Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!
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嗨囉 歡迎收聽”搞什麼飛機 What The Flight?!” 本節目每週一上架,帶給您最潮的航空業大小事! 每集短短二十分鐘,適合走路聽、洗澡聽、睡覺也可以聽,讓你連做夢都在想飛機! 👉收聽平台 find us on👈 Apple/ Google podcast、Spotify 、KKBOX、SoundOn、Firstory 🔍簡單搜尋 simply search for🔍 「搞什麼飛機 What The Flight?! 」 ✈️隨時follow us on Instagram✈️ @wtf_what.the.flight 📧 合作邀約 for more contact 📧 💰捐款贊助 sponsor us 💰 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Glidewell 實臨室在牙醫生最常推薦的治療手續和產品上,對患者提供免費教育講解,讓患者了解這些治療手續和產品的好處。
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It’s been our tradition to do a show together on our new iPhones, and this year, we are missing Archerr from Archerr Radio 😔. Ricky and I talked about our iPhone 16 Pros and remembering our podcasting friend, Paul aka Archerr. Duration: 1:39:30 | 143.3 MB | Stereo |…
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Sharing a few highlights of my recent trip back to Malaysia. Meeting my idol, Sheila Majid and sang her song to her! Link to YouTube: Singing Antara Ayer dan Jakarta to Sheila View this post on Instagram A post shared by John Ong ( View this post on Instagram A post shared by John Ong ( Duration: 1:0…
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Having Sheila Majid in our Clubhouse room. Visiting my family in Nashville. Being a godfather to Arthur. New equipment! Learning from my 5-year-old self in a chiffon dress! Clubhouse Room: Everything Sheila Majid 🎶 1st Anniversary 🎈 Special 🎉 Old episode mentioned in this podcast: Ongline #373 Gay Little Boy Click here to view my 5-year-old self in…
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小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: 本集Ep. 25就讓ㄩㄩ自肥一下,聊聊在外籍航空公司貨運部門工作兩個月下來的心得 => 怎麼從非機組人員進入這個產業的? => 疫情下受災戶如何挺過寒冬時刻? => 貨機航線管理一職到底在幹嘛? => 集2021 Skytrax 最佳航空公司殊榮及最大貨運航空公司頭銜於一身的QR Ep. 25 is an exclusive episode for yuyu herself to tell us more about …
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疫情下的短程飛行,這次換人飛 本集Ep. 225就讓保羅來跟大家分享 ⇒ PCR 要求,大家都不一樣 ⇒ 香港機場到底多大 ⇒ 環保與抗疫不可兼得。免洗餐盒及紙本文件是必須! What is it like to fly short-haul under pandemic? In Ep. 25, Paul is gonna share her personal experience ⇒ Different regulations about PCR test ⇒ How big is the Hong Kong International Airport ⇒ You can't be eco-friendly and anti-pandemic at the same time. Dispo…
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買機票時,總是在長榮華航之間抉擇嗎? 對我們而言其實是個手心手背都是肉的艱難選擇。 (於是索性不選改搭外籍航空? 這集Ep. 24就讓我們深入探討究竟華航長榮 => 就航點而言,各的戰場在何處? => 就機隊而言,其實根本不分軒輊? => 就價格而言,有漲有跌各有千秋? => 就排名而言,到底誰辜負了誰? => 就長處而言,一個懂得曝光度?一個懂得賣口碑? As a Taiwanese, choosing between China Airlines and EVA Air is never an easy task. Since we love them both quite equally, like parents love their children, may opt for fo…
