Artificial intelligence is evolving at an unprecedented pace—what does that mean for the future of technology, venture capital, business, and even our understanding of ourselves? Award-winning journalist and writer Anil Ananthaswamy joins us for our latest episode to discuss his latest book Why Machines Learn: The Elegant Math Behind Modern AI . Anil helps us explore the journey and many breakthroughs that have propelled machine learning from simple perceptrons to the sophisticated algorithms shaping today’s AI revolution, powering GPT and other models. The discussion aims to demystify some of the underlying mathematical concepts that power modern machine learning, to help everyone grasp this technology impacting our lives–even if your last math class was in high school. Anil walks us through the power of scaling laws, the shift from training to inference optimization, and the debate among AI’s pioneers about the road to AGI—should we be concerned, or are we still missing key pieces of the puzzle? The conversation also delves into AI’s philosophical implications—could understanding how machines learn help us better understand ourselves? And what challenges remain before AI systems can truly operate with agency? If you enjoy this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform. Sign up for our newsletter at for exclusive insights and updates on upcoming TechSurge Live Summits. Links: Read Why Machines Learn, Anil’s latest book on the math behind AI Learn more about Anil Ananthaswamy’s work and writing Watch Anil Ananthaswamy’s TED Talk on AI and intelligence Discover the MIT Knight Science Journalism Fellowship that shaped Anil’s AI research Understand the Perceptron, the foundation of neural networks Read about the Perceptron Convergence Theorem and its significance…
This week we take a look at how God was with Joseph. Sometimes we can feel like we are doing everything right and things still come against us. It doesn't mean the Lord is not with us, but He in turn is with us while we are going through the storm and the hardships in life. As long as we are in this fallen world we will face opposition. Joseph faced rejection throughout his life even though it appears he did everything the right way. On this side of the cross we can see that God was with Joseph, but what about Joseph when he was being rejected, betrayed. lied on, and thrown into prison. Did he see God was with him through his storm? Do we know God is with us while we are going through the storm?…
Fear, worry, and anxiousness will come against us, but that is not the sin. What do we do when those feelings and emotions come upon us? 2 Chronicles 20 gives us an example on what we should do when we become fearful or worried about a situation. God is with us just like He was with King Jehoshaphat. Philippians 4, Matthew 28:16-20…
God calls His children to things that may seem impossible for us, but He wants us to know that He is with us. It is not about us and what we cannot do, but it is about what God can do through us.
Ephesians 4 tells us that the Lord has given gifts unto men and they are gifts that are appointed and ordained by the Lord. There is a purpose for these gifts and that purpose is described by the Apostle Paul. Oftentimes Christians believe the purpose of the church is evangelism, but let's see what the Bible says. Evangelism is not the purpose of the church by is a by product of a healthy church.…
Being merciful is not optional for the Christian and is a test for true Christianity. Matthew 5:7 "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." Matthew 23;23, James 2:13, Luke:27-36, Matthew 18:21-35
Matthew 5:4 "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted" Isaiah 61:1-3, James 4:17-21, Ezra 9:1-6, Ezra 10:1-61 Corinthians 6:9-12, Revelation 21:1-4
The Bible shows that we are going to be imitators. When we hear the word imitator as a Christian we automatically think about being imitators of Christ which the Bible clearly shows that is Who we are to imitate. The Bible also lets us know that we will be imitators of those who have gone before us. We as Believers in Christ should be imitators of Christians who are spiritual and mature and not those who are carnal and immature. Philippians 3:12-21…
If you are going through or have experienced any struggles, depression, or any spiritual attacks then this is a message you will want to hear from Elder Phil.
In this week's sermon Dr. Wigfall teaches about the importance of us as believers eating the Word of God. She provides personal examples of how she took the Bible for granted on a recent trip and God's message to her. Food is important for us to survive but reading the Bible is even more important.
