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國際時事跟讀 Ep.K895: 小勞勃道尼對娛樂業使用 AI 替身表示反對 Robert Downey Jr. Takes Stand Against AI Replication in Entertainment
Manage episode 453110931 series 2484421
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以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網)
國際時事跟讀 Ep.K895: Robert Downey Jr. Takes Stand Against AI Replication in Entertainment
Highlights 主題摘要:
- Robert Downey Jr. has taken legal precautions against future AI replication of his likeness, demonstrating the growing concern about artificial intelligence's role in entertainment intellectual property.
- The entertainment industry is actively addressing AI challenges through strikes and new legislation, particularly California's law protecting deceased performers' likenesses from unauthorized digital reproduction.
- Despite his own investments in AI technology for environmental and security purposes, Downey maintains strict boundaries between beneficial AI applications and potential misuse in entertainment.
Robert Downey Jr., the acclaimed actor known for his iconic role as Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has taken a bold stance against the use of artificial intelligence to recreate his likeness. During a recent appearance on the "On With Kara Swisher" podcast, Downey declared his intention to pursue legal action against any future executives who attempt to use AI-generated versions of his performance. Despite acknowledging that he would likely be deceased when such situations might arise, the actor confidently stated that his law firm would remain vigilant in protecting his legacy.
小勞勃道尼以其在漫威電影宇宙中飾演東尼史塔克(鋼鐵人)的經典角色聞名,他對於使用人工智慧重現其肖像一事採取了堅定的立場。在最近的《On With Kara Swisher》 Podcast 節目中,道尼宣布他打算對任何試圖使用 AI 生成版本來重現其表演的未來高層採取法律行動。儘管承認當這種情況發生時,他可能已經離世,但這位演員仍然自信地表示,他的律師事務所將持續警戒,以保護他的傳承。
The Oscar-winning performer's concerns reflect a growing debate within the entertainment industry about the ethical implications of AI technology. This issue has become particularly prominent in recent months, as evidenced by the ongoing Hollywood video game performers' strike, which began in July 2024. The strike primarily centers around concerns about AI protections, with performers' unions viewing the matter as an existential crisis for their members. These concerns were also central to last year's film and television strikes, which ultimately resulted in new agreements requiring productions to obtain informed consent before using actors' digital replicas.
這位奧斯卡得主的擔憂反映了娛樂產業內對 AI 技術倫理影響的持續爭議。這個議題在近幾個月變得特別突出,從 2024 年 7 月開始的好萊塢電玩演員罷工就可見一斑。這場罷工主要圍繞 AI 保護的問題,演員工會視其為會員們面臨的存亡危機。這些顧慮也是去年影視業罷工的核心議題,最終促使製作方在使用演員數位複製前必須取得知情同意的新協議。
While Downey maintains a practical involvement with AI technology through his investments in environmental and cybersecurity initiatives, he draws a clear distinction between these applications and the potential misuse of AI in entertainment. The actor, who is currently making his Broadway debut in "McNeal," a play that explores themes of artificial intelligence and artistic integrity, emphasized that his trust in current Marvel executives doesn't eliminate his concerns about future leadership. Despite his confidence that the current decision-makers at Marvel would never misuse his likeness, he remains proactive about protecting his rights in the long term.
雖然道尼透過在環保和網路安全領域的投資,實際參與了 AI 技術的發展,但他明確區分了這些應用與在娛樂界濫用 AI 的可能性。這位正在百老匯首演《McNeal》的演員,在這齣探討人工智慧和藝術完整性主題的舞台劇中強調,他對現任漫威高層的信任並不能消除他對未來領導層的擔憂。儘管他相信現任的漫威決策者絕不會濫用他的肖像,但他仍積極維護自己的長期權益。
Looking ahead, Downey's career continues to evolve with his upcoming role as Doctor Doom in "Avengers: Doomsday," scheduled for release in 2026. This new chapter in his relationship with Marvel comes with the backdrop of California's recent legislation, signed in September, which prohibits the unauthorized replication of deceased performers' likenesses without prior consent. This law, sponsored by SAG-AFTRA, provides additional legal protection for performers concerned about the posthumous use of their images and performances. The actor's stance reflects a broader industry-wide movement to establish clear boundaries and ethical guidelines for the use of AI technology in entertainment, ensuring that artists maintain control over their creative legacies.
