Love Your Work, Love Your Life: How to Make Your Life An Absolute Joy
Manage episode 358274743 series 2991108
Do you love your work or is it mainly a way to make a living? Now there’s a way to love your work and make as much money as you need. On our Love University Podcast, we explored the secrets of doing work you love and achieving everything you desire. Here’s what we learned:
*Tap into your Don. You Don is your Higher Nature (God/nature)—given talent. Perhaps you’re gifted in writing, entertaining, caretaking, teaching, science, business, hands-on crafts, mechanics, or the like. When doing an activity, ask yourself: “Does this activity make my heart sing and my spirit soar?” If it does, then it is your Don. Once you discover your Don, devote as much of your time to developing it as you can. When you tap into your Don, your self-esteem and self-confidence increases and you realize that your Don, used rightly, can be part of the restoration of the earth.
*Give the fruits of Your Don to the Higher Nature. After you’ve discovered and developed your Don, your next step is to mentally give the fruits or results of your Don (money, accolades, status) to the Higher Nature (God, spirit, nature). In other words, you’re not working for the rewards of your work. You’re simply doing what you love to do and that is all. You’re giving away your talents in service to others as a result. As a result, you're no longer burdened by the expectation or pressure of earning a certain amount of money or receiving some type of benefit from your labor. Now you can do infinite work without getting tired because you are approaching it with a lighthearted and loving mindset. In turn, the Universe/Higher Nature will bring to you all of the success, well-being, and joy that belongs to you. It will come to you naturally and abundantly.
*Express kindness in the workplace. They say the workplace can be filled with hostile, gossiping, and conflictual people and situations. Although this may be true, your task is to bring the energy of kindness to the workplace. On a daily basis, strive to relieve the suffering of the people in your work environment, including employees, manager, customers, affiliates, and business partners. On a regular basis, perform acts of kindness. For customers or clients, you can offer an unexpected gift or discount; for service providers, you may give them an extra tip or bonus. At the office, you can help a co-worker with a difficult task. You can also tell your supervisors, co-worker, and clients how much you appreciate them. In this way you create a “Kindness Chain” in which one person’s kindness inspires another to be kind as well. With this atmosphere of kindness and compassion, work satisfaction and productivity will be significantly increased.
Yes, you can love your work and love your life. All you have to do is tap into your Don, give the fruits of your Don to the Higher Nature, and express kindness in the workplace. When you do these things, you will be one step closer to actualizing your true potential and using your gifts to uplift yourself, your loved ones, and the world. As the famed Lebanese poet, Khalil Gibran, once said, “Work is love made visible.” Now it’s your turn: Go out this week and make your love visible in the work you do as you leave a legacy of goodness, light, and contribution.