Oftentimes Christians are afraid to witness to people because we are afraid of rejection or we do not know what to say however, we should share what is in the Bible. People try to do different techniques they learn in churches or evangelism classes not realizing that many of the things that are taught on witnessing/evangelism are man made tactics. When we witness we can and should be led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will lead us to who we are to approach, what we should say, and give us discernment. The Holy Spirit can also bless us with the gift of prophecy or a word of knowledge when we share the Gospel. We have been taught churches to regurgitate things as if they are in the Bible when they are not even Biblical. The sinners prayer is not in the Bible and neither Jesus nor anyone in the New Testament ever led anyone in the sinners prayer yet we have ministers and Christians lead people in the sinners prayer when that was something the early church never did. In part one of this message Pastor Wigfall teaches on sharing the Gospel message by relying on the Holy Spirit and not carnal tactics.…
Oftentimes Christians are afraid to witness to people because we are afraid of rejection or we do not know what to say however, we should share what is in the Bible. People try to do different techniques they learn in churches or evangelism classes not realizing that many of the things that are taught on witnessing/evangelism are man made tactics. When we witness we can and should be led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will lead us to who we are to approach, what we should say, and give us discernment. The Holy Spirit can also bless us with the gift of prophecy or a word of knowledge when we share the Gospel. We have been taught churches to regurgitate things as if they are in the Bible when they are not even Biblical. The sinners prayer is not in the Bible and neither Jesus nor anyone in the New Testament ever led anyone in the sinners prayer yet we have ministers and Christians lead people in the sinners prayer when that was something the early church never did. In part one of this message Pastor Wigfall teaches on sharing the Gospel message by relying on the Holy Spirit and not carnal tactics.…
Many Christians do not understand the meaning of salvation and while saved tend to live a life of hopelessness. Pastor Wigfall teaches us that Jesus came to not only save us from the penalty of sin, but to restore us and make us whole. Jesus has the power to heal us spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally if we allow Him. Sometimes restoration can be instantaneous and sometimes it can be a process, but we should continue to make progress. When Jesus redeemed us He saved us from not only the penalty of sin, but He gave us the power to overcome sin, hopelessness, depression, and other things life may hit us with. John 4:1-26, John 5:1-15…
In Jesus' first coming he came as a Savior, but in His second coming He will return as Judge. Oftentimes people will acknowledge that Jesus existed and was a good man, but Jesus was more than just a man He was the Christ. During His first coming people saw Jesus veiled in human flesh, but one day Jesus will be seen in His glorified state and there will be no where to run or hide for those who names are not written in the book of life.…
From Matthew 24 Jesus is preparing His disciples for His departure. With the parable of the Ten Virgins at the beginning of Matthew 25 Jesus warns the disciples to be ready. In the parable of the talents Jesus shows what readiness is. As a group the servants did well as they went from 8 talents to 15 talents but it is important to note that Jesus judged each of them individually.…
In 1 John 5 the Apostle John says those who are born again overcome the world. The word overcome in the Greek means to conquer and we as Christians should be conquerors in this life, but it is not the type of conqueror many teach in churches today where we live in 100% victory in health, wealth, and healing now. We overcome because Jesus already overcame and if we are in Christ Jesus then we shall overcome the world. The Apostle John is known as the disciple/apostle of love but it was because of his love that he told the truth. When read John's letters he doesn't leave room for gray areas and instead shows us examples of who is for the Lord and who is not. Yet, many Christians ignore these facts and do things that John doesn't tell us to do. We also take a look at how the Apostle Paul dealt with fear, but still trusted God at His word.…
With us in the midst of perilous times in the last days we as Christians need to remember we are strangers and pilgrims in this world. It is okay for us to be homesick and want to be in the Lord's presence, but we have to remember that there is still work for us to do here on earth. The patriarchs of old looked for a city whose builder and maker was God and we too look for that city. God has a city prepared for His children and until that time He calls us home we must remember to stay in faith and the joy of the Lord. Hebrews 11:8-16, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, John 17:6-23…
Pastor Wigfall continues his series on the True Vine and provides an introduction to the book of Ephesians. Ephesus was bound by many things that bound many people, cities, and towns in the United States. He also provides a lesson on what Paul's thorn in the flesh was. Many people think it was a sickness but the Old Testament shows what thorns were.…
In the parable of the ten virgins Jesus mentions there are five wise and five foolish. All ten virgins are representatives of the church and we as individual Christians have to ask if we are wise or foolish. Ultimately the wise were prepared for the Lord's return while the foolish were not ready. Unfortunately there are many people attending church weekly who think they are ready for the Lord's return but they are in fact not ready. Jesus instructs us to watch and be ready no matter how long it takes before His return because none of us knows the day nor the hour of His return.…
Romans 15:4 says for whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the [a]patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. We can learn from the mistakes that Israel made with their discouragement and lack of trust in God. Numbers 33 tells us Israel left Egypt in boldness but along the way they started looking at things with their eyes and not by faith. It was their lack of trust that caused them to wonder in the wilderness for 40 years. People think that fear is the opposite of faith but the Bible shows that walking by sight is the opposite of faith. Numbers 21:1-9, Numbers 13, Numbers 14, Exodus 13, 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, Numbers 20, Hebrews 11:1…
Who is the faithful and wise servant? Who is the evil servant? The question we must ask ourselves is are we the faithful and wise servant or the evil servant.
Matthew 24 mainly deals with Israel but there are principles in the chapter that we can take heed to as the church. There are only 2 kingdoms in this world. The Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. The religious leaders rejected Jesus which means they rejected His Kingdom. The religious leaders chose a kingdom of wars and rumors of wars, retribution, and the flesh instead of one of love, peace, justice, and mercy. In this message Pastor Rahsaan goes over what the religious leaders chose and the consequences Jesus said would come as a result of their rejection. Matthew 24, Matthew 23, Matthew 21, Isaiah 8:12-15, Hebrews 5:12-14, Hebrews 6:1-2…
