049: Learn To Go For No And Turn Your Greatest Obstacle Into Your Greatest Asset with Andrea Waltz
Manage episode 309306926 series 3030754
Learn To Go For No And Turn Your Greatest Obstacle Into Your Greatest Asset with Andrea Waltz
Here are some the things you will learn from Andrea in this episode:
- How pursuing a career as a screen writer led to massive success
- The power of Andrea’s message Go For NO!
- How applying Go For NO can change not only your business, but your life!
- The power of courage and how to obtain it
- The true meaning of failure
- Why failure is required to achieve success!
- learn to stop saying NO to yourself!!!
- How Andrea conquered her Fear of public speaking
- Why mindset is foundational to one’s success
- The power of using fables to tell your message
- Andrea’s powerful question for finding your passion and taking Action!
- How to look at Failure as a gift
- Why it is important to treat each failure as a stepping stone to your success
- how to analyze your failures and treat them as a learning experience!
- and much, much more…
Andrea’s favorite quote: Persistence is the twin sister of excellence. One is a matter of quality; the other, a matter of time.’ – Marabel Morgan
One of Andrea’s favorite books: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Go For No Book: Get Here
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