我无车无房没孩子,健身读书,自己创业,赚被动收入,环游世界,精神与心灵的自我提升。活出自己。 我爱聊:感情,人生,哲学,awareness,ego,enlightment 有想跟我说的话,请发邮件给我:chinafitter@me.com
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在我們的生活當中,有許多大大小小的事。有些事看似微不足道,但卻可以讓你一整天心情都好了起來! 比如咖啡廳店員在你杯子上畫的笑臉、比如說,今天早上出門的時候沒有下雨,甚至是通勤滑手機時,發現一個超好笑的迷因梗圖等等 這些都是生活中非常小的瑣事,但是不是都會讓你想到就會心一笑呢? 生活中的小確幸就像是藏在日常裡的寶藏,而週間小確幸希望能幫大家存下這些零碎的片段!讓幸福有跡可循、讓正在收聽這個節目的你,找到點亮每週生活的靈感。 在這個節目中除了分享生活中的小確幸以外,也會討論如何在身心靈層面好好照顧自己、以及如何讓自己在資訊爆炸的時代中找到紓緩焦慮的方法。 每天不見得都是美好的一天,我們也不見得有那個心力每天為自己製造浪漫。 但如果每週可以來點小確幸,應該可以讓每週都過得不太一樣吧! 你這週有發生什麼雖然很小,但讓你感到幸福的事嗎?歡迎在各大平台留言跟我分享! 你也可以 po 在你自己的 Instagram 限時動態,並 Tag (@weeklylittlehappiness) 讓我幫你跟大家分享你的小確幸 ☺︎ https://instagram.com/weeklylittleh ...
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一位單親媽媽,在離婚後成功翻轉自己的心態,從台灣起腳一路向異國發展,通往美國、西班牙、挪威、芬蘭、阿姆斯特丹的冒險旅途。婷婷在這裡與你分享與北歐、親職、生活、旅遊、身心靈健康,能夠讓你探索自我、找到快樂的世界幸福哲學。 Solohikier , Solotraveler, Webdesigner. About Me : http://yutingchuang.com/about_yuting/ IG: Tingtinginordic
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我是健身女神张,我只教你三种内容:health, wealth, happiness, 说白了就是如何健身,如何赚钱,如何提高精神境界。三项合一才是完美人生。 我过digital nomad生活,赚passive income,无车无房,网络为生,游遍世界,感悟人生。 如果你也想要健康、财富和精神提升,那么我就听我的,我会带你一起奔向目标。 健身女神张 | 生活正能量 博客:chinaFitter.com 微信:chinaFitter_com 微博:健身女神张chinafitter 分答(直接向我提问):健身女神张 联系我:hello@chinaFitter.com
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成為付費訂閱者:https://anchor.fm/octopustellingstories/subscribe (*成為訂閲付費者能收聽更多故事!) 「八爪魚講故事」頻道在2022年4月份成立,希望透過故事能給大家帶來快樂!每周會上載新作品,希望大家能支持我啦! The "Octopus Storytelling" channel will be established in April 2022, and we hope to bring happiness to everyone through stories! New works will be uploaded every week, I hope you can support me! 如果你請我喝咖啡,這是對我很大的鼓勵和支持。感謝! It would be a great encouragement and support for me if you treat me to coffee. grateful! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ms.octopus
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What's up! We are Tionne and Kelly. 兩個座標在美國德州奧斯丁的台灣女生, 不同身分、不同職業、 不同背景、不同的經歷, 相同的是對嚮往的生活的追求, 我們將在這裡分享在美國生活的喜怒哀樂、大事小事, 也分享茶餘飯後的女人悄悄話。 Welcome to Girls on the way! Be on the way to happiness. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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文本和更多内容 关注VX公众号和视频号:家森Jason The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS and English Speaking. 品质原创雅思口语内容;每日更新
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大家好,我們是愛唱歌,熱愛地球的金星人。 第一支影片有點不太習慣對著麥克風說話XD 請大家多多指教~ 希望今年的疫情快快過去,世界越來越美好!如果你喜歡的話,可以幫我們按讚訂閱加分享!謝謝大家!World Peace! 粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088099842370 Hello everyone! We would like to share with you our happiness as we are going to step into a new chapter in our life. We hope that the pandemic that happens all over the world this year can disappear as soon as possible and the world becomes better and better. If you like us, please watch the full video! Thank you! World pe ...