A lot of times we can read the Bible and look at the Scribes and Pharisees and say that is them and not me. Some of the behaviors and actions the Scribes and Pharisees did we as Christians do today. We must not forget that regardless what goes on in the world we as believers should have show mercy, justice, and faith. This week we conclude Chapter 23 by taking a look at woe's 6-8 and the love Jesus had for the religious leaders and Jerusalem.…
In today's climate we have to be careful to not have our opinions and vision skewed from what God requires of us as Christians. If we forget to show justice, mercy, and faith then we are wrong. It seems the church has allowed ourselves to be split by politicians and the media which not only causes division among us as believers, but can cause division between us and the Lord. While the government has a role to play we as the Church have to ask ourselves what the Bible says in how we are to treat other people especially foreigners. The moment we do not show judgement, mercy, faith, love, and compassion then "woe" to us. The minute we treat or see human beings as animals then "woe" to us. As the church, our actions are starting to identify more like the scribes and Pharisees and less like Christ. Christians need to learn to not get caught up in various and strange doctrines, and instead not allow the bad teaching to kill, steal, and destroy their lives. We must do what the Bible says and not what someone opinion says. I challenge us to read the Scriptures below and pray about where your heart is. John 7:24, Leviticus 19:33-34, Mark 12:28-34, Hebrews 13:8-9, Matthew 7, John 10:10, Matthew 25:34-46, Matthew 12, Ezekiel 22, Amos 5, Exodus 23:9, Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2, Deuteronomy 10:17-19, Micah 6:8, Hosea 6:6, Isaiah 1:16-17…
A lot of times we can read the Bible and look at the Scribes and Pharisees and say that is them and not me. Some of the behaviors and actions the Scribes and Pharisees did we as Christians do today. We must not forget that regardless what goes on in the world we as believers should have show mercy, justice, and faith. This week we take a look at the third and fourth Woe's Jesus dealt with the religious leaders about.…
A lot of times we can read the Bible and look at the Scribes and Pharisees and say that is them and not me. Some of the behaviors and actions the Scribes and Pharisees did we as Christians do today. We must not forget that regardless what goes on in the world we as believers should have show mercy, justice, and faith. This week we take a look at the first two Woe's Jesus dealt with the religious leaders about.…
John 15:1-17, 26-27, John 13:34-35, Mark 12:28-34, Ephesians 4:32, Galatians 5:13, 22--26, Ephesians 4:17 Jesus has called us to love. He has called us to obey his commandments to love one another and to love our neighbors by way of service that is unconditional. Jesus set the example for us and we must follow His example. The only way we can love unconditionally is to abide in the True Vine who is Christ. Jesus tells us how we are to abide in the True Vine and Who helps us to abide. In this week's message Elder Wigfall shows through the Scriptures how Jesus told us we can abide in the True Vine.…
In this week's episode Pastor Wigfall reads through John 11 and expounds on why Jesus wept. Jesus is the "I Am" of anything we may experience in this world so there is no reason for Christians to be worried.
As we continue in the "I Am" series Jesus announces He is the True Shepherd. The church is often compared to sheep and Jesus the shepherd. Jesus has established Pastors and Leaders to display shepherd like qualities. Jesus lets it be known that their is one True Shepherd, but every other under shepherd should follow the example that Jesus set. Often times Christians tend to recognize their own faults, but hold those in leadership positions to a different standard. As we go through the differences in a shepherd and hireling we will see that all Christians should display the characteristics of the True Shepherd.…
Jude is a book that is often overlooked by Christians. Even though it was more than likely written to a church made up of mostly Jewish Christians it applies to all Christians. Jude warns the church to contend for the faith. Contend means warfare/to battle. What was Jude warning the church the to contend with? False teachers. The Apostles Paul and Peter warned the church that false teachers were coming, but Jude felt compelled to let them know that false teachers were already there. False teachers are plaguing the church in America and all over the world and while Jude tells us to contend for the faith, many churches and Christians' have become apathetic to them. In this series we do a walk through of the book of Jude and take heed to the warning of the brother of James and Jesus' youngest half-brother.…
Jude is a book that is often overlooked by Christians. Even though it was more than likely written to a church made up of mostly Jewish Christians it applies to all Christians. Jude warns the church to contend for the faith. Contend means warfare/to battle. What was Jude warning the church the to contend with? False teachers. The Apostles Paul and Peter warned the church that false teachers were coming, but Jude felt compelled to let them know that false teachers were already there. False teachers are plaguing the church in America and all over the world and while Jude tells us to contend for the faith, many churches and Christians' have become apathetic to them. In this series we do a walk through of the book of Jude and take heed to the warning of the brother of James and Jesus' youngest half-brother.…
Jude is a book that is often overlooked by Christians. Even though it was more than likely written to a church made up of mostly Jewish Christians it applies to all Christians. Jude warns the church to contend for the faith. Contend means warfare/to battle. What was Jude warning the church the to contend with? False teachers. The Apostles Paul and Peter warned the church that false teachers were coming, but Jude felt compelled to let them know that false teachers were already there. False teachers are plaguing the church in America and all over the world and while Jude tells us to contend for the faith, many churches and Christians' have become apathetic to them. In this series we do a walk through of the book of Jude and take heed to the warning of the brother of James and Jesus' youngest half-brother.…
Jude is a book that is often overlooked by Christians. Even though it was more than likely written to a church made up of mostly Jewish Christians it applies to all Christians. Jude warns the church to contend for the faith. Contend means warfare/to battle. What was Jude warning the church the to contend with? False teachers. The Apostles Paul and Peter warned the church that false teachers were coming, but Jude felt compelled to let them know that false teachers were already there. False teachers are plaguing the church in America and all over the world and while Jude tells us to contend for the faith, many churches and Christians' have become apathetic to them. In this series we do a walk through of the book of Jude and take heed to the warning of the brother of James and Jesus' youngest half-brother.…
Many people come into the New Year making New Year's resolutions, but there are times we have to not look at self and ask the Lord what He wants us to do.
