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"The Lord God has given Me the tongue of a disciple and of one who is taught, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He wakens Me morning by morning, He wakens My ear to hear as a disciple."
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The Word Of The King

Evangelist Timothy Gruver

WELCOME TO "The Word Of The King" Ecclesiastes 8:4 "Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?" KJV AV1611 St. Luke 4:18 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised," KJV AV1611Here at "The Word Of The King", I (evangelist Timothy Gruver ...
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Your Nightly Prayer 🙏🏾 Psalm 18:2 Plead my cause, O LORD, with them that strive with me: Fight against them that fight against me. Psalm 35:1 DEVOTION Based on Psalm 35 God tells us repeatedly throughout His Word not to be afraid of those who persecute us or who repay our good deeds with hurtful or careless ones. He makes it clear that He will vind…
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Your Nightly Prayer 🙏🏾 Psalm 17:8 The angel of the LORD encamps round about them that fear Him, and delivers them. Psalm 34:7 DEVOTION Based on Psalm 34 The Bible says blessed are those who take refuge in the Lord. So tonight, think about the things you need a refuge from. Is it overwhelming demands? Is it fear of failure? Is it the hurt from a los…
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Your Nightly Prayer 🙏🏾 Psalm 16:8 The LORD looks from heaven he beholds all the sons of men. Psalm 33:13 DEVOTION Based on Psalm 33 Not only did God create the universe and all that is in it, but He watches over His creation the way a loving parent watches over his or her child. His Word says, “He gazes on all the inhabitants of the earth” (Psalm 3…
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Your Nightly Prayer 🙏🏾 Psalm 15:1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven Whose sin is covered Psalm 32:1 DEVOTION Based on Psalm 32 We all need forgiveness. Whether for a carelessly spoken word or an egregious act, unless we seek and receive forgiveness, we miss out on the blessing and freedom that forgiveness provides. Tonight’s psalm focus…
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Your Nightly Prayer 🙏🏾 Psalm 14:1 Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart All ye that hope in The LORD Psalm 31:24 DEVOTION Based on Psalm 31 How wonderful it is to know that we have a safe haven-a refuge to conceal and protect us, to guard and to heal our hearts. When we trust God and look to Him for shelter, He promises to deliver H…
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Your Nightly Prayer 🙏🏾 Psalm 13:5 Hear O LORD, and have mercy upon me LORD be thou my helper. Psalm 30:10 DEVOTION Based on Psalm 30 The Bible reminds us that God doesn’t prevent us from facing difficult circumstances, but He does promise to walk through them with us. He is a healing balm in the midst of our pain. When we cry out and release our fe…
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Your Nightly Prayer 🙏🏾 Psalm 12:6 The voice of the LORD divides the flames of fire. Psalm 29:7 DEVOTION Based on Psalm 29 One of the best things we can do is stop and recognize God for who He is. When we ascribe to Him the posture of praise, we no longer focus on ourselves and the weight we carry but on the worship He deserves as the Creator of the…
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Your Nightly Prayer 🙏🏾 Psalm 11:4 Draw me not away with the wicked and with the workers of iniquity , which speak peace to their neighbors, but mischief in their hearts. Psalm 28:3 DEVOTION Based on Psalm 28 The Bible tells us prayer is the most effective way to fight our battles. When we cry out to the Lord, we can trust Him to defend, protect, an…
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Your Nightly Prayer 🙏🏾 Psalm 10:14 The LORD Is My Light And Salvation Whom Shall I Fear ? The LORD Is The Strength Of My Life Of Whom Shall I Be afraid? Psalm 27:1 DEVOTION Based on Psalm 27 There are so many things to fear in life, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed and defeated. When we face these difficult emotions, however, we can turn to our Go…
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Your Nightly Prayer 🙏🏾 Psalm 9:1 Judge me O LORD for I have walked in mine integrity I have trusted also in the LORD therefore I shall not slide. Psalm 26:1 DEVOTION Based on Psalm 26 Every day, we can find ourselves in situations where we could become frustrated with elements of our relationships with others. There could be the temptation to retal…
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Your Nightly Prayer 🙏🏾 Psalm 8:3-4 Good and upright is the LORD Therefore will he teach sinners in the way. Psalm 25:8 DEVOTION Based on Psalm 25 In tonight’s psalm, David comes before God in complete honesty, saying he is “lonely and afflicted” (v.16). Those are feelings to which we can all relate. But in reality, we are never alone. The Lord’s co…