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這兩年因為疫情的關係,航空貨運特別夯。 在人們無法出國的情況下,擔任起運送疫苗及重要物資的重要角色。 那究竟在航空公司貨運部門工作是何等光景呢? 這集我們邀請到布萊恩來和我們聊聊 => 本來想當機師的,怎麼陰錯陽差地入了貨運坑? => 駐點在機場倉庫,到底都在做些什麼事? => 外派出去成為場站代表就可以每天泡茶聊是非了嗎? => 在貨運的福利除了機票外,還可以用低廉價格買到最新鮮直送的蔬果? => 貨運到底是個怎樣餓不死但也不可能大紅大紫的日不落產業? Air Transportation has come under the spotlight since Covid pandemic to ship vaccines and essential products when ppl ar…
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疫情下的長程飛行,到底是何等光景? 本集Ep. 23就讓ㄩㄩ來跟大家分享 ⇒ PCR test的黃金72小時期限!超過一分鐘就讓你遭拒登機! ⇒ 機上防疫標準大不同!大韓v.s.卡達 ⇒ 就算搭機人數少,座位配置仍有學問? ⇒ 年度榜上有名的仁川機場(ICN),到底厲害在哪? ⇒ 環保與抗疫不可兼得。免洗餐盒及紙本文件是必須! What is it like to fly long-haul under pandemic? In Ep. 23, Yuyu is gonna share her personal experience ⇒ Golden 72-hour time limit for PCR test! One more minute above may deny you from…
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My friend Andrew shared the story of how he reunited with his cat, Mac, from across the country. The old episode of Ongline #183 Meeting Andrew where I met Andrew in person for the first time. Duration: 58:38 | 112.6 MB | Stereo | Please checkout the photos of Mac a…
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航空公司的商品 到底是服務、機上設施、還是免稅品? 其實由航點串起來的航線,才是航空業賺錢的利器啊! 但至於航點有哪些、串起來可以怎麼飛,都是一門深奧的學問。 所以Ep. 22要來聊聊航空公司 => 怎麼決定要去哪裡"踩點"?連成"線"後又是怎樣光景? => 如何窺探我們想去哪裡玩?又有去那裡的需求? => 有哪些航線規劃的因素聽起來很合理但又似是而非? => 直飛v.s.轉機,你的一小時值多少錢? => 商人無祖國、但小資愛本土? Airline's prime product is service, onboard facilities, or duty-free? In fact, "routes" connected by "destinations" are the real ca…
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不知道有沒有人跟我小時候一樣極度熱愛吃飛機餐?能夠在三萬英呎上空吃到熱騰騰的食物,人生一大享樂也不過如此~ 但為什麼飛機餐卻總是被人詬病?說又乾又油又沒味道? Ep. 21我們就來發掘飛機餐 ⇒ 其實不是冷凍食品!都是由空廚每天新鮮製作的? ⇒ 從什麼時候才開始有這項服務的? ⇒ 一年有高達幾十億的龐大商機? ⇒ 如何做到兼顧體態需求又環保? Is there anyone crazily in love with the in-flight meal as I used to do? I just can't think of anything being more enjoyable to have hot food up in the 30,000 ft. (instant noodl…
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大家曾經想過飛機的航線是怎麼訂定的嗎? 除了大氣環境的因素、尋找最短距離等,其實「航權」才是航空自由最基本的根源。 Ep.20就讓我們來探索這個源頭,聊聊 => 航權的來源是什麼? => 人家說有一就有二,航權則是有三就有四? => 憑什麼新航八月底可以重啟TPE-LAX航線? => 中東的轉機生意,都多虧第六航權的大力支持? => 歐洲的開放領空讓方便不在話下 Have you ever thought of how flight routes are decided? Apart from the atmospheric environment, searching for the shortest route, etc., "traffic right" is the fundamen…
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我們平常都堂堂正正地走上機,但你有想過如果你家的毛小孩也要跟你一起遠渡重洋,那他的容身之處又在何處呢? 藉著奧運馬術比賽的實例,讓Ep.19來告訴大家 ⇒ 世界各地賽馬健將 是如何抵達奧運的比賽現場的?據說還坐商務艙? ⇒ 原來有專門運送牲畜類活生動物的航空公司? ⇒ 我家狗再吵也沒有小孩吵,所以我家毛小孩可以跟我一起上機座旁邊嗎? ⇒ 到底哪些活生動物才有資格體驗搭飛機的樂趣? As human beings, we normally walk on board, but have you ever wonder if ur doggy is coming with you, where should it be? With the practical example of transpo…
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什麼?連航空公司也會搞派系搞通婚搞小三?! 為了壯大知名度並擴充航網覆蓋率,航空公司之間的羈絆糾葛簡直剪不斷理還亂。 Ep. 18要告訴你 => 現行三大航空聯盟是?各的優劣勢又為何? => 為什麼要加入聯盟?對旅客有什麼好處? => 星宇航空有可能加入寰宇一家,讓台灣成為航空聯盟的集散地嗎? => 從約會(共享班號)、結婚(策略結盟)到大家族(航空聯盟),航空公司間的"亂"是我們無法想像的 What? Even airlines do factions, or be others' third-wheel? In order to extend the network coverage and earn more public exposure, airlines' relationshi…
