Let's Get Real with Talking about Pricing
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Pricing and making money can cause some small makers to shudder with fear or have a feeling of lack. Pricing does not have to be a scary word that holds you back or makes you work to hard. I talk to you in this episode about some mindset issues and make you think about how you are pricing your work. You can also get all your pricing questions answered and work out all the formulas to get the best pricing for your work right here in my eBook: Pricing your handmade product the RIGHT way- Video version included — Move Makers (handmadewholesalemarketplace.com) or grab the eBook and schedule a one-on-one call to go over pricing with me here: One- One- Call PLUS ebook. Pricing your handmade product the RIGHT way- Video version included (Copy) — Move Makers (handmadewholesalemarketplace.com)