明又充實(有substance)的分享,用生活化(practical)的方式帶領你每日領受一章聖經的精華!無論你現在的生活是忙碌、積極,或是死板、枯燥,神的心意都是要帶領你進入十分豐盛、十分喜樂及十分得勝的人生。關鍵是你必須每日行在神的心意中,讓神的話語每天更新、鼓勵及指引你的生命! “今日十分” 以書卷為系列,每日以一章聖經為範圍,盼望能有效並有系統地讓你認識真理裡的卓越人生,幫助你的生命成為神眼中十分滿分的人生!
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Today With God Mandarin Chinese language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matthew, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Gospel of John are presented in the series with insightful explanation from Dr. Randy Weiss in the ...
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i KEN do it 所以 U can do it~ 這個頻道ㄉ主持人詞彙很重複又ㄎㄧㄤ 所以窩會分享一些網路文章ㄉ內容 並且針對文章發表心得或是和冰友ㄉ討論 來讓節目內容變豐富 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由余健弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由王亞辰牧師
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講題 : 我們走過的 經文 : 約 3:1-15由同福堂
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講題:不可思議的戰爭 經文 : 代下 20:14-22由同福堂
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你想突破嗎?由利未 牧師
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講題:蒙神喜悅的禱告 經文 : 代下 1:7-12由同福堂
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講題 : 光←→愛 (2):活出憐憫的愛 經文 : 出 34:6;約 3:16;路 10:27;雅 2:13由同福堂
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講題:詩篇127篇 - 人應當如何建立自己的家? 經文 : 詩 127由同福堂
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由陳甘霖姊妹、王亞辰牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由曾興才牧師
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講題 : 總要濕吓腳 經文 : 出 14由同福堂
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講題:興起.發光系列:光之物語.序章 經文 : 創 1-3由同福堂
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耶和華是醫治我的神(五)由江秀琴 牧師
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講題 : 不再是我 經文 : 加 2:19-20由同福堂
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講題:追求神同在的人生 經文 : 出 32-33由同福堂
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由劉仲偉弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由劉彤牧師
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講題 : 歸來仍是少年? 經文 : 創 35:1-12由同福堂
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講題:興起.發光系列:扭轉生命的真光 經文 : 約 1:1-5,8:12;創 1:1 – 5由同福堂
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2025走進神敞開的天門由吳蒙恩 牧師
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講題 : 光←→愛 (1):興起發光・驅走黑暗 經文 : 約 1:1-18由同福堂
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講題:美麗人生 經文 : 出 28:1-43由同福堂
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由Pastor Pearson Lau
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由吳嘉洛弟兄, NewWave Team
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講題 : 困境中的信與行 經文 : 列上 19:1-18由同福堂
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講題:我的 2024 經文 : 申 34:1-7由同福堂
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由王亞辰牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由劉彤牧師
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講題 : 活出聖靈建造的生命 經文 : 彼前 2:9由同福堂
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耶和華是醫治我的神(四)由江秀琴 牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由施弘美姊妹
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由卓爾君牧師
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講題:活出憐憫的愛 經文 : 出 34:6;約 3:16;路 10:27由同福堂
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耶和華是醫治我的神(三)由江秀琴 牧師
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講題 : 做人很難,所以要學 4:估你唔到!(4):Just Do IT 經文 : 太 25:14-30由同福堂
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由吳嘉洛弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由曾興才牧師
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講題 : 大嶼山基督教網絡聯合崇拜 經文 : 約 10:12由同福堂
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講題:面對世代挑戰的智慧:靈巧像蛇,馴良像鴿 經文 : 太 10:16由同福堂
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耶和華是醫治我的神(二)由江秀琴 牧師
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講題:認識真理,活出真理 經文 : 約二 1:4-11由同福堂
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講題 : 做人很難,所以要學 4:估你唔到!(3):我們追求的是……? 經文 : 可 10:35-45由同福堂
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由余健弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由劉彤牧師
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講題 : 彼此相愛的命令 經文 : 約 13:31-35由同福堂
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講題:當神向教會說阿們 經文 : 出 39:32 - 40:38由同福堂
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身心靈全人得醫治的秘訣由利未 牧師
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講題 : 做人很難,所以要學 4:估你唔到!(2):輸人唔輸陣 經文 : 但 1:1-21由同福堂
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講題:從會幕看我們的神 經文 : 出 31:1-11,35-39由同福堂
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