1:1 with Dirk Voorhoof
Manage episode 356613607 series 3365818
In this podcast Prof. em. Dirk Voorhoof (Human Rights Centre, Ghent University) & the media lab discuss the Media Freedom Act and ‘How To Fix’: the protection of sources
📌Episode Highlights
⏲️[00:00] Intro
⏲️[01:16] Media Freedom Act - ‘How To Fix’: The Protection of Sources
⏲️[05:38] Outro
📌About Our Guest
🎙️ Prof. em. Dirk Voorhoof | Professor emeritus, Human Rights Centre - Ghent University
🌐 European Media Freedom Act and the Protection of Journalistic Sources: Still Some Way to Go
🌐 Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights (7th edition - April 2022, European Audiovisual Observatory)
🌐 CASE, the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe
🌐 European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
🌐 Legal Human Academy
🌐 Human Rights Centre, Ghent University
🌐 Prof. em. Dirk Voorhoof
Prof. em. Dirk Voorhoof has been a lecturer in European Media and Information Law at the Ghent University and Copenhagen University for decades and he reports on developments regarding freedom of expression, media and journalism in Europe. He is co-founder and member of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom and is also a member of such initiatives as the Legal Human Academy, the Human Rights Centre at Ghent University and CASE, the coalition against SLAPPs in Europe. Prof. em. Voorhoof has also contributed to the work of regulators such as the Flemish Media Regulator and is a member of multiple expert networks. He has published extensively with a focus on freedom of expression and more recently the impact of SLAPPs.