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《會談地圖》podcast每一集會以半小時的長度,每週一集深入淺出的導讀 NEJM、Lancet、JAMA、Nature、Science等最新頂尖期刊的重要論文。希望能讓大家在通勤的零碎時間,像醫院、學校裡的meeting一樣,可以「聽」到頂尖期刊最新論文的深度解析。 《探索大腦的會談地圖》是臨床會談技巧導向、系統介紹精神醫學與腦科學背景知識的實務書籍。《會談地圖》是台大醫院林煜軒醫師自住院醫師開始整理的筆記精華,至今仍不斷補充更新,並定期在podcast頻道與facebook粉絲專頁分享各大權威期刊最新研究。 如果您讀不完、懶得讀 2020年以來 NEJM、Lancet、JAMA、Nature、Science 裡精神醫學、腦科學的重要文章,每週您只要花25分的零碎時間(很多人一趟上班的捷運就有了),您可以像聽新聞一樣從《會談地圖》podcast「聽」完這些論文重點。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Playwright Zhu Yi and astrophysicist Liu Jia discussing art and science in daily life. Fun and serious. 编剧朱宜和天体物理研究员刘佳探讨日常生活中的人文与科学。严肃活泼的一档谈话类节目。
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歡迎一起參加貝媽豆妹"童"樂會!🎊 🎉 在童樂會中,我們會一起學唐詩、帶動唱、聊天、聊時事/cool facts、探討科學、說笑話等等,適合海內外的小朋友一起來參加,在歡樂中學習,每個月的第一個童樂會我們也會幫當月的壽星朋友們一起來慶生! 歡迎大家一起來和很silly的貝媽和無厘頭的豆妹,一起來開童樂會喔!我們童樂會上見囉!🥳🥳 Welcome to Little Mandarin Party with Bei Ma and Do Mei. During the party, we will learn Tang Dynasty poems, sing songs (with English translation), chat about silly things/cool facts/science and share jokes. Kids can sharpen their Mandarin skills during the party. Once a month we also celebrate our listeners' birthdays. Please c ...
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惡補科普知識讓教授對你刮目相看 想 吸收新知 提升常識 不能錯過的Podcast 適合聽眾: 需要面試惡補的高中生、 需要累積實力的國高中生、 需要吸收新知的碩博士生、 想要提升常識的普羅大眾 美國加州大學博士以甜美嗓音提供你豐富的專業科普知識 請我一杯咖啡,讓我持續創作吧! 難易度: 國小程度 * 高中程度 *** 博士程度 ***** #科普 #科普上層樓 #科學 #Science #Science-up #Pharma #科普Podcast Powered by Firstory Hosting
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fb臉書 直播人氣 慢速漲粉絲平台 買流量 臉書直播人數 ig粉 買粉絲 - 優惠推薦 推特快速刷粉絲平台 直播人數

fb臉書 直播人氣 慢速漲粉絲平台 買流量 臉書直播人數 ig粉 買粉絲 - 優惠推薦 推特快速刷粉絲平台 直播人數

臉書fb直播人氣 Line客服:WrnFans (電報): fans711_xyz 其他業務加粉絲Ins粉絲 Ins 買粉 ig點讚 tiktok買粉 加粉絲 自助下單地址2: 👉 👉 Ig粉絲 Ig刷粉 ig點讚 Ig漲粉 #seo優化,seo提升,提升流量,流量提升,增加人氣,餐廳,兼職 #買tiktok關注 #tiktok關注 #買tiktok播放量 #買tiktok粉絲 #加Ig粉 #哪裡買國際抖音粉絲 #買抖音粉 #刷tiktok播放量 #買抖音國際版粉絲 #tiktok粉
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Mind a Bit is a semi-monthly podcast dedicated to discussions of intelligence and mind, brought to you by two cognitive psychologists and guest speakers from neuroscience, psychology, computer science, and philosophy, etc. We talk about Brains, Minds, and Machines, grounded in original research. 基智一点是一款讨论心智基本原理的半月更播客。在每一期节目中,两位主播会与来自神经科学、心理学、计算机科学或哲学等领域的嘉宾共同探讨一个与智能相关的主题。我们以原始文献为蓝本,聚正反两面,旁征博引地讨论智能的原理。以围炉夜谈的形式,邀三五好友,深入浅出地解剖关于心智的思考。我们邀请您一起,一点一点地了解智能的基本原则。欢迎访问我们的网站,了解更多信息。 Support ...
