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It’s not just a school subject. It’s not just a tool of trade. No. It’s the language of Shakespeare, of Charles Darwin, of Andrew Lloyd Webber, of Steve Jobs, of Winston Churchill. It is the tongue shared by some of the most brilliant minds in the world. Learn it well, and your world will be a lot bigger. And you don’t even have to be born or raised in an English speaking country. With the right training, and a superhuman determination to excel, you too can speak English as expressively and ...
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你們好嗎?我是EVEN,一位覺知的學習者。 「知道是天真的」由奧修提出——追求知識的人類是辛苦的,然而「知道」應該是單純而天真的;以此為基礎,節目將從哲學、社會學等知識出發,嘗試使其回歸到原始的「知道」,也就是好好思考的同時,並不忽略身體、心靈與靈魂的感受。 讓我們一起在練習「覺察」的旅途中,好好運用腦袋、善待情緒,而後天真的「知道」! 感謝聆聽,喜歡的話可以訂閱頻道並交流! IG:@even_film Powered by Firstory Hosting
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聽台灣文學的有聲書! 我們將台灣文學作家的作品, 用聲音演繹,期待您與孩子一起聆聽, 從台灣文學認識近代台灣。 *巫永福〈首與體〉* *鍾理和〈笠山農場〉* *吳濁流〈亞細亞的孤兒〉* #疫起在家聽 #聽故事 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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I come from China! Your can find some amazing songs here~ Or you can even make it like a Chinese language leaaring class! Thank you for a visit!
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關鍵英語教室,學新單字,知天下事 歡迎收聽浩爾的關鍵英語教室,週一到週五,每天帶給你反映社會脈動的關鍵字。 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeplQhGM1duFJS-vWSuZSFmXaojMvcNJWWQMtt8xz4Z3L13Ow/viewform 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 講義內頁/廣告合作請洽:podcast@nextvoicetech.org 訂閱客服Line: @nextvoicetech Powered by Firstory Hosting
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創新,努力,熱情,我們是第二屆市大同資電學程班!由一群喜愛資訊科技領域的同學們組成的大家庭。 跟著我們一同在雲端,聆聽每個科技的故事! - 在科技的大海中,漂流。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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This podcast is not so much as a share of my points of view on education as a discussion of education with anyone who hear this podcast. I really thank it for letting my voice be heard by more people. The current education is not yet a benefit for all people, but we never give up improving it. We argued, struggled and even sacrificed, for a better education. Time has been different, so are our views on education. I believe that any improvement is made by "standing on the shoulders of Giants" ...
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『探險的意義就在於,人生只有一次!』 ⟪職涯探險⟫ 是由 CakeResume 製作的全新 Podcast 節目,與大家熟悉的 ⟪科技職涯Talent connect⟫ 相比,這個節目屬於聊天舒壓類型,希望透過各個真實的職場的情境故事,串連從學生到上班族,不同位置對於工作的想像,除了甘苦談、幹話之外,還有一些人生經驗、抉擇的分享。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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一诗一信,Post un Poem。这一切强烈的、纯真的、爱的、激情的...一切所见、所听、所得…我们给它一个名字,叫做“一诗一信”,是为你朗读的一首诗,也是从远方寄来的明信片,更是一份不可复制的声音礼物。一诗一信,Post un Poem。微信公众号:postunpoem 官方微博:weibo.com/postunpoem
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【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Even a broken clock is right twice a day 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://open.firstory.me/user/howard/community 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 講義內頁/廣告合作請洽:podcast@nextvoicetech.org 訂閱客服Line: @nextvoicetech 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/use…
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【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Hits different 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://open.firstory.me/user/howard/community 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 講義內頁/廣告合作請洽:podcast@nextvoicetech.org 訂閱客服Line: @nextvoicetech 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c04…
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep由Radio Television Hong Kong
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【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 國際選讀:《China to raise retirement age for first time in decades as demographic crisis looms》 參考文章:《China to raise retirement age for first time in decades as demographic crisis looms》By By Jennifer Jett, Peter Guo and Rae Wang (人口危機迫在眉睫,中國數十年來首次提高退休年齡) https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/china-raise-retirement-age-economy-demograp…
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When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Christmas creep 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://open.firstory.me/user/howard/community 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 講義內頁/廣告合作請洽:podcast@nextvoicetech.org 訂閱客服Line: @nextvoicetech 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c0…
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Tip creep 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://open.firstory.me/user/howard/community 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 講義內頁/廣告合作請洽:podcast@nextvoicetech.org 訂閱客服Line: @nextvoicetech 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 留言告…
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 國際選讀:《Tesla Delays Planned Robotaxi Unveiling to October》 參考文章:《Tesla Delays Planned Robotaxi Unveiling to October》By DANA HULL AND ED LUDLOW / BLOOMBERG (特斯拉將計畫中的 Robotaxi 發布延至 10 月) https://time.com/6997605/tesla-delays-planned-robotaxi-unveiling-to-october/ 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://open.firstory.me/user/howard/community 蘋果用戶解鎖…
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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找到自我天賦,讀懂自己,理解他人,為自己打開全新的人生章節。 我在「俊安不算命」跟你一起解析,你的生命數字 Podcast 收聽「俊安不算命」 https://fstry.pse.is/76deyh —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Soft launching 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://open.firstory.me/user/howard/community 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c04…
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Hard pass 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://open.firstory.me/user/howard/community 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 講義內頁/廣告合作請洽:podcast@nextvoicetech.org 訂閱客服Line: @nextvoicetech 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 留言告…
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Flava 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://open.firstory.me/user/howard/community 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 講義內頁/廣告合作請洽:podcast@nextvoicetech.org 訂閱客服Line: @nextvoicetech 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 留言告訴我你對…
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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