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In Podcast 49 we talk about some of the coolest – the Palace Streetcars. Double-Truck Palace Streetcars Part 3 of our 4-part series on early streetcars in New Orleans presents the Palace streetcars from the turn of the 20th century. Manufactured by the St. Louis Car Company, the semi-convertible, double-truck, Palace cars picked up their name becau…
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Podcast 48 discusses the early electric streetcars of New Orleans. Early Electric Streetcars in New Orleans Podcast 48 continues our four-part series on early New Orleans street railways. We’re talking about streetcars that pre-date our iconic arch roof streetcars from 1923, and the red streetcars from 2004. As commercial electrification expanded i…
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Podcast 47 discusses pre-electric streetcars. Pre-Electric Streetcars in New Orleans Podcast 47 is the first of a four-part series on early New Orleans street railways. We’re talking about streetcars that pre-date our iconic arch roof streetcars from 1923, and the red streetcars from 2004. Beginning with the origins of public transit with omnibuses…
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Podcast 46 features a Boyd Cruise painting of a Creole cottage at 707 Dumaine Street. 707 Dumaine Street by Boyd Cruise Alvik Boyd Cruise painted the cottage at 707 Dumaine Street in 1941. Notarial documents list Rue Dumaine, the “Main Street,” as the “Street of Shops.” This painting features a one-story Creole cottage. It’s not a shotgun. The Pod …
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Podcast 45 features a Boyd Cruise painting of The Arsenal building on St. Peter Street. “The Arsenal” by Boyd Cruise Alvik Boyd Cruise painted the Old State Armory, better known as The Arsenal, in 1941. Located directly behind the Cabildo, the city built the Arsenal in 1839. Cruise visualizes it here in the 1850s. The Pod PDF here. New Orleans Mili…
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Podcast 44 features a Boyd Cruise painting of “The Levee” on the Mississippi River. “The Levee” by Boyd Cruise Alvik Boyd Cruise painted this exciting and busy waterfront scene in 1959. While THNOC dates the setting as 1859 (probably a typo from the actual date the artist created it), the inclusion of the Steamboat Fashion puts it at 1865-1866. Whi…
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Podcast 43 features a Boyd Cruise painting of Le Pretre Mansion on Dauphine Street. NOLA History Guy Podcast 2025 The pod returns! We’re organizing a bit more this year. The pod now features four-episode series. The paintings of artist Boyd Cruise kick this off. Episode 43 discusses Cruise’s painting of La Pretre Mansion. Le Pretre Mansion on Dauph…
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We’re talking about the Krewe of Proteus, a Lundi Gras tradition. Mobilius in Mobili photo Podcast 41 – Krewe of Proteus. Happy Lundi Gras! The Krewe of Proteus first rolled the streets of New Orleans in 1882. While they’re not the oldest Carnival organization, they’re the oldest that still parades. Here’s the video of the history of Proteus: Heere…
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New Orleans King Cakes date back centuries, with exciting times ahead. King Cake from Adrian’s Bakery in Gentilly New Orleans King Cakes From Twelfth Night to the start of parades, the public face of Carnival is the King Cake. Let’s run down some of the background on this wonderful tradition. Note that this is background, history. Your preferred mo…
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A Carnival Primer for everyone. Comus Parade, 1858 Podcast 39 – A Carnival Primer When I’m asked to speak to a group that’s come to town for a convention, meeting, etc., they often ask for a talk on a Carnival-related subject. I’ve expanded this into a Carnival Primer that traces the celebration back to its medieval European roots, up to modern tim…
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