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给华语听众: 主使用许多的人来告诉人们天堂的启示,比如Kat Kerr (看可人), Kevin Zadai (开闻泽代)等等,我们在这里把这些英语信息用华语来分享给大家。 多数情况下,这些分享可以通过手机应用在不同平台听取。 使用技巧:对于使用音频链接而非应用之情况,在有些地方,可能会出现用手机不能播放的状况,正常情况是被拦阻了。请使用电脑或笔记本的浏览器打开链接,就可以播放了。 如果你从这些启示得了帮助,你也可以转发给你周围的朋友们。 祝福大家! 联系邮件 To English-spoken Audience: Have you been greatly touched and helped by heaven revelations from Kat Kerr, Kevin Zadai and others? I am one of those people and I speak Chinese also. I put up this podcast so that you can share these beauti ...
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靠聽歌學英文🐡聽一首簡單的英文歌,讓你的英文變好,心情也變好喔!🔥🔥也要記得追蹤puffer 的ig➡️puffer_sfg.77 不只可以看到每首歌的圖文說明,還可以用小盒子告訴puffer你喜歡的英文歌,就有機會出現在後續的靠聽歌學英文當中喔!
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每個人都是一個人來到這個地球上,也會是一個人離開。透過Me Time,你可以有一點自己的時間,停下來,試著開始更了解自己一些。而我也會透過我的故事,我的秘密,和你們一起談一談,其實認識自己,是一個很美的旅程! Remember, you are not alone! 創台初衷: *提供一個平台讓大家知道自己不是一個人在面對黑暗的事情 *要認識自己,首先需要誠實面對自己 *分享我的個人經驗,希望能對有需要的聽眾有幫助 歡迎大家給我回饋~ MeTimeIG搜尋:metime111 Sending love to you all! :) Powered by Firstory Hosting
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全台灣最荒謬Podcast上線啦!營養價值零,酸人指數滿點的溫腥惡魔小園地,消化餅、小部語不驚人死不休,你準備好拋開道德枷鎖享受最紓壓的幹話連發了嗎? Young Love Play: Taiwan's wittiest talk show, where hilarity meets razor-sharp opinions in a whirlwind of unapologetic, uproarious banter! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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北冥有鱼 Carefree Soaring

一档从心理学角度观察和探索我们自身经验以及周围世界的节目。 “北冥有鱼”出自庄子《逍遥游》,讲的是北方的深海里有一条大鱼,它游着游着就飞了。 两个闲晃的临床心理学家,审视万物在精神世界的投影,探索“逍遥游”的可能性。 主播:卡其,朝朝 欢迎订阅,评论,或者将意见和反馈发到我们的邮箱 欢迎关注我们的微博@北冥有鱼播客; 小红书@北冥有鱼;Twitter: @CarefreeSoaring 你可以在小宇宙|喜马拉雅|Apple Podcast| Google Podcast| Spotify| Pocket Casts|Radio Public|Anchor 等播客平台找到我们。 欢迎关注我们的播客名片: 也欢迎添加RSS feed订阅:
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(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people! To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago. Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant. I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too! From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTub ...
