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Meditative Story combines extraordinary human stories with meditation prompts embedded into the storylines — all surrounded by breathtaking music. Think of it as an alternative way into a mindfulness practice, through vivid stories and cinematic music and production values. Meditative Story is an original series produced by WaitWhat and supported by our members. Our community tells us that they listen to the same episodes over and over again, and according to data provided by Apple Podcasts, ...
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Yogastunden Meditativ

Sukadev Volker Bretz - Gesundheit und Spiritualität

Erfahre die Tiefenwirkung des Yoga Meditative Yogastunden, die wirklich in die Tiefe gehen. Diese Yoga Sessions haben unterschiedlichste Themen: Längeres Halten der Stellungen, Affirmationen, Chakra-Konzentration, Achtsamkeit, philosophische Yogastunden mit der Frage: Wer bin ich? Asanas als Hingabe an Gott. Ein großes Repertoire an Yoga Classes! Hier findest du das, was Yoga Vidya als populärsten Yogastil in Deutschland auszeichnet: Meditatives Üben - aber mit großer Bandbreite. Yogastunden ...
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Hello friend! I wanted to share some changes happening here on the podcast.You may have noticed some meditations have been removed from the channel. I am updating these meditations and will relaunch them throughout June, along with some new, very healing meditative art practices. So keep popping back from time to time to experience the newly launched meditations. Be well- Rebecca
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The Meditative Shift

Susan Taylor, PhD

The Meditative Shift Podcast. Author of Return to Radiance, Feeling Good Matters, and the Vital Energy Program. Susan guides us as we navigate ancient wisdom and modern science across the topics of mind, medicine, and holistic health. Topics include: diet, nutrition, supplements, food as medicine, brain nutrients, immunity, weight loss, inflammation, PTSD, meditation, yoga science, holistic lifestyle, metabolism, detox, anxiety, depression, bioenergetics, and the power of the mind to heal.
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Journals have always been a sacred space for me to write down my inner most thoughts and desires. I enjoy going back to read them and as I do the wisdom that is reflected within the pages almost always has some relevance to the present moment. As I’ve taken the time to go back and read them I thought “why not reflect out loud?” So here I am, sharing some meditative thoughts from my journals as a way to reconnect with older versions of myself and recall the lessons that I’ve learned. I hope y ...
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Meditative Nest

Raakesh Blokhra

Welcome to Meditative Nest, the incubator for Meditativeness. My name is Raakesh Blokhra, I am a singer-songwriter, musician, software engineer, and entrepreneur. In my spiritual journey, meditation has helped me become aware of the purpose of life, and insights, and gain control over my mind, and body. I am a Vipassana meditator and a Reiki Master, and I have completed Sadhguru's Inner Engineering program. With over 2 decades of meditation experience, I often come across people who show int ...
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Our bodies are evolving. In this podcast we explore a system of meditative exercises that can support us to move through this process consciously. Each episode includes discussion about the science of our changing bodies, as well as a guided journey to expand and adjust your developing light body. Learning to interface with your light body is vital to maintaining balance and strength in daily life, and is one of the most effective ways to generate personal and planetary health. This material ...
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Un podcast susținut din pasiune și căutare de pace, liniște și o viață de zi cu zi mai bună, cu mai puțină frică și mai plină de libertate. Săptămânal vei explora practici de Meditații, Introspecții și Contemplări Ghidate dar și Interviuri menite să îți aducă un moment de pace și constanță în nebunia pe care o trăiești zi de zi. Cu brațele deschise, eu, gazda ta, Ovidiu Platon, îți urez bun venit! Vom practica meditații adânci, vom contempla, vom introspecta schimbări importante ale Eului no ...
