這是一座被山谷、海洋環繞的島嶼 這座島上,共有746個原住民部落 我們以山海為家,孕育出豐沛的歷史 746山海誌 用聲音,分享我們在這座島上的點滴 ©財團法人原住民族文化事業基金會 ©2020 Indigenous Peoples Cultural Foundation Powered by Firstory Hosting -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Chinese Cultural Podcast
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「松木莎莎」是一档文化评论播客,每期节目会畅聊一个我们感兴趣的文化内容,深入延展其中与我们的痛苦、困惑、快乐、热情有关的部分,从女性的视角触达背后的复杂现实与对可能性的想象。「松木莎莎GoneGirls」talks about cultural content that we are interested in. We delve into the parts which resonate with our pain, confusion, joy and passion, reaching the complex reality, and imagining more possibilities from two feminists' perspective.
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这是一档建立在七个小时时差之上的跨国实验播客,一端位于中国,一端位于西班牙。若将人生当作一张有效期不等的地球临时签证,那么每个人都将成为宇宙的临时乘客:入境日期已知,离境时刻待定。在变幻的未知图景中,两位临时乘客借助科技跨越距离,分享在地球两端观察到的文化细节,探讨充满可能性的未来生活方式。 This is a multinational experimental podcast based on a time difference of seven hours, with one side in China and the other in Spain. In the changing global situation, two universal residents are using the technology to share cultural details of the Earth Village. We are looking forward to welcoming you to join us and explore the possible future ...
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DongXiNanPei, since 2010, is a discussion radio and podcasting in Mandarin chinese and English. The host taiwanese Yilin Lee-Setälä invites the people living in Nordic countries to discuss about Eastern and Western cross-cultural issues. All interviews can listen from facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/dongxinanpei
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Hi, I host and create podcast episodes in the language I teach, covering everything from current events to fascinating cultural aspects. Daily Life; News & Current Affairs; Society & Culture. 每日生活; 时事新闻; 社会文化. Intermediate and advanced Chinese listening practice. HSK 4, HSK 5, HSK 6; B1;B2;C1 中,高级汉语听力练习 https://www.mandarin247.com/
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全新的中文播客系列将探索新加坡华族文化与新加坡华人身份的独特之处。通过在本地长大的两位年轻人——世明和嘉洋的视角,以幽默风趣但时而发人深思的对谈,分享他们对新加坡华族文化的观点和经历,包括食物、语言、价值观和节日。 Featuring two young guys who grew up in Singapore, the brand-new Mandarin podcast series will explore the unique aspects that make up our Chinese Singaporean identity in a casual and personable setting.
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【原事播客 Podcast】是一個以原住民族為主體,邀請不同領域的朋友,聚焦各類時事公共議題,展開跨越族群的對話。 從「原住民族觀點」的視野出發,共同思考台灣社會的下一步。 ©財團法人原住民族文化事業基金會 Indigenous Peoples Cultural Foundation Powered by Firstory Hosting -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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A Generation for the Cultural Mission
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The world is changing fast, but you can learn it at a slower pace.
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《三言两语》播客系列由新加坡华族文化中心呈献,早报播客制作。随《联合早报》副刊编辑陈素君和副刊记者陈宇昕一起了解新加坡华人的文化和故事。 What makes a "Chinese Singaporean"? Guests share their experiences and opinions with Lianhe Zaobao Fukan sub-editor Tan Sor Koon and correspondent Tan Yu Xin in Same Same But Different. The podcast series is presented by Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre and produced by Zaobao Podcasts.
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The Spark is a podcast that explores what it means to traverse cultures and share stories that intersect Chinese and American culture to interrupt barriers and create connections. The Spark is a cultural haven - A space held by a friendship between two women from two different countries, meeting at the point where their cultures, identities and stories intersect. Their conversations are grounded in transparency as they move beyond previous perceptions and ideas of the other to form deep conn ...
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Two A-D-D Asian combination. A Malaysian-born Chinese American, Ding, and a local Malaysian, Ling will guarantee a good fat dose of laughing therapy. Laughing with us regardless of our topic of choice.
