1017 The Sinner's Prayer - Does It Save You ?
Manage episode 406688029 series 3391749
The Sinners Prayer - Does It Save You ? Many churches repeat a prayer at the end of every service called “The Sinner’s Prayer”. They do this to guide people who are making an effort to “Get Right” with God. The question is, does this prayer save you? What constitutes true and biblical salvation? Does repeating a prayer cause one to be regenerated or what Jesus called it, “Born Again” (John 3:3)? Or does this prayer give some a false sense of security. William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, said that a chief danger in the 20th century would be, “forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration.” Do we run into this “danger” by leading people into a prayer?
Join us as we unpack this topic, “The Sinner’s Prayer.”
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