Episode 19: John Inglis & Richard Sever on the Creation of BioRxiv
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A really exciting special episode this week, as we talk to co-founders of BioRxiv (@biorxivpreprint) and MedRxiv (@medrxivpreprint) Richard Sever (@cshperspectives) & John Inglis (@JohnRInglis). We discuss how they met and started with BioRxiv along with the challenges they faced. We then chat about the considerations when accepting or rejecting preprints, or why certain papers are rejected from BioRxiv (they don’t just accept everything). We also touch on the impact COVID 19 and the pandemic had on preprints as well as discuss the fraudulent papers and how they don’t tend to be pre-printed. If you’ve ever been concerned about preprints this is a great episode to learn more about how preprint servers work and what the future may hold for BioRxiv from the key people in the field.
Other links
BioRxiv - https://www.biorxiv.org/
MedRxiv - https://www.medrxiv.org/
Company Biologist - https://www.biologists.com/
preLights - https://prelights.biologists.com/
Cold Spring Harbour Lab Press - https://www.cshlpress.com/
Vixra - https://vixra.org/
This episode was produced by Jonny Coates and Emma Wilson and edited by John D Howard .
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Produced by JEmJ Productions (find us on Twitter: Jonny @JACoates, Emma @ELWilson92, John @JohnDHoward8) and generously supported by ASAPbio (https://asapbio.org | @asapbio_).