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以前機場對我而言就只是個見證歡聚與分離的地方;長大後才知道納入更多巧思,機場可以不只是機場。 匯集了大家貢獻的機場經驗,Ep. 17要告訴大家 =>機場代碼到底是什麼? 又是誰規定的? =>世界機場排名亞洲就佔了七成? =>兩大強國的內需市場就寡佔了機場以旅客數排名的前十名? =>睡機場、把機場當操場在衝刺...原來都是大家共同的回憶? I used to regard the airport as a place merely for arriving and departing; now with some nice touch, an airport can not only just be an airport. After summarizing everyone's airpor…
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機場,出國的必經之路,不應只是交通公共建設的附屬品,完善的設計更能提升整體效益與使用者福祉。 除了一般大眾在乎的免稅店及插座多寡、check-in及安檢速度、登機門及航廈間距離...,Ep. 16更要告訴你 => 機場動線在潛意識裡是機場成敗關鍵? => 我們對香港機場(HKG)有什麼愛恨情仇? => 塔台內有空中交通管制員、跑道燈則是地上交通管制員? => 時間帶是啥,為何航空公司搶破頭卻也有所謂祖父條款? => 好的時間帶讓你一日生活圈;壞的時間帶讓你紅眼睡機場 還有更多精彩內容,快去你喜愛的播放平台收聽! Airport, as the road must be taken when flying, is not just an affiliation to public transp…
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搞什麼飛機特別節目SP! 到目前為止,我們都較著重在民航的部分。 今天就讓我們突破一下界線,訪問一位保羅的朋友,現役軍人@Panda! 他的角色很特殊=>身為海軍,卻又天天飛上天? 從軍也有薇閣寶寶的概念=>中正預校正期生出身! 但也要簽賣身令? 偵/反潛機的任務=>一次上機(工)就是12hr 還要自啃原文書才能保命 跳傘是必備技能=>但他卻是在國外自費跳? 還有更多有趣內幕,敬請直接收聽! What The Flight Special Episode! We focus on civil aviation most of the time, but today, it's time to break some limit. We invite one of Paul's friend, …
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飛機在茫茫空中飛行,總會有相遇的時候,但也會有就這麼憑空消失的。 七年過去了,馬來西亞航空MH370究竟發生了什麼事,還是眾說紛紜,既找不到飛機與罹難者的任何蹤跡,也沒有一個合理的解釋。 就讓Ep. 15帶大家認識 ⇒ 飛機科技是如何避免空中相撞事件的發生? ⇒ 機翼左右兩側為何要一紅一綠? ⇒ 2014年3月8號到底發生了什麼到至今仍無法接開的謎? ⇒ 從機長劫機論、軍事角力論到東方百慕達三角論,哪個最合理? Flying in the air may at a chance encounter another aircraft, but may also disappear tracelessly. After 7 years, Malaysia Airlines MH370 remai…
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雖然空難發生的機率非常低,但每一樁件發生的原因與後續調查,都是至關重要,惟希望相同的事情不再上演。 而現今的航空業之所以有現今的光景,更是一點一滴累積而來的。 來聽聽Ep. 14,看是什麼事件讓 => 飛機座椅開始非防火不可? => 機長的階級權力不再咄咄逼人? => 英文成為航空業官方語言? => 機上的防撞系統成為唯一的最高準則? Although the chances of happening are low, air accidents are critical for further investigations to prevent tragedy from occurring again. Thanks to all these previous experiences, t…
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在人會染疫的現況下,航空公司除了業績蕭條之外,訂定票價的機制也是疫情肆虐的疫區。 到底什麼意思? 就讓Ep. 13告訴你 ⇒ 航空公司到底怎麼決定一張票賣多少? ⇒ 謠言說星期二票價最便宜,是怎麼來的?也是正確的嗎? ⇒ 買機票就是要阿撒力!如果貨比三家可能越買越貴? ⇒ 所以票價也開始有症狀?如雪崩式的自殺低價? ⇒ 長程廉航還有未來嗎?關鍵又在哪裡呢? Human beings get infected is not a headline, but how about air ticket prices? They aren't intact and exclusively free from Covid as well. What does that mean? Let our Ep.…
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繼上週的頭等艙介紹,我們這次來講講搭機的天堂跟地獄:私人飛機 v.s. 機位超賣。 => 其實有錢人搭的飛機跟我們都一樣,從B737到A330,只是我們謙虛買一個位子,他們買一整架? => 若說想要以擁有一架私人飛機為人生目標,那我該自備款多少? 從要賺三輩子到五輩子都有,任君挑選 => 如果你夠窮但夠幸運買到最便宜機票,要注意了! 因為可能面臨水逆要被趕下機? => 到底為什麼會有"超賣"機票的機制? 航空公司到底在想什麼? => 如果真的面臨被迫下機的窘境,如何維護己身權利、還可能小賺一筆? Following our Ep. 11, comparing different first-class products, we're continuing the topic to elabo…