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生活的一點一滴,刻畫出「生命藍圖」。咖啡館闆娘,陪你一起探尋方法,把「小日子」一步一步過的更舒心、更有節奏。 煮一杯有靈魂的咖啡☕️+華德福實驗教育 「生活愛出軌」,陪你一起聊生活、聊創業、聊育兒。斜槓人生有點孤獨,卻也因為經營咖啡館,遇見「華德福」,幸運得到很多觀察與祝福。 生命的無常變化,苦甜交織,如何「更平靜」「更優雅」「更有意識」去面對每一個時刻,是我們共同的生命課題。 跟著許姐姐與室友(老公)閒聊543,一步一步探尋方法,透過經營、育兒與閱讀,有意識的觀察,練習成為更好的人,享受每一個當下,自由自在,活得更像自己。 結尾: True happiness is to enjoy the moment. 如果你喜歡我的節目內容,請記得「訂閱頻道」,並且幫我們按下5顆星評分。能為您「煮一杯有靈魂的咖啡」是我們內心最美的風景。 如果您喜歡我們的節目,請買一包我們的豆子吧! https://pay.firstory.me/user/ckjmxgjn3aaj60820k05ruqv7 咖啡館543 https://derailcoffee.waca.shop Powered by ...
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選單,提供各式各樣的好點子、好選擇 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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嗨!歡迎來到「蘿倫說 Lauren Says」,在這裡我會分享閱讀的心得,除了想把畢生買過但直到現在都沒看的書看完之外,也希望可以藉著頻道分享跟人交流,我會把每一集看完的書捐出去,若有想推薦的也歡迎跟我說喔 ! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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去餐厅约个饭 go to the restaurants and have a dinner 昂贵的 some very luxurious products or something quite expensive 适用每个人 And it is right for almost everyone 从男性到女性 from male to female
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在我心底看来 from the bottom of my heart 成为工程师 to be an engineer 希望 I wish 奋斗 struggle for 谋生 earn a living
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学习或者工作的时候 When I am at work or when I am trying to stay focused on my study 完美搭档 a perfect partner to me 做事效率 my efficient at work 效果一般 but it didn't work well
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网络和社交软件 the Internet and its related social apps 很方便 be very user-friendly 近乎免费 it is nearly free of charge 社交活动 social activities
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对每个人免费 be free for almost everyone who lives in the world 年轻人 老年人 上班族 企业家 from young adults to old people, from employees to entrepreneurs 参加 take part in 必须的 it's required
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我觉得很有趣 I found it quite fun in my life 过去尝试 I used to give it a try 现在比以前年纪大了点 at the moment I am a bit older than the past 现在需要和想要的是简单生活 what I need and what I want at the moment is just a simple life
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在大城市出生和长大 I was born in a super large city and then I grew up there 家乡 my home city 众所周知 as is known to all 定居 settle down
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昂贵的东西 expensive products 贵重的 ridiculous expensive 人们趋之若鹜 millions of people are super fan 炫耀 it's a good way for them to show off
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玩耍一会(小盆友之间)after playing with my best friends for a while 很放松 it could be very relaxing 现在成年了 but now, I have become an adult 放空 watching the sky without thinking anything
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两个原因 There are two reasons behind this topic 传统教育 classroom based education 学点喜欢的 learn something that they like 不靠谱 it's not reliable
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公共节日和假期 public holidays and vacations or even on weekends 业余生活 a very important part of our leisure activities 有趣 It could be great fun 环境更糟糕 the environment would be getting worse than before
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一周两次 Probably twice a week 从喜剧到动作片 from comedies to action movie 从文艺片到爱情片 from literature films to romance 一年最多一次 probably once a year at the most
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年轻人 the young adults and teenagers 发生过的事 something that has happened in the past 和前人对话 they could talk to the great people in history 开拓眼界 wide horizons
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我的日常生活 my regular life 十多个小时 more than ten hours each day 和邻居交朋友的机会 opportunities to make friends with my neighbors 寒暄 make greetings
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强烈推荐两个办法 Two ways are highly recommended in my mind 从偶像身上学习 learn from some great people they admire or look up to 一个手工时间表很有效果 a handmade schedule would work well 找到平衡 strike a balance between them
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理想的房子就在郊区 My dream house would certainly be on the suburb ‘ 慢节奏生活适合我 the slow pace of life would be right for me 太吵闹了 I mean that would be too crowed and noisy in my mind 房价是另外考虑的因素 the price is another reason that I have to think about
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家人朋友最重要 The friends and family members could be the most important part 在家乡长大 I grew up in my home city 出去玩 hang out 遛个弯 go for a walk
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不是那么方便 Not that convenient, actually 买便宜东西的时候 when we tried to buy some products that were not very expensive 每天都要带着 we would carry coins almost everyday 很久没见过硬币啦 Till now, I haven't seen the coins for a while
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我有不同的观点 But now I hold a different opinion to it 顶尖学府 the top universities 教点东西 I would show my students something one or two 我接受 I am fine with it
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团队精神 it is about teamwork spirit 有的人正能量 有的人负能量 some could be very positive, some could be very negative 同一个追求 the same goals and the same ambition 工作效率 it's about our efficiency at work