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Your Nightly Prayer 🙏🏾 Psalm 33:12 If I were hungry I would not tell thee For the world is mine and the fullness therof. Psalm 50:12 DEVOTION Based on Psalm 50 When someone gives us a gift, it’s only natural to express gratitude for their kindness and thoughtfulness. So as each day draws to a close, we have the opportunity to slow down, look around…
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Your Nightly Prayer 🙏🏾 Psalm 32:8 Man that is in honor and understands not is like the beasts that perish. Psalm 49:20 DEVOTION Based on Psalm 49 The Bible reminds us that riches on earth are temporary, but the riches we store in heaven are eternal (see Matthew 6:19-21). But what does this mean? As you prepare for your quiet time with God, look aro…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Psalm 31:14 We have thought of thy loving kindness, O God, In the midst of thy temple. Psalm 48:9 DEVOTION Based on Psalm 48 The whole earth is His, and it blesses Him! As you transition from the day into the evening, may you gain inspiration from the way the earth turns to God in worship, love, and praise. Clear your mind and …
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 John 9:25 Spiritual vision brings clarity that the eyes cannot provide. Today’s daily devotional focuses on Jesus healing a man born blind. The disciples assumed the man's blindness was due to sin, but Jesus clarified it was for God's glory. After being healed, the man bravely testified before the Pharisees, revealing their spi…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 John 8:7 Love is strongest when it forgives. Today’s daily devotional highlights Jesus defending a woman caught in adultery. The Pharisees tried to trap Jesus, but He responded by asking those without sin to cast the first stone. They left, and Jesus forgave the woman, showing His mercy and grace. STORY Bible in a Year: You Wit…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 John 6:35 Faith is the bread that feeds our spiritual hunger. Today’s daily devotional focuses on Jesus as the Bread of Life. While the crowd sought more miracles, Jesus emphasized spiritual nourishment, causing many to leave due to the difficulty of His teachings. The disciples, however, stayed, knowing He had the words of ete…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Matthew 14:29 Eyes fixed on Jesus can navigate any storm. Today’s daily devotional highlights Jesus walking on water. After feeding five thousand people, Jesus sends His disciples ahead on a boat and stays to pray. He later walks on water to join them, showing His divine power and the importance of faith. STORY Bible in a Year:…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Mark 6:15 True legacies are built on righteousness, not popularity. Today’s daily devotional focuses on the beheading of John the Baptist. Herod imprisoned John and, under manipulation from his wife, made a promise that led to John’s execution. This story teaches us about the consequences of prioritizing social standing over ri…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 John 5:8 Gratitude magnifies the miracles in our lives. Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus healing a man at the Pool of Bethesda. After 38 years of illness, the man was restored by Jesus' command. This miraculous healing was met with criticism from the Pharisees, who opposed Jesus for performing miracles on the Sabbath. ST…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Luke 8:47 Faith is the bridge between despair and healing. Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus healing a woman with chronic bleeding and raising Jairus' daughter from the dead. These miracles demonstrate Jesus' authority over sickness and death, revealing His compassionate power and divine authority. STORY Bible in a Year: …
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Matthew 8:26 When the waves of life rise, anchor yourself in Jesus. Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus calming the storm and healing a demon-possessed man. Jesus demonstrated His authority over nature and the spiritual realm, calming both a raging storm and a tormented soul with His powerful word. STORY Bible in a Year: Th…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Matthew 13:44 Trust in God’s justice, for it is perfect and sure. Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus' parables on the kingdom of heaven. He taught about the coexistence of good and evil, the unparalleled value of God's kingdom, and the final judgment where the righteous will be separated from the wicked. These parables rev…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Mark 4:32 Cultivate your heart to be good soil for God’s truth. Today’s daily devotional is about the parable of the four soils, where Jesus teaches about different responses to God's Word. The soils represent various heart conditions, with the good soil yielding a fruitful crop. This parable challenges us to reflect on our own…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Luke 7:43 Love flows abundantly from a forgiven heart. Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus accepting a broken woman and rebuking the Pharisees for their judgment. The woman wept at Jesus' feet and anointed Him with perfume, seeking His healing. Jesus highlighted the Pharisees' hardened hearts, teaching a powerful lesson on …