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相信大家平凡如我們,搭機搭個經濟艙叫日常、偶爾被升等叫hen爽、頭等艙叫想都不敢想。 但這些想無法想像的才是航空公司的中流砥柱、更是獲利的關鍵。 Ep. 11就讓我們來搞什麼飛機大解密 是什麼契機,讓機艙也開始搞資本主義、搞分階層? 極大化飛行體驗的中東航空公司們甚至可以讓你開房間開到三萬英呎高空中? 哪些航空的頭等艙票價 可能拿來當買房頭期款都綽綽有餘? 但頭等艙為何逐漸式微? 取而代之的是更奢靡的私人飛機? I believe that you guys are normal people as we do; flying Economic is our daily, getting an upgrade is being lucky, while First Class is dayd…
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覺得一直想念什麼時候可以出國太辛苦嗎? 來思考20年後的飛行如何? Ep. 10我們討論航空業截至目前很具前瞻性的發明與進展,包含 ⇒ 太空旅遊商業化!? ⇒ 電動飛機到底可不可行? 現在進展如何? ⇒ 以後多個飛機駕照給你考,考不考? ⇒ 飛行除了可以向鳥學習外,鯊魚也是老師? ⇒ 遠端遙控塔台可能成為未來小機場的趨勢? Is it torture to think about when the next trip abroad will be? How about thinking something further, let's say twenty years later? In Ep. 10, we dive in the most advanced and promising p…
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不知道大家第一次聽到空中巴士的時候,是不是都跟保羅有一樣的疑問? 如果到現在還是搞不清楚,就讓我們用Ep. 9滿滿一集告訴你們 ⇒ 只要會飛、可以飛,空巴都賣? ⇒ 每次聽一堆A3X, A3X,到底是怎麼起名的?跟首航順序有關嗎? ⇒ 啊最近還會聽到的A2X,是不是冒牌貨該檢舉? ⇒ 除了金屬跟複合材料,甘蔗海藻也能造飛機? ⇒ 空巴總部土魯斯一日散策大推薦! Not sure what's ur first reaction when hearing Airbus, "is it bus or what?", just like Paul. If ur still unsure about the innate character of Airbus, let our Ep. 9 take…
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在疫苗已經打得如火如荼的2021第一季,航空業即將看到復甦的曙光了嗎? 就讓我們第一次用遠端錄音的Ep. 8告訴您 ⇒ 保羅親身施打AZ 疫苗的熱騰騰心得分享 ⇒ 波音單單Q1就虧了150億台幣,到底是在虧甚麼意思的? ⇒ 空巴連續三季獲利,但寬體客機的未來卻蒙上陰影? ⇒ 歐美各自最大廉價航空,西南與瑞安航空獲利兩樣情? When vaccination has rolled out flourishing in some part of the world, does it guarantee the recovery of the aviation industry YET? Let our very first "remote" recording, Ep. 8, tells you…
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Shared the experience 48 hours after my second COVID19 vaccination shot. Lots of firsts since the start of the pandemic this past week. Why I'm changing my language. Duration: 21:55 | 42.1 MB | Stereo | Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 :: download file :: listen on iPh…
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不知道大家腦中是否曾經閃過念頭疑問之前在天上飛的飛機現在不飛了,那現在都去哪裡了? 停飛機不像停車一樣找個停車位就解決;要退役一架飛機,也不是說輪子椅子拆一拆就可以報廢。 ⇒ 所以航空公司是怎麼決定飛機去留的? ⇒ 飛機現在都被安頓在那裡? ⇒ 放著放著就沒事了?飛機的儲存比讓它好好飛還要繁複 ⇒ 世界最大民航機A380們現在的命運究竟為何? Not sure whether it’s ever occurred to you that since airplanes are no longer actively flying nowadays, then where do they go? Parking aircraft is not as easy as parking your La…
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新冠肺炎帶來的影響可能是短暫的,但也可能是劃時代的轉折。 航空業素來堅忍不饒,不論是遇到911、SARS,還是金融風暴,都會以更嶄新的面貌強勢回歸。 但在那之前的現在, = > 客機直改貨機成為新浪潮,就能消弭空運的供不應求? = > 哪些航空公司還是不怕死,在絕時逢生,逆勢新創? = > 超長程飛行(>15 hrs) 將取代轉機,成為未來飛行趨勢? How Covid-19 changes our lives may be temporary, but may also be an epochal turning point. The aviation industry always comes back even stronger than before when confronted …
