Today, I am talking about the differences between schools and their rules now versus 30 years ago. I think the rules that are in effect in schools now are horrible. I understand why they are implemented and why they need to be followed, I just think they are crazy, is all. I think the rule that allows cell phones in schools is horrible for teachers and other school staff. I understand how they help and how they are a safety mechanism, I get it, I do, I just feel bad for the staff members at these schools. These children LOVE these devices. When I was in school, there were ways to cheat on pretty much anything in school, but all of those methods were analog. Now there are many more new and improved methods of cheating. The methods that were popular when I was in school would be very easily seen by the teachers or staff. Now you can cheat from another student who completed the assignment previously using text messages or some other application. Mobile devices in schools are a very difficult choice to make. Because mobile devices do provide a level of safety and can save lives, the rule that makes them allowed in these schools is a no-brainer. Even though we know that mobile devices are bad in many types of ways, they have been known to provide safety and save lives, they are now allowed in these schools. It does NOT matter what the staff says about them, all that matters is that they save lives. My mother says that parents get their children phones to help themselves. I think that is so true, mobile devices help the parents a lot more than they help these kids. Since mobile devices are adored by the kids, the parents always say “HELL YES!” I am a full-time Uber (human) driver. I have driven for Uber for over 6 years now. In those 6 years, I have driven over 10,700 trips. Out of all of those trips, a single parent (a father) told me that he denied his 10-year-old son a cell phone. I was like “hell yeah” because they are horrible, the kids all have the same argument which is valid. “Johnny has a cell phone” This guy says the same thing as me lol. “I do not care what Johnny has, you are not going to have a cell phone” The radio frequencies that these cell phones operate on are well known to cause cancer. Also, emails and text messages are created to look like they are authentic. When I look at them objectively, they look like they came from an authentic place. I usually just delete them or call them on the phone. Clicking a link in a message can cause a lot of problems. It takes the person that clicked that link to a page that collects data. The data can be phone numbers, addresses, social security numbers, usernames, passwords, email addresses, bank account numbers, routing numbers, and all the information you want to keep to yourself is asked for in these messages. That information is all collected into a database that can be sorted by any field. That collection of information is exported and then sold to the highest bidder. Mobile devices are horrible for anyone to have, especially children. All episodes are created and edited by Sean L.…