展望未來,道尼的演藝事業將隨著他在預定 2026 年上映的《復仇者聯盟:末日》中飾演毀滅博士而繼續發展。他與漫威的這段新篇章,恰逢加州最近簽署了一項法案,禁止未經事先同意便擅自複製已故演員的肖像。這項由演員工會所提出的法案,為關注死後肖像和演出被使用的演員提供了額外的法律保護。這位演員的立場反映了整個產業建立明確界限和 AI 技術使用道德準則的廣泛運動,確保藝術家能夠掌控自己的創作遺產。
Keyword Drills 關鍵字:
- Cinematic (Ci-ne-ma-tic): Robert Downey Jr., the acclaimed actor known for his iconic role as Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has taken a bold stance against the use of artificial intelligence.
- Existential (Ex-is-ten-tial): The strike primarily centers around concerns about AI protections, with performers' unions viewing the matter as an existential crisis for their members.
- Initiatives (In-i-tia-tives): While Downey maintains a practical involvement with AI technology through his investments in environmental and cybersecurity initiatives, he draws a clear distinction between these applications.
- Legislation (Le-gis-la-tion): This new chapter in his relationship with Marvel comes with the backdrop of California's recent legislation, signed in September, which prohibits the unauthorized replication.
- Replication (Re-pli-ca-tion): This new chapter in his relationship with Marvel comes with the backdrop of California's recent legislation, signed in September, which prohibits the unauthorized replication of deceased performers' likenesses.
Reference article:
1. https://apnews.com/article/robert-downey-jr-ai-kara-swisher-742c6f2610b4ab89f81e1ca3e692a9de
2. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2024/oct/29/robert-downey-jr-i-will-sue-all-future-executives-who-make-ai-replicas-of-me
Manage episode 453110931 series 2484421
VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb
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意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com
以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網)
國際時事跟讀 Ep.K895: Robert Downey Jr. Takes Stand Against AI Replication in Entertainment
Highlights 主題摘要:
- Robert Downey Jr. has taken legal precautions against future AI replication of his likeness, demonstrating the growing concern about artificial intelligence's role in entertainment intellectual property.
- The entertainment industry is actively addressing AI challenges through strikes and new legislation, particularly California's law protecting deceased performers' likenesses from unauthorized digital reproduction.
- Despite his own investments in AI technology for environmental and security purposes, Downey maintains strict boundaries between beneficial AI applications and potential misuse in entertainment.
Robert Downey Jr., the acclaimed actor known for his iconic role as Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has taken a bold stance against the use of artificial intelligence to recreate his likeness. During a recent appearance on the "On With Kara Swisher" podcast, Downey declared his intention to pursue legal action against any future executives who attempt to use AI-generated versions of his performance. Despite acknowledging that he would likely be deceased when such situations might arise, the actor confidently stated that his law firm would remain vigilant in protecting his legacy.
小勞勃道尼以其在漫威電影宇宙中飾演東尼史塔克(鋼鐵人)的經典角色聞名,他對於使用人工智慧重現其肖像一事採取了堅定的立場。在最近的《On With Kara Swisher》 Podcast 節目中,道尼宣布他打算對任何試圖使用 AI 生成版本來重現其表演的未來高層採取法律行動。儘管承認當這種情況發生時,他可能已經離世,但這位演員仍然自信地表示,他的律師事務所將持續警戒,以保護他的傳承。
The Oscar-winning performer's concerns reflect a growing debate within the entertainment industry about the ethical implications of AI technology. This issue has become particularly prominent in recent months, as evidenced by the ongoing Hollywood video game performers' strike, which began in July 2024. The strike primarily centers around concerns about AI protections, with performers' unions viewing the matter as an existential crisis for their members. These concerns were also central to last year's film and television strikes, which ultimately resulted in new agreements requiring productions to obtain informed consent before using actors' digital replicas.