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前身《育兒行不行》 現更新為《小朋友學英文》 花媽很喜歡看繪本 融入自己英文的一點點底子 和大家聊聊英文繪本 分享自己閱讀過後的感想 進而提供花媽自己做的學習單 爸媽可以藉此在家中和小朋友們一起學英文呦 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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規率生活的上班族 內心仍嚮往新事物 藉由不同出國體驗 滿足我充沛好奇心 若生活中缺少刺激 想要來點不一樣的 生活體驗冒險日常 歡迎來到我的頻道 一起盡情體驗 Adventure life Powered by Firstory Hosting
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灵感点亮生活,生活温暖人心。 在线杂志「Voicer」,分享生活和设计的美学。 网站 微博 微信公众号:Voicer
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Charlie in The House

下班後必聽的 Podcast

每天看似規律的生活,眼睛睜開的一剎那,就是為了上班.熬一整天過艱辛的工作,下班之後,我們又要改變成另外一個臉孔,可能是爸爸的角色,也可能是愛人的角色,我們何時能有屬於自己的時間? 別擔心,你現在有了. 歡迎來到 Charlie 的 House,在這邊盡情的做你自己. Welcome to my house, Charlie in The House. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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总有那么一段电影独白,或是让我们感动,或是给我们启迪,不舍得它就那么被渐渐遗忘。 Hi,亲爱的耳朵们! 我是主播Ida,关注微信公众号:Ida的美剧电影英语笔记,可以第一时间获取音频和完整的文本内容。在那里,我还会定期推送一些电影对话中出现的英语知识点。看电影的同时,咱也把英语捡起来~ 如果你有好看的电影或美剧,也欢迎向Ida推荐哦O(∩_∩)O~~ love, Ida.
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事事如意 As Your Wish in our Geoeye 👀


大家好,我們是一群來自林口康橋熱愛社會科學的夥伴! 在經過了地理奧林匹亞的培訓後,著實地打開了咱們地理眼,希望透過我們的分享,能夠讓各位用不一樣的視角認識世界<3 Hello everyone, we are a group of friends from Linkou Kang Chiao who love social sciences! After undergoing training for the Geography Olympiad, we have truly opened our eyes to geography. We hope that through our sharing, we can help you see the world from a different perspective.
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这个频道里的播客是为中文学习者制作的。欢迎关注我的Youtube频道:Chinese Podcast With Shenglan,那里有更多的中文学习视频和播客:)成为我的Patreon会员,即可获得文字稿和更多播客内容
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High Light Tiawan 彰顯台灣智庫群 台灣民主化進程研究政治觀察 經濟,國防,教育,心理,社會政策討論參與 公民責任,公民義務,公民素質提升運動召集 FB請搜尋--彰顯台灣 拒絕參與政治的懲罰之一, 就是被糟糕的人統治… 許多事今天我們若不為社會的公平正義發聲, 改天我們就必須為自己的軟弱而戰… 世界敗壞不是由於惡人囂張,而是由於好人沉默 喜歡絕大部份的中國朋友… 喜歡中華文化,紅樓夢,繁體字, 喜歡中國的大山大水, 深愛川湘菜跟各地的中華料理… 不是很喜歡國民黨民進黨… 但我更討厭專制主義,討厭共產黨… 不希望身邊的人因為政治意志的不同被封號, 被消失,被入罪,被自殺… 別對政治冷感, 別成為黨爭互鬥的工具人… 我們應該還可以作些什麼… 我們都應該擁有個人的自由意識… 我們誰都不該是誰的棋子… 期待有生之年能見證一個… 屬於華人世界裡的思想啟蒙運動, 屬於華人世界的文藝復興時期… 人類學家 Margaret Mead說過: 永遠不要去懷疑那一小群, 有理想有抱負的公民可以改變世界, 事實上世界的改變向來全靠這群人。 別輕視小看了自己… 我們正在創造屬於自己與下一 ...