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(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people! To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago. Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant. I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too! From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTub ...
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①Chinese superconducting quantum computer receives over 20 million global visits ②Chinese scientists develop "precision therapy" to revive lithium batteries ③New key labs on healthcare, green energy to be built in SW China ④Rise of immersive VR industry drives vitality of China's cultural consumption market ⑤China builds over 2,100 "quiet communiti…
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①China launches pioneering underwater intelligent computing cluster in Hainan ②Robots enhance water rescue efforts in China's coastal regions ③Chinese animated blockbuster sparks hunt for ancient clues in museums ④Ancient walled city unearthed in south China ⑤A Thousand Whys: What did ancient Chinese "female officials" do?…
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①China-developed AS700D electric manned airship completes maiden flight ②In China, tourists can take a hike — or let a robot do the work ③Shanghai rolls out three-year plan to promote tourism ④New air route links China's ancient city with Malaysia ⑤Study reveals global urban vegetation dynamics from 1990 to 2021 ⑥A Thousand Whys: "Jingzhe", a time …
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中国的娱乐也出口 China's Entertainment Export 近一年中国短剧出海热度骤增。截至2024年2月底,已有40多款中国短剧应用程序试水海外市场,累计下载量近5500万次,内购收入达1.7亿美元(约合人民币12亿元)。 短剧应用程序试水海外市场 - Chinese short drama app tests overseas markets
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it's ok, you're ok. 你担心的事情不会发生的,good night~
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『Less is More. 少,即是多』,不只是極簡的設計理念,北歐大自然的季節氣候更讓人能夠身體力行。移居丹麥的藝術工作者 黃尹柔,她發現,在這裡她可以從忙碌中解脫,把多出來的時間用來認識自己,集中精力在最重要的事情上。台灣北藝大畢業的那年,她做了改變一輩子的壯遊,她和朋友摩托車風遊自助旅行途中,遇到了幾位愛旅行的背包客,其中一位就是後來的丹麥老公。她第一趟到達冬天的丹麥,就發現,在很黑暗的時候,要去找到可以讓自己快樂的方法,要去摸索所謂的快樂,不是外在而是內在的。經過五年,原本在台灣被大家認為是開心果的尹柔,更發現「這些開心都是偽善,好像是我的面具,面對外人要開心要很活躍,但在丹麥可以看到自己的黑暗,其實不用這麼用力愛所有的事情,當我開始尊重自己的時候,我發現我給的愛就差不多這樣子,你…
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①China establishes over 30,000 smart factories: ministry ②Chinese scientists unveil aerial/terrestrial robot prototype for Mars exploration ③China to implement comprehensive tagging system for ancient, notable trees ④New insect species found in south China urban wetland ⑤A Thousand Whys: Flower Festival - an ancient celebration remembered…
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移居到新的國度,既使你做了再多的準備,總是可能會失算,定居瑞典的 林致婕,人生幾次的人算不如天算的經驗下來,她相信,「你都已經有這個勇氣踏出你原本的舒適圈,到一個新的國家去了,其他所有的事情一定都可以解決,沒有過不去的」。喜歡玩相機的 林致婕,高中時期就跟著同學們一起玩相機,同學們喜歡她眼裡的角度拍出的照片,她變成大家活動的攝影師,自己玩出心得的攝影技巧功夫還能在馬拉松運動幫運動員抓住瞬間的片刻,變成了業餘運動攝影師。她為了要更接近相機,為了要能進入只收會講日語的日本相機名廠,她離開稱羨的資訊業產品管理工作,為自己投資一年到日本學好日語,她完全沒有料到這趟日本之行,把她的人生伸展到了地球的另一個洲際。原本該回台灣的她,和服旅拍攝影的工作勢必是可以把她留下,但先是疫情,然後是愛情。這次是日語課…