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本集延續上週的減碳話題,進一步"碳"討 ⇒其他產業間很火熱的碳捕捉技術,是否也適用於航空業? ⇒日本航空(JAL)近日公布的減碳方針,涵蓋哪些層面? ⇒除了控制碳排,碳捕捉技術是什麼? This episode, following the previous one, further discuss ⇒is carbon capture technology applicable to the aviation industry? ⇒how Japan Airline (JAL) practically dedicate to reducing carbon footprints? ⇒what is carbon capture? Link: https://portal.stpi.narl…
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氣候變遷在我們的生活中發生 使用化石燃料的航空業也是環保團體的重點觀察對象 ⇒到底什麼是碳中和,又有什麼方法可以達成? ⇒為什麼各國開始這麼重視碳中和? ⇒航空業為了碳中和又做了什麼努力? 本集娓娓道來目前航空業跟碳中和的愛恨情仇。 Climate change is happening in our life Because the airplane is using fossil fuel, aviation needs to reduce carbon emissions! ⇒ What is carbon neutral and how can achieve it? ⇒ Why carbon neutral raise global attention? ⇒ What did th…
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後疫情時代,你可能要多好幾本護照才能出國。 在各國鎖國政策不一、疫苗施打進度不一等情況下,要飛行的先決條件,就是你要夠格。 全世界已陸續開始測試"旅遊/防疫護照"的可行性,希望成為重啟經濟的關鍵。 Ep.3 我們將探討 ⇒現在有哪些航空公司已經加入旅遊護照的計畫? ⇒旅遊護照也有歧視嫌疑? ⇒未來飛行已經不是你熟悉的那樣? ⇒台灣帛琉旅遊泡泡象徵旅遊市場的復甦? You may be asked to bring more than ONE passport when traveling in the future. ⇒How will flying look like in the Post-Covid world? ⇒Does a Travel/ Vaccine Passport gua…
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Got my first COVID-19 vaccination shot. New monitor headphones by Beyerdynamic. Duration: 34:13 | 65.7 MB | Stereo | Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Get in touch with me: @JohnOng (👋 Clubhouse) …
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從UA B777引擎事件到睽違兩年737MAX的復飛。 這兩年可說是這家美國老字號飛機製造商佔據新聞版面最頻繁的時間了。到底在今年2/20同天發生的兩起惠普4000-112引擎事件是怎麼回事?而上次造成相隔不到半年發生的兩起空難共346人全數罹難的MCAS系統,現在已經安全了嗎? 另外,根據波音的說法,難道空中巴士A321XLR的油箱設計有暗藏的危險? 本集娓娓道來這些事件的發生跟截至現在的後續進展。 On 20th Feb, two Pratt & Whitney 4000-112 engines exploded in the air on a B777 and a B747 cargo with 241+ ppl onboard. Luckily, no one hurt this t…
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波音最具代表性的飛機之一747-400即將從華航退役。 華航自1975年引進首架747型客機,至今已達46年。 ㄩㄩ這次有機會參加此次的活動,就讓他來分享看看華航到底在搞什麼飛機!!! 微笑的飛機(邪惡的微笑): ig追蹤我們@wtf_what.the.flight 抽獎時間3/25~3/31 4/1開獎! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Sharing my experience of being an east Asian man in America over the past year or so. Understanding what gaslighting means and why we shouldn't be quiet our experience now. Duration: 42:03 | 80.7 MB | Stereo | Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 :: download file :: listen…
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👉收聽平台 find us on👈 Apple/ Google podcast、Spotify 、KKBOX、SoundOn、Firstory 🔍簡單搜尋 simply search for🔍 「搞什麼飛機 What The Flight?! 」 📧 合作邀約 for more contact 📧 💰捐款贊助 tip us 💰 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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我們到底在搞甚麼飛機? 一分鐘自介倒數計時開始! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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It's been a minute since I I last posted here. I'm back to share with you what my year 2020 was like. Spoiler alert! NOT GOOD! Duration: 25:13 | 48.4 MB | Stereo | Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 Get in touch with me: @JohnOng (👋 Clubhouse) …