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show series
Yogastunde Mittelstufe – mit besonderer Betonung der geistigen Wirkungen. Du übst im Einzelnen: Anfangsentspannung, Kapalabhati, Wechselatmung mit Konzentration auf die 7 Chakras und entsprechenden Affirmationen: Verwurzelung im Muladhara Chakra, Quelle der Kreativität im Swadhisthana, Feuer der Begeisterung im Manipura, Freude und Liebe im Anahata…
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Morgan Harper Nichols is a songwriter, poet, artist, and musician who was diagnosed with autism as an adult. Growing up, she yearns to see the wider world outside her rural home, and to embark on adventures like Bilbo Baggins. When she spends a semester studying abroad, she finds herself surrounded by the unfamiliar — and feeling rejected and lonel…
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In 2009, Grammy Award winning singer-songwriter Jason Mraz is having one of the busiest years of his life. A nonstop tour schedule and monotonous daily routine have completely drained him of the energy he needs to create — the one thing that gives him the most joy. In this episode, Jason shares how an opportunity to disconnect on a four-day hike th…
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2x Emmy Award-winning TV host, journalist, and author Tamron Hall has hit milestones in her life that a younger version of herself would never have believed were possible. Part of the secret to her success is her willingness to try, even when she doesn’t know how things will work out. This is a lesson she learns from her grandfather, and from her m…
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Yoga Stunde Mittelstufe mit Affirmationen: Anfangsentspannung, Pranayama, Sonnengebet, Asanas, Tiefenentspannung, OM, Meditation. Mit vielen Tipps zur geistigen Entwicklung. Du solltest schon mit der Yoga Vidya Grundreihe vertraut sein, bevor du diese Yogastunde probierst. Wenn du die Grundstellungen kennst, kannst du hier deiner Yoga Erfahrung gan…
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Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate love of all kinds — whether it’s the unconditional love of a pet, the instinctual reflex to help those who are suffering, or, perhaps most important, the time we take to send love back to ourselves. Love has many dimensions, and it doesn’t always involve a heart-shaped box of chocolates. Take some time…
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Ein besonderer Leckerbissen: Spirituelle Yogastunde mit Sukadev – 60 Minuten Praxis für Herzensöffnung, Bewusstseinsausdehnung, tiefen Frieden und Verbundenheit. Mit Anfangsentspannung, Kapalabhati, Wechselatmung, Sonnengebet, Asanas, Tiefenentspannung, kurze Meditation. Geeignet für alle mit Yoga Grundkenntnissen, die also schon Kapalabhati und So…
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Journalist and beloved podcast host Leila Day grows up being told that she should “tone it down.” When she moves to Cuba in her early twenties, she finally finds a place that embraces her whole identity — or so she thinks at first. It’s only after making one simple change that Leila sees how quickly others treat her differently, and she realizes sh…
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For the first 22 years of his life, Al Harris singularly focuses on one single goal: to play basketball in the NBA. Although he’s an elite young player, Al’s dream comes to an end when he’s passed over during the 2008 NBA draft. In the ensuing years, Al is recruited to play professional basketball throughout Europe, where he meets and builds bonds …
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It's 1996, and Robert Reich has the job of a lifetime – one that's taking a steady toll on his family. In a story he’s never told before, Reich shares the pivotal moment when he turns his economist’s eye on his own life, and realizes: It's fallen out of balance. On a muddy cross-country field, watching his older son run through the rain, he realize…
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Arriving in a strange town, disoriented and desperate to crawl into bed, Kaywin Feldman realizes she is just steps from an eight-century-old art treasure: a small chapel covered floor to ceiling with one of Giotto’s most extraordinary frescoes. She wanders inside, and the course of her life abruptly changes. If this episode resonates with you, we’d…
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Lulu Wang, writer-director of The Farewell, and Expats, grows up in a family where the expectations for her future are clear: she’s destined to become a piano prodigy, and she must be grateful for the sacrifices her parents have made to give her that opportunity. In today’s episode, Lulu tells the story of how she finally finds her own space away f…
