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Advice for smart men on how to succeed with women in sex, dating, relationships, and marriages. Beautiful women give you a peek behind the curtain into what the feminine really craves from the masculine ... and how to give it to us. If you want deep dating advice, help with relationships, or tips on how to have sex with women in a way they'll swoon over, c'mon in. Personal growth is sexy, haven't you heard? And if you're ready to do the work, come work with us -- we'd love to have you: www.e ...
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Welcome to "Decode Him: Understanding Men & Navigating Dating and Relationships, Marriage and Beyond " — the podcast where we unravel the mysteries of the male mind, one episode at a time. What Makes Us Different? At Dating and Relationship 101, we're not just about advice; we're about innovation. Blending the art of human connection with cutting-edge AI technology, our show brings you unique insights into the world of dating and relationships. Meet Dr. Lee and Renee, Lilly, Tom and Our Prod ...
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show series
Ever feel like you need to be tough in order to be seen as "masculine" enough? Ever feel like you wish you could just let your guard down and be taken care of? The truth is, it is a deep human need to be nurtured in relationship. It's neither masculine nor feminine, and we need to expand our awareness of and perception of love, relationship, and wh…
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"Porn was the #1 relationship I had in terms of intimacy." So says Jason on his experience of sex, love, and closeness in his 20s. (Fortunately, after engaging in personal growth, including men's work, he's now married to a radiant goddess!) If you've ever struggled with your relationship to porn -- and if that has also impacted your relationship t…
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Most of us, on our growth journeys, become aware that we need to heal from some kind of trauma. We also often discover that we need more than talk therapy. Altered states have been used since time immemorial to help us on our healing paths, and can be particularly helpful in trauma healing. And while plant medicine (ayahuasca, psilocybin (magic mus…
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A common pattern in a lot of love relationships sounds like one partner (often a man, in a man/woman dynamic) saying things like: "I wish you weren’t so busy with the kids." "You never dress up for me anymore." "I wish you'd flirt with me more." "You hide yourself from me; I never really see your body anymore." "I wish we had more sex." --- What's …
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Have you ever felt unworthy, less than, or "deeply ugly and stupid," as my guest this week put it? The fact is, we need all the support we can get. We need it from our fellow humans, and we need it from something greater. The word "God" can be very triggering -- for those who experienced religious trauma growing up (which, let's face it, is literal…
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Is it painful for you when you feel that your woman is closed? Do you long for more ways to help her open up fully? (Not just sexually, but that is included!) Most dating and relationship advice doesn't include the concept of polarity and the three stages of relationship, but it can be nothing less than magical when worked with properly. According …
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Ever been with a woman partner who was emotionally volatile? Ever felt like you were walking on eggshells, or that no matter what you did it wasn't enough and she was always disappointed in you? If so, she may have had Borderline Personality Disorder ... or at least traits of it. More people are diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) …
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Send us a text In this podcast episode The host offers advice to a shy listener, nicknamed "A Shy Girl," who wants to talk to someone she admires. The hosts provide strategies for overcoming nervousness, including preparing a simple introduction, focusing on the act of saying hello, and practicing initiating conversations. They emphasize that even …
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Send us a text In this week's Weekly Mailbag, a listener seeks guidance on navigating communication and priority differences with their partner. The listener feels that their partner's withdrawn communication style and differing priorities create distance and misunderstanding in their relationship. They worry about expressing their concerns without…
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Send us a text In This Episode We that dives deep into the complexities of modern relationships. If you’ve ever found yourself questioning whether he’s emotionally unavailable or just not that into you, this is the place for answers. Through expert insights, real-life stories, and practical advice, we’ll help you decode mixed signals, identify unhe…
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Are you gettin' out onto the dating scene in 2025? Whether you're newly single, a refugee from the world of pickup, recently divorced, or you've been dating for a while now, there are a few myths we see as obsolete that we wanted to bust. Sex, dating, and relationships can be confusing territory, and there are a lot of dos and don'ts when it comes …
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Send us a text Nervous about your first date? Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! In this episode of Dating and Relationship 101, we’re sharing the ultimate guide to first date success. 🎉 ✨ What you’ll learn: ✔️ The best conversation starters to break the ice 🧊 ✔️ Topics you should definitely avoid 🚫 ✔️ Tips to keep the conversation flowing naturall…
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There's a certain quality in men that a lot of women long for -- and I mean long for it from the depths of their beings -- but often don't talk about. Why don't they? Because a lot of women (myself included) hold a certain amount of shame around wanting it in the first place. And what is the quality? It's an aspect of healthy masculinity that we do…
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Send us a text Get ready for one of our most popular segments—The Weekly Mailbag—where we tackle your burning questions! This week, we’re diving into a topic that leaves so many scratching their heads: Decoding His Mixed Signals. Ever wondered: Why he texts all the time but avoids making plans? What it means when he’s hot one moment and cold the ne…
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Ever felt intimidated when your woman was upset (about something that involved you)? Ever gotten defensive, stonewalled, or made her wrong -- "that's not what I meant, so you shouldn't feel that way"? You're not alone! And there's a high cost; this can be exhausting for you. Whether you're just dating or married, if you're at the mercy of her feeli…