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關於 一個探究佛法真理,讓自己及他人皆能獲得幸福的地方。歡迎您的造訪! ようこそ、幸福の科学へ!Welcome to Happy Science ! 其他資訊 *幸福科學 台北支部精舍 台北市松山區敦化北路155巷89號 Tel:02-2719-9377 Fax:02-2719-5570 *幸福科學 台中支部 台中市東區東光園路286號2樓 Tel :0970-086-206 *幸福科學 高雄支部 高雄市苓雅區大順三路183號7樓之3 Tel:07-229-5247 什麼是幸福?什麼是人生的目的?什麼是心靈的沉靜?什麼是靈界的奧秘?什麼是守護、指導靈的庇佑?什麼是佛神的存在?這一些你都可以在「幸福科學」找到答案。 「幸福科學」是座寶山,進了寶山豈能空手而回?!此地每月皆有舉辦「永遠之法」等轟動人心的影片,以及各種公益心靈講座。歡迎您前來探索,掌握到人生真正幸福的真理! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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歡迎來到這個為忙碌生活而又喜愛閱讀的你打造的頻道。 我的目標是幫助您在最短的時間內掌握精選書籍中的精華,為您節省寶貴的時間和金錢。 無論您是正在尋找下一本好書,還是只是想在忙碌的生活中學習更多,都歡迎到我的頻道來聽聽看看。 也期待與您在YouTube頻道“聽風就是雨”見面!
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“心理学×脑科学”泛科普节目, 一起重新认识心理学作为一门科学。 ——Psychology as a science! 格物,即探究事物的本质。 Outside In,探索大脑,理解内心。 主播:冰枫——香港大学心理学硕士 更多心理服务可关注同名公众号
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①Milky Way galaxy can be larger than expected: study ②Beijing launches "rocket street" project to advance commercial space development ③Centuries-old science classic comes alive on stage ④Items related to ancient Great Wall guards unearthed in Beijing ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why Chinese people drink herbal tea during Major Heat?…
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①Chinese national park transacts tropical rainforest carbon-sink trading ②Terracotta Warriors celebrate 50 years of discovery ③Gate ruins of ancient capital unearthed in central China ④Chinese embrace dog days of summer with sanfu moxibustion ⑤A Thousand Whys: Acupuncture, the Qi stimulator and balancer…
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在本期節目中,我們邀請到了一位專業攝影師,除了在攝影領域中的卓越表現,他最近還熱衷於研究AI繪圖。透過深入的對話,我們將探索他是如何將攝影技術與AI藝術結合,創造出獨具一格的作品。 從傳統攝影的視角到現代科技的融入,他分享了自己對AI繪圖的見解、學習過程以及在創作中的實踐經驗。無論你是對攝影藝術感興趣,還是對AI技術充滿好奇,本期節目都將為你帶來全新的視角和啟發。 讓我們一同見證,當攝影遇上AI,會擦出怎樣的火花! 來賓:小四 T-Art…
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①Chief scientist of China's FAST telescope awarded Marcel Grossmann Award ②Researchers develop brain-on-a-chip system, advancing brain-computer interfaces ③Museum trips see peak season during summer vacation ④University in Yunnan province launches China's first coffee major, delving into science of coffee-making ⑤A Thousand Whys: Fantastic mushroom…
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①Chinese and French researchers complete lunar radon-gas detection mission ②Chinese researchers develop novel method to produce crystals ③Shanghai international cruise ports report brisk traffic amid visa facilitation ④China's first "giant panda college" starts enrolling students ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why is the jasmine flower a symbol of timeless eleg…
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①China to formulate over 50 standards for AI sector by 2026 ②Chinese robotics firm, FAW-Volkswagen join hands to build humanoid robot-run car factory ③Chinese museums to offer more convenient access for summer visitors ④As summer begins, Chinese travel market picks up momentum ⑤A Thousand Whys: How the Chinese pavilion got its allure…
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①China unveils bold space exploration roadmap involving asteroids, Martian samples and Jupiter ②Energy-efficient carbon fiber metro train unveiled in China ③Newly-developed neural probe achieves brain-wide neuronal activity recording in macaque brain in China ④Hong Kong Book Fair to feature film and TV literature ⑤Population of rare golden monkeys …
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①China's inbound tourism market posts positive momentum in 2024: report ②Chinese, British scientists retrieve lost wheat genetic diversity, empowering modern breeding ③Lotus grown from millennium-old seed blossoms in south China ④Museum-themed cafés, galleries embraced by Chinese youth ⑤A Thousand Whys: How did ancient Chinese people beat the heat …