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 46:53 | 71.8 MB | Stereo | Being a caregiver for my dad last year, when he was admitted to the hospital unexpectedly. Twitter @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong Snapchat: 👻JohnOngSnap👻…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 13:09 | 18.8 MB | Stereo | Preparing for my trip to Malaysia. Follow me on Snapchat and get all the latest updates from my trip. Twitter @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong Snapchat: 👻JohnOngSnap👻 Beme: Joh…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 35:32 | 54.9MB | Stereo | My weird quirks in selecting products in a store. Meeting Brad & George. Twitter @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong Snapchat: JohnOngSnap Beme: JohnOng…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 28:39 | 44.1 MB | Stereo | Surprise! Back to your ear holes. As promised on my Snapchat, here's my story about my Friday the 13th experience last week. Of course, a few other tangents along the way. T…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 33:37 | 52.4 MB | Stereo | Catching up! What's been keeping me busy. The release of my Penang Hokkien Podcast t-shirts. Chai's medical adventures. We are launching our first Penang Hokkien Podcast t-s…
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Taking our craziness and put it into a show and performed at the luxurious Holiday Inn!
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Having fun with the girls in Columbia, Missouri despite the cold weather.
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The road trip continues. We discussed the Miss Universe 2015 drama. We bed-smashed in our hotel!
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Taking a short road trip to Columbia, Missouri with a couple of friends. This is the condensed down version of our conversations we had in the car.
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 31:37 | 48.5 MB | Stereo | Obsessed with Justin Bieber's new album. Re-loving the four seasons. Maybe I will hate winter less this year. My facial hair story. Discovering Tous Les Jours. Twitter: @Joh…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 29:45 | 45.5 MB | Stereo | Christmas decorations. Burning out. I shouldn't complain that much after hearing what a few other podcasters are going through in life. Twitter: @JohnOng Instagram: @John.On…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 29:59 | 42.8 MB | Stereo | My crazily busy and fun life and weekend. Find out what annoys me when I'm busy. Twitter: @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong
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