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三十好禍 年過三十,究竟是福是禍 古人常說三十而立 兩個三十了卻什麼都還沒立的胖 二十幾的我們總是幻想著三十的自己是什麼模樣 而如今,年過三十,卻是另一番考驗的開始? Society really loves to tell you there is a certain way you are supposed to be. A certain life you are supposed to live. A path you are supposed to take. And if you aren’t ready for that stuff at the age society decides, then it’s a huge amount of pressure. Facing the swerve in your 30s is a tough window of time for sure. Instagram | wang_and_yu 合作私訊 | Powered by Firstory Hosting
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浪浪不怕,有我在;是為小動物們特別是流浪貓狗發聲的節目。節目揭開了關於流浪貓狗的真實犯罪也收集了狗狗貓貓可愛又暖心的故事。所以藉個耳朵,走進小動物們的世界嗎? —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 消化餅挑戰教甄第七度,終於決定做自己的生命設計師規劃新藍圖? (不清楚教師甄試制度的可以先收聽這一集: 青春愛消遣Instagram: 青春愛消遣Facebook:…
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How one couple successfully Homeschooled 4 successful and amazing kids in Taiwan! 🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ ⭐️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club for to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ➡️ 🔥 Edit your short and long-form content the EASY way here:! ➡️ https://store.cont…
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Join us as we follow a German student immersing himself in the rich and vibrant culture of Taiwan. Lisa Erschow is a multilingual student that is closing in on 1 year in Taiwan. She has been a Radio guest, podcast guest, Intercultural speaker, model and more in Taiwan! Join me as we dive into what brought her to Taiwan and how she has achieved such…
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Growing up in the famous lineage of Chiang Kai - Shek in Taiwan must have been a very cool and unique experience. Andrew is the great grandson of CKS and he is a long time customer of Eddy's Cantina and we have always had great chats. So tonight we are lucky to interview him about his life and upbringing in Taiwan.…
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Pro B-ball in Taiwan is on the rise and Taiwan is showing love to not only the local talent but the import players as well. Meet Michael Efevberha aka #XinchuKobe while he shares his journey from the begining to ending up in Taiwan with his family playing hoops all along th由Eddy LIVE
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越来越多的人开始对心理咨询/治疗产生兴趣,但却不知道如何开始这段旅程。这期节目我们邀请了在杭州执业的心理咨询师李淼晞(Sissy),深入地探讨了在中国大陆和美国该如何选择适合的心理咨询师,如何开始第一次会谈。本期节目尤其适合对心理咨询起心动念,但还没有实践经验的听众。但无论是你第一次接触心理咨询,还是已经有一些咨询经验但是对这个过程感到困惑,我们都希望这期节目能为你带来一些启发。 嘉宾: 李淼晞 Sissy 李淼晞: 繁人心理创始人, 心理咨询师, 安娜·弗洛伊德中心精神分析发展心理学硕士 - 欢迎关注繁人心理同名小红书和视频号 时间线 4:30 主播与嘉宾的专业背景 8:17 我们为什么需要心理咨询/治疗?每个人都可以从心理咨询中获益吗? 12:30 渴望成长是一个必要的动力吗? 13:0…
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相关链接: 文字稿:网站: 中文口语课:本期节目中提到的一期往期节目:(坐船去日本) - 本期节目主要内容:00:00-01:07 前情提要和本期节目简介01:0…
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文字稿: Patreon: 口语课: - 主要内容: 00:00-01:00播客介绍 01:00-06:18 花五小时过海关的经历 06:18-08:12 “倒爷”的“倒”是什么意思 08:12-11:00 “倒爷”…
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这期我们很开心邀请到了知名播客《黑水公园》的主播金花,借前阵子大火的电影《周处除三害》一起聊聊为什么聪明人也会被邪教洗脑。片中描绘的“尊者”和他的邪教给人留下深刻的印象,但现实世界的邪教往往更加荒诞和残忍。我们通过心理学、科学、宗教学和流行文化的观点碰撞,发现其实“尊者”这样的人常常就在我身边,不论在哪个国家,都有利用人们的信仰、脆弱、和善良来谋取私利的人。当邪教通过多种方式攻破了我们内心隐秘的弱点和痛点, 受过高等教育的普通人也有可能沦为邪教的信徒。希望这期对话能帮大家擦亮眼睛,识别邪教,找到自己真正可以依靠的精神力量。 嘉宾:金花 时间线: 2:20 看懂《周处除三害》得有点文化 8:00 电影里的邪教片段在互联网上广泛流传,击中了大家的什么痛点? 11:45 小时侯的金花尝试了各种“特…
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Meet SkullyOSkully, an up-and-coming Caribbean musician making his mark in Taiwan! Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means if you bu…
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The incredible journey of a Polish man who transitioned from being a UFC fighter to serving in law enforcement and then coming to Taiwan. Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ This video is NOT sponsored. Some …
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How one man successfully reversed his health issues by adopting a carnivore diet. 🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ ⭐️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club for to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ➡️ This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means i…
