Where’s all the inventory? Yes, it’s growing, but it’s also all selling nearly immediately. There are buyers who are all cash, loan-committed, or at least pre-approved, anxiously waiting for you to get them what they want ASAP. Welcome back to America’s #1 Daily Podcast, featuring America’s #1 Real Estate Coaches and Top EXP Realty Sponsors in […]…
Are you ready to learn how to become a listing agent? This is part of (of 2) of Tim and Julie Harris’s Listing process. This is an overview of the exact process: The 7-Step Listing Process Accept the following: You have to list to last. Listings are mental labor, working with buyers is physical labor. […]…
Real Estate Agents, how truly competent are you? The Four Stages of Learning provides a model for learning. It suggests that individuals are initially unaware of how little they know, or are literally unconscious of their incompetence. As they recognize their incompetence, they consciously acquire a skill, then consciously use it, polishing it and …
Get Your Mind Focused on Taking CONTROL of Your Day… What is the hardest thing you do daily that benefits you the most? Common answers: Working out Answer the phone in the first place Use the phone to generate! When you generate enough business you don’t have to tolerate (fill in the blank) READ: 2022 […]…
Fact: There are 60 days left in 2021. Fact: If you’re lucky there are 28 work days left after taking out weekends and holidays. What will it take for you to finish strong? 1. Take an assessment of where you stand today. Total number of active listings? Total number of prequalified and motivated […]由Real Estate Coaching Radio
Tim and Julie Harris lead the charge for having proper etiquette in business and in life. Lead the way by setting the example. 34. Take at least 30 minutes to half a day before reacting to a snarky email, text or post. 35.由Real Estate Coaching Radio
Tim and Julie talk about some more critical manners that will make you stand out in real estate as well as in life! 17. Smile with your eyes when you’re wearing a mask. Smile with your face when you’re not. Make eye contact. 18. Turn your phone ringer OFF when you’re on appointments. Don’t keep checking it. Look at the […]…
Old School Manners for the (almost) Post-Covid World. Tim and Julie Harris sort out the ‘new rules’ that you’re all dealing with on appointments, meetings and daily life! Old School Social Manners (And Some New Ones) for the New Post-Covid World We’re not quite post-Covid yet, but the lockdown, quarantine, homeschool and zoom world has messed […]…
Tim and Julie Harris podcasting to help you create your very own amazing podcast! Remember, we’re modeling our coaching on today’s podcast using our own as the ‘case study’… Facts: Real Estate Coaching Radio IS: * #1 Listened to podcast for real estate professionals in ...由Real Estate Coaching Radio