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Luke 7:9 Faith knows no distance; it trusts in the unseen power of The Messiah. Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus healing the centurion’s servant. The centurion demonstrated remarkable faith, believing that Jesus could heal his servant with just a word. Jesus honored this faith, and the servant was healed. This story show…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Matthew 10:1 Your background doesn’t define your future in God’s kingdom. Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus calling His twelve disciples. Despite the Pharisees' opposition, Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath and then chose a diverse group of twelve men to follow Him. These disciples, not chosen for their abilities but for …
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Mark 2:4 Friends who bring us to Jesus are treasures beyond measure. Today's daily devotional is about the story of friends who lowered their paralyzed companion through a roof to reach Jesus. Jesus, moved by their faith, forgave the man's sins and healed him. This story teaches us about the power of faith and the lengths true …
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Matthew 5:44 Righteousness begins in the heart and flows into our actions. Today's daily devotional is about the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus preaches to the masses about God's kingdom, blessing the humble and teaching about righteousness and love. The crowd's reactions vary, prompting us to consider how we respond to His words. …
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Luke 5:10 The Messiah sees our potential even when we only see our failures. Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus calling Peter to be a "fisher of men." After a miraculous catch of fish, Peter is amazed by Jesus' power. This story illustrates the beginnings of Peter’s faith journey and Jesus’ call to follow Him, embodying ob…
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Your daily prayer 🙏🏾 Luke 4:21 Every rejection opens a door to God’s redirection. Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus’ growing ministry, where He healed the sick, cast out demons, and taught with authority. Despite His miracles, Jesus faced rejection in His hometown of Nazareth, showing that faith and familiarity can often clash. STORY Bible in…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 John 4:14 God’s grace is available to all, regardless of their past. Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus revealing Himself as the Messiah to the Samaritan woman at the well. She recognized Him through their conversation and joyfully spread the news, leading many Samaritans to believe in Jesus and experience His transformati…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 John 2:15 Eternal life is a gift, freely given to those who believe. Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus cleansing the temple and His conversation with Nicodemus. Jesus drove out corrupt money-changers, restoring the temple’s sanctity. Later, He revealed to Nicodemus the profound truths of being born again and receiving ete…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 John 2:9 Jesus meets our needs even in the seemingly small matters. Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding in Cana. By turning water into wine at His mother’s request, Jesus revealed His divine power to His disciples, confirming their belief that He was the promised Messiah. STORY Bible in a Year:…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Mark 2:4 The world needs Jesus more than it needs anything else. Jesus is the answer. Today’s Sunday Service with Mike Hilson reflects on the story of Levi, which illustrates the life-changing call to follow Jesus. When Jesus invited Levi, a despised tax collector, to follow him, Levi immediately left everything behind. This ac…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Luke 2:40 Today’s daily devotional is about young Jesus staying behind in the Temple during Passover. Despite His parents’ concern, Jesus was deeply engaged in learning and teaching. This story highlights His early understanding of His divine mission and His growth in wisdom and favor. STORY Bible in a Year: Young Jesus Scriptu…
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Your Daily Prayer 🙏 Matthew 2:11 God’s guidance often comes in unexpected ways. Today’s daily devotional is about the Three Wise Men visiting Jesus. They follow a star to Bethlehem, offering gifts to the newborn King. Meanwhile, Joseph, warned by God, flees to Egypt with his family to escape King Herod's deadly decree. This story highlights God’s p…
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