About Muscle Strain
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According to Chiropractor – Thomas Gehrmann, a muscle strain occurs when you overstretch the muscle and it becomes damaged or torn. This often happens when the muscle is stretched beyond its limit or forced to contract during your normal daily activities, lifting of heavyweight, sports exercise, among others. In mild cases, the muscle fibers are stretched or torn partially and can be reversed by resting or doing some specific exercise. In severe cases, the muscle fibers and tendons surrounding the muscle are completely torn and unable to function optimally. This often leads to pain, muscle weakness, muscle swelling, bleeding, bruising, and damage to small blood tissues which need immediate medical treatment.
Muscle strain can take place anywhere in the body however, it is common in the lower back, hamstring, neck, and shoulders. Read on as Thomas Gehrmann a licensed chiropractor in Colorado Springs takes us through its causes and treatment to get your muscle back in good shape.
Muscle Strain Grades
A muscle strain is graded based on its severity and the type of treatment needed says Thomas Gehrmann.
Grade 1: This is a mild strain to the muscle fibers, only a small part is stretched and the individual still retains its normal strength.
Grade 2: Damage to the muscle fibers is moderate. However, it is accompanied by severe muscle pain, loss of strength, mild swelling, and a noticeable bruise. Full recovery often takes two to three months.
Grade 3: This is a complete shearing away of the muscle from its tendons. Grade 3 muscle strain is a serious injury that can lead to discoloration of the muscle fibers, pain in the affected area, swelling, and sometimes complete loss of muscle function. This kind of condition is often treated by surgery.
Causes of Muscle Strain
A muscle strain is caused by improper use of the muscle such as poor flexibility or not warming up properly before starting weight lighting exercise. Poor body mechanics, fatigue, or persistent stretching of muscle in one area can also lead to muscle strain. More so, muscle stiffness during the lower temperature, poor posture, and practicing sport activities such as running, soccer, basketball, tennis, football, can strain the muscle over time.
Treatment of Muscle Strain
From home remedies to surgery, here are ways you can treat muscle strains:
Resting is very important when you have a muscle strain. It helps speeds up the healing process of the muscle and also reduces pain in the affected area therefore, take some time off and rest your muscle especially if there is an increase in pain when you walk. Start using the affected muscle slowly after a few days and stay away from painful activities