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欢迎回来!北半球白昼变长的日子终于势不可挡地来了, 随着初春一起澎湃起来的还有主播瑄的少女心,以及主播锤对主播瑄的溺爱...♡♡♡ Welcome back! The days in the Northern Hemisphere are finally getting longer - unstoppable and inevitable!!! Along with early spring comes Mackie’s overflowing romantic mood, as well as host Jiayi’s indulgent love for host Mackie… 【时间轴】 00:45 内心戏很多的瑄被韩志旼回复评论事件 06:58 内心戏很多的锤偶遇韩志旼崔政勋事件…
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特別來賓: Karding Adaw Langasan蔻兒亭·阿道·冉而山|行為藝術創作者 來賓簡介: 來自花蓮太巴塱部落阿美族,目前就讀國立大學社會學系三年級,Talo’an no Faloco’ 心的工寮創辦人。 成長於藝術世家,父親為行為藝術家,母親為畫家,從小浸潤在多元文化與創作環境中,逐步發展自身的藝術實踐。 她的作品涵蓋行為藝術、影像紀錄與身體表現,透過創作探索自我與世界的連結。目前執行的「每個月20號行為習作練習」, 以身體為媒介,透過行動反思、解構、重構知識,將思考轉化為創作,以行動對話結構,讓身體成為智慧與表達的載體。 她的藝術旅程也包括拍攝紀錄片,記錄家族藝術創作歷程,並參與國際藝術節,持續在文化、身體與社會結構之間尋找新的可能。 節目簡介: 本集《746山海誌》訪談藝術…
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①China to boost senior-friendly tourism with more specialized train services ②China's homegrown AG600M amphibious aircraft complete first test flights in Year of Snake ③Chinese research brings hope for painless, non-invasive test for blood glucose ④Warm extremes undermine ecosystem carbon sequestration: study ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why Chinese believe "…
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①Over 20 mln Chinese consumers apply for electronic products trade-in subsidies ②"Paw-sengers" aboard thanks to more pet-friendly airlines ③Beijing introduces measures to support sci-tech service industry ④Chinese researchers use Earth science satellite to monitor offshore oil, gas platforms ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people adore winter jasm…
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移居國外,很容易感到孤單,落單,沒有歸屬感,既使是移居到地球上最幸褔快樂的國度。目前旅居瑞典的 鄭晴文在她和她波蘭伴侶的獨立樂團 『Yellowbrenda』最新發行的單曲 「Light Of Your Being」裡面,要用古老詩歌的智慧和用他們的音樂,撫慰有這種失重情緒的每個人。晴文 相信「一個人,也能在孤單中在黑暗中,找到光亮,從自己內心,找到發光的力量」。五年前搬回到瑞典的 晴文,在國外漂流了 16年,兩年 Göthenburg 念碩士,畢業後甄選進入瑞典家具設計大廠 IKEA 工作,之後瑞典德國外派的人生,晴文已經學會了吉普賽概念的生活哲學,哪裡都可以是家的感覺,但是這次回來,瑞典就真的像是她和伴侶的第二個家。專業供應鏈管理的晴文,很清楚搬來搬去當下孤單的感覺,沒有人可以分享的感覺…
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①Beijing English Map launched for trial operation ②Training facility for humanoid robots launched in Shanghai ③China's Hainan commercial launch site to build two new launch pads ④Chinese scientists advance development of High-energy Underwater Neutrino Telescope ⑤China expands mangrove forest coverage amid conservation efforts ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why…
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①China's Chang'e-7 mission to land on lunar south pole for water ice search: report ②Chinese scientists develop new AI model for cyclone forecast ③China unveils first guidelines on NEV insurance ④This Spring Festival, travelers are swiping right — on each other's homes ⑤A Thousand Whys: The charm and magic behind Chinese calligraphy…
