69:白沙灣起源瑜伽創辦人Lydia 離開加拿大會計師回台推動冥想靜坐的生命教育Origin Yoga Retreat 全包式釋放壓力體驗與印度啟發的身心靈蛻變
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你正在收聽的是69:白沙灣起源瑜伽創辦人Lydia 離開加拿大會計師回台推動冥想靜坐的生命教育Origin Yoga Retreat 全包式釋放壓力體驗與印度啟發的身心靈蛻變
嗨!超人們~ 歡迎來到超能力夢想學校。我是海公主蘿菈,勇敢和療癒是我的教練特質。品牌行銷、 網路創業是我的DNA。在夢想學校,每週的啟發故事和干貨,支持你發揮潛能,解鎖你與生俱來的超能力,創造屬於你的理想生活。讓我們開始學習囉!
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- 這一集的贊助商是我創辦的教練線上指導課程:GUT90 - 90天療癒腸胃運動健康計畫。你如果沒有時間,想要創造高效習慣,在短短3個月達到女性健康一生中必須經歷的蛻變...這五步驟系統化的線上課程就是你正在尋找的魔法解方
- 我相信每個你都不需要更多的資訊,妳,渴望的是蛻變。妳「沒有時間」嗎?五步驟系統化設計是專屬忙碌上班族、創業家、慢性病鬥士的攻略寶典。我可以同理你全心投入工作事業,但也不想燃燒你最有價值的「長壽健康貨幣」的感受
- 90天高效率進擊課程讓你擊倒 困擾你的痛點、阻礙!你做的每一個決定,不是幫助你走向幸福健康,就是邁向苦難疾病。索取完整GUT90天線上課程計畫內容,請上官方網站lolalinocean.com 或直接從臉書、IG上私訊我
- 療癒你的腸胃道,不再讓情緒感受限制你達成目標
- Lola開場歡迎超能力夢想學校創業家摯友Lydia - 每個人都是領導者/導師/教練,期待更多的創作者、女創業家、加入我們的行列!用聲音與行動照亮世界~
- 直接破題告訴大家關於你不為人知的故事:
My Background
- Come from a yoga family
- Accountant for 8 years
- My time in India with my dad learning Yoga & Ayurveda
- Left corporate world in 2016 and decided to come back to Taiwan to visit family
- Went back to visit childhood home, turning abandoned building into a hidden sanctuary
- Abandoned building have since attracted other owners to come back and open coffee shops, B&B, and restaurant
- My philosophy has always been to share and teach what I practice in my own life, the things that connect me to joy and peace. That is why offering retreats at the Origin Yoga & Wellness is a priority for me.
Why Yoga Retreat?
- Yoga retreat is hugely popular outside of Taiwan, there are more than 3000 locations worldwide
- When I was living in Canada, I went for retreats all the time when I was stressed.
- I think Taiwan has equal amount of resources for me to create retreats: beautiful nature (mountain to ocean in one day!), warm culture, and amazing food. I wanted to offer a safe place for people from all over the world to come to learn to relax.
- Most memorable one was when I decided to go to India to learn yoga and went on a retreat.
- Time to think about life, enjoying simplicity
- Met friends from all over the world: Spain, Ataska, Finland, Korea
- Getting a fresh new perspective about life, and even getting the promotion I wanted after returning home
Origin Yoga & Wellness
- 3 years operations
- 1000 guests
- 45+ different countries
- Started a kombucha business too
- 2nd place winning at Dragons Chamber fundraising looking to expand
What is Yoga Retreat
- The definition of “retreat” means to “pull back” from everyday life. Giving yourself the gift of time away in quiet reflection, time away to concentrate on those things that you know are so important, time away to connect with your deeper self, is profoundly powerful.
- Yoga retreat involves traveling to a place surrounded by natural beauty to relax your mind, body, and soul. Yoga retreat is often all inclusive with daily yoga and meditation practices, healthy food, comfortable accommodation, and mindfulness related excursions such as visiting neighboring organic farm, hot spring, learning form local artist.
- A Day in Retreat:
- Imagine waking up to the sound of the ocean, coming downstairs for a energetic morning class focusing on sun salutations, breathing, and meditation.
- Then breakfast is already ready with homemade bread, omelette, and green smoothie.
- During free time, you can have time to read a book or go for a swim.
- Lunch we prepare simple delicious home cooking sourced from local farms and seasonal produce.
- After lunch we go on an excursion to a local organic farm to learn about herbs, farmer’s way of life, and have afternoon tea.
- Evening we have yoga class again, this time much it’s deeper and restorative stretches.
- Sunset, we go for a nature walk by the beach to watch the sunset.
- Dinner again feast on healthy and organic produce made by our private chef
- After dinner we have evening meditation and journalling time, or go for hot spring.
Current Challenge
- The coronavirus has affected business as people are scared to go out
- Fear and anxiety is dominating the society right now
- More than ever yoga retreat is needed to help:
1) Yoga & nature boost immune system
2) Self care and self reflection time to stay calm
3) Learn new ways and mindset to overcome future challengesWhy Go On A Retreat
1. Boost Your Immune System
Retreats takes place right by the Baishawan Beach in open spaces, away from big city and crowds. Our retreats is also small in size. We spend as much time outdoors with in nature as possible- We eat healthy and simple food to cleanse and reset the body
- You can learn natural remedies to self heal and boost immune system
- Example 1: A lawyer from Taipei “I cannot thank you enough for the life changing experience. For the first time since I was 10, I have not felt so at peace with myself and meditation has become a daily practice. Eating and living more consciously also improved my health conditions greatly. I feel more natural and in love with my life. I am quite certain this is not a phase either and I am so grateful to have met you and your family.
2. Relaxation and Inner Peace
Everything at the retreat is planned with your relaxation in mind, you simply have to show up, we take care of everything- We all have peace within, but this purity is pollute...