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Fluent in cheating time to squeeze productivity out of every minute, entrepreneur Keith Yamashita recounts the frightening details of a devastating stroke as it is actually happening, and discovers the second part of his life. It isn't a medical recovery. It’s an awakening. If this episode resonates with you, we’d love to hear from you. Please take…
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As a legendary Jazz trumpeter, winner of 5 Grammy Awards, and composer of over 60 films including the works of director Spike Lee, it’s easy to assume Terence Blanchard is someone with a lot of confidence. But growing up in New Orleans, he’s just a shy kid with glasses and a lot of uncertainty. In this week’s episode, Terence tells the story of how…
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Growing up, actress, writer, and director Zoe Lister-Jones admires her mother’s confidence and her willingness to stand up for what she believes. But as a shy kid that’s wary of the dangers in the world, Zoe isn’t sure she’ll ever be able to use her voice the same way. It’s not until she’s confronted by a dire situation that Zoe learns her self con…
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All her life, Meredith Arthur is a model of competence and control, and it sweeps her higher and higher up the professional ladder. But inside, something isn’t right. After a painful wake-up call, Meredith drops the version of herself that she’s constructed and starts noticing the one she’s long neglected. Learn more about Meredith's website Beauti…
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Yogastunde Mittelstufe mit Affirmationen mit Durga Jyoti – 75 Minuten Sanfte Mittelstufe Yogastunde. Mit Affirmationen. Angeleitet von Durga Jyoti. Du übst in dieser 75-minütigen Yogastunde Anfangsentspannung, Kapalabhati und Anuloma Viloma Pranayama, Yoga Sonnengebet, Schulterstand, Pflug, Fisch, Vorwärtsbeuge, schiefe Ebene, Kobra, Heuschrecke, B…
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Growing up half-Japanese in South Florida, Kino MacGregor spends a lot of time feeling uncomfortable in her own body. But her Japanese grandfather is always there for her, and they spend joyful hours together every day, playing hide-and-seek, cooking and eating, practicing aikido. Behind his joy, she learns only later, hides a profound grief — one …
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In the morning, Idaho pastor Tri Robinson herds cattle and mends fences; in the evening, he writes sermons. But the two parts of his life don't feel connected. He feels such a deep love of the natural world, in all its beauty, all its fragility. But what is he doing, as a leader, to help preserve that precious creation? As he carries that question …
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Wer bin ich? Diese Frage begleitet dich in dieser besonderen 47-minütigen Hatha Yogastunde. Du kannst dich von Sukadev zu einer Yogastunde anleiten lassen, per mp3 Audio und per Video. Sukadev, Gründer und Leiter von Yoga Vidya, führt dich durch die klassischen Hatha Yoga und leitet dich dazu an, die Jnana Yoga Prinzipien erfahrbar zu machen. Du ge…
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Considered a prodigy in China, Lang Lang arrives to the U.S. certain of what it takes to be the best pianist in the world – dedication, discipline, hours of solitary practice. But when a legendary teacher poses an unexpected question, Lang Lang comes to understand that becoming a true musician will require more than hard work – that it’s not so muc…
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Judith Grisel is an internationally recognized behavioral neuroscientist and professor of psychology known for her research on the role of the brain in drug addiction. She is also a former addict. Years into her sobriety, Judy still labors to escape the painful feelings of loneliness and emptiness that have been with her since childhood. But when a…
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As Senior Pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Otis Moss carries the torch for generations of church and civil rights leaders, including his own father, a regional director in the SCLC, and a friend of Dr. Martin Luther King. But it is his late sister Daphne whose influence most impacts his ministry and social advocacy. A brilliant…
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This one if for my friends feeling the weight of political tensions and holiday hustle. This quick five-minute guided meditation a calming reset to soothe your nervous system and bring you back to center. Through deep breathing and mindful visualization, you’ll release stress, reconnect with inner calm, and carry a renewed sense of balance into you…
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On the Mexican holiday Día de Muertos, or Day of the Dead, we allow ourselves space for our memories and our grief about those we’ve lost — as well as for joy, and even humor, around the continuity between life and death. While many cultures try to tiptoe around death, the rituals of Día de Muertos ask us to look clearly at it, recognize death’s pl…