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遠渡重洋移居國外,要重新打造舒適圈,最實際穩定生活的第一步,就是要有固定的收入。兩年前決定搬到芬蘭的 楊喻婷 Viviana Yang 去年十一月在赫爾辛基拿到潛水教練執照,成為芬蘭唯一可以用中文教潛水的教練。在台灣唸教育的她,從來沒有想到有一天她會靠教潛水吃飯,在台灣潛到海底世界是她正職外週末舒壓的方式,她享受大海裡的寧靜,她可以不用講話,沈浸欣賞台灣東北角五彩繽紛的海底世界,完全專注在自己和海,這樣的習慣養成她對環境敏銳的觀察和要求,甚至是她和芬蘭老公兩個人互換芬蘭台灣當交換生後,考慮討論最後定奪移居芬蘭的最重要因素。喜歡交朋友又非常需要有自己空間的 喻婷在搬來之前,就經驗過芬蘭冬天長,夜很黑,很無聊,但,她相信只要她有事在忙,這些都沒有關係。於是,過去培養的潛水興趣變成了她的另外一條出…
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特別來賓:Zepulj Kaluvung 王雅蘭、Laucu Druluan佬祖·魯魯安 來賓簡介: •主理人,團隊靈魂人物 Zepulj Kaluvung 王雅蘭 •木工藝設計師Laucu Druluan佬祖·魯魯安 「黑色雋永」,這是一個將部落文化轉譯為當代設計的品牌。 透過黑色特工隊的合作,他們不僅專注於自然素材的應用, 如構樹,更在工藝設計中融入排灣族與魯凱族的文化符碼。 黑色特工隊由四位屏東排灣、魯凱族青年組成, 成員為王雅蘭、佬祖·魯魯安、顏裴晏、廖曉蓉。 🌱 節目簡介: 黑色,對於排灣族與魯凱族來說,不只是顏色,更是一種文化象徵。 從石板屋、陶土到服飾,黑色承載著部落的記憶與智慧。 本集《746山海誌》帶您走進黑色特工隊的世界, 探討他們如何透過設計,讓文化與工藝在現代社會中找…
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①Beijing boasts over 2.1 million professionals in high-end industries: report ②Chinese firm launches expressway unmanned truck platoon self-driving testing ③Scientists develop most refined chimpanzee brain atlas ④Australian-Chinese research makes breakthrough in solving mystery of how Mars evolved ⑤Critically-endangered ducks spotted in N China nat…
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①China promotes data labeling to spur AI development ②China's sci-tech museums draw over 100 mln visits in 2024 ③Chinese dark tea steeps its way to popularity along Maritime Silk Road ④Oldest ornithischian dinosaur from Asia identified in southwest China ⑤Scientists conduct new Antarctic voyage to venture further south ⑥A Thousand Whys: How do Chin…
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心安之處,就是家。對剛移居挪威三年的 蔡亦晽而言,「這裡是我的家,因為我跟我愛的人生活,所以我感覺這裡有家的感覺,我可以在這邊自在的做每件事,回台灣也是回家的感覺,但挪威也是回家的感覺」。喜歡創作,喜歡探索,生活裡永遠充滿豐富精彩的 亦晽,在台北七年的劇場片場,她覺得她只是個過客,當疫情開啟了她世界旅行工作的機會,跟著遊艇航行世界的一家人,做他們孩子們的家教褓姆,她當然也只是這個主人家的過客,每一片山水的過客。一次錯失飛機機位的巧合,讓她賺到了十天在奧斯陸的休假。直覺感官敏銳的 亦晽,愛上了挪威,也愛上了一位挪威人。戲劇化的人生轉變,她從過客變成了移民,現在的 亦晽,有充分的動力練好挪威語,認識挪威這個地方,白天在亞洲超市當店員兼管店家網路內容行銷,還口傳推廣台灣亞洲飲食料理,業餘在挪威劇團…
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①China to promote use of humanoid robots for elderly care ②China delivers first batch of homegrown, mass-produced large civil UAVs ③Chinese researchers complete world's largest snow leopard population survey spanning 360,000 square km ④Paddy-field remains dating back 8,000 years discovered in China ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why is strategy game Go so charm…
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①More zebrafish to swim in China's space station ②Chinese astronomical observatory discovers new comet ③Humanoid robots to participate in half-marathon, sports events in Beijing ④China's national mangrove germplasm resource bank starts construction ⑤Winter sports industry injects vitality into SW Chinese city ⑥A Thousand Whys: Feeling bored? Try th…
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2025 China: 全网都在晒年终奖 Year-End Bonuses Flood Social Media 2025年中国新年就要来了,在此,祝所有听众中国新年快乐, 平安如意。 随着蛇年春节的临近,年终奖再次成为人们热议的话题。各大公司纷纷公布年终奖发放情况,奖金数额的差异之大令人感觉到了‘冰火两重天’,因此引发了网友的广泛讨论。