1 Corinthians tells us we as the church can judge the body. We as Christians have to be careful that we don't point the finger at our Brothers and Sisters in Christ and try to convict them if they sin. There is a difference in a Christian that has committed a sin and one that is sinning. Our salvation is instantaneous but our sanctification is not. The sanctification process for each believer will be different. God is calling us as His children to be holy. Our sanctification can also be known as spiritual maturity. For us to be who the Lord is calling us to be will require three things after coming to the Lord. Our will, knowledge of the Bible, and submitting to the Holy Spirit. If one or two of those three things are missing then our sanctification process can become stagnant or be slowed down. Does it mean our lives will be perfect? No, it does not. As long as we are in our human bodies we will still face situations and problems in life. However, when we have our will lined up with God's word, and we submit to the Holy Spirit we can have a life of peace. We do not have to live as carnal Christians, but can instead be spiritually mature as the Lord works in us to become holy and separate from the things of the world.…
John 3:3-8, John 6:65, John 6:41-44, Mark 3:31-35, Matthew 12:46-50, 1 Timothy 5:1-8, John 19:25-27, Matthew 22:36-37 39-40, Matthew 10:37-39, Matthew 7:15-20, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Corinthians 14:18-20
Jesus provided the letter of Revelation to John and had him send it to seven churches. The messages to the seven churches are relevant to the church today. The church today is not exempt from what Jesus was communicating to the churches in Asia. It is a message that is being ignored by pastors and Christians today, because if it wasn't then we would not be preaching and listening to the water down gospel message that is prevalent in many churches today. The letters also should be a warning to Christians who say they do not attend a church, because they don't think they need to in order to live for Christ. Revelation is a book that all Christians should read however, many Christians do not read. It is a book that was addressed to Lord's servants and not to the unsaved. Revelation 3, Psalms 19, Hebrews 12…
Jesus provided the letter of Revelation to John and had him send it to seven churches. The messages to the seven churches are relevant to the church today. The church today is not exempt from what Jesus was communicating to the churches in Asia. It is a message that is being ignored by pastors and Christians today, because if it wasn't then we would not be preaching and listening to the water down gospel message that is prevalent in many churches today. The letters also should be a warning to Christians who say they do not attend a church, because they don't think they need to in order to live for Christ. Revelation is a book that all Christians should read however, many Christians do not read. It is a book that was addressed to Lord's servants and not to the unsaved. Revelation 3, Colossians, John 14 and John 16…
Jesus provided the letter of Revelation to John and had him send it to seven churches. The messages to the seven churches are relevant to the church today. The church today is not exempt from what Jesus was communicating to the churches in Asia. It is a message that is being ignored by pastors and Christians today, because if it wasn't then we would not be preaching and listening to the water down gospel message that is prevalent in many churches today. The letters also should be a warning to Christians who say they do not attend a church, because they don't think they need to in order to live for Christ. Revelation is a book that all Christians should read however, many Christians do not read. It is a book that was addressed to Lord's servants and not to the unsaved. Revelation 3…
Jesus provided the letter of Revelation to John and had him send it to seven churches. The messages to the seven churches are relevant to the church today. The church today is not exempt from what Jesus was communicating to the churches in Asia. It is a message that is being ignored by pastors and Christians today, because if it wasn't then we would not be preaching and listening to the water down gospel message that is prevalent in many churches today. The letters also should be a warning to Christians who say they do not attend a church, because they don't think they need to in order to live for Christ. Revelation is a book that all Christians should read however, many Christians do not read. It is a book that was addressed to Lord's servants and not to the unsaved. Revelation 3, Matthew 24:42-44…
Jesus provided the letter of Revelation to John and had him send it to seven churches. The messages to the seven churches are relevant to the church today. The church today is not exempt from what Jesus was communicating to the churches in Asia. It is a message that is being ignored by pastors and Christians today, because if it wasn't then we would not be preaching and listening to the water down gospel message that is prevalent in many churches today. The letters also should be a warning to Christians who say they do not attend a church, because they don't think they need to in order to live for Christ. Revelation is a book that all Christians should read however, many Christians do not read. It is a book that was addressed to Lord's servants and not to the unsaved. Revelation 2…
Jesus provided the letter of Revelation to John and had him send it to seven churches. The messages to the seven churches are relevant to the church today. The church today is not exempt from what Jesus was communicating to the churches in Asia. It is a message that is being ignored by pastors and Christians today, because if it wasn't then we would not be preaching and listening to the water down gospel message that is prevalent in many churches today. The letters also should be a warning to Christians who say they do not attend a church, because they don't think they need to in order to live for Christ. Revelation is a book that all Christians should read however, many Christians do not read. It is a book that was addressed to Lord's servants and not to the unsaved. Revelation 2…
Jesus provided the letter of Revelation to John and had him send it to seven churches. The messages to the seven churches are relevant to the church today. The church today is not exempt from what Jesus was communicating to the churches in Asia. It is a message that is being ignored by pastors and Christians today, because if it wasn't then we would not be preaching and listening to the water down gospel message that is prevalent in many churches today. The letters also should be a warning to Christians who say they do not attend a church, because they don't think they need to in order to live for Christ. Revelation is a book that all Christians should read however, many Christians do not read. It is a book that was addressed to Lord's servants and not to the unsaved. Revelation 2…
Jesus provided the letter of Revelation to John and had him send it to seven churches. The messages to the seven churches are relevant to the church today. The church today is not exempt from what Jesus was communicating to the churches in Asia. It is a message that is being ignored by pastors and Christians today, because if it wasn't then we would not be preaching and listening to the water down gospel message that is prevalent in many churches today. The letters also should be a warning to Christians who say they do not attend a church, because they don't think they need to in order to live for Christ. Revelation is a book that all Christians should read however, many Christians do not read. It is a book that was addressed to Lord's servants and not to the unsaved. Galatians 1:8-9, Acts 20, Revelation 2…
Jesus provided the letter of Revelation to John and had him send it to seven churches. The messages to the seven churches are relevant to the church today. The church today is not exempt from what Jesus was communicating to the churches in Asia. It is a message that is being ignored by pastors and Christians today, because if it wasn't then we would not be preaching and listening to the water down gospel message that is prevalent in many churches today. The letters also should be a warning to Christians who say they do not attend a church, because they don't think they need to in order to live for Christ. Revelation is a book that all Christians should read however, many Christians do not read. It is a book that was addressed to Lord's servants and not to the unsaved. Proverbs 28:19, Revelation 1…
As Christians we should exercise compassion towards other people whether they are born again or not. We should be longsuffering and pray for endurance in this world. In today's message Elder Wigfall teaches from 2 Kings 17, Lamentations 3 and the book of Jonah. As we look at the book of Jonah we see some comparisons in how Jonah behaved and how Christians behave today.…
As Christians we should exercise compassion towards other people whether they are born again or not. We should be longsuffering and pray for endurance in this world. In today's message Elder Wigfall teaches from 2 Peter 3 and the book of Jonah. As we look at the book of Jonah we see some comparisons in how Jonah behaved and how Christians behave today. Elder Wigfall also shares a story of an incident that took place with his visit to the emergency room this week. What he observed during that visit allowed him to be led by the Lord in this message this week.…
Jesus came teaching, preaching the Kingdom of God, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. Matthew 4:23 and Matthew 9:35-38. In this week's lesson we focus on teaching and preaching.