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拒绝 戒掉 give up 人们不适应了 People are not used to it 过时的 because it's old fashioned 万事大吉 then everything will be okay
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在过去 in the past 流行 very popular and fashionable 人们不需要等待 people don’t have to spend a lot of time waiting for it in the restaurant 越来越流行 becoming more and more popular than before
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这个问题背后有两个原因There are actually two reasons behind this topic 和好的教育资源有关it has got to do something with the better resources for education 努力奋斗millions of people today are struggling for a better life 考虑think about
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人们适应啦a lot of people are used to it 年轻人老年人喜欢一起住Old people like to live with their children or the young adults live with their parents 买不起房they can't afford a house 大家庭we usually have a big family, a family of ten people, a family of twenty people
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有两个理由Two problems can be identified 和效率有关it has got to do something with the efficiency 如果你想学点啥if you want to have a better understanding of certain skills or related knowledge 你很容易被干扰you would be easily distracted by other stuff
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很开心I felt like very happy about my life 想认识新朋友I was planning to get to know someone that I wasn't familiar with 我不认为很聪明I don't think it's a smart decision 患难见真情A friend in need is a friend indeed
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很多人喜欢millions of people are super fan 很方便it is quite user-friendly 一个手机和免费网络就ok了just a mobile phone and the free wifi, then everything would be okay 价格优势是秘诀the price advantage is the secret
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(4600期)你觉得跳伞是一个刺激的活动吗Do you think skydiving is an exciting activity 当然刺激啦of course I must say it is very exciting 我有点害怕for me I'm bit scared 挑战我的软肋challenge myself 尝试一下give it a try
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两类人会成为网红名人Two kinds of people can be very famous or become the celebrities 和性格有关No.1, it is about their personalities 和长相有关No.2, it is about the appearance in my mind 出名的秘密武器that is the secret weapon of becoming famous
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固执己见的人是Jason The person who has strong opinions in my mind, I must say it's Jason 固执己见脾气差 he usually has very, very strong opinions at that young age, you know, very, very bad temper at the same time 志趣相投 but we usually had a lot in common, the similar interest, hobbies 犟种 it is called jiangzhong, which means the opinionated guy…
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不经常用 No, I don't like to use the pen or pencil often in my life 超级喜欢电脑和手机写东西 I'm a super fan of using the mobile phone and laptop 手写过时啦 I think the traditional way has been old fashioned 拒绝 I would say no to it
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市场繁荣 of course the society and country will be very, very prosperous 就我而言 不喜欢 But for my part, I don't like it 一张健身卡 like a gym membership card for example 要注意 Above all, the point is that we should keep an eye on this point
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十年前认识的 I got to know him probably ten years ago 从…到... Ranging from… 电子书那时候不流行 At that time, the ebook wasn't that popular 他充满智慧 And he must be full of wisdom
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不开心的时候 when I meet some problems or some bad emotions come to me 流行乐和轻音乐很有效果 the light music or popular music would work well 沿着河边跑步散步 go for a run or slow walk just along the riverside 负面情绪消失 my bad emotions and fatigues would be gone
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买了很多种类的香水 I have spent a lot of money on buying different kinds of perfume 搞太多了 but I think it's too much for me 戒掉 give it up 赚不到那么多了 We couldn't earn a lot of money in today's life and in today's society than before
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难说哦 It is tough to say 背后有两个原因 There are two reasons behind it 开心 放松 By doing so, I would feel very relaxed and my fatigues and bad emotions would be gone for sure 啥也不干 without doing anything
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很多事儿会打扰我 lots of things would disturb me at that time 那个年纪很容易走神 I would be disturbed very easily at that young age 学会专注 I have learned something one or two on how to stay focused 提升效率 improve my efficiency at work
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小时候有吃早餐的习惯 When I was a little child, I had such kinds of habit for sure 我妈妈做的煎蛋和面条很赞 I especially loved eating fried eggs with some noodles in the morning and my mom would do it for me 吃早餐不像过去那么重要了 the breakfast is not that important as used to be 足够 that would be enough
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喜欢自行车 a lot of people were super fan 过去很流行 It used to be the most popular transportation 假期更流行 Bikes could be very popular on vacations or holidays when people have plenty of freedom 那些想要保持身材的人 those people who want to lose weight and keep fit
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