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特別來賓:Lily姐 Lily姐不僅是「達瓦娜家園」的負責人,也是「荖葉」創意料理的推廣者。她以荖葉為核心食材,致力於打破刻板印象,將部落智慧結合現代料理手法,打造出極具文化價值的創新佳餚。更令人驕傲的是,她已蟬連兩年榮獲「在地食材運用獎」,將魯凱族的傳統飲食推向更廣的舞台。 🌱 節目簡介: 荖葉,在許多人眼中只是檳榔文化的一部分,但在Lily姐的巧思下,卻成為文化復興的媒介。本集《746山海誌》將帶您走進她的廚房與田野,探索如何利用荖葉為基底,開創結合部落智慧與國際視野的創意料理之路,重新詮釋魯凱族的文化價值! ✨ 節目亮點: 🔸 Dawana達瓦娜:工寮文化如何承載魯凱族的休憩與飲食記憶? 🔸 荖葉的轉型:從南島文獻到國際餐桌的創意應用。 🔸 烹飪中的文化反思:如何透過傳統食材,打破對植…
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①China rolls out measures to boost cultural, tourism consumption ②First Chinese-made large cruise ship to set sail from Qingdao ③China in need of over 31 million of smart manufacturing workers by 2035: report ④Chinese scientists work on first flag capable of waving on Moon ⑤Major lake in China's industrial hub records best water in decades ⑥A Thous…
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①Beijing opens airport service counters for foreign travelers ②China's Chengdu plans to build laboratory for police bionic robots ③Chinese researchers develop green, effective pesticide formulation ④Great Wall's most dangerous section to launch 1st tourist route ⑤In Shaanxi, a long-buried Han Dynasty tomb is a study in power ⑥A Thousand Whys: How d…
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Hello,朋友们, 2025 年第一期正期节目,我要煽情一下,来表达 2025 年对宇宙乘客的期待:我不想生产镇痛剂,我只是想把我的经历、学习和感想记录成语音,帮助你探求自我,发展出自我成长的积极力量,在你需要的时候给你鼓励和勇气。2025,祝你铮铮,祝你昂扬。
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①China sets up first medical large model application testing center in Shanghai ②New cross-regional computing service hub officially in operation in west China ③NW China dinosaur tracks reveal Cretaceous behaviors ④Study reveals tiny plastic particles' impact on terrestrial food webs ⑤A Thousand Whys: How the holiday system worked in ancient China?…
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①China announces month-long online shopping event for Spring Festival ②Surging number of foreign tourists enter Hainan visa-free in 2024 ③China to have national data infrastructure in place by 2029 ④Chinese scientists pioneer climate-smart crop breeding to combat global warming ⑤Beijing Central Axis to open more heritage spaces to public ⑥A Thousan…
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在我们上一次面对面录制的节目中(在Amy离开蒙大拿之前),我们回顾了在山中共度的时光,以及我们各自的2024年。此外,我们还讨论了创作障碍,Meg分享了她克服这些障碍的方法。Amy讲述了她在面对遴选困难时的叛逆精神,以及她挑选书籍影音的过程,这引发了我们对大大小小的决策进行了更广泛的讨论。点击听取更多内容! In our last episode recorded in-person before Amy left Montana, we reflect on our time together in the mountains and 2024. Plus, we also talk about creative blocks and Meg shares something that’s…
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扑咕西泡1|冬天太冷,爱情太难,我选择躲进厕所和农场 Po-Goo-Shee-Paw 1 | Winter’s Too Cold, Love’s Too Hard, So I’m Hiding in a Bathroom and a Farm
松木莎莎的听众朋友们,好久不见~,「扑咕西泡(보고 싶어)」是我们的新栏目,每一期我们会短评各自近期的内容消费,在“想要看”的内容里细细咂摸那些如同“想见你”一般的悸动。 "Po-Goo-Shee-Paw (보고 싶어)" is our brand-new series. In each episode, we'll share brief reviews of our recent content consumption, savoring those heart-fluttering moments that feel like “missing someone” through the content “we want to watch.” 【时间轴】 00:42 新栏目简介 Part…