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Send us a text In this episode of Decoding Him: Text Message Mysteries, we dive into one of the most puzzling text scenarios: Is he ghosting you, or is he just busy? From one-word replies to radio silence, we break down the subtle clues in his texting behavior and explore what they might really mean. Join us as we decode real-life text exchanges, s…
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When it comes to love relationships, whether you're dating or in a committed, long-term relationship, there's one place where you need to be skillful or it will all just fall apart. It might not happen right away; you might get through the honeymoon period or even get married and it might be fine. But little by little, if this skill isn't developed…
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We've worked with a lot of men who fit into the category of Nice Guys (a la Dr. Robert Glover's famous book, No More Mr. Nice Guy). And we've witnessed tremendous grown, the breaking of old patterns and habits, and astounding progress in these men. Here, we discuss the top 3 things we've seen Nice Guys do to get to get what they want -- and how to …
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Almost every single woman in a relationship (dating or married) needs reassurance sometimes. Unfortunately, many men don't know how to provide it in a way that really lands for her, which often causes unnecessary strife and disconnection. In one man's words, "I used to be the classic male 'fixer' and thought I would be the one to save the day by gi…
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According to my sex research, women's number one sex problem is physical pain. The truth is, it's painful when sex hurts -- for both people. Not just for the person experiencing it, but for their partner. How do you handle it if she has pain during sex, whether you're just starting out in dating or you're in a committed relationship? And how do you…
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Ever felt like there was a "right" answer to a question a woman asked you, or a "right" way to respond to a situation with her? Did it feel like if you did the "wrong" thing, there would be consequences? Then you've likely been tested! Testing (also known as "feminine testing" -- or sometimes a term I personally dislike -- "shit testing" -- can be …
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Ever feel like you're being deliberately provoked by your woman? Or that she sometimes pushes and pushes until she gets a rise out of you -- often about what seem like tiny things? This pattern can be confusing until you understand the deeper reasons for it. And it's quite a common in dating and relationships, though we don't often discuss it expli…
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Ever gotten the sense that a woman is sizing you up ... deciding whether you match up with a list she has in her head around her ideal partner? You might be right. Whether you're online dating, speed dating, or meeting someone in real life, a lot of women do have a list, and it can be confusing or even frustrating when you interface with it. Here, …
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What does it actually mean to be needy? We use the term a lot, and sometimes in less-than-kind ways -- both in terms of describing others as well as ourselves. Having needs is a universal experiences. Humans, animals, plants, and every living thing has certain needs. Human beings need food, water, and sleep on a biological level -- and we also need…
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Do you ever feel ashamed of your porn use, or wish you could stop or cut down? Ever had trouble getting it up and wondered if that's connected to porn use? Ever compared dating partners to women you see in porn, and wondered if that was negatively impacting your sex or love life? Over 10% of men are addicted to porn, according to a 2019 study in th…
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If you've ever felt anxious around a woman you were attracted to, gone rigid when you tried to flirt, or completely shut down during a fight with your partner, you know what it is to go into freeze. When we're overwhelmed, we can lock up. This is inconvenient if what you really want to do in that moment is to move, get someone's number, or speak up…
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Ever wondered what different women say when they get really real about their last relationship? How about why they do growth work — and what it looks like for them? Here, I take you behind the curtain to give you a peek at exactly that. This is an amalgam episode with responses from over over ten women who answered three questions: What’s the bigge…
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If you love having sex with women and want to be known as a great lover, being good at going down is an important part of your repertoire. ;) But it’s not easy to talk about this with anyone, so here we’re laying it bare. Four of us ladies share openly about what really works for us in oral sex -- what we desire, long for, and what holds us back in…
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When your partner gets anxious or upset, do you feel like it's your fault or that you have to fix it immediately? How able are you to stay grounded and feel your own self, even amidst her storm/upset? Ever found yourself doing anything to calm her down -- because your sense of being OK was contingent upon her feeling OK? (We find this common in the…
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"For so long I felt like, ‘this is only happening in my marriage.’" If you've ever experienced something dark, difficult, or deeply challenging in your love relationship, *and didn't feel like you could talk about it with others,* you'll relate to this episode. Few topics bring up wounds as deep as betrayal. Whether you've experienced a partner che…
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What are you most ashamed of? Is it your sexuality -- how much you want and need sex, or your deep-down cravings that you fear others would judge if they knew about? Is it your yearning for love, your desire to be held or seen or known in some fundamental way? Many of the biggest breakthroughs we've witnessed in clients have come when they've heade…
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Ever experienced porn addiction (and had that affect your love relationship), contended with erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, or been worried about what your cock looks like? Then you'll feel right at home with this episode. Here, several men in our community share their unvarnished truth with their own voices. They forthrightly and v…
