In our study of 2 Samuel, we come to the subject of death and grief. Death terrifies us and leaves us confused; often, it brings guilt, shame, anger, loneliness, and despair. Even when we are expecting death to come—it is still hard, and we feel the same emotions. Death is no respecter of a person. It makes no difference in wealth or poverty, famous or unknown, race or culture—all are affected. If not for the Gospel of Christ, death would leave us all helpless and hopeless. Scripture Text: 2 Samuel 1:17-27…
God rules over his creation. Though we do not see complete evidence that God rules over all aspects of creation on this earth because evil is very present. That is because the kingdom of God has not come to final fruition. Until that happens every man woman and child needs to remember that we all will ultimately give account for our actions before the Judge of all the earth. Scripture Text: 2 Samuel 1:11-16…
In this passage we will look at a man who designed a scheme to enrich himself. He went to great trouble to fool many people, especially David, and he almost got away with the scam. Scripture Text: 2 Samuel 1:2-10
No one likes waiting. Waiting is uncomfortable. We feel we are wasting time that could be spent in a more profitable way. Waiting, however, is part of life. We wait our turn at the checkout, at the doctor’s office, and in traffic, but most importantly, we wait on God. David had been chosen king but wasn’t prepared, so God had him go through a period of waiting that lasted 13 years. Scripture Text: 2 Samuel 1:1…
In the Christmas story there are many different aspects, and characters.Today we will look at the forgotten people. Who are the forgotten people of our world? The people who are behind the scenes who make the everyday essential things happen. So many of these people are nameless and even forgotten but they are important. Scripture Text: Luke 2:8-20…
Mary with an unspeakable joy sang the first song of the Incarnation. Critics have alleged because of the greatness that this song could not have been sung by the young Mary. It is too theological, too poetic, too beautiful, but they underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit to empower a willing vessel. Mary’s song, is like a beautiful woven tapestry of Scripture. Scripture Text: Luke 1:46-56…
The announcement of the arrival of John the Baptist who would be the forerunner of Jesus is an important part of the Christmas story. Zachariah and Elizabeth were godly people who feared God, but there was one primary source of disappointment in their lives. Elizabeth had never been able to bear children, and in her culture that was considered a disgrace. However, they never stopped believing and serving God. Scripture Text: Luke 1:5-25…
When we think of the disciples we think of very special people, but they were men with many faults. In this passage we see that very clearly. We are seeing pride rear its ugly head. Unfortunately, it raises its head in all of us at some time. Scripture Text: Matthew 18:1-14
Grace—God’s grace is one of the most beautiful words in any language. In Luke chapter 7 we meet an unnamed woman. She had an understanding of grace that few people have. Living in a day were grace rarely showed its face; having been transformed by grace she captured the meaning of grace. Scripture Text: Luke 7:36-50…
Living right begins with right thinking. Thinking on this earth is horizontal or human thinking—we need vertical thinking which is God thinking. We need help to think like God. Scripture Text: Matthew 16:21-28
Moses went to meet with God at a place called the tent of meeting where he could talk things over with God. As Moses went out, the Israelites stood by their own tents and watched to see what would happen. They eagerly watched as the glory of God come down in a pillar of cloud. As soon as they saw that, they knew their mediator was meeting with God. Even after the debacle of the golden calf God still allowed the Israelites to go to the Promised Land. The bad news was that God was not going with them. Scripture Text: Exodus 33:12-23…
Paul has prescribed the essential spiritual armor and weapons to fight this spiritual battle. Every New Testament writer talks about the spiritual warfare. We do well to heed their warning and prepare ourselves in the manner Paul instructs us. Scripture Text: Ephesians 6:18-20
As you think back, there are probably some good friends over the years with whom you have had some memorable shared experiences. God places special people in your life during different stages. It was that way with Paul because Tychicus was a good friend put in Paul’s life at just the right time. It is remarkable the bond that grows between friends as you are sharing the gospel on the front lines. Scripture Text: Ephesians 6:21-24…