This week we continue our series on the church's mission. One of the main missions of the church is to be like Jesus. We are not to mimic man or other churches but we are to be like Jesus. Elder Wigfall dives into how we as Christians have to be honest. There are times in life we may have some doubt when it comes to getting a prayer answered and that is okay. There are examples in the New Testament of those who walked with Jesus and came to Him who expressed doubt. We as Christians have to stop pretending, putting pressure on ourselves, and others like we have it all together and we always walk in faith because outside of Christ that is not in the Bible.…
Christians today no matter how long we have been saved or what title we have are all disciples. None of the disciples Jesus chose were perfect. We are all familiar with Peter and Judas but what about James, John, Nathaniel and Andrew. How did Jesus end up picking the 12 out of the thousands who followed Him. What Jesus did to pick the 12 is what we should do today in the decisions we make. Often times we think Jesus showed up to the disciples and said follow Me and they left to follow Him without knowing Him. By the time Jesus said follow Me two of these disciples had already spent the day with Him. Jesus already had disciples baptizing, He cleared the money changers out of the temple, Jesus had met with the Samaritan woman at the well, and He had already had a discourse with Nicodemus. Jesus already had a following of anywhere from hundreds to thousands of disciples before He picked the 12. Elder Wigfall goes through the Scriptures to show the disciples were an odd bunch most Rabbi's would not have selected, and how Jesus came to pick the 12.…
John received his calling before he was born but it was manifested while he was in the wilderness when the word of God came to him. He said he was the voice of one crying in the wilderness. John was the herald for Jesus' first coming and the church should be the herald for Jesus' second coming. The world is a wilderness and unfortunately many are stuck in that wilderness. The church should be the voice of one crying in the wilderness.…
The body of Christ has a mission and it is the same mission Jesus came to do. While we may all have different visions everything should line up together because it is all for the Kingdom of God. In this message we discuss and break down the vision of NLKBM's. #NLKBM
We are in the last days that Paul warns us of in 2 Timothy 3. While we are in perilous times Jesus also tells us that the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few. As Christians we are to be laborers for God. Regardless of what the world, any nation, or world leader does we have to be the voice of God's message to the lost. God's judgment is coming but we as the body of Christ should be warning others. The Bible has shown that whenever God sends his judgement He sends a warning to the people before hand. We are in a time where people are embracing sin but the Bible also says that there is nothing new under the sun, and the same sins that are going on today are the same sins the early church saw. 2 Kings 19:1-7, 2 Chronicles 32:7-8, Exodus 14:14, Daniel 4, Matthew 24…
We are in the last days that Paul warns us of in 2 Timothy 3. While we are in perilous times Jesus also tells us that the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few. As Christians we are to be laborers for God. Regardless of what the world, any nation, or world leader does we have to be the voice of God's message to the lost. God's judgment is coming but we as the body of Christ should be warning others. The Bible has shown that whenever God sends his judgement He sends a warning to the people before hand. We are in a time where people are embracing sin but the Bible also says that there is nothing new under the sun, and the same sins that are going on today are the same sins the early church saw. Nahum 1, 2 Timothy 3…
We only have One perfect Father and that is the Heavenly Father. The Bible says we are to honor our parents, but often times we try to get things from our natural fathers they just cannot give. When we come with those expectations that leads to disappointments and hurts for both the child and the father. Dr. Wigfall shows through Scripture that we have a good heavenly Father that can give us what our earthly dads cannot.…
Everything we do as believers should bring glory to the Father. Jesus demonstrated this in His walk. Jesus took no glory for Himself but gave all the glory to the Father. There are things the Bible tells us that we as Christians should do that will bring glory to the Father. Jesus says in John 15 the Father is glorified when we bear "much fruit".…
Everything we do as believers should bring glory to the Father. Jesus demonstrated this in His walk. Jesus took no glory for Himself but gave all the glory to the Father. There are things the Bible tells us that we as Christians should do that will bring glory to the Father.
