The story of Presentation Convent Youghal with Sr. Placida Ryan
Manage episode 349439467 series 3417197
In the second series of the Nano Nagle Place podcast we leave South Pres and we visit the other convents in Cork city and county to see how the work of the Presentation Sisters reached far and wide.
In this episode we speak with Sr.Placida Ryan, one of three Sisters that we met at the Presentation Convent in Youghal, Co,Cork, each with a very different story.
Sr.Placida spoke about one of her teachers, Jim O'Brien, who encouraged all of his students to learn about the world and this left a big mark and curiosity with her.
She shared stories about her fascinating teaching career that took her all around the world and she tells the story of the convent in Youghal that dates back to 1834.
Enjoy the show!
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