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在非母语环境下工作的心理学家(licensed psychologist)面临着语言和文化上的极高挑战。本期我们聚焦与第二语言习得和使用相关的心理治疗师受训经历,分享了两位主播作为中文母语者,在美国的英语语境下接受博士训练与工作的心路历程。语言的成长作为一面镜子,帮我们反思着语言与情感表达、身份认同、职业成长、和文化选择的复杂关系。双语使用者的身份也逐渐让我们意识到,双语的学习和使用是人生中的一份大礼。 时间线: 2:10 心理治疗是一个英文主导的学科? 3:31 留学经历里是从将中文翻译成英文开始 7:20 双语使用者的大脑激活模式是持续的双核运行 5:39 临床心理学博士期间,英语不过关即将面临退学的压力 13:25 个人专业的成长,语言的习得,和文化的适应性是三条很紧密缠绕的线 24:…
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Episode 211 20181005:天堂有趣的一面 Season 1, Episode 23. 第一期,第23集,发布日期:20181005 本集英语原文链接: 播客亮点: •彼得兔住在欢乐农场。 • 果冻乐园非常美味! • 圣诞小镇,尼克总是把你放在他很好的名单上。 • 天堂里不仅仅是南瓜香料。 问题: 1、庆祝圣诞节? 2、祷告的颜色? 3、天马在天堂? 4、礼品包装好还是未包装? 见证: 离婚后灵魂净化。 新产品: 2019年日历:秘密的天军 技巧: 如果直接播放卡顿,可以先下载音频文件,然后再播放收听。 如果是用…
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《薇心小語》 紛擾不安的世界 沈澱心靈的極短篇 帶來片刻的寧靜 開啟穿越的亮光 製作人半世紀的信仰之旅 有聖經、有心情、有故事 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 一向走在時代尖端的小部變高冷女神計劃弄巧成拙? 小部如何又能扭轉乾坤? 青春愛消遣Instagram: 青春愛消遣Facebook: 小額贊助支持本節目: 參與Patreon訂閱募資獨家…
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In this video, we dive into the current state of the music industry in Taiwan. From the rise of indie artists to the impact of streaming platforms, we explore how Taiwanese musicians are navigating the ever-changing landscape. Join us as we uncover the unique trends and challenges faced by musicians in Taiwan and shed light on the vibrant music sce…
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Episode 262 20240315:头上的圆环,早上就给你! Season 3, Episode 6. 第三期,第6集,发布日期:20240315 本集英语原文链接: 播客亮点: 在圣帕特里克节,我们所有人都有一点爱尔兰味道。 凯特和 珍妮分享了帕特里克的生活。 16岁时被爱尔兰海盗绑架.......天哪!!! 有一些好的圣徒,比如圣尼古拉斯、圣帕特里克、圣弗朗西斯,仅举几例。 哥伦巴是谁,他是如何传播福音的?? 不要把注意力集中在消极方面!! 天堂里圣帕特里克的大厦......哇!! 天堂里的一切都是活的,所以花朵当然…
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Episode 261 Season 3, Episode 5. 第三期,第5集,发布日期:20240302 本集英语原文链接: 播客亮点: • 改变之风吹来!! • 上帝在华盛顿特区说话,很震撼! • 珍妮后来查了一下,柏林是德国的首都。 • 凯特分享了她去德国斯图加特的时光, • 酸菜,是还是不是? • 2024年,上帝的现在!! • 对转基因说不!! • 支持你当地的有机食物农民! • 首都山冒险! • 请原谅电话......哈哈!! • 我们只是保持真实......哈哈哈!! • 当上帝大喊“现在”时,你就行动!! •…
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Don't miss the action-packed highlights and exclusive interviews from the Tapout Island: No Gi Sub-Only Tournament that recently took Taipei by storm! Watch as the best grapplers in the region compete for glory in this adrenaline-fueled event. From jaw-dropping submissions to heart-stopping moments, this tournament had it all. Join us as we take yo…
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🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ In this video, we delve into the world of podcasting in Taiwan and explore the possibility of 2024 being the year that podcasts finally go mainstream in the country. With the popularity of podcasts on the rise globally, Taiwan's podcasting scene is also experienci…
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The Taiwanica Podcast is where a Taiwanese and American couple come together to share their insights of Taiwan from the USA. IG; Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ Thi…
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🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ We review the shocking events that unfolded during a Muay Thai event where a Brazilian fighter was robbed of victory. Join us as we provide a live fight review of the controversial match and hear from the fighter himself in an exclusive interview. Tune in to hear …
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In this inspiring video, follow along with an American fighter as he embarks on a transformative journey through the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Taiwan. 🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ Discover how the practice of BJJ not only improved his physical skills but also transformed his perspective…
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Join us for an exclusive interview with Adam McMillan, the Director of The Center, Tianmu's premier community hub for English-speaking expats in Taiwan. Delve into the fascinating journey of leading this vital organization, providing support and resources to newcomers in Tianmu. From organizing events to fostering cultural exchange, discover how Th…