It is vital for us as Christians to fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This week we take a look at 2 Corinthians 13:4 and Philippians 2:1-2. We also take a look at Acts 9 and the conversion of Paul the Apostle. Elder Wigfall teaches how Ananias' response shows how he had been fellowshipping with the Lord and how he was familiar with the voice of the Lord. Often we can find ourselves answering more like Saul who did not know the Lord when our response should be like Ananias'.…
As Christians we are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit but in order to be filled it starts with a relationship with Jesus Christ. As we are filled we have to remain filled. We remain filled by praying, studying and fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is calling for us to spend time with him continuously. The word continuously means without gaps. We as believers need to be consistent in our walk. Note the message continues after the song that is played. We encourage to spend time in fellowship with the Holy Spirit that you may have a different walk with the Lord.…
As Christians we must learn to be intimate with the Holy Spirit. Our relationship is vital in our walk as Christians. The Holy Spirit is our Helper who Jesus sent to be with all believers and we must be filled with Him.
According to Ephesians 5 we are to be filled with the Holy Spirit. If we as Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit then there are certain things we will not find ourselves doing. Many churches do not acknowledge the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives but it is vital for us as believers to be filled. Being filled is an ongoing process and is in fact a commandment. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not about the gifts but it is important as believers to bear fruit. Unlike what some teach we as believers do not have control over the gifts of the Spirit. We as believers cannot be taught how to manufacture the gifts of the Spirit and it should not be a focus for believers. We are to seek the giver of the gifts and surrender to the Holy Spirit so we can be bearer's of the Fruit of the Spirit.…
As Christians we have to know which Kingdom we are in. We are to please Jesus and be on the same team. If we as Christians compete with each other or practice the works of the flesh then we are not being representatives of the Kingdom of God.
This message is not to offend anyone but to educate believers on the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs that are being pushed upon people. Often times when we see witchcraft in the New Testament we think of an old lady with a black hat and a broom but that is not what the Bible is referencing. Pharmaceutical drugs are a big business that draws in large revenue to the government and the medical industry. In 1960 the money brought in for medicines in the United States was 2.7 billion dollars. In 1970 that number doubled to 5.5 billion. In the year 2020 that number ballooned to 539 billion dollars. God warns us of drugs (pharmaceutical and illegal drugs) in the Bible. As Christians we have often heard that the Bible doesn’t mention drugs but the word witchcraft/sorcery in Galatians 5 is Pharmakeia which is where we get our word pharmacy from. The Greek word for drunkenness in Galatians 5 is Methe which is the root word for methamphetamines. Being addicted to drugs and alcohol opens a person up to demonic activity which is not God’s will. There are Christian believers who are addicted to illegal drugs, prescribed drugs and alcohol and that should not be. Paul, the Apostle said those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Many people to include Christians are addicted to drugs and alcohol because they find themselves bound in bitterness, unforgiveness and pride. Jesus has the power to set anyone free if they submit to Him. Scripture references: Galatians 5:19-21, James 5:13-16, Revelation 9:21, Revelation 18:23, Revelation 21:5-8, Hebrews 4:12, 2 Corinthians 10:5…
This week we break down the definitions of the works of the flesh listed in Galatians 5 from the original Greek. As we take a look at the meanings of the words we find that we as Christians may in fact be practicing some of these works in our personal lives and in our churches. Paul warns us that those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God. It is the hope that those who hear this message will grow in their relationship with Christ. We cannot overcome the works of the flesh out of our own strength but it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we can overcome the flesh. Works in the Greek means business and employment. Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death. When we feed our flesh and allow sin to reign in our lives it pays the wages by the works listed in the Bible. As we take a look at these words we will see a lot of things that are being taught from the pulpits of our churches like prosperity and the evangelical movement are teaching Christians to live by their flesh and not by the Spirit.…
This week we continue our study on the works of the flesh. We discuss Greek definitions for some of the works mentioned in Romans 1. We warn how some of these sins can and are being committed by those in the church and we also discuss how the Apostle Paul warns us how we are in perilous times. We must stay connected to Jesus Christ in these last days.…
Often Christians try and motivate themselves in their walk with the Lord to overcome our flesh as if they are gearing up for a workout. However, no matter how much a person tries to motivate themselves they will not be able to overcome the power of the flesh. God has given us His Holy Spirit and that is how we are able to over the inner struggles of the flesh. Romans 8 and Galatians 5 teach us how we are to overcome the flesh. We as Christians have to understand that as long as we are in our human bodies we will have an internal struggle that takes the power of God to overcome. In this message Pastor Wigfall teaches on three different types of children that Paul mentions in the New Testament. As we discuss each one let us look at them and see which one we may identify with in our personal walk and which one we should identify with. We also take a look at some of the characteristics mentioned by Paul of what he considers to be a carnal Christian.…
Last week we talked about pet sins and how we tend to categorize sins. This week we take a look at Joshua chapter 7 where Achan committed what he thought was a secret sin. Many Christians have secret sins and unlike pet sins secret sins include every sin mentioned in the Bible that we try and keep covered up. As Christians we should know that there is no such thing as a secret sin because God knows all. In this lesson Elder Wigfall teaches how when we sin it really shows a lack of faith in God however, when we confess our sins and repent it brings glory to God. We must know that sin doesn't just affect the person who commits the sin but as in the case of Achan sin can and will have an effect on our family and our church.…
As Christians we learn to categorize sins and there are some sins we learn to hold onto instead of looking for deliverance from God. Pet sins are like pets; they can start out small then grow bigger to the point they can hurt us and others around us. Pet sins are different for each person. Yes, we will not be perfect but we should not be habitually bound in sins. Pet sins keep Christians in bondage but Jesus has come to set the captives free.…
We are one body in Christ. There should be no division in the church. Brother Phil talks about how the Bible only talks about two races of people. Those who are saved and those who are not.
