Faith in God Part 2 | Andy Elmes | 27th October 2024
Manage episode 447104496 series 3327065
Pastor Andy continues from last week speaking about Faith. However, we can have faith in people, all sorts of things, but the faith Ps Andy speaks about is Faith in God. It is through God's sacrifice of his only Son that we have salvation, it is faith in our Lord's promises not just as the Author but moreover the Finisher that Ps Andy shows us is the key ingredient here.
God is wanting us to put trust in him, why?, because He is trustworthy. We trust Him as the creator of the universe, but also his promises - when He gives us a word, He puts his own name on that word to fulfill it. When Jesus said to the people in the boat, we're going to the other side, a storm came but it wasn't really the issue because Jesus had given the word as the author - ie He had given a promise and it would be fulfilled (storm or no storm). The reaction needs to be to thank Him, even when it looks impossible, we don't know or cant see how it can be fulfilled. We move from standing with the author seeing things that haven't happened yet to standing with the finisher. Faith in God positions us at the finish line even when we are still in the race!
Ps Andy further expands on this by speaking about the faith journey that Abraham had, and ends suggesting 4 key lessons....
- Faith is usually a journey, which rarely ends the next day
- If God needed our help He would ask!
- Faith is never reasonable, we may need to wait for it to make sense
- Faith is always real before we see it