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Join us as we sit down with Serg. The Dreamer, a talented pop/rock artist and English teacher originally from Saint-Petersburg, Russia, now residing in Taiwan. In this captivating interview, Serg shares his remarkable journey of recording a music album in Taiwan, his experiences busking in the vibrant streets of Taiwan, and the profound impact of l…
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Join Eddy as he dives into an extraordinary journey with our special guest, who left Russia to follow his heart to Taiwan. In this exclusive interview, we explore the captivating love story that began in the USA and blossomed in Taiwan, the cultural shocks and exchanges between Russian, American, and Taiwanese ways of life, and the unique challenge…
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Meet Sonia and Kiana King, sisters embracing their Taiwanese-American roots. Kiana, an aspiring singer, will serenade us, while Sonia shares insights from her studies in TW, HK, and the USA. Join us for a heartfelt chat about their bicultural upbringing. Subscribe now at for this musical and enlightening journey!" Follow Kiana on Spot…
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Tune into the Eddy Live Podcast for an enlightening conversation with John Eastwood, an American lawyer making waves in Taiwan's legal scene. Uncover the peculiarities of high-profile cases like Body Worlds, and get insider tips on navigating Taiwan's business and legal landscape. From cultural quirks to essential legal advice, this episode is pack…
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踏入拳擊擂台,與艾迪一同訪問台灣崛起的拳擊之星鍾「鐵肺」佳堯。從他多元化的背景到最近引人注目的比賽,揭示一位年輕運動員走向職業拳擊的故事。訂閱以獲取更多有關台灣領軍人物的內容,全部都來自艾迪的墨西哥餐廳! Step into the ring with Eddy as we interview Chung 'Iron Breath' Jia Yao, Taiwan's rising boxing star. From his multi-faceted background to his recent standout fight, uncover the story of a young athlete's journey to professional boxing. Subscribe…
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Join us in an exclusive interview with an extraordinary MMA fighter and BJJ black belt who's making waves in Taiwan's combat sports scene. Originally from Brazil, our guest shares his inspiring journey of transitioning from the vibrant Brazilian MMA culture to the rapidly growing Taiwanese arena. In this deep dive, we explore his unique experiences…
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Dive into the ever-evolving realm of web development with a Dragon's Chamber finalist in this special episode of Eddy LIVE Podcast feat. Julien Ferard Join us as we uncover the evolution of web development, exploring the unique experiences and insights of our esteemed guest. From participation in the Dragons Chamber to the latest industry trends, t…
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Dive deep into the world of cryptocurrency with the insightful Full Value Dan! Join us as we explore the latest trends, NFTs, and the regulatory landscape that defines the crypto space. Full Value Dan shares his top picks in the crypto projects realm provides expert advice on risk management, and discusses the impact of decentralization on traditio…
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Join us in celebrating two years of incredible content creation with Lukas in Taiwan! In this exclusive interview, we dive deep into Lukas' journey from a challenging job loss to becoming a full-time YouTube sensation. Discover the evolution of his content, the secrets behind captivating thumbnails, and the crucial elements that make a video truly …
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Step into the world of punches, passion, and pure excitement as we sit down with First Drop CEO, Peter Hung, in an exclusive interview that unveils the inspiration behind Taiwan's premier boxing association. Discover what sets First Drop apart from the rest in Taiwan and Asia, and get an insider's perspective on the upcoming event – from fighter se…