The Bible shows us that Moses, Joseph, David, the Apostle Paul and Jesus all experienced rejection and it is not something that is uncommon. We have all dealt with rejection from people at some point in our lives. What should we do when we experience rejection from family, friends and people? n this lesson Dr. Wigfall goes over examples of rejection in the Bible and why God would allow us to experience it. We also discuss a Biblical example of how and why God Himself rejected someone in the Bible.…
When it comes to Christmas there are Christians who say we should celebrate it while there are some Christians who say we should not celebrate it at all. There are well meaning Christians who love the Lord on both sides of the argument and it can be confusing as to what we should do as Christians when it comes to Christmas and other traditional holidays. The Bible is always the final authority and we will see what the Bible says we should do. This message was preached on Christmas day 2021 and we take a look at some traditional myths associated with Christmas as well as some ties Christmas has to things that are from pagan cultures. The Bible does not mandate us to celebrate or not celebrate Christmas but I believe it does give us direction on what we as Christians can do concerning Christmas and other holidays.…
Today we live in a cancel culture where if the world doesn't agree with what you say they want to shut you up. Cancel culture is a mob mentality. We have to make the right choice on who we serve. An example of cancel culture can be found in Acts 7. The church should be teaching what the Bible says not doing what the culture does. As Christians we should be different from the world and not assimilate with the it.…
Many people wonder where Babylon of Revelation 18 is. Some say Rome, New York City, the Vatican or Jerusalem. Some say a future Babylon will be built. One of those theories could be right or they can all be wrong because it is a mystery. Babylon in Revelation 18 is an actual city who is accused of killing God's prophets. There was one city Jesus said this of in the Bible. In this lesson we discuss what Pastor Rahsaan thinks this city of Babylon is and provides Scripture to show why he thinks that. This message is not an anti-Semitic message. God calls us to love ALL people. The Bible tells us that we are to be peacemakers. We know who our Brethren are because the Scriptures tell us it is those who do the will of our Father. Now we must ask ourselves who is our neighbor. Israel is much more than a land but they are a people. The Bible shows us in the New Testament that God is dwelling inside of His people not in a land. The New Testament also shows us who are the Jews now. Let us not be deceived by this Zionist movement just because it is Israel. We can still support and pray for the Jews without condoning some of the things that are going on in Israel. The Christian Zionist movement speaks out against the sin in America while overlooking the sin in Israel. The Christian Zionist movement will support Israel's abuse of Palestinian Christians who are our Brothers and Sisters in Christ just because they are Israel. What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong no matter who it is. Christ came to set the captives free and we are to come out from among them. Them being the world system and those who are children of the devil because they do the works of the devil. Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God." If as Christians you are speaking hate or destruction against anyone are you truly a peacemaker.…
This week we continue our teaching on the mystery of Babylon by taking a look at the origin of rebellion. There will be a big rebellion at the end of days that will be led by the Antichrist. While man has come and gone the spirit of rebellion has been around since the book of Genesis. We look at Nimrod and how he led a rebellion against God.…
We conclude our series by talking about mercy and how important it is for us as God's children to show mercy to the both believers and unbelievers. If God showed mercy toward us then we should show mercy to others.
How does the church live in the midst of Babylonian culture? How does the church respond to the government in the midst of Babylonian culture? Do we rebel just because we are Christians living in an unsaved world led by unsaved governmental leaders. The Bible gives us an example of how we as God's people should carry ourselves. In today's message we look at Daniel and his character within a wicked nation.…
How does the church live in the midst of Babylonian culture? How does the church respond to the government in the midst of Babylonian culture? Do we rebel just because we are Christians living in an unsaved world led by unsaved governmental leaders. The Bible gives us an example of how we as God's people should carry ourselves. In this series we will take a look at Daniel but it is important to understand what type of person Nebuchadnezzar was and how God called him His servant.…
This week we continue with our series on Enduring Faith for the End Times and combatting conspiracies as Christians. We continue looking at how Nehemiah dealt with conspiracies.
This week we start part 1 of 2 on "conspiracy theories" in our series on Enduring Faith for the End Times. As Christians we must be guarded against conspiracy theories. We are in the last days and while conspiracies have been around for centuries they are increasing even more in today's time. We will take a look and discuss some examples of conspiracies in the Bible. We will also discuss some modern conspiracies that Christians believe and are even preaching in the church. Should we as Christians engage in conspiracy theories? Take a listen as we hope to answer that question for you.…
Enduring means to abide, tarry and not draw back. In the end times we will need faith to endure. This week Pastor Wigfall teaches how Jesus wants us to abide in faith during these last days. We are not to draw back. We as God's children can abide because Jesus has already overcome the world.