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Do you wish your woman was more open to sex? Not just intercourse, but the fun of the whole sex thing -- kissing, making out, foreplay, getting hot and heavy, doing the dirty. Ever longed for more from your wife/girlfriend/partner when it comes to sexuality -- and not just "from her" but with her? Ever wished she had more fun when it came to sex, t…
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Ever been around a woman who was closed down, shut off, or emotionally unavailable? Ever felt like your partner wanted to say something but was holding back, and if you'd somehow shown up in a different way, maybe she'd have let you in? Perhaps you've felt some version of, "I can’t handle that anger right now so I need to remove that anger from her…
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"When I was at my worst, I didn’t know there was a way out." Sometimes in life we get stuck. We don't know how to deal with big feelings, so we self-medicate -- with alcohol, or porn, or weed, or food. But often the self-medication gets in the way of things we really want -- love; intimacy; healthy, connected sex; joy. You may think of 12-step prog…
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Has your woman ever been in her masculine, and you wished she was in her feminine? Here's something that doesn't work: "Hey, could you drop into your feminine already?" ;) So how do you polarize your woman well? Polarity is one of those mysteries in life like electricity: We don't fully grasp why it works, but we can harness its power to make our l…
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Have you ever been concerned about getting involved with a woman because you didn't want to hurt her feelings if it didn't work out? Ever felt like you shouldn't go deeper emotionally with a woman you were dating because you weren't sure you wanted to put a ring on it? Does it ever feel like all women want a long-term, committed relationship, so if…
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If you’ve become aware that you experienced developmental trauma (and/or attachment wounding), you may wonder how to heal from it. Where do you go to move through stuck parts of yourself that are holding you back? How do you get things moving and release blocks so you can finally get what you want in sex, dating, and relationships? Jason was a self…
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Ever felt like when it comes to your relationship, you're constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop? Or that when you come home, you don't know what (or who) you're going to get? Or that every moment is, "Are they OK?" "Are they OK?" "Are they OK?" Reality check: It is not normal to be constantly on guard or anxious in your relationship. That k…
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Ever wanted to explore role-play in sex? If so, you're not alone! According to research, one in three people in North America alone wants to try some kind of role-play in the bedroom, whether that's doctor/patient, professor/student, cop/detainee, pirate/wench or some other sexy dynamic. Why is sexual role-play so intriguing? Is it different from k…
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"It felt kind of like a trap, but at the same time felt like a soothing warm blanket to feel safe and ruminate within." "The codependent relationship is filled with drama. There is blaming, a victim and the rescuer/protector. That rescuer is filled with needing to be needed. That’s where it began for me." "It was years of trying as hard as I could …
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Did you have a deeply present, emotionally aware father who took the time to attune to you and teach you how to be a trustworthy, integrated man? If so, you're in the minority. ;) Most of our clients had far-less-than-ideal role models when it came to the masculine -- which makes becoming a trustable adult man challenging. For example, do you feel …
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There's a lot out there about Nice Guy Syndrome. But what happens after? What is the magical land of Boundaries, for example? If you’ve figured out you’re a Nice Guy, you’ve likely been in a love relationship or two (or five) where you felt like your partner walked all over you, or where you developed resentment after overextending yourself. Or per…
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Ever contended with anxiety, depression, chronic pain, ADHD, or OCD ... and had that affect your sex or love life? Ever suspected that you have generational trauma, or thought you were broken? Ever felt like there was something wrong with you because you just can't seem to get it together when it comes to relationships? Spoiler alert: There is noth…
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"I took responsibility for things that wasn’t mine to take." So begins the brave stories of four men who share their personal experiences of what it was like being in relationship with a woman with Borderline Personality Disorder (or with traits of it). If you've ever been unsure about whether your partner may have traits of BPD, this is a good one…
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Have you ever felt like you needed to make a lot of money to impress women? Ever had a dynamic shift around money in a relationship, and not known how to deal with it (for example, she starts making more than you, and you have unexpected feelings about that)? Have you wondered who should pay on a date (do you offer to? Is that considered sexist now…
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Ever chased emotionally unavailable women? Ever dropped a connection because you felt overwhelmed, or like something was "off" but you couldn't quite name what it was? Ever been uncomfortable with the "mess" of dealing with someone else's emotions, or been hesitant to share your own out of a fear of rocking the boat? Then this episode will resonate…
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Sexy time, pickers, and dating, oh my! Here I answer the following three common client or listener questions: "I’ve heard women say it’s a red flag if the man has not had relationship experience. What do you say?" "One issue I've had is selecting the right female partner. What is a good way to guide myself to go about doing this?" (My picker is off…
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When is it time to stay and work on things in your marriage, and when is it time to let things go? Perhaps you can relate to scenarios like these: You're worn out and exhausted because you're always the one reaching out to your wife and never getting anything back You're great co-parents but your sex life is DOA As a couple you rarely or never open…
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If your marriage isn't working, you're suffering. Maybe you're fighting all the time (whether aloud or not). Maybe you're great co-parents, but you don't connect in an intimate way anymore. And when I say "intimate" I'm not just talking about sex; I'm talking about warmth, closeness, and connection. Should you automatically stay in a relationship b…
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