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特別來賓:佬祖(來自好茶部落的小魯凱音樂傳創隊成員) 來賓簡介: 佬祖是霧台魯凱族,同時也是小魯凱音樂傳創隊的靈魂人物。他透過音樂與文化創作,將魯凱族的歌謠與精神融入現代,為年輕一代注入傳承的能量。 節目簡介: 本集《746山海誌》帶您走進小魯凱音樂傳創隊的故事。從台北生活到返鄉創作,佬祖如何用音樂連結部落,並以歌謠承載魯凱族的文化與記憶?一起來聽聽他以音符書寫的返鄉旅程! 節目亮點: • 佬祖的返鄉故事:從城市生活到部落角色的定位。 • 小魯凱音樂傳創隊的誕生與文化使命。 • 如何以音樂重新定義魯凱族歌謠的現代價值? • 歌謠與部落生活的深層連結。 • 「勿忘本」創作背後的動人故事與文化意涵。 監製|孫琳鳳、曾瓊慧 製作人|陳慧芝 主持人|Arase 阿拉斯 企劃|高筱婷 Niun Tan…
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①Chinese scientists make breakthrough in dynamic wireless charging efficiency ②China's first homegrown large cruise ship receives 600,000 inbound and outbound visits ③China unveils facial recovery of ancient human skulls ④Longest city road discovered at 3,000-year-old ancient China capital site ⑤A Thousand Whys: Is human nature good or evil?…
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①19 foreigners among China's first officially certified hotpot chefs ②China's online literature rakes in over 605-million-USD in overseas revenue in 2023 ③Longest cross-sea bridge in China's Guangxi opens to traffic ④Historical archery tower in Beijing opens to public ⑤Long-awaited discovery of ancient walls offers insights into China's earliest dy…
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We’re back behind the mic after quite a hiatus (we’ve both had A LOT going on since May)! This first episode back marks a particularly special one though, because it’s the first episode we’ve EVER recorded in person. So, we ceremoniously recorded this one on Winter Solstice, around a campfire in Meg’s backyard in Montana, and took part in a Winter …
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①China to accelerate construction of open, unified transportation market ②WeChat QR payment access expanded for visitors to Chinese mainland ③Chang'e-6 samples reveal rebound in moon's magnetic field ④Scientists uncover mysteries of life evolution on early Earth ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why facing the south matters?…
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The Sixth Dalai Lama's Wise Love Poems 达赖喇嘛六世的智慧爱情诗 今天,在2024年的年末,我们向大家介绍由西藏第六世达赖喇嘛创作的最美诗歌,献给年轻的你和曾经年轻的你, 也献给奋斗过的过去和被憧憬的未来。 ------- 不管你的母语是中文,还是中文的初学者,亦或是中文的佼佼者,都可以理解和感受仓央嘉措诗句中的人间真情,中文初学者 请听以下这两句 ‘ 住进布达拉宫,我是雪域最大的王…’ 具备中文中级水平的体会一下 ‘流浪在拉萨街头,我是世间最美的情郎’, 高水平的中文学习者 想象一下 ‘那一世,转山转水转佛塔, 不为修来生,只为途中与你相见’ 在他的诗里, 你可以学到明喻,暗喻,排比、拟人、夸张、借代,烘托, 欲扬先抑 等文学写作手法。请欣赏 参考文献…
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①China to implement 3-year action plan to optimize consumer environment ②China's ancient capital Xi'an launches two direct int'l air routes ③Asteroid named after ancient Chinese mathematician ④Bamboo slips reveal governance ideology of ancient China ⑤Smart robotic arm inspired by elephant nose, octopus tentacle ⑥Ancient climate crisis offers warnin…
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感谢只在微信小程序能买到的新朋友「营养工厂」对本期节目的支持!营养工厂是国内专业营养补剂品牌,全球营养补剂工厂价的先驱,致力于为大家提供高品质、工厂价的营养补剂,妥妥的国货之光。营养工厂绝大多数产品价格都在两位数(一个月的量),比如鱼油、辅酶 Q10,风靡欧美的天价抗衰成分 NMN 居然能打到一个月 75 元!产品还有华测检测(国内前十的权威第三方检测机构),严格质量把控,让大家用得安心!
