Episode 144: Endtimes-itis - A Study in Eschatology (the study of the last things/End Times)
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Why do I think we can re-affirm that there is a strong case of "Endtime-itis" today in the Body of Christ?
Just recently I found the following titles for podcasts/videos being done by Christians:
•“Has the Tribulation Begun?”
•“The End has Begun”
•“Is the United States Mystery Babylon [in] THE BOOK OF REVELATION?”
•“What is the system of the Beast”?
•“End of the World”
•“God of Magog and the Antichrist”
•“The Antichrist Agenda”
•“666 and the Last Generation of Humans”
In this podcast, I will look at the different End-Time Views.
We will discuss the 3 main approaches to the fulfillment of Biblical End Time prophecies - Preterism, Historicism, and Futurism. What they are? How do they interpret the Book of RevelationWho held/holds them?
Next, we'll look at the Timing and Nature of Christ's Return and the Millennium - We will look at the 3 main views - Amillennialism, Postmillennialism, and Premillennialism - What do each of them teach? What are their strengths/weaknesses? Who held to/holds these positions?
After that, I will break down the 2 main views of Premillennialism - Historic and Dispensational. I will add a third one that has been termed "Apostolic Premillennialism". What doe they teach? Who held/holds them?
We look at well as the viewpoints on the Rapture - What exactly is the so-called "Rapture" and when will it occur? Does it happen BEFORE, DURING, or AFTER the Tribulation? This gets us into the doctrine of the Great Tribulation. What have people believed about it throughout Church History?
We get into the main passage of Scripture that many of the End Times beliefs come from - Matthew 24.
We also get into the passages/verses that talk about the Anti-Christ, the 1000-year Millennium, and the Great Tribulation - that includes Daniel 7:25, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, Revelation 3:10, 7:17 and 20:1-3.
A main part of the message was looking at what happened in AD 70. Were many/most of the End Times prophecies fulfilled at that time? Or has AD 70 been ignored? Is it being over-emphasized and viewed as too important?
Perhaps the most important part of this message is to see what the Early Christians from the early 2nd Century and onwards believed. What did they believe about AD 70? Did they believe in a 1000-year literal Millennial Reign of Christ on the Earth? Did they believe that the Anti-Christ came in the 1st Century or was he still going to come in the future? Did they believe in a pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church?
We KNOW what they believed. Were they right? Who should we be listening to? What is clear is that many Christians today do not know what they believed and base their End Times views on what their pastor/s have taught and/or what their 'traditions' teach.
I've personally held to several of the viewpoints covered. I will share my "eclectic" one - wherein I try to take the "best of" the different viewpoints to inform my own today. Regardless of where people end up landing, this historical journey will help you to understand some of the most divisive topics in the Church today. May this help any of us who happen to be battling "Endtime-itis"!
#preterism #preterist #historicism #futurism #futurist #antichrist #postmillennialism #postmillennial
#premillennialism #premillennial #panmillennialism #panmillennial #rapture #millennium #1000-years #Revelation #tribulation #pretrib #midtrib #posttrib #prewrath #secondcoming #2ndcoming #endtimes #endtimeprophecy #prophecy #matthew24 #olivetdiscourse #70AD #jerusalem #deception #greattribulation