這位奧斯卡得主的擔憂反映了娛樂產業內對 AI 技術倫理影響的持續爭議。這個議題在近幾個月變得特別突出,從 2024 年 7 月開始的好萊塢電玩演員罷工就可見一斑。這場罷工主要圍繞 AI 保護的問題,演員工會視其為會員們面臨的存亡危機。這些顧慮也是去年影視業罷工的核心議題,最終促使製作方在使用演員數位複製前必須取得知情同意的新協議。
While Downey maintains a practical involvement with AI technology through his investments in environmental and cybersecurity initiatives, he draws a clear distinction between these applications and the potential misuse of AI in entertainment. The actor, who is currently making his Broadway debut in "McNeal," a play that explores themes of artificial intelligence and artistic integrity, emphasized that his trust in current Marvel executives doesn't eliminate his concerns about future leadership. Despite his confidence that the current decision-makers at Marvel would never misuse his likeness, he remains proactive about protecting his rights in the long term.
雖然道尼透過在環保和網路安全領域的投資,實際參與了 AI 技術的發展,但他明確區分了這些應用與在娛樂界濫用 AI 的可能性。這位正在百老匯首演《McNeal》的演員,在這齣探討人工智慧和藝術完整性主題的舞台劇中強調,他對現任漫威高層的信任並不能消除他對未來領導層的擔憂。儘管他相信現任的漫威決策者絕不會濫用他的肖像,但他仍積極維護自己的長期權益。
Looking ahead, Downey's career continues to evolve with his upcoming role as Doctor Doom in "Avengers: Doomsday," scheduled for release in 2026. This new chapter in his relationship with Marvel comes with the backdrop of California's recent legislation, signed in September, which prohibits the unauthorized replication of deceased performers' likenesses without prior consent. This law, sponsored by SAG-AFTRA, provides additional legal protection for performers concerned about the posthumous use of their images and performances. The actor's stance reflects a broader industry-wide movement to establish clear boundaries and ethical guidelines for the use of AI technology in entertainment, ensuring that artists maintain control over their creative legacies.
展望未來,道尼的演藝事業將隨著他在預定 2026 年上映的《復仇者聯盟:末日》中飾演毀滅博士而繼續發展。他與漫威的這段新篇章,恰逢加州最近簽署了一項法案,禁止未經事先同意便擅自複製已故演員的肖像。這項由演員工會所提出的法案,為關注死後肖像和演出被使用的演員提供了額外的法律保護。這位演員的立場反映了整個產業建立明確界限和 AI 技術使用道德準則的廣泛運動,確保藝術家能夠掌控自己的創作遺產。
Keyword Drills 關鍵字:
- Cinematic (Ci-ne-ma-tic): Robert Downey Jr., the acclaimed actor known for his iconic role as Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has taken a bold stance against the use of artificial intelligence.
- Existential (Ex-is-ten-tial): The strike primarily centers around concerns about AI protections, with performers' unions viewing the matter as an existential crisis for their members.
- Initiatives (In-i-tia-tives): While Downey maintains a practical involvement with AI technology through his investments in environmental and cybersecurity initiatives, he draws a clear distinction between these applications.
- Legislation (Le-gis-la-tion): This new chapter in his relationship with Marvel comes with the backdrop of California's recent legislation, signed in September, which prohibits the unauthorized replication.
- Replication (Re-pli-ca-tion): This new chapter in his relationship with Marvel comes with the backdrop of California's recent legislation, signed in September, which prohibits the unauthorized replication of deceased performers' likenesses.
Reference article:
1. https://apnews.com/article/robert-downey-jr-ai-kara-swisher-742c6f2610b4ab89f81e1ca3e692a9de
2. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2024/oct/29/robert-downey-jr-i-will-sue-all-future-executives-who-make-ai-replicas-of-me
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