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①Italian Renaissance art gaining popularity in China with enhanced cultural exchanges ②China's Village Super League vows to go global in 2028 ③China-made icebreaker research vessel delivered in Guangzhou ④China to boost protection of bird migration routes ⑤A Thousand Whys: How did ancient China protect the environment?…
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🎉 你們知道大海龜🐢曾經在和恐龍🦕一起在地球上生活嗎?你們知道世界上有一個專門為海龜設定的節日嗎?今天童樂會我們會一起來學習了解海龜,探索什麼是世界海龜日🐢 🎉 今天童樂會內容Today’s party contents: ✔︎兒童新聞報一報World News For Little People ✔︎海龜科普 ✔︎世界海龜日✔︎兒童新聞考一考 🥳 六月慶生會 🎂 壽星有: 在美國西雅圖的 周俊安, 在澳洲墨爾本的 恩庭, 在台灣桃園市的 Cindy林宜真,在美國洛杉磯的 Lilou , 在美國加州灣區的 Felix 刘长骏, 在美國三藩市的 Adeline 卓穎恩, 在美國佛羅里達的 Grace Lopez 周恩, 還有所有六月的壽星們,祝你們生日快樂!! Happy Birthday t…
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①"Light as smoke" ancient Chinese gown on display alongside Italian masterpieces ②Shipwreck findings unveil ancient Maritime Silk Road legend ③Chinese scientists design bio-inspired 3D e-skin ④China-Hungary international air cargo route launched ⑤China now has 85 national-level tourist resorts ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people love mountains …
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①Chinese table tennis legend Ding Ning elected Chair of OCA Athletes' Committee ②Asia's largest wildlife seed bank preserves over 11,000 plant species ③Beijing to hold World Lighting Designer Forum in July ④China's digital technology empowers durian cultivation in Thailand ⑤Chinese scientists prove early insulin therapy effective for type 2 diabete…
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①Self-driving test made on Beijing-Xiong'an expressway ②Air sports fever in Hainan highlights mutual promotion of sports, tourism ③Chinese university develops six-legged guide robot for blind people ④China to start construction of marine archaeology museum this year ⑤3,000-year-old rock painting cluster discovered in Qinghai ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why i…
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①Chongqing to host second Belt and Road International Skills Competition ②Dragon boat teams ready to make a splash in east China ③A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people give fans as gifts during the Duanwu Festival? ④Brain-computer interface ushers in mind-control era ⑤Shanghai issues prepaid travel cards for inbound travelers' convenience…
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①Popular TV show turns Altay into trendy destination ②A Thousand Whys: Why are pomegranate flowers special in Chinese culture? ③Engineers develop soft drone grippers inspired by climbing plants ④Beijing greenlights robotaxi test service at key train hub ⑤NE China national park sees significant increase in wild tigers, leopards…
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①Shanghai-style Qipao collection on exhibition in Brussels ②Grand Canal exhibition in China showcases archaeological findings ③A Thousand Whys: How did a canal destroy an emperor's reputation? ④Pet waiting lounge in China airport provides reassurance to owners ⑤Youngsters becoming more fitness-conscious…
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①Global scientists join hands to rebuild DNA tree of life for plants ②China-made driverless minibus to hit road in Turin, Italy ③Internet-powered nursing services available in all Chinese provinces: NHC ④3 more Chinese items inscribed on UNESCO Memory of the World regional register ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people worship 'Silkworm Goddess' …
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🎉 2024年4月8日在墨西哥、美國,加拿大發生了日全食, 高掛在天空太陽突然缺了一小角,慢慢地缺口越變越大,最後太陽完全消失,天空突然暗了下來, 今天童樂會我們會一起來探索什麼是日全食😃 🎉 今天童樂會內容Today’s party contents: ✔︎兒童新聞報一報World News For Little People: 日全食Total Solar Eclipse ✔︎「天狗吃月」故事 ✔︎兒童新聞考一考 🥳 四月慶生會 🎂 壽星有: 在美國 Long Beach 的Keely, 在 美國加州Azusa 的 Dylan Pang, 在台灣高雄市的 Queena、在台灣台北的 庭兒 、在美國德州奧斯丁的 高昆阳、在台灣台北的 Ellie😘 🥳 五月慶生會 🎂 壽星有: 在美國 Mi…
