398: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time [2010] Movie Discussion
Manage episode 380626380 series 2629404

He’ll never learn, that boy! What Jamie describes as a ‘morbid fascination’ the rest of us agree would be better classed as a fetish by now: watching video game movie adaptations! Once again, we swim in this bog of sewage hoping to one day find a nugget of gold and this time we have dredged up Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. This week, we ask the important questions: how can a film with so many actors we have good will for be this bland? How is Omid Djalili not in this, we could have sworn he was? Are we really not supposed to know that Ben Kingsley is the villain? Just how does a poisoned coat work exactly? And how many time we can say ‘ostrich’ in one podcast?