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Welcome to another episode of "Eddy Live Podcast!" In this session, we're delving into the captivating world of health, fitness, and success with the extraordinary Alex Hoffmann. Join us as we unravel the secrets to Alex's impressive physique and thriving career, exploring everything from his morning rituals that set the tone for success to the uni…
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Join us for a flavor-packed journey at Eddy's Cantina! In this exclusive YouTube interview, Eddy, the co-founder, and his wife spill the beans on the challenges and triumphs of bringing authentic Mexican cuisine to Taiwan. From the spicy beginnings of their restaurant venture to the art of balancing marriage and business, discover the secret ingred…
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Join us in this episode as Tim, our guest, shares the inspiring journey of leaving the old-school corporate world to launch his podcast, 白大象的盒子 (The White Elephant's Box). Key Moments: Breaking Chains: Tim's bold move from corporate norms. Unveiling Perspectives: Discover the essence of his no-limits podcast. Triumphs & Challenges: Navigating the u…
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Embark on the heartwarming journey of Esjae and Tivamile, an inspiring intercultural couple navigating marriage, parenthood, and their new podcast! Discover their secrets to balancing love and laughter, blending cultures into their content, and finding inspiration for your journey. Join us for laughter-filled moments, behind-the-scenes stories, and…
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Join us for an engaging interview with Chris Foste, the visionary behind Pizza Bear Cafe in Xindian, Taiwan! Discover the remarkable journey of how Chris, formerly from the USA, ventured to China and finally landed in Taiwan to bring the unique taste of Detroit-style square pizza to the heart of Xindian. Dive into the intriguing stories of entrepre…
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Join us in this heartfelt conversation with a Catholic priest as he shares his incredible journey from his upbringing to embracing the calling of priesthood. Discover how his path led him to Taiwan and the cultural experiences he encountered. Unveil the role of the Catholic Church in Taiwan, his connection with the community, and the challenges and…
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Join us as Joseph Huang, General Partner at Headline Asia, takes us on a journey through the dynamic world of venture capital in Asia. Discover how startups and investments are shaping the future, and gain valuable insights from an industry expert. Don't miss this opportunity to uncover the secrets of success in the Asian startup ecosystem. Subscri…
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In this engaging episode of "Eddy Live," we dive into the captivating world of science education for children with Dr. Sparks and Doc Z, two passionate science educators who run science classes that remind us of the legendary Bill Nye the Science Guy! From interactive experiments to igniting curiosity, Dr. Sparks and Doc Z share their innovative an…
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Meet Gregory Rosebrook, an American acupuncturist who left behind the comforts of home to pursue a new life in Taiwan. Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are a…
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Join us on Eddy Live as we explore the incredible journey of Lamin Jarjusey, a talented YouTuber from Gambia now thriving in Taiwan. Discover Lamin's language learning secrets, content creation journey, and insights into the vibrant Gambian YouTube community. We discuss unforgettable moments, online feedback, and future aspirations. Subscribe, like…
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In this captivating interview, we dive deep into the inspiring journey of a Belizean student who made the remarkable decision to return to Taiwan after spending a transformative year in Belize. Join us as we explore the compelling reasons behind this life-changing choice, hear the personal stories, and gain insights into the unique experiences that…
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