Season 5 Podcast 149, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Unified Theory of Everything.”
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Season 5 Podcast 149, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Unified Theory of Everything.”
Man created the Tower of Babel, not God. Man alone can create confusion. Because we do not know the end from the beginning, we were given the capacity of reasoning through language to discover the hand of God in all things. By denying meaning and rejecting the search for truth, we shut down the primary purpose of reasoning. Creation moves forward; reasoning moves backward. Law reveals. Language unveils. Law constructs. Language deconstructs. That which we deliberately obscure with language remains hidden because our desires are evil. Today, with political correctness, we wallow in willful ignorance and drown in self-deceit. God gave birth to the earth. We gave birth to racial division, the theory of evolution, and political correctness. God drew a veil between heaven and earth to help us see him through the eyes of faith. We draw a veil between earth and heaven to hide us from his face so that we can satisfy our hidden desires. Hiding from the light hides God from us but does not hide us from the eyes of God who can penetrate any darkness.
Without intelligent design there would be no math, logic, language, law, or science because there would be no order. One cannot classify and divide chaos because chaos is total disorder. It has no purpose, no principles, and no essential attributes. Chaos of itself can produce nothing. It cannot be broken down. That which is evenly distributed has no hierarchy. It cannot be classified.
But there is order. I like the scientific word—symmetry—or, when applied to the cosmos—supersymmetry. However, that smacks too much of intelligent design, and the idea of God is uncomfortable, so scientists search for alternatives. Once science invented the concept of multiverses it ended its quest. It no longer had to blush at the sound of God, and there was more room for more Nobel prizes.
To Christians, patterns reveal principles, principles reveal purpose, purpose reveals intelligent design, and intelligent design reveals God. Sometimes we must close our eyes to open our understanding. If scientists look long enough, they will find their unifying theory of temporal law, but they will not find the Holy Grail which is the unifying theory of everything. They see only a mechanical universe signifying nothing. Scientists limit their ability to discover the overriding purpose because they only look at one critical attribute, which is function, and deny meaning. They find a pattern and label it, but they don’t go beyond. They don’t look for purpose.
To know that something exists is the beginning of knowledge. To believe something exists is the beginning of faith. To know why something exists is the beginning of understanding. To know something exists is the beginning of scientific inquiry. To know why something exists is the beginning of spiritual inquiry. To strive to know how something works is the beginning of the search for law. To strive to know why something exists and why it works is the beginning of the search for God.
The search for essential attributes identifies purpose. Science denies meaning because they deny intelligent design. They deny the core of classification—that essential attributes and important principles must exist. Rather than learn from nature, the great teacher, science organizes their facts to promote their ideologies and preconceived opinions. They present examples as proof of what they already believe. When has example ever proven anything but preexisting prejudice? God is condemned in the square of public opinion and is never allowed to speak.