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①Car rental services boosted as tourism market heats up ②Free half-day tour provided for int'l transit passengers in Shanghai ③Scientists develop heat-resistant aluminum alloys for aerospace applications ④Chinese scientists discover new kind of dinosaur egg ⑤24 Solar Terms: Why do Chinese children wear egg pouches on the Start of Summer?…
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ChatGPT問世一週年後,台灣企業生活、工作職場以及競爭對手所面臨的變化。部分企業透過AI技術提高工作效率,但也有企業持觀望態度。 去年我在公司的時候也是在做數位轉型這一塊,一年過去了,AI工具的應用,是現代人將要增長的技能。 不只是AI普及對月薪的影響,未來AI相關工作機會也會增加。 然而,台灣企業相對於國外,在AI應用仍存在觀望,想聽更多我的討論嗎,趕快來聽這集吧。由嘉豪
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①Sanxingdui Museum in SW China opens ancient bronze ware exhibition ②China's rural museums promote local cultures ③Retail success of space flower shows strong public support ④Low-altitude aircraft finds big market in China's agricultural sector ⑤Digital nomads inject new vitality into southwest China tourist city ⑥Brain-computer interface tool impr…
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老年人難治型憂鬱症(Treatment-Resistant Depression in Older Adults),有哪些臨床處理的重點? 新英格蘭醫學期刊(NEJM)近期一篇回顧,特別以一位個案為實例,從第一線非精神科照顧者的角度,來介紹相關的治療與實證。幾項重點如下: 1. 什麼樣的程度可以說是「老年人難治型憂鬱症」(Treatment-Resistant Depression)? 對兩種不同類型的抗憂鬱藥物,治療8週仍沒有改善 2. 實證對輕到中度「老年人難治型憂鬱症」的藥物治療原則? - 低劑量第二代抗精神病藥:強烈的證據支持使用aripiprazole(起始每日劑量2.5mg,目標5-15mg),quetiapine是另一個如果病患願意在鎮靜的情況之下的選擇,但實證等級較低。 - …
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①Sino-French sound art exhibition opens in Shanghai ②China's Einstein Probe astronomical satellite captures its first in-orbit images ③Advanced 5G base station launched in Mt. Qomolangma ④Chinese scientists develop wearable batteries that can charge cellphone ⑤China's sci-fi industry rakes in 16 bln USD in 2023 ⑥World's largest Peppa Pig outdoor th…
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①Space station's coating tech enhances food preservation on Earth ②AI platform doubles detection rates for early-stage esophagal cancer ③Silver economy sees more talent, infrastructure support ④"Office farmers" grow fruit plants for novelty and stress relief ⑤East China wetland project selected as key case of UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration…
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①China, Sri Lanka collaborate to establish Belt and Road joint laboratory ②Hong Kong researchers pioneer new stem cell platform for immunodeficiency treatment ③China's archaeological site parks register strong revenue growth for 2023 ④China unveils highest-level Chu state tomb excavated to date ⑤Millennial "Village Wrestling" ignites arena in N Chi…
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①Chinese ballet to illuminate Dutch stadium ②China's Bronze Age relics enchant American audience ③Chinese readers find new passion for scientific literature ④Chinese scientists discover 46 subglacial lakes in Antarctica ⑤Panda fossil site discovered in Asia's longest cave in SW China's Guizhou ⑥North China county finds success in cat litter busines…
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①China's Tiandu satellites conduct Earth-Moon transmission, routing experiments ②Study sheds new light on origin of fast radio bursts ③China unveils plan to promote trade-ins of consumer goods ④China joins int'l IP cooperation initiative to enhance patent prosecution processes ⑤China's Jiangsu welcomes its 1st all-cargo air route to Latin America ⑥…
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①China-Laos Railway adds one pair of trains for int'l passenger service ②China launches national supercomputing network to boost digital economy ③China completes new round of tests on reusable liquid rocket engine ④Over 70 national IP protection centers under construction or in operation in China ⑤China sees 56 new unicorn enterprises in 2023: repo…
