The Inner Huddle - The Football (Soccer) Development Podcast for Parents & Coaches of Young Aspiring Players
Series 3 - Episode 4 - Youth Football Parents Q&A With Pez & Geoff
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In the latest episode of series three Pez & Geoff answer more questions sent in by parents and coaches along with discussing some of the chapters in Pez's new book (Did You Win, Did You Score...?) The questions are listed below.
I’ve heard you both talk about the need for players to scan whilst playing. Do you have any advice for helping my son to scan more or know of any drills that might help…?
Chapter 66 - Playing for more than one team
My 9 year old lad has been told his grassroots team aren’t going to resign him next season as he’s not good enough. He’s devastated that he’ll no longer be able to play with his friends. He didn’t play as much as the other players this season but still loved it. Do you have any advice on what we should do next to help him?
Chapter 104 - Moments of magic
What are your views on game time for young players from u7s to u11s? In our team all the parents pay the same fee but not all players get the same playing time.
Please send any questions you want answered/discussed to Pez at [email protected] or 07818225592
This episode was sponsored by Perry's new book:
Did You Win, Did You Score...? How to help your child succeed at football and life
Your hosts are: Perry Cocking (Pezzaz Street Soccer & formerly Southampton FC)
Geoff Bonner (Wessex Futsal Club) -