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As an actor and a new mom, Catherine Reitman felt pulled between two competing identities. To capture her frustration, her sadness, her truth, she wrote it all down. In sharing her darkness, she found a way to turn a light on for someone else. If this episode resonates with you, we’d love to hear from you. Please take a moment to share your reflect…
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Yoga für Chakra Harmonisierung – 20 Minuten Mittelstufe. Harmonisiere deine Chakras, deine Energie-Zentren. Sukadev leitet dich dazu an und gibt dir wichtige Konzentrationshilfen für deine Chakras. Du übst: Sonnengruß (Surya Namaskar), Kopfstand (Shirshasana), Schulterstand (Sarvangasana), Fisch (Matsyasana), Vorwärtsbeuge (Paschimotthanasana), Kob…
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Jackals and leopards in the fields. The sound of a lion’s roar. Majestic African bush elephants outside the front door. This is childhood for Forrest Galante as a kid growing up on a farm in Zimbabwe. He’s adventurous and instinctive and connected to the living earth. But a sudden move to the U.S. puts him in a completely new territory. In discover…
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Eine angeleitete Yogastunde für Harmonie inmitten aller Dualitäten. Shiva und Shakti symbolisieren Bewusstsein und Materie, Sonne und Monde, männlich und weiblich. Sukadev macht das zum Thema dieser Yogastunde. Er leitet dich zu den klassischen Übungen der Yoga Vidya Reihe an – und hilft dir, die geistigen, energetischen und spirituellen Aspekte vo…
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In precisely chosen words, the writer, artist and Zen priest Zenju Earthlyn Manuel tells a story from her girlhood, a road trip from LA to Louisiana in 1957. While five-year-old Zenju sits in the back seat dreaming of cowboys, her parents navigate an altogether different landscape. From them, from the trip, Zenju now believes she’s learned how to f…
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Yogastunde mit langem Halten der Stellungen und Chakra-Konzentration. Pranayama am Ende der Stunde. Diese Kundalini Yoga Yogastunde ist nur für fortgeschrittene Yogis geeignet, die diese Übungen bei Yoga Vidya in Kundalini Yoga Seminaren gelernt haben. Der Beitrag Kundalini Yogastunde mit Radharani, 100 min erschien zuerst auf Yoga Vidya Blog - Yog…
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Host of NPR’s Wait, Wait...Don’t Tell Me!, Peter Sagal is wrecked and stuck in the wake of a divorce. Suddenly, he finds himself with two free weeks. In need of a healthy distraction, Peter jumps on his Harley for a long solo trip out west. Though he has a destination in mind, what he finds on those quiet, desolate, curvy roads is a new focus, a ne…
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What's is like to be an identical twin? Game designer Jane McGonigal tells a story of similarity and divergence as she explores the magic of sharing DNA while becoming an individual. If this episode resonates with you, we’d love to hear from you. Please take a moment to share your reflections by rating and reviewing Meditative Story in your podcast…
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Bhakti Yogastunde mit Sukadev als Hingabe an Gott. Krishna, in der Bhagavad Gita, wann immer er zum Jnana Yoga kommt, sagt am Ende jedes Jnana Yoga Kapitels: „… und wenn du jetzt nicht in der Lage bist, all das zu verstehen und nachzuvollziehen und daraus zu handeln, dann verehre die höchste, göttliche Wirklichkeit. Auch durch Verehrung der höchste…
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We’re excited to launch WaitWhat's newest weekly series, Pioneers of AI — your guide to the latest technological frontier. Hosted by AI thought leader, scientist, and investor Rana el Kaliouby, tune in for insights from industry trailblazers, explore the ethical considerations of AI, and get ahead of what’s to come as the technology continues to de…
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While filming one day in the Congo Rainforest, legendary photojournalist John Moore pursued the vision of a perfect photograph — a vision that literally brought him to his knees. He shares the magic that can occur when you let go of the desire to control the outcome. If this episode resonates with you, we’d love to hear from you. Please take a mome…
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Yogastunde mit Selbstbefragung: Wer bin ich? In dieser Yogastunde kannst du erkennen, dass der Körper wie ein Raumanzug ist, durch den wir Erfahrungen machen und handeln. Du machst die Erfahrung deiner eigenen Natur als Wonne, als Bewusstsein. Nicht nur Wonne in dir, Bewusstsein in dir: Sondern du bist das Bewusstsein hinter allem. Diese Jnana Yoga…
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How to teach a classroom full of "difficult" kids? By meeting them where they are, and finding a way in. This is something that Sinéad Burke sees every day in her teaching career. Her own life experience has taught her how to turn everything that excludes someone into something that includes, by looking for that common ground we all have with one a…
