Manage episode 312384981 series 3227790
Meditation is simply practicing being in the moment. I realized I could do it anywhere. I didn't have to sit cross-legged and face east while focusing on the tip of my nose and my breathing. All I really have to do is be in the present moment as much as possible while I am doing any given thing.
Lately I've been entering sort of meditative states as I do household chores. It was while watering the roses that I came to this realization about what I was doing wrong this whole time. Meditation is deeply personal and I was trying to do it like other people do it. Instead of getting frustrated I couldn't do it, I needed to find a way to make it work for me.
Many will say I am doing it wrong, and who knows maybe I am, but after reading a ton of experiences from beginner meditators (is that a word? well I'm using it anyway) I feel I am on the right track with my own method. So I figure why not try it my way and see what happens.
All I do is focus on being in the moment. I do not try to guess what will happen next and I will not try to anticipate anything. I will simply do the task that I need to do and prioritize what I have to do next. For example, as I was making dinner I needed to multitask while I cooked so I aimed to only focus on what I was doing and decide what needed to be done next only when I had to. From the outside it most likely just looked like a dude cooking dinner and doing dishes at the same time a half hour or so. In my mind, though, it felt like I was working for hours and every little step was of the utmost importance. When focusing on the moment I was able to give every single detail the attention it deserved. I was able to easily flow into the next task seamlessly because I was so in tune of what I had to do that I almost automatically started to do what needed to be done next. It was a strange feeling. Almost like I wasn't deciding anything.
I was present in my mind but my body was on auto pilot. A strange but very cool feeling that I am excited to explore much more.