In the end times we will need faith to endure. In Luke 18:1-8 Jesus talks about how prayer and faith is needed for the end times. In verse 8 Jesus asks will the Son of man find faith on the earth when He returns. Why would Jesus say that? At the end of Luke 17 Jesus talks about what the end times will look like in the final hour and the signs we will see. Jesus has given His people warnings for the tribulation and His return. Many in this last hour are separating themselves from churches but the Bible tells us in this hour we are to be coming together to exhort and strengthen each another as we see that Day approaching.…
This week we conclude our series on sound doctrine by discussing the qualities of a sound church. The apostle Paul instructed Titus on what to teach when he was in Crete. Titus was to teach sound doctrine and what he was supposed to teach is something that is overlooked in many churches today. It doesn't matter what denomination a particular church is in order to be a sound church what is instructed in Titus 2 should be implemented in a church.…
This week we discuss what a Christian should talk about when presenting our faith in Christ to unbelievers according to Acts 24. We do not microwave the Gospel message down in order to get someone to accept Christ. Nor do we manipulate people into accepting Christ. When we follow Paul's example then it allows the Holy Spirit to move and convict according to John 16. We are to discuss what the Apostle Paul discussed when he went before Governor Felix.…
This week we continue with our series on sound doctrine. We teach on whether or not Jesus came to bring love and unity or love and division to this world. We also discuss righteousness. There are some who teach that righteousness is just being in right standing with God. While that definition is true there is more to it according to scripture. The Bible tell us to practice righteousness so if we are to practice righteousness then that means we as believers have a part to play. When one practices something they practice to get better. We don't practice sin but the apostle John tells us to practice righteousness. Righteousness is found in both the New Testament and the Old Testament. Sound Doctrine is vital to the maturity of every Christian.…
This week we continue with part II of our teaching on sound doctrine and begin discussion of the different types of doctrines that are to be taught in the church. We should always start with the primary doctrine of Christ's death, burial and resurrection. We then discuss how doctrine is to lead to godly edification and compare the difference in what many Christians are seeking from churches today.…
In this episode we discuss Biblical doctrine and how important sound doctrine is to the church. There are multiple doctrines mentioned in the Bible however, there is only one true doctrine. Doctrine is supposed to be protected but yet many pastors and leaders have compromised sound doctrine with their opinions and the traditions of men.…
This week we discuss the characteristics of a minister of the Gospel. We talk about how there is no hierarchy in the offices of the ministry such as apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastors and teachers.
This week we take a look at scriptures where the Apostles John and Paul specifically called people out by name. We also take a look into the false teachings of Kenneth Copeland and Bethel. We also discuss the pagan practices of Christ Alignment and the support their practices receive from Bethel.
We have a lot of "Christians" who claim to hear from God, see and talk to angels all the time, preach weekly health and wealth messages in churches throughout the world. Are these people scriptural? Are people like Creflo Dollar, Brian Simmons, The Passion Translation Bible, Bethel, John Gray, TD Jakes, Benny Hinn, Kat Kerr and others preaching the Bible? How can ministers receive messages from Jesus or Angels but what they receive do not line up with the Bible? Many believers are being led astray. This is the first segment in a series of teachings on wolves in sheep's clothing. We are warned of these false teachers and false prophets throughout the Bible. Pastor Wigfall goes through multiple scriptures to expose the false messages that people are spreading. In this series we discuss whether or not it is biblical to call out false teachers by name. Matthew 7:15-23 This lesson was originally recorded on May 1, 2021.…
We have a lot of "Christians" who claim to hear from God, see and talk to angels all the time, preach weekly health and wealth messages in churches throughout the world. Are these people scriptural? Are people like Creflo Dollar, Brian Simmons, The Passion Translation Bible, Bethel, John Gray, TD Jakes, Benny Hinn, Kat Kerr and others preaching the Bible? How can ministers receive messages from Jesus or Angels but what they receive do not line up with the Bible? Many believers are being led astray. This is the first segment in a series of teachings on wolves in sheep's clothing. We are warned of these false teachers and false prophets throughout the Bible. Pastor Wigfall goes through multiple scriptures to expose the false messages that people are spreading. In this series we discuss whether or not it is biblical to call out false teachers by name. Matthew 7:15-23 This lesson was originally recorded on April 24, 2021.…
Throughout the Bible Israel and the church are compared to sheep. Jesus is the true shepherd. Pastors are under-shepherds but should take care of the sheep. This week we continue to teach how outreach/evangelism is a good thing but the modern day church has become so evangelistic focused that the sheep (brothers and sisters in Christ) are being neglected. The sheep should never be neglected for the sake of the ministry. Pastor Wigfall teaches from John chapters 10 and 9, Jeremiah 23, Ezekiel 34 and Psalms 23. All these chapters and others show the characteristics of good shepherds and bad shepherds. If the character of the under shepherd does not reflect Jesus then the under shepherd may be a hireling. The religious leaders in the Bible were hirelings but the Bible shows what a true shepherd should be.…
We as Christians are called to be salt and light in this world. When Jesus spoke this to the disciples they knew how valuable salt was. Without salt mankind would not be able to survive in this world and the earth would decay. Light is used to attract things and to help people get to where they need to go.…
This week we focus in on the exousia (authority) of the Christian and how it is to be combined with the dunamis (power) of the Holy Spirit. The gospel of the Kingdom of God is the theme Jesus taught on the most. It is a message Jesus considered to be important for the disciples to know. As Christians we have to know that we have authority. If we don't know we have authority then it does us no good when we go about a daily walk. For far too long Christians have been trying to use dunamis power to fight the dunamis power of the enemy. Jesus tells us in Luke 10:19 that the devil has dunamis power but He (Christ) has given us the authority to overcome the enemy.…
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