People want to feel supported and safe at work – and inspired to innovate. What can people working at large corporations do to create this kind of environment? Saskia Mureau is the Director of Customer Digital at the Port of Rotterdam where she is harnessing digital systems to reduce emissions. She is passionate about creating inclusive workplaces where psychological safety and collaboration drive meaningful change. In this episode, Kamila sits down with Suchi to talk about why she chose to work at large corporations rather than startups. Saskia also reflects on her personal experiences, including navigating IVF while at work, and discusses how organizations can foster environments where employees feel empowered to bring their whole selves to work. Links: Saskia Mureau on Linkedin WHO infertility research BCG 2024 report on psychological safety in the workplace Suchi Srinivasan on LinkedIn Kamila Rakhimova on LinkedIn About In Her Ellement: In Her Ellement highlights the women and allies leading the charge in digital, business, and technology innovation. Through engaging conversations, the podcast explores their journeys—celebrating successes and acknowledging the balance between work and family. Most importantly, it asks: when was the moment you realized you hadn’t just arrived—you were truly in your element? About The Hosts: Suchi Srinivasan is an expert in AI and digital transformation. Originally from India, her career includes roles at trailblazing organizations like Bell Labs and Microsoft. In 2011, she co-founded the Cleanweb Hackathon, a global initiative driving IT-powered climate solutions with over 10,000 members across 25+ countries. She also advises Women in Cloud, aiming to create $1B in economic opportunities for women entrepreneurs by 2030. Kamila Rakhimova is a fintech leader whose journey took her from Tajikistan to the U.S., where she built a career on her own terms. Leveraging her English proficiency and international relations expertise, she discovered the power of microfinance and moved to the U.S., eventually leading Amazon's Alexa Fund to support underrepresented founders. Subscribe to In Her Ellement on your podcast app of choice to hear meaningful conversations with women in digital, business, and technology.…
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Key events of the week reviewed in this Cantonese programme. In the special features, BBC correspondents, contributors and listeners present the world from different angles.
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監製: 陳燕萍 九十分鐘走遍世界,每週陪你漫遊《十萬八千里》。
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深音是網路上最深入的聲音。搜尋「深音」,深入的深,音樂的音,就可以找到我們。 酥餅是個住在美國,興趣廣泛的管理學教授,喜歡攝影、相機、美食、音響、鉛筆、露營、玩火爐。 如果你喜歡獨立思考、喜歡真實、喜歡邏輯、好公義,深音是為你準備的廣播節目。 注意,聽完深音有一個後遺症,聽完之後,世界就不再那麼想當然爾,你會發現之前接收的資訊有許多不合邏輯之處,遇到事情你會不由自主的反覆分析,而且這隻眼睛,一旦張開,就閉不回去了。
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專題:沙特獲2034世界盃決賽周主辦權與體育發展(李峻嶸)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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人民足印:日本小學生缺課情況(陸穎瑜)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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專題:杜魯多辭任自由黨黨魁及加拿大總理 (陳善宜)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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人文足印 :美國盜竊案情況 (嚴劍蓉)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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專題:Google 推出量子運算晶片嘉賓:香港科技大學物理系夏利萊博士物理學助理教授傅凱駿由Radio Television Hong Kong
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人文足印:新加坡方言電影需求(謝偉鏗)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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風起雲湧:甲烷與全球暖化(李本瀅)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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專題:特朗普上台與虛擬貨幣發展(浸會大學新聞系專業應用副教授蘇銘恒)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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人文足印:瑞典四天工作周(傅碧珠)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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專題:第五輪全球塑膠公約談判未達成協議 (吳頌安)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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人文足印:澳洲通過法案禁16歲以下青少年使用社交媒體(葉雅媛)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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人文足印 :加拿大郵政罷工引發護照延誤(陳善宜)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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專題:第廿九屆氣候變化大會討論情況(低碳想創坊項目經理何偉歡)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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主題:聯合國第廿九屆氣候變化大會在阿塞拜彊舉行(思匯政策研究所行政總裁 姚俊業)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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人文足印:印尼抖音用戶成全球最多(林鎧潼)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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專題:美國大選對世界格局影響嘉賓:戰略研究學者袁彌昌由Radio Television Hong Kong
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嘉賓:美國維克森林大學經濟系副教授 梁天卓由Radio Television Hong Kong
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人文足印: 法國校園處理反以色列示威(劉樂瑩)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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嘉賓:智庫Pagoda共同創辦人及研究總監陳偉信由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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專題:颶風對公共健康影響深遠(中大健康公平研究所副所長 鍾一諾)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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人文足印:新西蘭再次衛冕美洲盃帆船賽(符樂)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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專題:氣候變化影響水文系統 (戴沛權)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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人文足印 :澳洲有學校試行四天上學周(姚啟榮)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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人文足印: 日本東京都今夏推出公營交友配對平台(陸穎瑜)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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專題:美國藥監局批准Airpods 作為助聽器 (醫療記者姜素婷)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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人文足印:英國倫敦住宅大火後續跟進調查(丁宏量)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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專題:小行星受地球引力拉扯形成「兩個月亮」嘉賓:香港教育大學科學及環境學系副教授陳文豪由Radio Television Hong Kong
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人文足印:聖保羅市城市及森林大火(關淼晴)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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專題:各地氣候變化憲法訴訟(何偉歡)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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人文足印 :報告指德國火車延誤問題嚴重 (陳卓妍)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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專題:美國最高法院推翻大學招生平權措施後首個新學年學生對族裔分布(理大專業及持續教育學院講師 李峻嶸)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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專題:緬甸羅興亞人湧入孟加拉嘉賓:(無國界醫生(香港)傳訊主管 陶曉琴)由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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