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①China's lifelong education platform serves 6.8 mln users ②Chinese researchers develop new luminous smart fiber ③Shanghai advances development of 6G ④China's Chongqing to upgrade NEV charging facilities ⑤New all-cargo air route links Hangzhou, Miami ⑥WTA1000 Wuhan Open to return in October ⑦Archaeologists reconstruct grassroots official over 2,200 …
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①China's Dunhuang, French museum to co-build database of Mogao Grottoes ②Titian's masterpiece "Flora" breathes vibrancy into Sino-Italian art exchange ③2024 Beijing Daxing Half Marathon to take place on April 27 ④China, Thailand to cooperate in lunar exploration missions ⑤Construction of robotics industrial park in northern Beijing begins ⑥China's …
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中國近三年對台灣軍機與軍艦的軍事威脅,對台灣人民造成心理壓力的研究,刊登在《亞洲精神醫學期刊》(Asian Journal of Psychiatry) 從2020年至2023年,中國對台灣軍機與軍艦侵擾的軍事活動頻繁,尤其是在2022年6月之後更大幅增加。在中國對台灣有軍事活動威脅的當週,台灣人在網路上搜尋「移民」的搜尋量就會跟著增加;而且在一週後搜尋「憂鬱」也會增加,顯示中國對台軍事活動,對台灣人群體心理健康的有顯著影響。 這項研究發表在《亞洲精神醫學期刊》(Asian Journal of Psychiatry, IF=9.5)中「戰爭帶來的心理創傷與移民的心理健康」特刊的論文,探討台灣面臨中國武力威脅時的心理健康影響以及心理反應。 #不只是戰爭倖存者_台灣長期受威脅也可能造成心理壓力…
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①Exhibition jointly held by Palace Museum, Palace of Versailles opens in Beijing ②Beijing advances demonstration zone for UAVs near Great Wall ③China records over 1 billion online audiovisual users ④Shanghai to build complete care system for children with autism by 2027 ⑤Researchers create concept for quantum batteries with efficient remote chargin…
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①Beijing International Film Festival to open in mid-April ②Cultural relics from Luxembourg on display in China's Henan ③12 Olympic champs confirm participation in World Athletics Diamond League in Xiamen ④New version of International Web Portal of Beijing launched ⑤China's gigantic telescope provides nearly 900 observation hours to foreign research…
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在今天的節目中,我直接從QA裡面抓一個留言來講,來將聽聽有關市值型ETF 00923的資訊。 不過我會希望從系統性的方式來講,將來如果換成任何一隻ETF,大家也能自己來思考看看拉。 整體來說啦,每個人的投資策略不同,要根據自己的需求和目標來選擇合適的ETF。 如果有任何疑問,歡迎在底下留言唷~由嘉豪
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①Harvest of renowned Longjing tea begins in east China ②Beijing's Olympic venues thrive year-round after bustling winter season ③China's online senior university launches new open classes ④Shanghai has over 2,000 km of roads allowing autonomous driving tests ⑤China Hospitality Association urges greater convenience for global travelers ⑥New Zealand …
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🥳 今天童樂會內容:✔︎ 玩唐詩-大詩人李白的早發白帝城 ✔︎早發白帝城的故事✔︎ 腦筋急轉彎冷笑話 唐詩-早發白帝城 Printout 🥳三月慶生會 壽星有: 在新加坡的 周佑恩, 在美國博瑟爾 的 林家信/Caleb 在美國密爾瓦基的 天天 Alexander, 在 美國三藩市 灣區 的 任永軒 Kepler,在加拿大多倫多的 王芊麗,還有所有三月的壽星們,生日快樂!Happy Birthday to: 周佑恩 (Singapore), Caleb (Bothell, USA), Alexander (Milwaukie, USA), Kepler (San Francisco Bay Area, USA), Eleanor Qian-Li Wong (Toronto, Canada) …
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①China issues guidelines for enforcement of 10-year Yangtze River fishing ban ②China's Queqiao-2 relay satellite enters orbit around the moon ③Old Summer Palace themed exhibition opens at Hong Kong Palace Museum ④French musical "Don Juan" starts China tour ⑤Over 2.5 million Chinese run marathons, half-marathons in 2023 ⑥Hydrogen-powered vehicles ma…
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①An ancient Silk Road city is now China's latest hotpot hub ②Cultural events commemorating late Peking Opera master to kick off ③SW China begins trial operation of interprovincial low-altitude air route ④Visa-free policy ignites China-Thailand travel boom ⑤6,300-year-old axe-like scepter found in east China ⑥Flightless kiwi birds take to the skies …
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