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While our mind tries to trick us by distracting us, there are some benefits that we can easily pass as just trickery. In this episode, I focus on identifying those benefits so you can understand not only what to expect, but what to do when you start getting better clarity about all concepts of the universe, our mind, and our body. This is also a jo…
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Best-selling author Isabel Allende has led an extraordinary life marked by moments of tragic loss. A coup in her home country of Chile forces her family into exile, and an unexpected illness takes away one of the most important people in her life. And yet, at 80 years old, Isabel feels a lightness that contradicts the attachment she felt in her you…
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Yogastunde mit Sukadev, um die Chakras zu aktivierem, zu einer tiefen meditativen Erfahrung zu kommen und das Energieniveau zu erhöhen. Stehende Atemübungen, Sonnengebet mit Surya Mantras, Grundstellungen, Laya Yoga Tiefenentspannung. 105 Minuten. Mitschnitt einer Yogastunde während eines Kundalini Yoga Intensiv-Seminars Mittelstufe. „Historische“ …
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We have covered how to meditate so far, but it is important for you to understand the game of the mind, it will try to trick you into believing something that's not true. For example, when you sit down to meditate, you guide your awareness to your breath, but your mind takes that awareness into a thought that you are experiencing something totally …
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On his podcast and TV show Song Exploder, Hrishikesh Hirway digs deep into the creative process of legendary songwriters. But before Hrishikesh becomes a podcast creator, he's a working musician himself … who finds his ability to create being slowly drained away by self-doubt. He stumbles into a case of songwriter’s block that lasts him nearly seve…
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In this episode, we leap the first steps of meditation. Instead of talking about how to sit, and discuss various aasanas, I talk about going straight into meditation by using your breath as the object of meditation. We use the breath in this episode because breath is considered the bridge between consciousness and unconsciousness. This will be a gr…
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Tuxedo-clad, face covered in makeup, hair slicked and parted in the middle, jumping around a creaky stage, teenage Josh Radnor (now an actor, producer and director) makes a life-changing discovery: He can act. And he loves it. But what to do now? At 16 years old, all Josh knows is that his ambition to act is at odds with everything that surrounds h…
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Since you already know what meditation is, we are going to look into some precise understanding of what Meditation is, for your mind and body. We will understand the basic connection of the three entities - You, Your Mind, and Your Body. Please Note: The use of this podcast is for informational purposes only and we are not liable for anything you d…
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It's early morning. A hotel room. Wajahat Ali, playwright and author, is traveling for work when he gets a call from his wife – she's sobbing, panicked, heartbroken. Their tiny daughter, Nusayba, has been diagnosed with Stage IV cancer. And time stops. What can he do? Rage. Despair. Sob. Fight. Then ... let go. Waj shares the story of how his young…
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Meditation is a lifelong path, it is natural to understand why we need to meditate before we can even start. It is a really good start to understand and research the topic before going forward. The more you know, the easier the process becomes. However, Meditation can be a misunderstood topic at times, so there might be some unlearning that you may…
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Introduction | Raakesh & his journey | Why this podcast? This is the first episode of my podcast. It will help to know who I am and why am I adding this podcast. I have a successful music channel for all my work, but this channel is not about me, it is about YOU. I want to answer questions, give suggestions, share tips, and talk about things I know…
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Twenty-four long miles into a grueling paddleboard competition, photographer Donald Miralle sights the buoy that tells him he's just a few miles from home. But what should offer a sense of relief provokes a feeling of dread. His body shuts down, his muscles refuse to work, his motivation dwindles. With nothing left to summon, he is desperate to qui…
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