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特別來賓:Tuku Ragiwsane 杜彩蓮(過氣部落太太) 來賓簡介:來自屏東霧台的魯凱族族人,杜彩蓮是一位母親、軍眷以及品牌創辦人。 以「過氣部落太太」為名,她創立了一個結合傳統文化與手工織物的選物品牌,並通過個人織布創作,分享屬於族群的故事與精神。 節目簡介: 本集《746山海誌》帶大家走進杜彩蓮的創業故事。 從初為人母的迷茫到建立一個頗具特色的文化品牌,她如何在育兒和事業之間找到平衡? 又如何透過織物創作將魯凱族文化推廣到更多人的視野? 節目亮點: · 杜彩蓮如何從生活的空虛中尋找熱情,轉而投身創業之路? · 尼泊爾織布如何啟發她的文化復興之路? · 「過氣部落太太」名稱背後的趣味故事。 · 織布學習過程中的艱辛與成就,如何從7小時縮短到1小時? · 魯凱族傳統圖騰融入創作,與文化…
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①First wholly foreign-owned, third-grade general hospital licensed in China ②New air route links SW China with Jakarta, Indonesia ③China announces nationwide roll-out of private pension scheme ④A Thousand Whys: How did people bathe in ancient China?
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①China's trade-in program boosts consumer goods sales by over 1 trillion yuan ②Largest "ro-ro" auto terminal in Yangtze River basin goes operational ③Spherical robot joins police patrols in east China city ④Over 97,000 massive open online courses available in China: Ministry of Education ⑤Beijing opens 2 more mausoleums of Ming emperors to public ⑥…
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REAPRA「实习创始人项目 Founder Intern Program」长期招募未来 1-5 年有创立自己「一人公司」计划的个人,欢迎在自我探索的路上曲曲折折走完了半程,依然觉得缺了点什么、内心依然困顿挣扎的伙伴们来 REAPRA 一起探寻个人蜕变的出路。关注公众号:REAPRA认知创业,账号底端即可获得「申请入口」。
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①Mega cross-sea passage in Greater Bay Area opens to traffic ②China unveils commemorative coins to celebrate upcoming Chinese New Year ③'It's the moon's fault': "da nian san shi" to be skipped for next 5 years ④Rescued wild elephant calf in SW China makes good recovery ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why Chinese people "count in nines" in winter?…
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①China sets up first quantum computing-empowered medicine research institute ②China's modified AG50 light-sport aircraft makes maiden flight ③Chinese tourist arrivals to Cambodia up 52.5 pct in first 10 months of 2024 ④Shanghai to hold F1 Chinese Grand Prix until 2030 ⑤16 crested ibises returned from Japan settle at Beijing Zoo ⑥Research discovers …
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特別來賓:柯菊華 來賓簡介: 魯凱族語教師,榮獲2024年《世界母語日》原民會頒發的「原住民族語老師獎」。 原為醫院行政人員,30年前因台北市原民會語言巢的需求,開始投入族語教學。透過不斷努力和創新教學法,成為備受尊敬的族語推廣者。 創立 Rukay雲豹文化藝術團,致力於凝聚魯凱族北部青年,傳承語言與文化。 節目簡介: 這一集,我們邀請魯凱族語教師柯菊華老師,分享她30年來推廣族語的旅程。從初入族語教學的挑戰,到如何以創意手法啟發都市族人學習語言,再到她為學生和族群認同所付出的心血,這不僅是語言的故事,更是文化復興的縮影。 節目亮點: 教學背後的堅持與創新:柯菊華老師如何從不會完整表達族語,到以錄音、田調、編教材的方式重塑族語教學能力。 文化融入生活:以小米、湯匙等生活物件,引入魯凱族的故事…
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